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As we left off, Caesar was rushing to h YN r pillar men for what they did to his friend Mark...

Caesar: You bastards! I won't let you get away that easily!!!

Caesar then stepped on Wamuu's shadow, as he reacts and quickly turns around to see Caesar about to cause some action...

Caesar: Take this! Hamon Bubble Launcher!!!

Caesar shoots several Hamon bubbles towards Wamuu, they started to surround him, he then touched one, and as he does, the bubble pops and Hamon started to affect his finger and hit him...

Wamuu: What?? Wait, could this way.

Josephine: Nice work! He's irritated as hell, but his Hamon actually worked against one of them!

(YN): I just hope he knows what he's doing!

Caesar: Now, what you see are my Hamon bubbles, they may look harmless, but they are made out of Hamon! Prepare for the barrage!

Caesar shoots more Hamon bubbles to Wamuu, as Wamuu suddenly spins his head around, with those wires of headdress he has, he caused some strong vortex wind to destroy and pop all Hamon bubbles...

SpeedWagon: H-He pop them all! But how?!

Caesar: I-It's those wires of headdress he has around his head! But how?! Those can't be strong enough to destroy my bubbles!

(YN): If he manage to pop them off, wouldn't that mean...

Josephine: That their some sort of immune objects that can destroy Hamon??!

SpeedWagon: Y-Yes! That's right! Their design to be anti-Hamon weapons! Somehow they understood the principles of Hamon! They just have face Hamon at some point over 2000 years ago!

Suddenly, a massive air wind was covering around the pillar men...

Caesar: Wh-What's with the air wind covering around them?!

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Caesar got a scratch on his lips, and blood to pour out from that scratch...

Caesar: Wh-What the?! How did I got scratch?!

SpeedWagon: Close your eyes Caesar! It wasn't the wind, it's the vortex that is still active!

Caesar: What?!?

Suddenly more scratches appeared on Caesar's face, and one of them got his eye as he was badly wounded and drops to his knees to the ground...

Caesar: AAGH!! Damn it!

Kars: Mm, these humans know Hamon.

Eisidisi: I thought we destroy we've destroyed the Hamon tribe 2000 years ago. And yet, here they are.

Caesar: D-Damn you...bastards..!!

He manages to get up onto his feet...

Caesar: You killed my friend...!! Do you think losing an eye will stop me?!?

The pillar men stood quiet, grinning at him...and to laugh at him....


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Caesar: Wh-What so damn funny?! Why are you laughing!!?

Wamuu: Hehe, you all had memorize your skills of Hamon pretty well. You always say the same thing. It's always the same thing: "You think losing and arm or an eye will stop me?! How dare you take my friends life!" That's why we laugh at you.

Caesar: Nrrrgh! You pezzo di merdas!!!

Kars: Wamuu, let us leave already. We must go for the red stone of Aja.

Wamuu: Understand my lord.

And they continue to walk Caesar's rushes Wamuu behind...

Caesar: Face me you cowards!!!

Until suddenly, Wamuu quickly turns around and to inject his two fingers in Caesar's throat...

Caesar: A-AAACK!!!

Wamuu: The only weak points for you not to use your Hamon is your throat and lungs. We know if you can't breathe, your Hamon won't work at all. But because I cannot resist to throw away such a spirited opponent, I shall spare because you are far too weak of now. The next time you come at me again, be sure to come stronger, and we shall the fight for real. Become worthy to be my actual opponent and kill you with great honor.

Wamuu tosses Caesar as Caesar hits towards the pillar and to collapse on the floor, wounded...

Wamuu: It would seem he's the only Hamon user.

Kars: Very well, let us go then, no time to waste.

And before they even, Josephine interrupts...

Josephine: Ahem! AHEM!!! Ahem!! AAAAAHEM!!!!

Wamuu: Hmm??

Josephine: Ahem!!! Hehe, sorry didn't notice you all leaving.

(YN) walks up to Caesar and checks his eye...and it seems okay...

(YN): His eye seems okay, not hurt at all. Only got his eye lid, everything of yours eyeball seems fine.

Josephine: Good, now take care of Caesar, while I'll show him and you a new technique of mines! Watch and learn!

SpeedWagon: JoJo!

Josephine: Juts calm down uncle. This guy is asking for it, time show my brand new technique I'm working on.

(YN): Brand new technique??

Caesar: What??!

Josephine: Allow me to introduce you myself! The names Josephine Joestar! And these...

She then pulls out a pair of Clackers...and to start swinging them...

Josephine: I call this one my Hamon Clacker Volley. I seat off by filling these bad boys with a bit of Hamon!

She started swinging them with such speed with Hamon...and to pause for a bit...and yet to have one of them hit her on her head...

Josephine: Oh No!!!

SpeedWagon: JoJo what the hell you're doing?!

(YN): This ain't time to play games!

Caesar: What are you doing?! Are you trying to do disrespect my friend to be a fool?!?

Josephine: ...Not intentionally, I'm being serious. Caesar, I truly am sorry for your friend's lost. I understand both your pain and anger, and yet I have never met the most ego anticipated jackasses in my life! I may not be a master yet, but I'll manage to knock you down with my clacker valley!

With such speed JoJo manages to spins the clackers around and around and yet to toss one clacker valley towards Wamuu, and he does he's it by tilting his head away and JoJo's clacker's hit and stuck to a pillar behind...but as it did, one side of the clacker suddenly kept spinning , and yet was filled with JoJo's Hamon, and to return back and yet to hit Wamuu directly into his forehead...

Caesar: M-Mama Mía! She hit him!

SpeedWagon: W-Well I'll be!

(YN): Way the go JoJo!

Josephine: Ha! Got you!

Suddenly, JoJo manages to hit Wamuu with her clackers, and yet Wamuu letting himself somehow..

Josephine: This is what you get for killing Caesar's friend, and this is what you get for having such stupid ego of your!!!

Wamuu: I understand...I deserve the strikes for my carelessness, no other opens of mines strike towards my face. As an honor, I shall take this beating for a while...before killing you!

Josephine: Ha! Say whatever the hell you say, but I still won't forgive you for cruelty killing Mark!

Suddenly, SpeedWagon and the others notice Wamuu's both arms reacting and yet to grow bigger somehow...

SpeedWagon: JoJo watch out! He's trying to do Sero thing!

(YN): Josephine get away now!!!

Suddenly, Josephine started to realize the green aura Wamuu is having around his she steps back...

Josephine: Wh-What the hell?! I have feeling this won't be good.

Wamuu: A charming observation human, yes I do deserve the strikes for my careless once again, and yet had let my guard down as well. And now that I gotten enough, I shall kill you now.

(YN): JoJo get out of there now!!!

Wamuu: Take this, my ultimate technique: Divine Sandstorm!!!

Josephine: O-Oh shit!!!

Wamuu starts spinning his left arm clockwise, and his right arm counterclockwise, JoJo was unprepared to see this technique like this...the air Wamuu is creating is with such powerful wind vortex and spinning his arms like gear-like fists to create such devastating wind, Tim his creates highly wind and sand...and yet the strong vortex wind hits JoJo, and yet to send her flying away, hitting and crashing towards the pillar...

SpeedWagon/Caesar: JoJo!!!

(YN): NO! JoJo!!!

Wamuu: That was my divine sandstorm, my ultimate technique.

JoJo was in crucial pain, and couldn't move at all...

Josephine: D-Damn was such a pain in the ass..!

Wamuu started to approach JoJo SpeedWagon wanted to go and try saving her..

SpeedWagon: JoJo!!

Caesar: Signore SpeedWagon! Don't be a fool! Don't get yourself killed! Go on get out of here! I'll get JoJo and take that pillar man myself! Just get out of here with (Y-

Suddenly, Caesar and SpeedWagon notices (YN) gone...

SpeedWagon: Wha?! Where the bloody hell is (YN)?!

Caesar: (YN)?! Where are you?!?

Josephine as well notice (YN) gone...

Josephine: Wh-Where is he??! *D-Did he left...leave Caesar and Uncle SpeedWagon behind..?! Leaving me as well..?!? N-No, he couldn't...he isn't like that...!*

Wamuu: It would seem you aren't dead yet, usually I look away from useless humans that are about to die, and you aren't one of I shall kill you now, say your prayers.

Wamuu was about to kill Josephine..

Josephine Mind: D-Damn it!! Not like this..!

SpeedWagon: JoJo!!!!

And as Wamuu was about to kill JoJo, he then suddenly heard something moving from behind, he looks behind....and to see a pillar moving, and then being lifted by (YN), as he suddenly was using his Hamon yo lift that giant pillar, and to use his brute strength to toss it towards Wamuu....Wamuu dodges it as the pillar hits directly to the wall...and yet, everyone were surprised to see how (YN) was strong enough to lift that pillar up...

SpeedWagon: B-Bloody hell! (YN)! How the hell...did you lift that pillar?!

Caesar: That pillar has to be like 4,000 pounds!

Josephine Mind:'s not just that...I-I manage to watch a glimpse of him using his Hamon while lifting that pillar...does his Hamon...give him incredible brute strength??!

Wamuu was impressed as well...

Wamuu: Impressive, no other mere human can lift that pillar by one self...tell me happen to be a Hamon user too??

(YN) shows off his Hamon's jolts to Wamuu...

Wamuu: I'll take that as a yes.

(YN): I had enough standing like some dumbass and not doing anything at all, and I can't bear to let you hurt JoJo again! So now, you'll be facing me!

Wamuu: Please, don't make me laugh. This female and the other one isn't strong enough to be my opponent.

(YN): Heh, then I'll be your opponent then.

Suddenly, (YN)'s both hands were emitted with his Hamon, as he suddenly strikes both hands to the ground, digging them in the ground...and to take them out and yet to have two hardening boxing gloves alike, that were created from the ground he strikes...

Caesar: Wait! Are those...

SpeedWagon: They look like boxing gloves, made out of from the ground! And look, it's made out of Hamon from his as well!

Josephine Mind: W-Woah! They look pretty cool...!

(YN): JoJo, get out of there now! Go with SpeedWagon and Caesar!

Josephine: O-Okay...!

Josephine manages to get up and barely a ale to walk on her she turns around and says to (YN)...

Josephine: O-Oh, and (YN) careful!

(YN): Heh, don't worry. I got this...but thanks.

JoJo blushes a little and yet to arrive with SpeedWagon and Caesar...
As for (YN), he was in a fighting position with those hardening Hamon boxing gloves in his hands...

Wamuu: Interesting, you somehow made boxing gloves out of the ground you strike and to fill them with Hamon as well. I take it that you use you Hamon with brute strength?

(YN): Heh, you can say it like that, I trained really hard on my Hamon, it allows me to give brute energy strength! And with this...I'll take you down myself!

Wamuu: Well then...if that's what you think, then come at me!

(YN): Here I come!!!


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