Chp.18 Eisidisi's Counter Attack

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After defeating Eisidisi, JoJo and (YN) started heading back to Lisa Lisa and tell her the news about him and the death of Loggs, as they arrive to the building, they started walking down the hallway...

Josephine: Man, my shoulders are still cramped. Maybe it's cause of all the thinking I did during my fight against Eisidisi.

(YN): Still?? That doesn't sound right. Look why don't you go and rest yourself, maybe it'll get rid of the stiffness from your shoulders.

Josephine: Yea, I should.

And suddenly, Suzi Q, Lisa Lisa's mattress started to approach towards them...

Suzi Q: Oh hello (YN).

(YN): Hey Suzi, say, where's Master?? We need to tell her about some stuff that happen. We can't say, only towards her.

Suzi Q: Oh, Lisa Lisa is occupied, she taking her bath right about now.

(YN): Ah, i see, we'll I guess it can wait...for half an hour.

Suddenly, Suzi Q started to not notice JoJo at if she was a stranger to her...

Suzi Q: Um, I'm sorry but...may I ask who you are?? And why are you with (YN)??

Josephine: Who me??! What the??! You really don't know who I am?? I'm Josephine idiot! Can't you tell??!

Suzi Q: O-Oh! JoJo??! I see, apologies, is just that I didn't recognize you with that mask you had.

Josephine: Oh, right....

(YN): Heh, well yeah, now that she can finally breathe and move her mouth now, and reveal her cute face

Josephine: *blushes* EH?! Shut Up idiot!

(YN): Hehe, joking joking.

Josephine: Joking my ass! I already told you not to make me feel weird!

(YN): Hehe, come on now take a joke will ya? What else you want me to call you other than cute? A beauty?

Josephine: I-I said shut up! *blushing more*

While (YN) and Josephine were having a little fun argument back and forth, Suzi Q were seeing them, of how them two really are getting along together, she's seen them more of how they are close...
Afterwards, (YN) says..

(YN): Hey Suzi Q, what's that you're holding??

Suzi Q: Hm?? Oh! It's the red stone Lisa Lisa gave me to go and hide it. I must go and-

(YN): Hold it, why not I take it, you know, you seem tired from the hard work, I'll go and hide it for master. Don't you worry.

Suzi Q: O-Oh. Well...since you asked them, very well then. Just make sure to hide it safely and to be found only by you and Master.

(YN): Gotcha.

Suzi Q hands over the red stone to (YN), as he then started to walk away...

(YN): I'll see ya later JoJo, hehe.

Josephine: *blushes* Tch...see ya.

As he was gone, Suzi Q looks at JoJo and tells her...

Suzi Q: Say, JoJo??

Josephine: Yea?

Suzi Q: Care to explain about the two of you??

Josephine: Hm? What do you mean??

Suzi Q: You know...are you and (YN) boyfriend and girlfriend??

Josephine: WH-WHA?!? *blushing* N-No way! Hell no! Like if I ever wanted to date him! He's way out of my league! And besides what makes you say that idiotic thing??!

Suzi Q: Well, by the looks of it, you and (YN) have been getting along pretty well ever since you've came here on this island for the past three weeks, and you did mention that you've met him back at New York, right??

Josephine: Y-Yea, I did. But what does this have to do with me and him being a thing??! It's not like he likes me or shit.

Suzi Q: You may not know...because deep down he may like you JoJo.

Jospehine: ...I-I don't know Suzi...I mean...*sighs* (YN)....he's this boy...different than the others ones I've talked to...he's so easy to talk to, and yet being fun with as well...and he feels the same...but...all about the liking about each other and having a crush...I don't know about that...I barley know him for only a month...

Suzi Q approaches to JoJo behind, and to place her hand onto her shoulder and replies...

Suzi Q: Well, don't worry. It'll take time, besides...I think the two of you look cute together.

Josephine: ...Y-You think so..??

Suzi Q: Of course! I mean by telling from (YN), he's always been there on your side, and has supported you from your training too with Loggs and Messina.

Josephine does remembers these past weeks of how (YN) was supportive for her, and not just that, of how he's always there for her, especially liking to talk with her...she blushes and yet gives a soft smile...

Suzi Q: Now, I'm gonna go to my room, watch you later JoJo.

Josephine: O-Okay, see ya. *You know...(YN) can be a little annoying sometimes like that...but...he can also be supportive, friendly...and really kind to me. No other boy like him as ever given me that kind of thing....and I'm happy.* back seems perfectly fine already now that I mention it.


Later on, Lisa Lisa was still taking a JoJo was being un patiently, doesn't wanna wait longer and wanted to tell her about the news...

Josephine: Oh the hell with it. I'm gonna barge in her bath time and just tell her the news already.

She started marching her way down, and to arrive at the door, as she attaches her hand on the door...she suddenly felt the doorknob all sticky and slimy....

Josephine: Huh??? What that?? The hell is this icky stuff?? All slimy and disgusting...

She then takes a peek at the key hole...and to see Lisa Lisa butt naked from getting out from her bath tub...

Josephine: ...Okay....even she may be an old hag, but I gotta admit...she's got body....Nice. W-Wait a minute..!

Suddenly, she also then sees (YN) standing aside Lisa Lisa, and not noticing him at all...

Josephine: (YN)??? Why is he there??? And...what's with that look in his eyes??

Suddenly, Lisa Lisa turns around, and then gets startled from (YN), standing there still...

Lisa Lisa: (YN)! Y-You startled me...!! Wait, what are you doing here??! You do know it's disrespectful seeing a lady like me shooting and peeking at me like that, do you?? And where's JoJo and Caesar?? Have they came back yet from their training??

(YN) stood quiet...and hasn't responded anything yet, he kept glaring at Lisa Lisa, which got her uncomfortable for a moment...

Lisa Lisa: (YN) answer me! Why are you not talking...what's gotten in to you?! And what's with that look?!

(YN) kept halting at Lisa she then suddenly notices (YN)'s both arms covered in slime...and his eye pupils not shown at all...

Lisa Lisa: (Y-YN)! Are you alright?! What's happening to you?!

Suddenly, (YN)'s body started to twitch, and yet to bend his body and arms and black marks appearing from his body as (YN) was screaming in pain...

Lisa Lisa: (YN)!

Josephine: O-Oh no!! Coach! (YN)!!!

(YN) started to scream in pain, and yet a voice was being heard from (YN), which doesn't sound like his voice at all...

Lisa Lisa: Th-That voice! That isn't (YN) at all..! It's like he's being kind control!! Tell me, who are you inside!!

Lisa Lisa quickly gets out from the tub with a towel around her, as then the voice spoke from (YN)'s body...and that voice was none other than Eisidisi's...

Eisidisi (YN): Y-You..!! You have reduce me into nothing but a brain of myself and reducing my body to ashes!!! But never the less, I challenge you into a one last final fight!! Hehe, I manage to trick that bitch mattress to give me the red stone of thinking I'm actually (YN) himself, and take it it the boat that had just left not that long ago! I will not allow you to follow it and not chasing after the stone! And as for (YN), he's is still alive knowing I'm in his body, but if you want me to destroy me must kill him!! Can you do that, or not?! Hahahaha!!!!

JoJo then barges in the sight...

Jospehine: Eisidisi! You fucking bastard! You still won't give up do ya?! Nrgh! Get out of (YN)'s body now and-

Caesar: What's going on here??!

Jospehine: Caesar! Oh boy, about time you got here!

Caesar: What?? What is going-

Caesar then notices (YN) suddenly on the floor on his knees by now...and yet to see Lisa Lisa naked, covered in a towel around her...

Caesar: *le gasps* (YN)! Just what the hell you think you're doing?! You sick bastard, she's your master and our coach-

Josephine: Hey cool it idiot! That's not (YN)...I-I mean he is, but not himself, it's one of the pillar men, Eisidisi, he somehow manage to brain wash (YN) and take over his body.

(YN): JoJo...

Josephine: Wh-Wha???

Suddenly...(YN) was back on himself...

(YN): me...I want your help, I mean, you wouldn't let your best friend leaving hanging, right?

(YN) gives this innocent look on his face to JoJo, as she blushes a little...

Josephine: (Y-YN)..are you...really yourself???

Josephine was getting closer to (YN)...but Lisa Lisa stops her from getting close to him..

Jospehine: C-Coach!!

Lisa Lisa: Don't fall for it JoJo, not even a word form him! He isn't doing the talking! Eisidisi is manipulating you! He manage to take the red stone somehow and putting it on the postal boat! Caesar, leave this thing to me and JoJo! I want you to go and chase after that boat that has the red stone! If it reaches to Venice and transfers on the train, we won't be able to track it and don't know where it will end up!

Caesar: R-Right coach!

(YN): Tch!

(YN) leaps up in the air, and to dash towards Caesar and landing a brutal kick towards his face and dropping him down...

(YN): You aren't going anywhere dipshit! If you wanna stop that boat, you have to kill me first!

Caesar: Wh-What?! His voice sounds different...! S-So it is one of the pillar men! His blood vessels must be controlling (YN)'s entire body!

Eisidisi (YN): Hehe! We'll come on now, kill me if you want to chase after the stone, but then again let this be known that I am in (YN)'s body, which means killing him will be the only way to Kill me as well, right JoJo!?!

Jospehine: H-Huh?!?

Eisidisi (YN): Haha! That's right, I've been reading his mind when I took over his body, and by the looks of it, he really cares about you a lot, and by what I can tell, you care about him to, don't you?!

Josephine: N-Nrgh! You bastard!! *I really wanna beat the living hell out of Eisidisi and kill him! B-But if I do...then that'll mean I kill (YN) too...a-and I don't want that...damn it, This fucking asshole!*

Eisidisi (YN): Hehe, no matter if you start bluffing, it doesn't matter how hard you'll never kill me, when I'm in your best friends body, hehehe!

Jospehine: Nrgh!!! Fucking bastard!!


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