Chp.14 Meeting Lisa-Lisa

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After the pillar men made their escape and manage to awaken from their slumber for years, Wamuu and Eisidisi has put ten a death wedding ring on not only (YN), but to Josephine as well for interfering, and now the two have a month to train their Hamon and reach their full potential in order to actually defeat Wamuu and Eisidisi, alongside with their Lord, Kars. 3 days later, it was now a month still, as (YN), JoJo and them had arrive to Venice Italy for somehow and yet JoJo starting to freak out a bit...

Josephine: Man I can't believe this is happening! I didn't know we're gonna have a month to train our Hamon to defeat them bastards! They could have given us a year at least!

(YN): Calm down JoJo, it's only the matter of time we get much time to train our Hamons stronger...and don't worry, you and I will figure this out and get that antidote for good!

Josephine: O-Okay...Okay! Yeah, we will!

Caesar: Pardon for breaking up your little moment here, but if we gonna have to train, JoJo must be the one to be training more.

Josephine: Eh?! Why me?!?

(YN): *sighs* Hate to break it, but Caesar's right JoJo, I've notice you can barely control your Hamon, during our fight with Santana, and even you with Wamuu, seems like you had a hard to time controlling it.

Josephine: ...O-Oh..I-I guess you're right..

(YN): Heh, but don't worry, I'll help you.

(YN) gets up as he approaches to the table and pours water on a glass cup and shows it to JoJo...

(YN): Okay JoJo, I want you to pay very closely for what I'm about to show you.

Josephine: Eh?

(YN) flips the cup of water upside down, while emitting his Hamon at the same time, the water didn't spill out at all, it was kept there on the same spot...

Josephine: O-Oh my god!! The water didn't spill! It in mid air!

(YN): Yup, Caesar, catch.

(YN) tosses the cup of water to Caesar as he also kept the water in the glass upside with his Hamon as well...

Caesar: You're seeing this, right JoJo?

Josephine: Y-Yeah! It's so cool!

(YN): Good, Caesar toss it to JoJo, and JoJo, try to keep it in the water.

Jospehine: Easy! I can do it with no sweat at all!

Caesar: Here you go.

Caesar tosses it to Josephine, as JoJo manages to grab it and keeping the water in....but then suddenly, the glass exploded as the water spills everywhere around her face...

Josephine: H-Huh?! What happen?! I kept it in and suddenly exploded?! What the hell??!

(YN): Here's what you did wrong, the strength of our Hamon is equally. But you water a lot of power of it cause you release it on your palm.

Caesar: And thus, you couldn't control the water. However, when we release our Hamon, we do it with our tips of our fingers. A single point. That allows us to concentrate easy and make the water not spill at all.

(YN): Think of it using a squirt gun, with its smaller hole, rather than a open water hoes.

Josephine: O-Oh, I see!

(YN): Hm, but there a reason why you brought us here in Venice??

Caesar: Ah, that's the other thing as well...(YN), SpeedWagon has told me that you have someone that trained you with Hamon, right? She happens to be your master.

(YN): M-Master??! Wait!! She's here??!

Caesar: That's what SpeedWagon told me.

(YN) suddenly smiled with relief...knowing that his master, who trained him with Hamon, is here in Venice.

Josephine: Master?? Who's this Master you know (YN)??

(YN): Oh! She's...*O-Oh crap...I can't tell Master's name to JoJo...she's told me not to mention her name to her at all.* Well...she's my master, she never given me her name at all, but if Caesar knows my master, then I'm sure of it she's here alright.

Josephine: Ah, I see then.

Caesar: Yes, so we are going to meet her so she can train you and work hard on your Hamon.

Josephine: Oh my god!! "Working" and "Training hard" is my Keats favorite on the English language! *sighs* ...alright fine, if we're heading off already, then let me go use it real quick.

Josephine then walks out from the room and heads over to the she does, (YN) looks at Caesar...

(YN): Say, SpeedWagon told you about my master??

Caesar: Yes, right when we were heading here, and has told me she's here as well. That is why I brought you two here, mainly JoJo here to work on her Hamon.

(YN): I see.

Caesar notices (YN) smiling for some reason...

Caesar: May I ask what are you smiling??

(YN): Oh, heh, it's felt like forever since I haven't seen my master. And now that we're gonna see her again here, makes me happy.

Caesar: Sounds like you happen to be her son, are you two related or something??

(YN): ...No, not at all. But...I just see her as a mother figure, that's all.

Caesar: ...Wait...(YN) you have parents???

(YN) stood quiet....and then replies...

(YN): ...I've never knew parents, all I that my master was the one that raised me.

Caesar: ....

(YN): So...I'll be outside waiting then, wait for JoJo.

Caesar: R-Right.

(YN) walks out, little upset that he had to bring up his unknown parents, who never knew them at all for some reason...he walks down the hallway...JoJo was hiding behind the wall, as she heard everything....and felt bad for (YN), especially the fact he has done everything for her, helping her, saving her from trouble...So she appeared and calls him...

Josephine: (YN).

(YN): Hm?? Oh, hey Josephine. Done already?

Josephine: Yea. Hey...

(YN): ???

Josephine: Just to let you know...

JoJo approaches to (YN) she suddenly out of nowhere hugged (YN)...blushing as well...

(YN): J-JoJo..??!

Josephine: It's fine...just let you know...I'll always be on your side, no matter what.

(YN) at first didn't know what or why she hugged him...but somehow...he felt better, knowing it's he hugs her as well as JoJo blushes more, and softly smiles....


Later on, JoJo, (YN) and Caesar were now outside as they were walking down the city of Venice, and yet near at the ocean too...

Josephine: Venice Ay? Say (YN), what's you master doing here in Venice anyways??

(YN): I really don't know, maybe she wants to see us??

Caesar then finds himself a person on a little boat sitting down...

Caesar: Excuse me sir, have you seen a woman here?

The person stood the person stood up, and to suddenly stand on the paddle on the lake, without even falling off from it due of being so light...

Josephine: W-Woah! How is she standing that paddle like that?!

Suddenly, the person then picks the paddle up with her feet, and kicking it towards JoJo, hitting her face and sending her flying to the ocean...

Josephine: Ow!!! Damn it!!!

Caesar: What the?!

(YN): JoJo!!

JoJo uses her Hamon to stand on the water and to not drown herself...

Josephine: Nrrrgh!!! Okay you motherfucker! You asked for it! I don't know who you are, but now you've made me angry!!

The person observes JoJo of how she manages to control her Hamon to stand on the water...and yet...the person spoke with a female voice...

???: Well now, at least you manage to learn to control some of your Hamon.

Caesar: Eh?!

(YN): Wait, her voice! Is that-

The person takes off the mask...and reveals her face...and yet happens to be a female after all...and also to be (YN)'s master.

Josephine: A woman??!

Caesar: Wait! That's-

(YN): Master!!

She goes by the name of Lisa-Lisa. No body knows her real name, when she was born, birth of date, or how she mastered the technique of Hamon...and she will be JoJo's and Caesar's coach for this month.

Josephine: Tch, you hag! I'll make you pay for hitting me with that paddle!

Suddenly, Lisa-Lisa's Hamon manage to control the water, and to rise it up beside her and to use the paddle she has as a high bar, she started to swing around and to yet dash towards JoJo, and yet as she does, she quickly puts JoJo a mask on her...

Josephine: H-Hey! What the hell?! I-I can't breathe that well!

Lisa-Lisa: Josephine impress me with your Hamon skills by standing on the water, however, if you truly want to master it for a month, then you must die for it. So as your beginning of your training, you will be wearing that breathing aperitif mask until I say.

Josephine: N-No fair damn it! I can't even breathe at all!

Lisa-Lisa: As long you breathe correctly and steady, you will have no problem at all. If not, it will suffocate you.

Josephine: Are you crazy woman?! Get this damn thing off my face right now! Or I'll make you-

Lisa-Lisa: I'm not finish young lady. You'll be able to take it off when it comes dinner and brushing your teeth. And also I am not here to train you two just, I am here to help you out take out our enemies as well.

Lisa Lisa then turns around and looks at the view of the ocean...

Josephine: Tch, bitch...

Caesar: Careful JoJo, you really wanna go another round with her??

Josephine: Hmph! Like if I ever lay hands on a old lady like her!

Caesar: Pah!

Lisa-Lisa: It's always a pleasure to meet you JoJo, Caesar...and of course-

(YN): Master!! Haha!

(YN) rushes to Lisa Lisa as he suddenly hugs her and picks her up, swinging her around joyfully as Lisa-Lisa chuckles...

Lisa-Lisa: *giggles* It's good to see you again (YN). How are you?

(YN): Good as well! I really am happy to see you again master!

Lisa-Lisa: Heh, me too.

Caesar: know, this isn't the (YN) we know...he's more...childish. Even when he saw Coach.

Josephine somehow didn't like how (YN) was hugging she crosses her arms around...

Josephine: Tch, seems like he's pretty good with beautiful women like her.

Caesar: Say what JoJo?

Jospehine: Nothing.

Lisa-Lisa: Okay, now let's focus on your training Caesar, And JoJo. Follow me.

And so, Caesar started following Lisa-Lisa, as for JoJo, she approaches to (YN)....

Josephine: seem to be good with women like her.

(YN): Hm?? Oh! Hehe, nah, I was happy to see her only.

Josephine: Suuuuure, "happy" to see her.

(YN): ...Eh, JoJo, is something wrong?? You sound you're upset with me.??

Josephine: Hmph, not at all. Anyways, let's go.

Josephine walks passes him and steps on him on purpose...

(YN): O-Ow! Hey!

Josephine: Oops, sorry.

JoJo looks away...and (YN) was confused about why she even stepped on him...

(YN): ...Did I do something...wrong???


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