Chp.17 Eisidisi's Defeat

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As we left off, Josephine is in deep trouble dealing with one of the pillar man, Eisidisi....while this was happening, (YN) was rushing down the hallway as he exits the building, and to see Messina and Caesar finding with their training...and yet the two of them noticing him...

Caesar: (YN), you okay? You seem like you are in a rush.

(YN): Not really, but then again, I have to check on JoJo, something doesn't feel right about now.

Messina: What do you mean?? She's off training with Loggs.

(YN): I-I don't know...but in my gut it's telling me that something is going on...and she's in trouble.

Caesar: Relax amico, you're worrying too much on her, look let me check on her from here with the binoculars and tell you she's fine.

Caesar then walks towards the edge of the building, as he grabs a binoculars and looks over to where JoJo is located from her training....and suddenly as he takes a look...he then sees JoJo having trouble dealing with Eisidisi...

Caesar: What?!? That pillar's Eisidisi!!

(YN): Shit! I knew it!

Caesar: But how the hell did Eisidisi manage to find us here?!

(YN): I don't give a crap about that, she's in trouble! And I'm gonna save her!

Caesar: (YN) wait!

(YN) jumps off the roof, lands on the floor and started running down to go help JoJo...

Caesar: (YN)!!

Messina: Caesar, let him go.

Caesar: What?! But Messina!

Messina: Caesar, I've seen what (YN) is capable of to do with his Hamon within these past three weeks...he impresses me, and from what I can tell of right now, Loggs is dead by now, so if JoJo can't take out that pillar, then he can. For now, we must go and protect Lisa Lisa and the red stone. Come!

Messina heads over to Lisa Lisa, as Caesar worries for (YN) and JoJo, and has his hopes up for the two of them not to die on him....
Back at the fight....Josephine was tossed away by one of Eisidisi's boiling blood veins as it then caused her mask to explode and yet JoJo to recover from that toss...and she can barely feel the blood of Eisidisi's boiling on her lips...

Josephine: Nrgh! Damn his blood! that I finally get to has my sexy lips get out from that rotten mask, and the first thing you do is burn them off!

Eisidisi: Hehe, by the looks of it JoJo, you're planning something on your mind to defeat me, am I right, did I hit the bullseye?!

Josephine Mind: Shit, he's knowing too much! Okay, for my next plan...of course! I'll use the string! I'll act like I'm dodging away from him, and that time I'll be running with the string on these spikes with each move, once I do and manage to have him around them, I'll wrap him and finish him off with my Hamon!

Eisidisi: *chuckling* Here is the burning kings prison!!!

Eisidisi pushes his body towards the spikes, and to launch hair mod to the air and yet to stretch more veins out from his body, towards JoJo, whipping them as she manages to dodge them and yet bringing the string with her...and yet Eisidisi noticing it already...

Josephine: So you finally notice it already! Now what possible reason why my beanie be shrinking? Cause you are trap around on my string! As you can see my hat is 100% wool, conducting Hamon very well!

Eisidisi: *grinning* And???

Josephine: Tch! What do you mean and?!

Eisidisi: Hehe, you seem angry JoJo, and I know what you're gonna say next! The next thing you'll say is "I'm gonna wipe that smirk off your face!" TOYU!

Josephine: Nrgh! I'm gonna wipe that smirk off on your face-*chokes on words* WHA?!? Wait a sec! That's my trick!

Eisidisi: You said you have a web?! Take a closer look JoJo! I am the web!

She realizes Eisidisi's veins spreading all over around her and yet even so he notice her plan all along...

Eisidisi: You can't fool me JoJo! I've notice everything about your plan before it! Hehe! My plans will always go deeper, and will always gain victory! And it will seem like you will be burning you alive! Say your goodbyes JoJo! I'll burn you till you stop breathing!

Eisidisi's veins were surround JoJo...and ready to release boiling blood on her to burn her alive....but as he was about to...JoJo started chucking...

Josephine: Hehehe! Hahahaha!

Eisidisi: Wh-What the?! Are you really laughing that I am about to give you death?! What's so damn funny, you bitch!

Josephine: Heh, well let's see here, notice how my arms are crossed and my eyes are closed as well, and chuckling. And now you will lose because you snoozed away 2000 years.

Eisidisi: I lost?! What do you mean by that?!

Josephine: Well let's see, you said that your plan has gone deep than mines, but they haven't gotten deeper enough!

Eisidisi: What?!

Josephine: While you were snoozing for the last 2000 years, we humans progress. In the 18th and 19th centuries, magic became popular entertainment. I am a really big fan of myself...illusion is my thing!!!

Josephine suddenly grabs of me of Eisidisi's veins, and yet suddenly, Eisidisi was now strapped around by his own veins, and yet alongside with JoJo's string as well!?!

Eisidisi: B-But I cut off those strings?! How aren't they cut off yet?!

Josephine: Easy! The rope magic work after all, you seeI set them up carefully around your veins and not have them cut off, a simple trick.

Josephine emits her Hamon, as the Hamon travels through the string and veins and affecting Eisidisi...

Josephine: Hehe, and the next thing you'll say is "My veins are faster than your pathetic Hamon can possible go!" TOYU!

Eisidisi: My veins are very fast than your pathetic Hamon can possibly Go!!!!!

Josephine: Now feel the wrath of my Hamon Overdrive!!!

JoJo passes her Hamon through the string and affecting it to Eisidisi, as he can feel the strong Hamon of hers. And yet to be burnt alive with it, and yet being tortured by it, his body was melting pieces by pieces...

Eisidisi: I-I can't...I can't be defeated by a mere mortal like you!!!!

Suddenly, Eisidisi manages to rush to JoJo...

Josephine: Oh crap he's coming! I gotta finish him and-

And luckily, (YN) came through the scene as JoJo was surprised for him to arrive, he dashes towards Eisidisi and to spin his meld like a drill and to land a brutal punch towards him...

(YN): Tornado Punch Overdrive!!!!

With that punch, his Hamon was much stronger, and much affecting Eisidisi more as he started to burn more and more and yet to finally explode into pieces from the sunlight of the Hamon...
Eisidisi is now defeated for good, and yet the ring from his nose was sent flying to the air as JoJo catches it...

Josephine: Got it!


(YN) approaches to her...

(YN): JoJo, you alright??! Crap, he got you good with those marks you have, did-

Josephine: I'm fine (YN), heh he was tough, but I manage to beat him...well, not quiet, with the help of you of course to finish it up. did you know I was in Trouble??

(YN): I really don't know...I just...had the feeling of it, you know?

Jospehine: Heh, the feeling??

(YN): Hehe, yea I know, kinda sounds dumb...but...right now, I'm glad your okay.

(YN) gives her a soft smile, and Josephine blushes and smiles softly at him as well, as the two stare at each other with soft smiles, as JoJo suddenly was getting closer and closer to him, and yet seems like she was gonna do something as she then got really close to him...and (YN) cutting her off...

(YN): Oh hey, you got the antidote, awesome!

Josephine: H-Huh??! O-Oh yeah *blushing* I-I did...nice...

JoJo then opens a little lid that the ring has, and yet white liquid pours out from the inside of the ring...

Josephine: Gross.

(YN): Heh, looks like snot.

Josephine: Don't mention that! ....But, even if it was from his nose, i have to knock it off, well...bottoms up.

Josephine takes a sip of the she does, the inside of the ring that is attach to her throat is now vanish for good...and she can breathe better now...

Josephine: Heh, it work. The ring that is stuck around my wind pipe is gone, can't feel it at all.

(YN): Hehe, awesome!

Josephine: all we yours.

(YN) looks at his hands...and clenches them....

(YN): Don't worry, I'll make sure I defeat Wamuu for good, I've Train my ass off to beat him for good.

JoJo then walks up to him, and places her arm onto her shoulder and says to him...

Josephine: Don't worry, I know you'll beat that bastard. I know you very well...I got my hopes up for you!

(YN) smiles at her...

(YN): Heh, thanks JoJo, really appreciate it.

Josephine: *blushing smiley* Heh, no problem. Now, let's go and head back with Lisa Lisa and the others.

(YN): Yea, let's go.

The two started walking JoJo started to blush a little from what she was about to do to (YN)...getting closer to him...and yet to try and kiss him...

Josephine Mind: What was I thinking???! Why did I tried kissing him???! This ain't me at all! ...but...I just can't stand him...his face, his smile, everything about him is just...good about him, and the fact he's always there for me since day one when we met...even supporting me from my training too...Heh, and what's stupidly funny about back there is the fact he doesn't even know what was I was gonna do to him...he's really dense...and also cute*

While making there way back to Lisa Lisa and the others...JoJo started to feel a bit stiff from her shoulders...

Josephine: Oh man, my shoulders is really stiff.

(YN): Really? Weird. Don't worry, once we get there just rest up a bit.

Josephine: Yea, sounds a good idea.

And what caused her shoulders to be nothing but a disgusting brain head look alike attach to her back....and yet it was moving and alive...just what the hell is that??!!


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