Phone Calls

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Me: Hello?

  I sighed as I stared down at the screen, brushing my bangs out of my face.

Jess: Hey!

  I smiled when I saw her reply. I stared at it for a few seconds with a stupid grin on my face. But, then again, that's my reaction to everything she does. Skype calls, Instagram posts, text messages, and the list goes on.

  I'm so lovesick.

  And I love her.

  But every time I even consider mentioning love, I freeze up. I'm terrified to be shot down. But that's the chance you take when you're in love.

Me: What's up?!

  I stared blankly at the screen; scared of what she would say.

Jess: Oh, you know... Hanging out with my new boyfriend...

My heart stopped beating. I felt this abyss open up in my stomach, making me want to throw up. My limbs felt numb and I just wanted to collapse to the ground. I felt like someone had just shot me.

Me: Uh... When did this happen?

I felt hallow. She was my everything and now she's with someone else.

Jess: I was kidding!

I finally felt like I could breathe again. I felt so fooled. But, then again, she's Jessica Ott.

She looks like a goddess.

So, yeah. I had a reason to be worried.

Me: I was about to fly down to Texas and talk to this kid to make sure he was good enough for you.

My heart was still racing, but calming down. Then I got to thinking.

Is this really how I'm going to react when she gets a boyfriend?

Jess: Aw! Thanks, Jordy!

Anyone under the sun could call me that nickname, and I would attempt to kill them. But her? I kinda like it when she calls me that.

I smiled, glaring down at the text bubbles.

Jess: Can you Skype? I do have news though!

I smiled, not having to think as my
fingers began moving themselves.

Me: Yeah! Sure!

  And within thirty seconds, we were on a Skype call.

"So, what's up?" I asked as she grinned.

"Guess what?!" She yelped as I smiled at her excitement.

"What?" I answered. The look on her face proved the fact that she was about to explode. 

"Guess who may or may not be going to visit her friend soon?!" She squealed in excitement. A smile quickly spread across my face.

  Her friend, Skya, is in the armed forces. Skya is stationed in one of the bases near me, up north. The base is in Michigan, so she'd be passing by.

"So, you're finally gonna visit?!" I asked with high doses of energy as she nodded back.

"Yes! And I'm really excited!" She yelped as I smiled at her reaction.

I felt my heart racing again, but this time for anticipation rather than fear. I was jittery and happy. I wanted to see her, at least once.

  I wanted to confess to her, at least once.

"When?!" I asked with enthusiasm.

"Next week!" She answered as we both smiled boldly.

  I was determined to do this. I had to. Before someone else would take her. I can't spend my whole life waiting. I have to do something now.

  *One Week Later*

  The doorbell rang, but I was stuck at the moment. The siblings and I were watching a movie, Avengers: Age Of Ultron, and I was stuck upside down on the couch.

"Nose goes!" Cierra screamed while placing her finger on her nose, followed by Bethany and myself.

"Dang it!" Isaac screamed as we all laughed. He stood up from his position on the couch and complained on his way to the door.

  We all zoned back into the movie before hearing the door swing open.

"Hel--" Was all Isaac said before stopping. He slowly re-entered the room while looking dead at me.

"It's for you..." He whispered as I arched an eyebrow.

"Okay... Then can you help me down?" I asked as Isaac smirked.

"Gladly!" He yelped, running around to the back of the couch and flipping my feet over, causing me to collide harshly with the floor.

"Troll!" I screamed, hurdling the couch and shoving him over the back, forcing him to land on top of both Bethany an Cierra.

"Hey!" The girls both screamed at the same time.

"Just go answer the door!" Cierra spoke loudly as I nodded, leaving the room full of my siblings and approaching the door.

As soon as it opened my body went numb.

"J-Jess...?" I whispered as she smiled and nodded, sprinting though the doorframe and giving me a huge hug.

My brain felt like a jumbled mess as I tried to understand what was happening. Then I remembered back to our Skype call.

"Jordy!" She exclaimed as I smiled, wrapping my arms tightly around her small body, placing a kiss on the top of her head as she buried her head in my chest.

  I had wanted this for a long time.

"Oh my gosh, Jess," I mumbled, stroking her gorgeous dark hair and spinning strands of it between my fingers. Her hair was so soft, making both of us smile. 

"I love you, Jess," I whispered under my breath. I didn't intend for her to hear me, I was just thinking out loud. But, that was a pretty stupid idea on my part. 

"I love you, too, Jordy..." She whispered back, making my heart race and my face heat up; knowing that she heard my words. Yet, I felt at ease. She returned the phrase. 

  I used my finger to push her chin up so our faces were angled towards each other. 

  I was unsure if I should do this, but I hardly had any time to think before she grabbed my shirt collar and pushed her lips against mine. We both smiled into the kiss, so flipping happy that we've finally moved our relationship to the next level. 

"Hey! Can y'all be in love a little quieter please! We're trying to watch a movie!" Isaac screamed, making me roll my eyes. 

"Yeah! Sure! Is there anything else we can do for you, Princess Isaac?!" I screamed sarcastically, making Jess giggle. 

"Yeah! Can you get me some Subway?!" Isaac yelled as I rolled my eyes. 

"No! Sorry! But we can go eat Subway and just completely ignore your existence, though!" I suggested as Isaac chuckled. 

"Fine! Be cute as far away from me as possible!" Isaac complained as I grabbed Jess' hand and smiled. 

"Will do!" I answered, pulling Jess out the door with me and towards the car. 

  I'm excited to spend these next few days with her. 

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