Chp.15 Hamon Training

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And now, JoJo and Caesar has met (YN)'s master, Lisa Lisa, and their training will begin. Their training leads to a location called Air Suplena m, an Island that is 30 minutes away from the northeast of Venice by boat. It is a dark and mysterious enclave. The island then somehow has a perfect symbol connected to Lisa-Lisa. That will be there training ground. And claims Lisa-Lisa's home as well. And as they arrive, their training has now began...

Lisa-Lisa: No time to waste! You first training is to climb on the hell climb pillar!

(YN): What?! Master, are you sure about this?!

Caesar: Pardon??

Josephine: What's the big deal??

(YN): Master, you know how hard it is for me to attempt climbing on the hell climb pillar?! It was difficult and especially dangerous! Did you really want them to start off with that?! So many have died there! Even heard stories about it too!

Lisa-Lisa: Stories may or may not be true (YN), but if you two fail, there will be no escape on this island.

Josephine: Hello?? Care to explain what's this all about with the "Hell Climb Pillar"?!

(YN): ...You'll see it for yourself when we enter through this gate.

Lisa Lisa then opens the gates, and yet...seems to be dark...

Josephine: Heh, doesn't seem that big at all.

Lisa-Lisa: Heh, I know, but it will be when you and Caesar drop all the way to the ground.

Caesar/Josephine: What?!

Lisa Lisa then shives the two of them, and yet to fall all the way down and yet landing around themselves a little lake half way filled through their bodies...

Caesar: Wh-What is this?! Thai doesn't seem water at all!

Josephine: I-It's more like...oil! Everything around us and the pillar is made out of oil!

Lisa-Lisa: It's 24 meters on top of the pillar to climb up back here. You can only use your bear hands to climb, no other way out. If you can't find a way out, then your graves shall be there.

(YN): But master! It'll be impossible for them to climb up here!

Lisa-Lisa: I know what I'm doing (YN), and also you need to train on your Hamon as well. "He's" told me everything about what you told him when you went up against that pillar man.

(YN): O-Oh...right, of course master.

Lisa Lisa nods and to walk away...and for (YN) to look down to Caesar and JoJo...

(YN): Hey Caesar! JoJo! I know you two can do this! It may be fearing and difficult, but I got my hopes up for the two of you! That's all I can do!

Caesar: *sighs* It's alright (YN), thanks anyways!

(YN): Right! And JoJo!

Josephine: Yeah!?

(YN) gives her a thumbs up and a smile...

(YN): Don't you give up on me! You can do it, I know you can!

Josephine blushes and to smile softly begin the mask she has on...

Josephine: Thanks! I'll do my best!

-3 days later-

3 days have now passed....and yet there's 27 days left for the death rings to be exposed...(YN) has been training a lot this pass three days with his Hamon for JoJo and Caesar, Caesar is making progress so far knowing 18 meters on the pillar...and as for JoJo...none, knowing shes still at the very bottom...

Josephine: Damn it! Damn! Damn it!!! This is such bullshit! How the hell will I be able to climb this damn pillar?! No fucking way I can do it! And the fact Caesar is at least 15 meters at the top! Nrrrgh! But how does he do it?! He manages to do it fine while I'm here struggling and barely knowing what to do! And it's all cause of that old shitty hag!

Suddenly, JoJo notices Caesar about to slip from his finger tips with Hamon...

Josephine: Oh no! Caesar is about to slip! If he does he's gonna fall back here!

She then sees him climbing up with only his finger tips of his Hamon...and yet she also remembers that he and (YN) manages to hold the water cup upside down with their finger tips back before at Venice...

Josephine: Wait a tick! I remember them two holding them water cup upside down with only their fingertips...and Caesar was climbing with his finger tips all this time as that how he manages to climb?? And the fact he wasn't falling at was more like...if he thought about using a squirt gun and in a smaller hoes!....wait that's it! I got it now! Hehe! Consider this Hamon mystery solving now! Let's see how this work, baby!

Josephine then leaps towards the pillar, and emoting her Hamon on her fingertips and yet to manage to stuck them to the pillar with no problems at all...

Josephine: I-I did it! It worked! My Hamon is stuck to the pillar! All this time I had my hands flat, I was trying to use them to support my weight, when in fact is the opposite of how it works! Concentrating into the fingertips is much stronger than in the palms! What a simple little trick. Hehe, and now I can manage to catch up to Caesar...and plot my revenge on that so called Hamon coach, haha!

Caesar looks down, and impressed..

Caesar: Hehe, nice JoJo.

And on the very top of the pillar, (YN) saw everything, and yet was happy for her...

(YN): Way the go JoJo, you did it.

-24 hours later-

Another 24 hours have pass now...Caesar is now 18 meters up, and JoJo 16 meters behind...and yet there's 26 days until the rings get dissolved , so no time to waste!

Josephine: Oh I see why Caesar gets tired at this very point...the pillar begins to curve upwards towards the top...things are about to get tough.

And yet 3 hours have passed, Caesar is now 20 meters, and JoJo 18 meters...they were close to reach to the very top...suddenly, JoJo founds herself an open crack on the pillar...

Josephine: O-Oh hell yeah! A crack! Should be just big enough for my fingers to rest...what a lucky day for me, hehe.

As JoJo was about to reach for it...(YN) comes back to check on them, and yet was impress for them, especially JoJo...but he then realizes to see JoJo reaching for that open crack on the pillar...and he knows it's a bad idea to do so...

(YN). J-JoJo don't! Don't reach to that crack!

Josephine: What???

It was too late, as she reaches for it, she felt something that activated in the crack...

Josephine: What the?! It felt like I turn on something?!

Suddenly, whatever she press, she and Caesar felt the pillar rumbling and a sounds coming from it...

Caesar: JoJo, you hear and feel that?!

Josephine: I-I do! What the hell is-

And suddenly, a large burst of oil came out from the wall, it erupted and coming out with such high speed of 20 meter point...

Caesar: D-Darn it! This just went hard to impossible!

Josephine: Shit! Whatever I press was some sort of trap!

(YN) Mind: Sh-Shit! This is bad! There's no way they can manage to pass through that!

Caesar pulls out a pen...and to reach it to the oil erupting out from the wall...and yet cutting the pen half like nothing...

Caesar: Damn! The high pressure stream cut it like some razor!

Josephine: Damn it! Whoever made this diabolical trap, they must be out of their minds!

(YN) on the other was worried for Caesar and JoJo, knowing if they even lay their hands on that, they can damage their bodies and somehow get cut...

(YN) Mind: Shit! Now what?! There's no way them two can be able to pass through that?! I have to figure something out and get them out of there! Unless...

Suddenly...Caesar came up with an idea of how to pass that oil trap....he emits Hamon both onto his feet, and to stand and sticking them in the pillar...

(YN): What the?! He's-

Josephine: Sticking his feet with Hamon to that pillar?!

Caesar focuses and controls his Hamon to go through that razor oil directly to his body and not get cut...and so as he did, he manages to get out and go through it with no problem at all...

Caesar: I-I did it! I manage to go through that! B-But JoJo!

(YN): Alright! Caesar mange to get through the trap..but crap! Now JoJo is in a bad position! And the worse part is that she isn't ready to use that much Hamon of hers to pass that trap! Damn it! *Come on JoJo, you can think someway to pass that! I know you can!*


9 hours have pass...and Caesar and finally made it to the top of the pillar after 61 hours as (YN) helped him out...

(YN): Caesar! You did it! Are you alright?!

Caesar: Y-Yes! I am...b-but JoJo-

(YN): I-I know! I'm worried for her! This isn't good!

Suddenly, Lisa Lisa arrive...

Lisa-Lisa: Congrats Caesar.

Caesar: Th-Thank you coach, b-but-

(YN): Master, JoJo is in trouble! You must turn of them oil! Please! I don't think she has that kind of Hamon power to pass through that! She'll hurt herself if she tries to pass that barrier! You have to turn it off! If not, she'll get cut in half!

Lisa-Lisa: ...

(YN): Please Master you have to!

Lisa Lisa can tell that (YN) was worried for JoJo...but she cannot do as what he says...knowing that JoJo must find a way to do so...and so, JoJo has now came up with an idea to do so...

Josephine: Oh to the hell with it! I'll just do like Caesar did it, but different!!

Josephine leaps towards the barrier as (YN) notices her doing it...

(YN): JoJo don't! You're gonna hurt yourself!

Caesar: JoJo don't do it!

And as she leaps towards it...she suddenly lands her hand onto the barrier, emitting her Hamon and yet to slide around the opposite direction of the barrier around...

Caesar: W-Woah! Look at that!

(YN): She's using Hamon to slide along the oil sheet!

Josephine: The momentum of the oil weakness the farther it shoots out, I'll launch from here!

And yet...she leaps...and to suddenly and luckily manage to pass through the barrier with no problem and to finally arrive at the top of the pillar as well...she then was on her knees as she was catching her breathe...

(YN): Sh-She did it! JoJo!!!

(YN) rushes towards her...

Caesar: Impressive! She manage to use the speed of the oil to jump on top of it. She didn't fall at all, and yet to successfully arrive at the top!

Lisa-Lisa Mind: No one has ever climbed the pillar like that way before, she did by turning her weakness into strength...clever, I'm amaze.

Josephine recovers and gets up...

Josephine: Phew...oh man...I-I did it..! I made it on top...

(YN): JoJo!!

Josephine: O-Oh hey (Y-Oof!

(YN) rushes and hugs JoJo tightly with his arms around her, and really relief she manage to arrive at the top and safely as well...JoJo blushes about it as well...

(YN): Oh I'm so glad your okay, and you made it on top! Great job!

Josephine: Y-Yeah...I did...!

(YN): Hehe, I'm so proud of you!

Josephine blushes more the fact she getting positive words from (YN), and the fact that he was worried for her and relief that she made it okay...she smiles as she yet accepts the hug and to hug him too....Caesar and Lisa Lisa appeared on the scene as JoJo and (YN) were hugging quite a while...

Lisa Lisa: Ahem, that should be enough.

Josephine: O-Oh!

(YN): Right, sorry master, hehe.

The two then backed away as JoJo and (YN) smile at each other...

Josephine: Well now, since that I made it, and while I was holding onto dear life, I had time to think myself...How should exact my revenge on you?!?

(YN)/Caesar: Oh boy...

Josephine: Should I challenge you to a duel?! Have a strip competition?! Or punch your nose till you cry! Choose wisely, coach!

Lisa Lisa stood quiet...and suddenly, she tosses JoKo a glass of water upside to her as JoJo catches it with her Hamon...and to see she manages to hold the water upside with the glass in it with no problem at all...

Josephine: W-Woah! I'm doing it! I'm really doing it! I'm holding the glass of water upside down with no trouble! Hell yeah!

Caesar: Heh, not bad JoJo.

(YN): And the fact you manage to do so and to control your Hamon in only three days of training, hehe, good job JoJo, I'm proud of you!

Josephine: *blushes and smiles* Hehe, thanks (YN). 

Josephine: And coach...forgive me! I want to train more! Please give me more training, and I promise you I'll do my best to master my Hamon!

Lisa Lisa smiles softly...and replies...

Lisa Lisa: Don't you worry JoJo...I got plenty of training for you, I'll train you until the very end.

Josephine: Thank you coach!

Lisa Lisa: Your next three weeks of training will be a lot difficult than the hell climb pillar.

Suddenly, two huge men appeared behind JoJo and (YN), as one of the takes the glass of water away from JoJo's hand with one finger...and yet this man manages to take out the water only with on single finger with Hamon...

Josephine: Woah what the?!? Who the hell are you two?!

(YN): And look, that one there is holding the water with just one finger! And made it like some sort of pudding!

Caesar: And with Hamon too?! Just who are they?!

Lisa-Lisa: I would like you to meet two of my finest sergeants, and your new instructors as well, meet Messina and Loggs.

Caesar: I-I can't imagine to learn to do that with just one finger!

(YN): Me neither!

Loggs: Would you like to know?

Caesar: Yea! Of course!

(YN): Even if Master has reached me to use Hamon, I wanna learn from you guys too!

Josephine: Me too! That looks awesome!

Messina: Hehe, Alrighty then! From here on out, the two of us will...

Messina/Loggs: Train you into real mens and woman!


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