Mermaid [AU]

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Inspired/Requested By: GodsGirlInATardis

Jessica tightened her death-grip on the rope, staring out into the black water. The waves created a deafening sound along with a swirling pattern in the remainder of the blackness known as the ocean.

"Captain Jessica?!" A voice somehow managed to roar over the crashing waves and the thunderstorm that was beginning to take place.

"Yes?!" She answered, jumping down off the side of the boat and back onto the main deck.

She glared at the crew member that was desperately trying to get her attention. He had the look of panic spread across his face, forcing her to arch an eyebrow.

"We found something!" He yelled simply to be heard over the waves.

"Where?!" She answered as he began leading her back to his post.

She felt a drop of water land on the tip of her nose, forcing her to look up at the dark overcast sky. The night stars were already hidden underneath a blanket of clouds, the only light being emitted from the full moon that she was only able to see because of the white glow.

  The crew member lead her to the opposite side of the ship, where they had been net-fishing.

"We caught something that we believe will capture your attention!" He yelled again as she nodded, observing all the fishermen that stared at her as she fought her way to a particular net.

"Captain! This is what we found!" A different member spoke as she walked closer to the net, not being able to see much of anything due to the lack of light.

"What is it, Cap?" An older man asked as she jumped up on the side of the boat, squinting to see what was hidden between the ropes.

  A strike of lightning flashed, lighting up the world around them for a split second, allowing Jessica to catch a glimpse of what they were holding captive, causing her eyes to widen.

  A deep green tail with pale flesh. She had luscious red curls that fell down to her mid-back. She had large brown eyes that were quickly darting around in fear.

"What is it?" One of the men asked as Jessica rolled her dark eyes, looking back at them as she unsheathed the machete from her belt.

  She completely ignored the man's comment as she sawed the rope of the net, putting a huge hole in the pattern.

"What's your name, Hun?" Jessica asked, looking into the terrified dark eyes of the hybrid.

"B-Bethany..." She stuttered as Jessica nodded, still slicing at the ropes.

"Bethany? Well, Ms. Bethany, I'm Captain Jessica," Jessica spoke, giving a slight bow to the half-fish half-human.

"W-What are you gonna do, J-Jessica...?" Bethany barely managed to squeak out as another flash of lightning spread throughout the surface of the sea.

"Do you have a family?" Jessica asked as Bethany nodded.

"Y-Yes. My older brother is the King of the sea, my older sister is an actress, I'm an artist, and my little brother is a comedian..." She whispered, shaking in her temporary prison as Jessica continued cutting the ropes up.

"Well, Ms. Bethany, I'm sending you back to your family," Jessica spoke softly as some of the crew members gasped.

"You can't be serious, Captain!" One boomed as she turned around to look at her crew in anger.

"And why not?!" She snapped, grimacing at them in disgust.

"Do you know how rich we'd be, Captain? We could afford the castle itself!" One of the crew members started, getting angry with the female pirate.

"And I care because...?" Jessica started as the hole was finally cut big enough for Bethany to squeeze out of.

"I was promised riches, not bringing families back together..." One of them snarled as they all pulled their swords out, one of them trapping her wrists in their hands.

  She nodded over at Bethany, who struggled through the small gap and landed in the endless shadow known as the ocean.

  Jessica thrashed, attempting to get out of the man's grip.

"Calm down, Ms. Jessica. We have a place for you..." He spoke, all of them letting out an evil chuckle.

  Meanwhile, Bethany swam as quickly as she could've to get to her home. The land's which her brother ruled.


"Jordan! Jordan, I need your help!" Bethany screamed, speeding up as she got closer and closer.

"Beth?! What's wrong?!" Her brother's voice shouted from somewhere inside the castle.

  She quickly turned the corner, ramming into her brother's chest. His blue tail shimmering in the reflection of the water, yet fear was spread throughout his brown eyes.

"T-There was this ship... And this girl... A-And she's gonna be drowned..." She panted as Jordan arched an eyebrow.

"Slow down, Bethany. Calm down and tell me what's wrong," He spoke in a calm voice as she curled her tail to the side and rested her body on the tiled floor.

"I was up at the surface, looking at the different colors for inspiration. And next thing I knew I was trapped in a fisher's net..." She started, slightly calming down as his eyes widened.

"They called for their captain to come see me... And she was so nice and sweet... A-And they're gonna drown her for setting me free..." Bethany whispered as Jordan immediately took off.

  His dark eyes were filled with determination as he found his way to the surface. His head darted in each direction until her found the ship, speed-swimming to the side, where he found an absolutely gorgeous girl looking over the edge of the ship, about to jump off into the swirling abyss that his body was engulfed in.

  He went under, waiting for her to jump before ever showing up.

  Sure enough, her body plummeted into the icy waters, forcing Jordan's body to swim towards her and wrap her fragile body in his grip, swimming her over to the side opposite side of the ship as her eyes looked up at him.

  He surfaced with her in his grip, making her cough up all the water that she had accidentally inhaled.

"You alright?" He panted as she looked back at him, nodding her head. Her cheeks had a slight tint of pink to them when she realized that he had her body pressed tightly up against his bare chest.

"Y-Yeah..." She muttered, looking up at him in confusion.

"Who are you? Exactly?" She asked as he smirked at her.

"I am King Jordan. Bethany's older brother," He spoke as her eyes widened.

"You're Bethany's older brother?" She asked in shock as his smirk widened at her reaction.

"Indeed I am. And you are?" He asked, looking down at the breathtaking eyes staring up at him.

"My name is Jessica," She spoke as he smiled.

"Well, Miss Jessica, allow me to take you home," He spoke as she smiled and nodded.

  He helped her up on his back as he began to swim for the mainland. It was silent as she wrapped her arms around his neck, making him smile at the feeling of her skin touching his.

"Here we are," He spoke, helping her off his back and onto the shore.

"Jess," He spoke as she looked back at him, her hand still trapped in his.

"Yeah?" She asked as he pulled her down to his level, placing a warm kiss on her cheek.

"Thank you for saving my sister," He whispered, both of their faces dusted pink.

"It was my pleasure..." She whispered as he slowly released her hand.

"I'll meet you here tomorrow?" He asked as she looked back at him and nodded.

"Sounds good," She answered with a grin, turning away from the merman and walking off.

  Both of them satisfied with the other.

• • • • • • • • • • • • •

I apologize for making anyone read that... I'm not good at writingggggggg...

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