Chp.21 Von Stroheim's Return

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As we left, we were surprise to see the return of the mad man, Major Von Stroheim returning from death somehow after being blown up to pieces back at Mexico with their fight against Santana...

Josephine: Y-Your Stroheim!

(YN): H-Hole shit! You're alive?! But how?! We've s seen you get blown up to pieces! *And the fact that he's facing against Kars!*

Josephine: *His hands seems mechanical, and has something attached to his side face, like some machinery contraption!! It's like if the Germans were hiding something, military purposes??* So it would seem you somehow save your miserable life from that explosion, Stroheim.

Stroheim: Heh, JoJo, (YN), as you can see I am back from hell.

(YN) Mind: Tch, I don't know if I should happy or irritated cause he can be an ass, but the again...he isn't a bad guy after all.

Josephine Mind: And the fact he's helping us figuring off Kars is something I never expected him to do...I guess I'll let him slide on this one.

Stroheim: Why don't the two of you have a seat at the sofa, I'll take care of him.

Suddenly, Kars started to glare at both JoJo and (YN), knowing that they have defeated Eisidisi for good...

Kars: JoJo, (YN), once I'm done dealing with you and this one, I'll be taking the red stone back to me.

Stroheim: Hey pay attention to me! I'll be the one to destroy you!

Kars: No machinery will stop me!

Stroheim: Oh is that right!?

Stroheim's whole left arm flex from behind and yet to pinch his fingers with full force towards Kara's hand...

Josephine: W-Woah! Flesh arms like that doesn't have to be that flexible!

(YN): I take it he is mechanical after all!

Kars: Nrgh!

Stroheim: Now for the fun!!

Stroheim pinches Kar's, taking some of his flesh skin off, Kars manages to back away. Stroheiem's finger squeeze at 1950kg/cm square, Alma it's as strong as Santana's strength...Stroheim's then poses and gives a salute...


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

German science is the finest piece of art in the world!!!these arms have great powers! Constructed by the abilities from Santana!!!

Stroheim then grabs a golf ball form the table...and turns to Kars

Stroheim: Now Kars, I must calculate the chunks of flesh meat from your body that I just take and Eli ate you for good.

And he crushes the hold hall with his mechanical hand with brute force...

Stroheim: I'll reduce your body into tiny pieces! And behold..

Stroheim then takes out a huge amount of bullets, and yet to attach them in his side gut and yet a machine gun appeared out from his whole gut....

Stroheim: You see I am far more than just a human, I am more than that! Take this Kar, I can fire off 600 rounds of amor piercing bullets a minute!! I'll tear you down apart!

Stroheim started to shoot his weapon to Kars...shooting him and tearing his body pieces like he said as Kars was sent flying out from the base and yet to recover...

Kars: Nrgh! I swear the stone will be mine today! Attempting to get it cost Eisidisi's life! I refuse to not let his sacrifice be in vain!

Kars blade from his arm started to shine....

Josephine: Wait! That blade on his arm!

(YN): It's somehow glowing!

Kars: I can control the light! And I call this brilliant bone blade!!!

As more bullets started to shoot, Kars was so quick he manages to slice the bullets with such high speed...

Stroheim: I-Impossible! That blade is hard than as steel! It should never cut bullets like that! He slices them like nothing!

Josephine: His blade is outstanding, but why is it glowing?!

(YN): It can't just bright like that!

Kars started rushing towards Stroheim...

Stroheim: Here he comes! Here he comes! Here he comes! Here he comes!

And as Kars got close to Stroheim, he now can see the blade upon close and to see why it glows, he was able to understand the secret of Kara's blade able to glow. It didn't had no edge, rather have tiny razor blade rotating around the blade with such high speed or sharp shark teeth. Each claw is merely as strong and reflecting light as well. Kars then slices Stroheim's whole robotic arm and half of his mechanical body as he collapses to the floor...

Stroheim: W-We can't win this! Even with the mechanic I have, there's no way of defeating him! Not even my perfect German science engineering technique!

Kars: And was Santana? Nothing but a weak child, a pathetic guard dog, not even compared like us. Now...I'll be taking that stone.

Kars picks Stroheim's half upper body and takes him with him to search for the red stone he is holding...

Josephine: That ice cold sheer actors his face!

(YN): A blade he holds that can cut anything! No way we can be able to block that! Even if we use it against Hamon, it'll still slice us up!

Josephine: We could just run and get Lisa Lisa and the rest to stop Kars, but then again if he gets the red stone from Stroheim, he'll flee and we will not know what he will do with it!

(YN): Damn it! Guess we got no choice but to go after him then!

Kars kept on searching on Stroheim, until he found something, he rips his pocket from his shirt, and to find the red stone of Aja. He grabs it and let's go of Stroheim...

Kars: At last, the red stone of Aja. Hehe, I have waited 4-No, 5,000, yes, 5,000 years for this. At last, it is mine. It is define to fall in my hands.

(YN): Shit! He's got it!

Josephine: No No! This can't be! We have to stop him!

As they were gonna go and stop Kars from taking the stone...suddenly, Stroheim spoke...

Stroheim: utter think you beaten me?!

Stroheim stares directly at Kars, as he right eye started to mechanical move and yet to bring out a laser pointer out from his eye...

Stroheim: Do not underestimate German's greatest technology!!! Ultra-Violet Ray Blast!!!

Stroheim then blasts a energy beam out from his right eye, and to shoot Kar's hand, letting the stone go and dropping the stone started sliding downhill to the snow and heading towards the cliff...

Josephine/(YN): The stone!!!

Stroheim: No! We cannot lose it! JoJo, (YN), go after the stone! Grab it while you still can!

Josephine: R-Right! Let's go (YN)!

(YN): Right!

(YN) and JoJo both started running after the stone and to not let it fall over the cliff, yet Kars recovers and started going after it before they get it first...

Josephine: Shit! He's gaining on us!

(YN): Damn it! The bastard really is quick! He really wants that stone that bad!

Josephine: And the fact that the fall to that cliff is almost around 2-3 hundreds meters down! Kars could survive that fall, and will be certain death for us!

Kars then passes by JoJo and (YN)...

(YN): Fuck! He passed us!

Josephine: We won't let you get that stone!

Kars: *chuckles* JoJo, when I reach down to the stone, I'll be off balance and be vulnerable again, so let me guess, are you planning to kick me once I reach down for the stone? You and (YN) using your hamons to kick me and get the stone away from me. Hehe, you think your plan will work?

Josephine: ...

(YN): ...

Kars: Heh, thought so!

Kars then reaches for the stone...

Josephine: You're right Kars! He's the kicks you ordered!

Both JoJo and (YN) swing their kicks to Kars, but Kars leaps up to avoid the kicks and yet to almost manage to grab the red stone...but instead, (YN) was the one to grab it with his leg...

Kars: What the??

Josephine: Hehe, you may be right on the kicking part Kars...

(YN): But you didn't see this one coming didn't you? Thinking I land a kick on you, but instead managing to grab the red stone with my leg!

Kars: Hmm, impressive. So I was half wrong then...but...think fast!

Suddenly, Kars bursts out two more blades out from his feet, and yet managing to stab both JoJo and (YN) to their shoulders...

Josephine: Wh-What the hell?!

(YN): No way!! Blades from his feet?!

Kars then brings them both as they all started falling down from the cliff...

Josephine: D-Damn it! What is up with his blades?!

(YN): It's like the blades melting inside my body and won't get out from it!

Josephine: Kars...Y-You son of a-

(YN): Bitch!! Falling to our deaths with this guy?!

Josephine: No thank you!

JoJo then grabs an Icicle with her bear hands with Hamon as well, (YN) too grabs one as the two of them holds onto them with their Hamon....

Josephine: D-Damn!

(YN): Kars too heavy for us! Can't..hold on...much longer!

Their Hamon went through the icicles fluid with no problem, but ice and snow are solid, dripping tinkles of water drips slowly, thus works perfectly.

Kars: I don't care what you do, the stone is mine till the end! Mine I say!

Kars then shoved both JoJo and (YN) to let go of the icicles, and as they kept falling, more icicles were up ahead while falling...but first, they need to get rid of the blade from Kars...

Josephine: (YN)! We need to use our Hamon to pass it through the blade to Kars!

(YN): Okay!

Kars: Too late!

Kars then takes his blades out from them, and to kick both JoJo and (YN) away from him...and to go dashing towards them with the blade in his arm...

Kars: I'll slice the two of ya!

And as he was about to do it...(YN) then grabs feh red stone, faces it towards Kars as he stopped himself from hitting the red stone with his blade...

Kars: Why you!!

(YN): Heh, you wouldn't dare lay a finger on this red stone right?

Jospehine: Heh, good thinking (YN), I know Kars isn't dumb enough to do so. So eat this! Hamon Kick!

JoJo then swings a kick to not towards Kars, but towards the Icicles up ahead, braking some of them as she and (YN) use their Hamon to connect them together...

Kars Mind: *I see! They're using the icicles like some rope! Clever! But they won't be able to make it.*

Suddenly, at the very top cliff, Caesar just in time manage to make an icicle rope as well to attach the other ones JoJo and (YN) made and to save them from falling...and letting Kars falling only...

Kars: What?!

Josephine: Caesar!

(YN): Glad you made it in time amigo!

Caesar: Heh, nice timing you two.

Stroheim: Wh-What the hell is going on?! And who are you?? Their teammate??

Caesar: Heh, fusing the icicles as a rope?? I wouldn't do that, but JoJo and (YN) one of them might have done something like that, which is kinda dumb.

Josephine: Hehe, at least you were able to pull off the trick and do it in a nick of time.

Caesar: What??! What was that?!

Josephine: Nice Nice! Very nice, Caesar-Chan!

(YN): Heh yeah, really outstanding work Caesarino. Also, if master is with you, tell her the red stone is in our hands!

Lisa Lisa and Messina heard and were relief to hear from the red stone safe and sound...

Lisa Lisa: I am glad, JoJo and (YN) did an outstanding work.

Messina: It's almost like of them two really make a great team together.

Lisa Lisa: Yeah. *smiles* Okay Caesar, pull them up.

Caesar: On it coach.

While Caesar pulls the two of them up, JoJo suddenly was starting to slip from her hands knowing she wasn't focusing on controlling her Hamon due of the (YN) quickly grabs her around her waist, and JoJo blushing as (YN) looks at her, with a soft smile and says to her...

(YN): Don't worry, I got you...and won't let you go.

JoJo blushes she then smiles softly as she holds onto (YN) tight, and yet she felt like she safe around with him...

Josephine Mind: Ans I won't let you go as well


While Caesar is pulling them up, Kars was still falling and close to the ground...he then somehow ricocheted himself, boxy I g through the walls and to kept himself from falling. As he does, he lands on the ground with no he did, he looks up to see JoJo and (YN) being carried up...and then looks down, eyes close....and laughs???


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

After laughing....he then says...

Kars: JoJo, (YN) two are lucky ones. I'll let you hold on the stone for me, for at least another day. Till we meet again.

And so...Kars walks away...and heads over to his base with Wamuu...


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