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Three weeks have passed now, JoJo and Caesar have been training hardly a lot with Loggs and Messina thought those weeks, and they have become stronger and more focus on using their Hamon...(YN) as well, as he too have been supporting JoJo on her training, and JoJo happy for it....

Before beginning their next training with Loggs and Messina, Lisa-Lisa wanted to say and show something....

Lisa Lisa: The masks were created by the oldest pillar men among them, and his name is Kars. Kars, Eisidisi and Wamuu across the Atlantic.

Suddenly, Lisa Lisa's waitress, Susie Q arrive with a red stone...

Lisa Lisa: Ah, thank you Suzie Q.

Suzie Q: Your welcome Signore. Just what you want.

Suzie exits as Lisa Lisa hoods on the red stone, or known to be called the red stone of Aja, the one that the pillar men are looking for...

Lisa Lisa: This isn't just an ordinary red stone, this is know you be called the super red stone of Aja, observe.

Lisa Lisa lifts the red stone up to the sunlight, as the sun light beam hits directly towards the red stone and blasting a powerful flight beam to the ground....

Caesar: W-Woah!

(YN): It just shot a powerful beam once it hit directly towards the sunlight!

Josephine: We're you holding that the whole time?!

Lisa Lisa: Yes, the pillar men wiped out the whole warriors of Hamon. This stone was narrowly taken away from them and now I need to be the one to take care of it carefully.

Caesar grunted knowing that the stone masks were created by the pillar men, Kars...and knowing he's responsible for his grandfathers death, especially his best friend a while ago...

(YN): Master, isn't it easy to just break it??

Josephine: Yeah! Destroy it! Smash it to pieces.

Lisa Lisa: It may sound like a good idea, but I cannot do that nor will not happen. Legends say that they cannot defeat the pillar men without this stone.

Josephine: What?! That's crazy! Why?!

Lisa Lisa: I don't know, but all I know is that i must be the guardian of this red stone....JoJo, Caesar...I hate to say this...but this training will be your last trial.

Caesar/Josephine: Last trial?!

Lisa Lisa: Yes, Caesar, take out on Messina and defeat him, as for you JoJo, same goes for you as well, but with Loggs. Are you two ready?

Josephine: ...Yes! I am! Even this will be our final training, I manage to control my Hamon! So Yea, I am!

Caesar: Hehe, mama Mía, well I can't say no to this, but I'm ready as well.

Lisa Lisa: Heh, well then, I'll let them know you two are ready then.

Hours later, it was dawn now, as Caesar is now training with Messina, and JoJo is heading her way to train with Loggs, (YN) in the other hand was still training on himself....JoJo then was walking down to find Loggs to begin her final training....

Josephine: Hmmm, where can I expected Loggs to be?? I have to stay sharp, he may try to sneak up on me and try do something to attack me, gotta stay focus.

As she kept walking...she suddenly sees some hit girl on top of the building, a man that has its leg stuck towards Loggs of matter of fact, this person happens to be one of the pillar men, Eisidisi, and yet he has killed Loggs by having its leg since his gut all the way...

Josephine: L-Loggs!! He's dead..!! And...that pillar man...that's Eisidisi! So, you came to Venice!

Eisidisi: Hmph, to think the woman guarding the stone would be living in this island the whole time.

Eisidisi tosses Loggs away and falls to the ground as JoJo observe him...

Josephine: His lungs...they were pulled out from that kick, and that kick wasn't just a ordinary one, it had to be one brutal powerful kick to do something like that.'ve held me for three weeks, and yet...I've always hated you, but respected you at the same time...thank you for everything you down for me, instructor. Now let's see what I've done from everything you've taught me!

JoJo notices Eisidisi walking on spikes with his bear legs as Josephine uses her Hamon to walk on them and to stop and block Eisidisi's path...

Josephine: Eisidisi! It will seem the time has come now! I going to fight you, and take that antidote you have on your nose as well! It will be mine!

Eisidisi: Out of my way girl, I do not have time for you.

Josephine: Don't have the time you say? Hehe, what do you mean? You got a lot of time than I do! So bring it bastard!

Eisidisi: Hmm, that is pretty sharp of you. Never would have thought someone like you to have such passion to give such menace stare...but when someone does that...there are asking for their death.

Josephine: Hehe, come on now, don't be such a wuss.

Eisidisi: I'll ask again, back away! Begone with you, or you'll lose half of your body!

Josephine: Just try it then!

Eisidisi was getting annoyed already as he then swings his hand towards JoJo, but JoJo using on finger with Hamon, she inserts her finger in Eisidisi palm with Hamon...

Eisidisi: What's this now??!

Josephine: Oh well you look at that, I'm still here, and mange to move things like pieces of dog shit like you.

Eisidisi: Using his Hamon, she's able to acquire such Halon knowledge in three weeks??? Impressive...however...

Eisidisi suddenly grabs JoJo's hand with such force...

Eisidisi: I must admit, I'm surprised by everything you have learned. But your still far not ready to fight against someone like me! I've met and devoured countless users like you thousand of years ago!

Eisidisi was folding JoJo's finger as she was in pain...

Josephine: AAAGH!! Damn it! Shit!!!

Eisidisi: Once I break that finger of yours, you will no longer use Hamon with it! Not any more!!!

But suddenly, JoJo leaps upwards and stands still as Eisidisi suddenly sees a string wrapping around his arm that Josephine manages to wrap it....

Eisidisi: Huh?!

Josephine: Hehe, finally notice?! Your arm is wrapped around by some fine silk threat string, made out of vegetable oil, and really usable for Hamon!

Eisidisi: B-But how?! How can a mortal could down this to me?!

Jospehine: First blood goes to me and my instructor!!!

With JoJo emitting Hamon on the string around Eisidisi's arm, she manages to pull it with force and to chop of his whole arm off and to land onto the spikes...


Josephine: 25 years ago in China, a feral named Sun Tzu wrote The Art of War...and said this "Victory is decided before the battle is fought" meaning if you plan to win, you need to lay out strategy when your opponent is aware! I may not went to school, but Granby Johanna made very sure I learn some history lessons! Hehe, and take this!

She kicks Eisidisi's arm with Hamon, melting his arm and nothing but bones afterwards....which got him irritated...

Eisidisi: Nrrrgh!!! How dare you!

Josephine: Awww, are you mad that I melt you little arm?? We'll get upset you fucker! I'm far more furious than you! Cause of that ring you put in me, I did not get sleep for weeks and-

Suddenly.....Eisidisi somehow started to sob...and cry..??????

Josephine: Eh???

Eisidisi: *weeping* I-I just can't take it! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH

Eisidisi: I...JUST...CANT...TAKE....IT!!! *sobbing and weeping alot*

Josephine Mind: What the fuck is this????! He's bawling his eyes, and here I thought he go on a bloody rampage! ...this is more than weird...this is embarrassing...he's throwing a tantrum like some 3 year old!*

Eisidisi continues to cry more and sob a lot....

Eisidisi: *weeping and sobbing* WAAAA!!! My poor arm!

Josephine: Ugh...some things are creepier than mindless anger...but nows my chance...I'll take him out quickly!

JoJo slowly started to creep up behind Eisidisi as he kept crying....and suddenly...everything got quiet...Eisidisi stopped crying, as he gets up...and seems to be very quiet...too quiet....and yet...he speaks and sounded relief...

Eisidisi: Phew, I feel better now. Sometimes my emotions overwhelm me, and when I'm about to lose it, I try venting myself with a little crying jag.

Josephine: Eh?!

Eisidisi: Heh, you mention of a man name Sun Tzu right? Heh, I've met him personally. Long ago, I journey to China to study "To fight is to deceive" One try to make his enemies angry and to lure into committing mistakes, that is what you were doing, isn't it JoJo? Hehe. Well it won't work! But I gotta say Josephine, I am impressed by your improvement of your Hamon. I admire your Hamon, I've been looking for a worthy opponent...and I think I've find one.

Eisidisi walks towards Loggs body, and to stomp and chop off his whole arm as it flew up....and yet it reconnected to Eisidisi by having a new arm of his own...

Eisidisi: Hehe, it may be thin, but I'll get use to it.

Josephine: H-He's too much...!

Eisidisi: Oh JoJo, did I frighten you? Heh, admit it, I did. I can see it on your eyes.

Josephine Mind: I-I can't read him! But I always mange to easily read my opposites mind! But him...he's different! His personality is beyond me!

Suddenly, she then sees Loggs body giving a lot of smoke...and yet his body parts started to melt and explode and yet seemingly like his insides are covered with extreme hot liquid...

Josephine: Wh-What the hell?! His's boiling!? But how?!!

Eisidisi: An animals temperature will increase when it's fighting decease greats itself. I can raise my blood up to 500 degrees and shoot it out of will. Once I choose his arm off with my leg, I've sent him some of my blood in him and made him boiling! With Wamuu Divine Sandstorm, he can control wind! And my domain, is heat! I can control inferno!

Josephine: Tch. Showing off your power to a dead body is not cool! You did it cause you want to scare me!

JoJo rushes to Eisidisi, until he suddenly opens his arm up, and yet limbs started to appear out of it...

Eisidisi: You see JoJo, my veins will inject boiling blood into your skull! And then turn it into a nice red stew! And this is why I call myself the burning king!

Eisidisi's veins stretch towards JoJo, attaching inside her mask into her face and to brutally hurting her...


With a loud scream of the building, Lisa Lisa's glass of drink shattered, as she knew something was not going she looks outside...and was worried about JoJo...

Lisa Lisa: Josephine...

As for (YN), he was in his room as he was finishing training...and then he felt a disturbance, a disturbance that doesn't feel really good at all...

(YN): Something doesn't feel right about now...I have to check on JoJo, now.


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