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As we left off, Josephine and and (YN) manage to retrieve the red stone from Kars. And so, the next day, the sun was out as JoJo was sitting down eating as she notices (YN) coming out as she then gets up and approaches to him...

Josephine: (YN).

(YN): Hey JoJo, what's up?

Josephine: How's the shoulder of yours?

(YN): It's nothing bad really, just a minor wound, didn't went that deep surprisingly.

Josephine: Oh, good to hear.

(YN): What about you?

Josephine: Same, not bad at all. But also, I want you to know this.

(YN): Hm? What is it??

JoJo then gets closer to (YN), grabs his hands together, as she then blushes, gives him a soft smile to him and says to him...

Josephine: I'll always be on your side, no matter what.

(YN): Hehe, woah. Where did this come from??

Josephine: *blushing* W-Well, it's just...I don't know really, but all I can that you've always have been on my side ever since, and well...I like it, I like it when your on my side, supporting me, and always there for me when I need yeah, that's why I want to be on your side as well.

(YN) blushes a he softly smiles to JoJo, as he then replies...

(YN): That was nice of you, JoJo, really. And well...just to let you know as well...I will keep on being on your side, always.

Josephine blushes smiling as the two of them stare at each other smiling...until Lisa Lisa calls for them with Messina and Caesar...

Lisa Lisa: JoJo, (YN), hate to break your little chat, but come over here and look at this.

Josephine: O-Oh! Right!

(YN): Coming master!

The two approach with them, and yet to see a building from a distance where their standing, an abandon building it seems like it.

Lisa Lisa: That building must be the address Eisidisi put when sending the package of the red stone.

Messina: It would seem like an Avon Don corpse of a shattered hotel. It would make a perfect hideout for Kars, every doorway and window is boarded up.

Caesar: So that's where he is hiding the whole day. I bet he's seeking inside looking for Wamuu.

Lisa Lisa: Right, so what's the plan?

Caesar: ...Ha, isn't it obvious coach? We March and attack them now.

Messina: I agree. Kars can't go out until the sun goes out, and gives us a tremendous advantage.

Lisa Lisa: Hmm. What about you two?? JoJo?? (YN)??

Josephine: Well-

(YN): Sorry...but I have to disagree Master.

Josephine: What??!

Messina/Lisa Lisa: What??!

Caesar: Wh-What you mean?!

(YN): Your all looking at this wrong, I think it is more dangerous when the sun it out. Just think about, Kars has been living out for thousands of years, and would have left defenseless during the day.

Caesar: Oh please!

(YN): Seriously, walking down his hideout and try to take him down is suicidal. I won't do it.

Caesar: *chuckling* Come on (YN), this isn't like you at all, please tell me your joking, right??

(YN): No, I'm not joking. I'm not going in.

Caesar suddenly got irritated and to grab (YN) from his shirt...

Caesar: So what?! You're chickening out?!

(YN): No I'm not, I'm just thinking straight and keeping my cool down, unlike you, it would seem like your upset already. Caesar, we need to make sure he takes the first move.

Caesar: An assure victory is what you want?! Kars is all alone there! We can for sure be a him! It's a 5 against 1, total advantage! We have to strike now before Wamuu shows up!

(YN): Calm down, don't go off all crazy now. Focus and think it through Caesar, if we go now, Kars will slice us up to pieces. You can't go in all cut.

Caesar: I am half mad cut! I'm gonna end this!! I'm going to finally finish the fight that cut the JoJo's and my grandfathers! I'm gonna take Kars out for good!

(YN): Your gonna finish it?! And being up JoJo's grandfather land yours?! Who the hell cares anyways! Don't bring up the dead with your little drama of yours!

Caesar: Nrgh! What did you say?! JoJo, come on! Back me up here, you want to go in and take down Kars for good right?!

Josephine: I-I...well, I mean I have to agree on (YN) on this, if we do go barging now, we don't know what Kars is planning to do and he might-

Caesar: Oh please! Your agreeing with him to?! Unbelievable, and here I thought you know anything
About family! But I was wrong, you still don't even know the heritage of your own pathetic family-

(YN) then grabs Caesar by his shirt...

(YN): Hey! Don't talk to her like that! She's got nothing to do with this at all! If she doesn't want to as well, it's fine! At least she understands me more than you with that bitchy drama of yours, brining up the dead family that is totally useless!!!

Suddenly, Caesar growls, as his Hamon started to overflow his body around, glaring at (YN)...

Caesar: You watch your mouth (YN)!!

Caesar without hesitation, brutally swings and punches (YN) straight to his face, dropping him down...

Josephine: (YN)!! Caesar what the hell?!

(YN) gets up...

(YN): Damn it! The hell was that for?!

Caesar grabs him by the shirt again and says...

Caesar: Don't you dare say that! And what do you know about family?! I bet you don't even know your own damn family at all! I've never heard you mention it ever since we've met!! Unless your parents doesn't care for you at all!!!

Then, Lisa Lisa gasps for what Caesar said about (YN)'s parents....his eyes widen with anger, as he clenches both his hands...

(YN): Nrrgh!!! Shut the hell up bastard!!!

He strikes a punch to Caesar's face...

Caesar: Oh it's on!!

Caesar and (YN) both started fighting, throwing hands at each other...

Lisa Lisa: Caesar! (YN)! Stop this now!!

Josephine: (Y-YN)!! Stop it!

They kept fighting, as they then started holding onto each other, moving around as they then trip over the barricade and falling towards the floor...

Josephine: (YN)!! Caesar!!

They all rush downstairs to go help them...Caesar and (YN) started to get up...

(YN): Learned your lesson yet?!

Caesar: Nrgh!! Bastard!

(YN): I guess not!!

The two were about to rush at each other, until Josephine arrives and stops (YN) as Messina stops Caesar...

Lisa Lisa: Enough you two!

They manage to stop them from fighting each other...

(YN): Tch! Just what's wrong with you Caesar?! Have you lost it?!

Caesar: Tch, it would seem that you and JoJo won't understand the concept of family honor and accepting battle like this!

(YN): Huh??

Josephine: What are you even saying?!

Caesar: Tch, never mind of this, I'm going!

Caesar was about to walk over and head over to Kar's destination, until Lisa Lisa stops him...

Lisa Lisa: Caesar, (YN) is right. It is far too dangerous for us to go. We have no way of thinking what would Kars be planning. The only thing we need to do is protect the red stone of Aja, that is an order.

Caesar: ....I'm sorry coach, but I disobey this time. You know this is the matter of blood and family honor! It's a Zeppeli problem! I just can't leave it unsettled! I can't just sit here, twirling my thumbs and come to me!

And so, Caesar walks away and head sober to find Kars....

Messina: What now?

Lisa Lisa: Follow him and do whatever you do to stop him from meeting that building, even if it means using force.

(YN): Tch, if anyone needs me, I'll be inside.

(YN) walks away, leaving JoJo alone...

Jospehine: (Y-YN)! Wait!

He then was gone when entering the building, and made her worried for him...

Jospehine: I-I don't understand. Why Caesar can't be just patient and wait till we have the right time to strike. Why was he so hot head and taking this family heritage too seriously?? A-And for (YN)...he suddenly went crazy against Caesar too...what's up with that as well??!

Lisa Lisa: JoJo...

Josephine: Y-Yes Coach??

Lisa Lisa: ...You see, you've touched in on something from his past...something secret. Although you didn't mean it, but your words struck a chord where Caesar is his most vulnerable hidden past.

Josephine: Hidden past?? What hidden last he has that angers him??

Lisa Lisa: ...And as for (YN), Caesar did too did the same thing to him...but only thing about what Caesar triggered (YN)...was his parents.

Josephine: His parents??? ...*What could have his parents done to him??*


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