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Let's take a break of the story, and have a little peek at Caesar's past:

Caesar was the son of Mario Zeppeli, considering himself the best and most trainees furniture maker. Mario was a proper Italian man in his proper days, dedicated to his family, and to Caesar especially....but when Caesar was 10...Mario suddenly left without even saying anything at all, leaving his children, and Caesar behind as well. Having to lose his wife years before, they were alone, Caesar became a delinquent, growing to hate his father for what he has done to him. He threw away his youth and future, he committed thief, assault, anything short with murder, even the Mafiosos were afraid of him. Whenever he fights, he held a wrench to not hold back at all and pummeling his opponents. And afterwards, he finally learned to use Hamon, which he never knew at all afterwards....and at Rome, when he was 16...he found his father, after all these years he's found him, walking towards a colosseum, at first Caesar would want to murder his own father, but then....when he followed him in...he fin himself a bunch of pillar men, and yet one of them holding a Diamond, which costs a fortune...but then, his father rushes at him, to stay away from not just the Diamond, but from the pillar, but Caesar has touch the Diamond already and activate some trap, which Mario shoves him away...and Mario getting killed by the pillar men instead, sucking him in the pillar and suffocating him, but his final words to Caesar, was to go and find Lisa Lisa here in Rome to train him to learn and control Hamon....And now it all makes sense...Mario didn't left Caesar and his kids behind for some selfish reason, he was protecting them from the pillar men which any year they will be awaken and cause terror....and the sad thing is....Mario didn't even recognize Caesar all grown up...
And now, let us take a peek of (YN)'s pats as well:

In Rome, (YN) was just 8 years old when his parents moved into Rome....and yet, they were abusive. His father always treated him like crap, hitting him for no reasons at all, always drunk when coming home at night and waking him to hit him during his sleep as well, and even if the mother stops him from hitting (YN), his mother as well was too abusive to (YN) as well, his mother will always make him do all the chores, and yet doesn't thank him enough...(YN) has tried his best to do everything for his parents to love him and care for him just this once...
But all of that changes until one very day...his parents never worked that much, doesn't get paid enough as well at their work. So during that one very day, they took (YN) with them, arrive in some alley, and to see four unknown men approaching to them....and what they did to him was the unthinkable....the men were nothing but drug dealers, and his parents wanted to trade their own son with drugs and to smell them afterwards....and that shocked and broken (YN) inside....and as they gave their son away to those of them shot his parents....and (YN) shedding tears....but he didn't cry just to see his parents getting shot in front of them and losing them....he was angrily crying for what they have done to him, trading him for cash to some drugs....he grew viciously angry, as he bit one of them by their hands, letting him go as he reaches for the gun, snatching it away, and yet shooting all 4 of the men down to the ground...after shooting them...he walks up to both his parents, and gives them an upsetting face, as he kicks his father's face, and spitting onto her mother's face....and walking away, leaving them dead in the alley alongside with the men...
By the time he grew up and by the age of 15, he grew up on the streets, and started doing street fights for money, and he'll always win in the fights and earn cash from the fights. He was a brawler, a great fighter, never lost to one fight...while in the fights, he realizes that he has emitted Hamon, and uses it on fights to gain more wins and more cash...and yet, one day, he has met Lisa Lisa, she's saw him in fights, and noticing him with Hamon, and also she has realize that he's been living alone in the she asked him to come with her and live with her....(YN) at first didn't wanted to....but then again...when seeing her, deep down he trusts her, and yet she can be a good person that just wants to help (YN) in, he follows her and heads with her to Venice. By that time, Lisa Lisa has welcome him to her house, and the fact she has been treating him very well, and yet, (YN) felt....happy somehow, like he's never been treated like this before...and was happy for it and glad has found someone like Lisa Lisa to be treated very well....during the times living with Lisa Lisa, he has been training his Hamon with her as well, and after all, he has always been happy to be around with a mother figure she is.
Now, let us go back to our main story:

Caesar then arrive near at the hotel building, and sees footprints, leading to the mansion...

Caesar: Footprints that leads inside the building.

Suddenly, he notices the doors open, like if they were kick down by someone, and to see a gasp of winds blowing outside...and yet he somehow sees a wind figure standing on the door, and vanished....

Caesar: Wh-What was that?! I could have sworn I've saw someone. Am I hallucinating??

Suddenly, a strong wind blows at him, and heard a voice...


Caesar: Th-That voice! W-Was that Wamuu!? So I take it he's here already! Tch, Kars just be hiding still then and yet Wamuu is asked to take me down! Well that doesn't matter, I'll be ready for him! I'll-

Messina: Caesar!

Caesar: Wha?! Messina?!

Messina was approaching Caesar from behind...

Messina: What do you think you're doing boy?! Going alone is madness.

Caesar: Get back instructor! Do not come any close! I cannot move at all! Something inside that building is lurking!

Messina: What do you mean?? I don't see anything.

Suddenly, footprints started to appearing, and getting closer to them...

Messina: Look there!

Caesar: He's getting close!

Suddenly, Caesar notices something above him, he looks up, and to see none other than Wamuu himself, as he suddenly strikes at Messina, chopping his left arm off and the ln to drag him in the building...

Caesar: Instructor!!! D-Damn it all! So it is Wamuu after all! He and Kars must be there then! B-But the hell was Wamuu not exposed by the sun when he drag instructor?! By the way...he looked kinda ghost like when he appeared...

Suddenly, the doors open again, as Wamuu again appeared...

Wamuu: So, I take it that JoJo and (YN) both have learned quite bit. Now where is the ones defeated Master Eisidisi, and where is the man that is worthy of fighting against my divine sandstorm??

Caesar Mind: Wind! Wamuu can control wind...that's why he's difficult to see, airs coming out from the pipes that's attach to his chest. He's only slightly visible, because of water vapor. He must be cloaking himself in vapor by generating from the air. He's pumping the air from those pipes, reflecting the light.

Wamuu: Hmm, if I'm correct, you must be the bubble user Caesar, right? Simply by looking at your eyes, I can see you have trained a lot.

Caesar: Tch.

Wamuu: Very well then! (YN) can wait, for now you are my opponent for today!!! And be dead by the hands of Wamuu!!

Caesar: We'll see who dies!! Don't think I'm like back then! I won't be naive, and won't accept the fact what you done to my father! I will kill you viciously!

Wamuu blasts a strong wind towards Caesar as he manages to hold on...

Caesar: That's some strong wind! But don't think my bubbles won't be blown away from your wind you know! Some bubbles can go through it too! Bubble Cutter!

Caesar shoots tons of bubble cutters towards Wamuu...

Caesar: Heh, high speed rotation turns the bubbles into deadly disk, with Hamon alongside to make sure it won't pop! Your wind won't protect you for the then at all!

Caesar's bubbles manage to cut Wamuu's skin...

Wamuu: AAAAGH!!! *Ive underestimated his Hamon skills! It is far more stronger than I thought!* Now, Hamon User!

Caesar: I won't let you get away! Gliding Bubble Cutter!

Caesar glides his bubble cutters as they go dashing towards Wamuu and slicing his legs skin from stopping him from going inside...alongside with Hamon, it stuns Wamuu...

Caesar: Nows my chance! I'll give him a Hamon Kick!

Caesar leaps and goes for a Hamon kick towards Wamuu, but he was in for a big shock. But Wamuu bends himself over back and attacks, striking his feet, kicking Caesar away as he manages to bust right through the walls and heading inside...the building...

Caesar: Damn it! I've never seen like that before, he isn't just an immortal with incredible strength...he's a fighting genius! But, my bubble cutters manage to deal some damage to him, and now he's inside, I'll be able to take him down for good!

Caesar walks in the hole that Wamuu created, coming inside the building, he looks for him as he suddenly finds Messina laying down at the table...

Caesar: Instructor!

Suddenly, he heard a loud thud, and looks up stairs to see Wamuu bleeding out, and yet ready to fight Caesar...

Caesar: Seems like your ready to fight for real, Wamuu! Well here I come!


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