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While everything is happening with the pillar men, JoJo, (YN), SpeedWagon, Caesar and Mark has arrive to the entrance of the cave of Bocca Della Vertiá...Mark open a secret passage that leads to the pillar men...

SpeedWagon: Well, I shouldn't be surprised after all...the secret mouth of truth was a secret entranceC leading us to the pillar men.

And so, they entered and walking downstairs...

SpeedWagon: Oh my, you can feel the chills coming down through our spine. Caesar, what kind of affect does you Hamon do against these pillar men??

Caesar: Hamon is only use on the living, no reason to waste my powers on stone. We can't learn anything if they're alive.

And so, they arrive to a empty desk room...where everything is quiet...

(YN): Wait...this doesn't feel right...Mark, didn't you say that there's German soldiers here??

Josephine: Yea, I don't see any of them here.

Mark: Y-Yea, he's right Caesar...their should be guards posting around this place.

Caesar: Really? Then what gives??

Suddenly, Josephine steps on something...which she thought it was shit...

Josephine: Ew what the hell?! Why no one said there be bats here?! I think i stepped on batshit!

(YN) can barely see what she stepped on...and for him, it didn't look like bat shit...

(YN): No, that doesn't look like it. Mark, flash it here.

Mark flashes towards where Josephine stepped on...and what she actually stepped on was a flat body, happens to be a German soldier, and yet more of them were on the ground...

Josephine: W-Wait! Th-Those are-

(YN): Husk skins of dead soldiers!

Caesar: What the hell happen to them?!

Mark: Th-They're all dead!! AAAAAH!!!

Mark panicked as he started to run towards an unexpected smoke that appeared...and yet, as the smokes clears....the three pillar men appeared from the smoke and Mark stopped and stood still, fearing the eyes of the menacing pillar men...

Josephine: Wh-What?! Don't tell me-

(YN): Those...are the pillar men?!

SpeedWagon: Oh dear god! They've awaken already?!? It can't be!

Caesar: Mark run away! Get out of there now!!!

Mark couldn't move at all, he was one of the pillar men, Wamuu, bumps into Mark onto his shoulder, and walks passes by him and to suddenly destroy and melt all of Mark's leg side of his body, and blood splatting out from his body melting...

Caesar: MARK!!!!!

Mark collapses to the floor, as Caesar and them rushes to him as Caesar checks on him...

Caesar: N-No No! Mark! What have they done?!?

SpeedWagon: Th-They've walk pass by your friend like if he wasn't there, and somehow has awaken an unnoticed massive power we barely know and exists to them!

Josephine: H-Holy shit!

(YN): Damn it!!

Back with the pillar men, Wamuu bows onto Kars and Eisidisi onto his knees...and Kars speaks...

Kars: Nightfall has come, right Wamuu?

Wamuu: That is correct lord Kars, and what shall be your order?

Eisidisi: Easy, we will be searching of the whereabouts of the red stone of Aja. The stone mask here we got will be our key to have it complete with that red stone, and unleash its power!

Wamuu: Of course master Eisidisi, however, the human world has change a lot during our slumber over the years.

Kars: Well then, even if it has change, the red stone is still around somewhere, and must know the location of it.

Wamuu: Do not worry, I shall receive the stone, lord Kars.

Kars: No need to be in a rush, there's much time to do so.

Eisidisi: For the moment, let's go outside and oversee the current changes the human world has done.

As Kars and Eisidisi walks pass by Wamuu, Kars steps onto Wamuu's shadow, and as he does, Wamuu suddenly reacted as he strikes a kick to Kars, and Kars barely dodging it...

Wamuu: L-Lord Kars!

Eisidisi: Wamuu! Explain your actions!

Kars: Stay down Eisidisi.

Wamuu: I-I apologies, Lord Kars.

Kars: Ah, but of course, it had slipped my mind that you possess incredible reflects of anyone who dares to step or touch on your depths shadow, it has been 2000 years after all.

Wamuu: I have offended you Lord Kars, I will accept any punishment you see fit.

Kars: Hmm, I simply cannot do that, I do not blame you after all, I rely on your great fighting skills and spirit. That is why I trust you. The fault is line for triggering on your darkness. Forgive me, Lord Kars.

Wamuu: You are too kind.

Kars: Now rise Wamuu.

Wamuu: Yes my lord.

Back with JoJk and the others, Mark was I. Terribly in shape, and close to die due of loss blood..

Mark: AAhh!! C-Caesar!! K-Kill me...kill me now, you got to do it!

Caesar: N-No, I can't!

Caesar: P-Please Caesar...I-it's starting to get cold...a-and I'm scared to feel that way...I can't feel anything...besides the pain..! Please....kill me....

JoJo, (YN), and SpeedWagon we're feeling awfully bad to see Caesars friend like this, brut, and about to die....and Caesar had no choice...he'll do what his friend says...and that is to kill him...but with passion and gently, as he breathes in, using his Hamon to kill Mark by taking his energy and weakening him more....

Mark: ...Th-Thank you...C-Caesar...a-and please...look after my love one...

Caesar: ...O-Of course, my friend!...Goodbye.

And so, Mark's hand got loose from holding onto Caesar, and his eyes shut he was now Caesar gets a little emotional to lose his friend...and to see the charm of his live on on the floor, and picks it up...

Caesar: He was so young...his life was so ahead of him, he worked his whole life, he lives his family and friends, his country, even his love one. And they killed him, mi amico....and now...they shall pay!

(YN)/Josephine: Caesar!!

Suddenly, the three did an unexpected pose for some reason, as JoJo and (YN) try to stop Caesar from going after the pillar men...

Josephine: Caesar don't!

(YN): Don't do it Caesar!

Caesar: You two! Don't you dare get in my way! I'm going to enjoy every second of this! This is personal...I shall destroy them by myself!!!

SpeedWagon: Caesar!!!

Josephine/(YN): Caesar don't!!!


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