Sherlock [AU]

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Haha I probably screwed this up really badly... I'm a failure... But what else is new?!

'Meet me at the pool. Tonight. I have what you want.' I emailed the man. The man who had been using puppets to push my buttons, cowering behind the strings.

Jess stood up from her position on her chair and stalked her way into the kitchen, starting a pot of tea as I slammed my laptop closed, getting up and following her into the kitchen.

This mysterious man will not leave my mind. I have no idea who he is and he's almost taken the life of three, and already took one. I know he's going to show up, though. I have the missile plans and that's what he wants, correct?

"Want some tea?" Jess asked as I looked up, spotting her staring at me with a small smile; awaiting my response.

"No tea for me. I best be getting off to bed. Goodnight, Jess!" I spoke loudly as I slammed my bedroom door shut, containing me inside of it's walls.

I paced around my room with my forehead in my hands, deep in though about the current situation. I just need to sneak out to the pool without anyone knowing. Especially Mrs. Bethany and Jess.

I waited for a few hours until the alarm clock changed.


I stood up from my bed, sneaking down the hallway and out of the flat. I made my way to the pool, anxious to meet the puppet-master.

I entered the eerie dark room, the only light being emitted from the locker rooms and the pool lights. The room reeked of strong chlorine, somehow making the room even creepier.

"I know you're in here! Show yourself!" I yelled, my voice echoing throughout the room.

I heard footsteps, making my head jet in the direction. They were light, probably either a child or female.

The person stood before me, and I wanted to believe that my eyes were playing tricks on me. My jaw fell. She wore a large, thick tan jacket with a red scarf. Her hair fell over her back in its natural dark waves as she stared straight ahead.

"Hello, Jordan..." She whispered, her gaze slowly meeting mine.

"Jess?" I spoke in disbelief. It was her? No, it couldn't have been. She wouldn't kill people to prove some foolish point. She's much smarter than that.

"Thank you for showing up. I hope you have what I need, or else I'll have to turn to brutal force," She whispered, unbuttoning her coat and opening it up, showing me the suicide vest she had beneath it. A laser sight began dancing on her chest, making rage pump through me.

"The lives of Mrs. Bethany, Cierra Frye, a-and Jessica Ott..." She whispered as I gritted my teeth, looking for the hiding man.

"I don't want another damn puppet! Stop hiding!" I screamed as we both heard another door open. We heard the tapping of dress shoes pound against the tile floor.

"Well, Mr. Frye, I don't think you could handle that," A masculine voice howled as I watched him step out into my vision.

  I have never seen this man before in my life.

"I'm sorry? Who are you?" I asked as he let out a light chuckle.

"The name is Moriarty. Isaac Moriarty," He spoke as I instantly placed that name. The name of a man who seriously wants me dead.

  He was attired in a tuxedo with fancy dress shoes. His hair was gelled up and back, not a single strand out of place. His dark eyes were menacing as a wicked smirk grew on his face, approaching me. Jess was now behind him.

  My hands were out of my control as I quickly grabbed a pistol out of my jacket, aiming dead at his head.

  He smirked for a moment before looking at Jess, the laser sight was pointed at one of the large bombs on her vest. My gun didn't move.

"You wanted this," I spoke, grabbing a black flashdrive out of my jacket pocket, the gun not moving.

  He held his hands open and I tossed him the flashdrive. He caught it and messed with it, flipping it between his fingertips.

"The missile plans," He spoke as I nodded. He smirked before tossing the flashdrive into the pool, slight shock spreading though my mind.

"I don't need those. I could get millions of copies within the snap of my fingers," He spoke, placing his hands in his pants pockets. Jess had a worried expression on her face, and I tried not to look at her. But I did, multiple times, actually. I just hated seeing her terrified. Yet in our line of business this happens a lot.

"Then what do you want?" I barked, staring into his evil, dark eyes. But out of the corner of my eyes, I could still see the laser moving on Jess.

"I like playing games, Frye. For instance, if you shoot me, my men shoot her and we all end up dead," Isaac spoke with a sick smile.

"So I assume you're just gonna kill me?" I asked as he shook his head.

"No, oh no no no. I'm not going to kill you... Yet. I'm just waiting for the right moment," He howled as he began pacing in front of me.

I watched a flash of anger spread across Jess' face, making me know she had some sort of plan.

She walked up behind him, wrapping her arms around his neck, making him chuckle as the laser sight fell on his tux.

"Woah! Clever aren't you!" Isaac beamed, a smile on his face as he laughed again. Anger was the only emotion present on Jess' face.

Her eyes slowly trailed up to my forehead, where I knew the laser was.

She withdrew herself from Isaac, taking a few steps back with her head down. She found the sight on her body again, making her fight tears back.

"You think you can outsmart me? Well not today, Jordan Frye! Not today!" He screamed, extremely angered.

He took a deep breath to collect himself, running his hand over his hair.

"But maybe later... See you later, Mr. Frye," He said, walking out with a wave. And the laser disappeared.

Jess' breathing pattern steadied as I sprinted up to her, harshly pulling off her coat and that goddamn vest. I slung both of them across the room as she slid down the wall, almost in tears.

Both of us could finally breathe as I looked down at her.

"That was smart," I whispered as she looked up at me in confusion.

"What was?" She asked.

"You, trying to scare him off," I said as she nodded, looking down as I stretched my hand out towards her. She gladly took it, rising up to her feet.

"Hopefully no one saw that..." She whispered.

"Saw what?" I asked as her brown eyes trailed up to mine.

"You ripping my coat off like an animal in this dark room. Kinda leaves the rest up to the imagination," She said as I chuckled.

"Sorry, guys!" Moriarty's annoying voice shouted from the door he exited through. I watched him appear in the door as multiple laser sights landed on Jess. I looked down and found myself covered in them as well.

"You didn't actually think I'd let you leave, did you?!" He yelled as I rolled my eyes.

Friggin great...

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