Chp.4 The Game Master Pt.2

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As we left off, Josephine was shooting Straizo with a god damn Tommy gun, which who knows where she pulled out, anyways afterwards, Straizo was down as Josephine enters the restaurant and Smokey appearing and was ducking from the shooting and people panicking and leaving...

Josephine: Straizo! I'm gonna give you one choice to meet your death! Will it be sunlight yellow or Hamon?! Or smash your damn brains!

Smokey: J-JoJo! Do you realizes what you've done?! You've destroyed almost everything in this restaurant!

Josephine: Hmmm, yea I know, it will take a small fortune to pay every damage.

Smokey: No not that! You just shot and killed a person!!!

Josephine: Person?? Ha, you mean Straizo??

Josephine picks up a bullet and started to observe of how weird it looks when it hit Straizo...

Josephine: *The bullets I fired at him all have strange sense on them. They have been completely warped.* Smokey, get out of here now.

Smokey: Wh-What??!

Josephine: That thing I shot...I can only hope he was a person, and if it was, then I would have started having second thoughts on going to jail.

Smokey: What??! Then what else you think he is?! Some sort of zombie??!

Josephine: ...Close.

Suddenly Straizo started to get up, as em there were little gaping wounds around his whole body and yet to be recovered quickly...Straizo hisses and reveals his gangs again from his teeth...

Josephine Mind: Just as I fear, Straizo is a vampire after all!

Straizo: Dio's has failed ultimately cause he became too enamored with his own abilities. He just couldn't stop taking it too far from his powers and limits. He stretch himself thin and allowing Sir Pendleton Joestar to strike him.

Josephine: !!

Straizo: But you see, I am different, JoJo. I'll have many time to extent my powers after I utterly kill you for good. There will be no mercy for you! I thought it would be appropriate to open up this technique that Dio use to kill your grandfather!

Josephine: NRRGH!! You shitty fuck!!

Josephine aims the Tommy gun at him again...but as she started pulling the trigger...she was out of ammo..

Josephine: Sh-Shit!

Straizo: Heh, gun has failed you. However, I can fire high pressure essence from my eyes, look deeply, Josephine!

Straizo suddenly shot two energy beams from his eyes, and to directly hit Josephine towards her forehead and neck..

Smokey: JoJo!!!

Straizo: Hehe, that was a little too easy. Now the only one that's left is Johanna Joestar, and that should be-

Josephine: Your next line is-

Josephine/Straizo: As easy as taking candy from a baby.

Straizo gasps and to see Josephine still alive and standing, smirking at him as Straizo was utterly shocked...thinking he had killed her for good...

Josephine: Hehe, next thing you'll say is "How can she possibly be alive with those holes on her head and neck?!" Am I right?

Straizo: B-But-But how can she possibly be alive with those holes on her head and neck?! *gasps shockingly*

Josephine: Heh, seems like you've spent too much in the hinterlands of Tibet. That's why I like the city here, keeps you sharp, you wouldn't be so confused right about now if you would have been a bit more observant. Alright then, tell wouldn't happen to have the time, don't you?

Straizo: Wh-What are you saying??!

Josephine: I heard this strange dude name Dio who shot fire in his eyes, just like you did, and killing my grandpa.

Suddenly Straizo realizes that the Josephine she shot wasn't real, it was a reflection of her and the real one one behind him...

Straizo: A-A mirror!

Josephine: Haha! Look who finally notices!

Josephine rushes him behind, and to strike the Tommy gun towards Straizo's face, brutally hitting him straight...

Josephine: And also I notice that once your a vampire, your weakness is against Hamon, almost as much as the sunlight! Well, batter up!!! KOOOOOOOH!!!!

With Josephine emitting her Hamon, she covers the Tommy gun with her Hamon, and to again hit Straizo again, and sending him flaying crashing towards a wall...afterwards, Josephine drops the Tommy gun and approaches to Straizo...

Josephine: So, I hear Hamon does a pretty good job melting vampires, let's have a look-HUH?!?

As Josephine takes a look at Straizo and thought she had melted him with her Hamon, she was wrong, his face was completely fine...Straizo again shoots energy fire beam towards Josephine as she manages to dodge it...

Josephine: I-I don't get it! He's unharmed! It's like I've never touched him with my Hamon! Could...Could Granny be wrong?!

Straizo: Not at all, your granny was not wrong. Cause I could see you would grow quite a worthy for I don't have to kill you. Here's a secret before you die: There's an insect deep in south east Asia called the Satiporoja beetle, 30,000 of their tiny stomachs. Their bodies conduct Hamon far better than a human body. I have inherited the Hamon history for nearly 4,000 years! Unlike Dio, I have study the craft, mastering the strengths and weaknesses!

Josephine: ...Wow, quite impressive Straizo, no really, it is. But did you really think I rely on Hamon all this time for a gimmick??

Straizo: Hmmm??

Josephine: And also...I'm very fast as hell!

Suddenly, Josephine pulls a long string, that leads to Straizo's scarf, and what pop out from Straizo was a grenade that Josephine had tied on his scarf and tying a string to pull the trigger and runs away from it...

Straizo: A grenade?! How did you put it on my scarf?! Tch! Child's play!

Josephine: Hehe, if I were you, you should look at the grenade you knocked away!

When Straizo knocked the grenade away from him, he yet to see more grenades behind him and yet to be blown alongside with him, JoJo manages to tie more of them with such quickness...

Straizo: Y-You son of a-AAAAH!!! AAAAAAH!!!!

All the grenades exploded and yet to melt Straizo's whole body and JoJo to jump out of the way and arriving with Smokey and other people that were watching...

Josephine: Well, that was a close one.

But as she stood up, she then sees Straizo's body parts starting to rearrange togther, and his blood as well...

Josephine: Wh-What the?!? What is he anyways?!

Smokey: O-Oh man! He's not dead?! WAAAH!! We're doomed! Oh please god, I promise I won't do anything bad again, no stealing or lying! Just save me please!

They started to see Straizo starting to rearrange back to his body...

Smokey: H-He's a monster! ...J-JoJo, you'd probably have killed many monsters like him, you know what to do right?!

Josephine: Heh, but of course!

Smokey: Great! I knew you would!

Josephine: Yup, I have a secret ultimate technique I manage to use on situations like this, hell, even I used it when I upset Granny Johanna.

Smokey: A-A secret ultimate technique??! Really?! What kind of technique??!

Josephine: Well isn't it obvious Smokey?? Look at his legs, see how I blew them into smithereens and haven't fully healed yet?? That's our ticket there.

Smokey: Wha??? What does his legs have to do with your technique???

Josephine: My legs and thighs are in great shape to be able to use them!

Smokey: U-Use your legs?? But how?? What are you gonna do them?? 

Josephine: ....

Smokey: J-JoJo..???

Josephine quickly turns around...and starts to run away...

Josephine: Run as fast as we can! NIGERENDAYOOOOO, Smokey!!!

Smokey: HUUUH?!? This woman's insane! JoJo, wait up!!!

Josephine: Heh, that's right Straizo, come after me!

While Josephine and Smokey started running away, Which is JoJo's secret "Technique", we then take a look back at the young man before, who he has finished beaten up the crooks with no hesitation at your wondering, who is this young man...well ladies and gentlemen, this young man happens to be the same age as Josephine, 18 years old, brave, kind hearted, bold, and strong! And in fact he as well knows the usage of the Hamon breathing technique he is half Japanese and half American himself...his name is (YN) (LN)...

(YN): Well, that takes care of these morons. No I have to go and-

But as (YN) turns around..he realizes the havoc that was caused...he rushes to the scene, and yet Josephine and Smokey were no where to be found...

(YN): Just what happened here??! And where did she run off to, and that boy as well?!

Suddenly, he then heard a woman yelp as he rushes to her sound...and to go around the see Straizo, capturing an innocent woman, taking her hostage and running away...which seems like he's goin after JoJo...

(YN): Shit! He's still alive! And he's taken that innocent lady with him...and which means he might go after JoJo!! I have to stop him!

And so, he started running after him and to lead him to JoJo as well...
Meanwhile at the Golden State bridge, JoJo and Smokey stopped running...

Smokey: We should be safe here, right??

Josephine: I'm afraid not Smokey, hear that sound?

Smokey: H-Hear what JoJo?? All I hear is the river.

Josephine: No not that, look above!!

Suddenly, Straizo was on top of the Golend state bridge, holding the innocent woman hostage...

Smokey: O-Oh man! He's followed us here! We have to run now JoJo!

Straizo: I wouldn't do that if I were you! Run away, and I'll kill this innocent woman here, but come up and meet me and I'll let her go.

Josephine: Tch, what kind of threat is that?? I don't even know that lady, moron!

Smokey: JoJo let's run now!

Straizo: Whether you don't know this woman or not, it's consequential! If you don't save her, than your nothing but a coward! My body has reached its exhaustion and cannot pursue you anymore! I'll kill her regardless if you don't come up!

Josephine: ...

Straizo: Well?!

Josephine: Bah, so what you gotta do Straizo, I wouldn't even fight for such a old hag like her.

Straizo: Are you really sure this is the type of game you want to play? I can just easily trust her neck and open up her chest with two fingers.

Josephine: if you even got the balls, a Tibet Hamon user like you would never-

Straizo without hesitation pulls a tooth out from the lady, and to toss it to the floor...


Smokey: O-Oh man!! That was her molar! He ripped it out like nothing!

And that upset JoJo, really upset and angry...

Straizo: Consider that as your last warning!

Josephine: ...You demonic fuck! Nrrrrrgh!! Release her now!!!

Josephine stripes her jacket off as she was t-shirt only as she suddenly rushes and climbs up to Straizo and arriving with him at the top...

Josephine: You're a vile abomination!

Straizo: Finally, you have revealed your fiery temper.

Straizo drops the lady as she started to fall as Smokey quickly catches her...

Josephine: Let's cut the hair talking, I'll rip you into pieces!!! You're mine!!!

Straizo: Nrrgh!!! Take this!!

Straizo shoots energy beams out of his eyes agin as their were dashing towards Josephine...

Josephine: Oooh Noooo!!!! ..Ha!

She then pulls out two shots of glass...

Josephine: Fool me once, then shame on me. But unfortunately for you Straizo you're never going to fool me twice!! Hamon!!!

Josephine emits her Hamon towards the shot of glass as one beam suddenly goes in the glass shot, and to ricochet away towards Straizo and hitting him towards his shoulder, and the other biting Josephine's shoulder as she felt the energy and pain as she drops down to her knees...dropping the two glass shots...

Josephine: A-Aw shit!! Damn that hurts!

Straizo:'re dead, Josephine Joestar!!!

Smokey: JoJo!!!

As Straizo shot two more fire beams from his eyes towards JoJo, and her not having to defend herself from them...and yet useless to even use her Hamon body to deflect them...all she can do is look away...
.but suddenly...the young man, (YN) luckily has appeared, as he stood in behind Josephine, and to have one hand clench with Hamon on him, and to punch both beams back towards Straizo, and hitting him with both of them towards his head, leaving his head busted wide open and spilling lots of blood...

Straizo: A-AAAAGH!!!

Josephine: H-Huh?? What-

She then looks and to see (YN) standing in front of her behind, and too look down at her and says with a soft smile...

(YN): Hey, you okay??

With that soft smile and the way he saved JoJo...she blushes a little and nods at him...

Josephine: Y-Yeah....thanks!

Straizo: Wh-Wh-What in the...j-just...who the hell...are y-you-

Suddenly, Straizo started to lose balance as he was gonna fall over to the river...until JoJo quickly gets up and saves him by grabbing one arm...

(YN) Mind: What??! She saved him?! But why??!

Straizo: Wh-What??! Why would you try saving me from falling??! Aren't you afraid I still posses the power to blow your arm off??!

Josephine: Tch, I'd like to see you try bastard, I'll pummel you with my remaining arm....I want some answers now! Tell me, where did you throw SpeedWagon and his men back at Mexico??! Something here doesn't add up..

Straizo: ...Josephine, your grandfather's blood run flow through you, from the outside you appear to be opposites, but you two are curious. And now it is time for me to warn you that your nature has trap you, in a fate your hope cannot escape!

Josephine: Huh??? What are you talking about??

Straizo: Soon you shall leave from him, about the pillar man! And then you shall finally come face to face with him! I throw their bodies to the river because of him, don't you see?! The pillar sucked deeply down the blood to those bodies in the cave! More like a plant sucking nutrients! It was ghastly ! So I drag the bodies outside, but I had no doubts now that he will soon awaken from his 2,000 years of slumber!...but not to worry, it is fate that you shall meet him very soon, and when that time comes, you shall learn his identity, and the true meaning of evolution! Your destiny has been written!

Josephine: Wh-What???!

Suddenly, Straizo's body started to light up, as his body started to melt at the sam time as well, knwinf that he's using his own Hamon on him to melt himself....

(YN): I-Is that Hamon??! So that must've been creating Hamon since your body!

Straizo: There is nothing I regret, Josephine. All this time I plan to meet hell while still vibrant and filled with energy. I cannot tell you how much it felt good to be young again...

Josephine: S-Straizo wait no! I'm not done yet! I need to-

Straizo: Farewell, JoJo!

And so...Straizo started to burn up more and he exploded by the sunlight energy of Hamon...and kills himself for good....leaving JoJo no answers to her next questions at all....
Later on that day, it was day already at New York as Josephine, (YN) and Smokey was checking on the lady...

(YN): Hey Miss, you alright??

Josephine: Please be alright, so we can take you-OW!!!

The lady suddenly slaps Josephine without any hesitation...

Josephine: Oh! The hell was that you hag?!

Lady: You got some nerve to call me a old hag missy! Just who the hell you think you are?!

Josephine: Huh?? Called you a old hag?? I didn't said that.

Smokey; Well yea, you did said that, you said you won't fight for an old hag like her.

Josephine: Oh really?? Well I didn't mean it, hehe, it kinda happens kinda-OWWW!!!

The lady kicks Josephine's leg...

Josephine: OW! You bitch!

Lady: That'll teach you some manners young lady!

Josephine: Tch! Say...your mouth okay??!

The lady grunts as she walks Josephine gets up...

Josephine: Pft, well seems like her adrenaline from her work off.

Smokey: Y-Yea...O-Oh, hey man.

(YN): Hm??

Smokey: Thanks for saving JoJo back there, that was really cool of what you did.

Josephine: Yea...really cool, tell me.

Josephine approaches to (YN) close, and observes him..

Josephine: How did you manage to punch back those fire beams with your bear fist??

(YN): O-Oh, we'll if you don't know...I used Hamon to defect them back.

Josephine: Hamon you say?? Wait, so know Hamon as well??! I don't believe you.

(YN) shows her hand as it started to give off sparkle jolts of Hamon....

Josephine: W-Woah! So you do know Hamon!

(YN): Yup, by the way, nice to meet you, JoJo.

Josephine: Hmm??? You know my name??

(YN): I mean, you friend here keeps calling you that name, no??

Josephine: *blushing* O-Oh right! That's kind of a short actual name is Josephine, Josephine Joestar.

(YN): Heh, well now, nice to meet you Josephine...the names (YN) (LN).

Josephine: Oh, cool...nice to meet you, (YN)...

Smokey: And I'm Smokey! Pleasure to meet you.

(YN): Hehe, pleasure to meet you Smokey.

Josephine: Also! Can I say....*blushing* Th-Thank you...for saving me back there...

(YN): Heh, no probs. Oh, and also...

(YN) takes off his black jacket, and wraps it around Josephine as she blushes...

(YN): Your kinda exposing yourself here, so that'll cover you up for now.

Josephine: *blushing* O-Oh, yeah...thank you...again.

(YN): Hehe, your welcome.

Suddenly, with the soft smile he's giving to JoJo, and the saving he did for her, she started blush at him, of how kindly nice he's being towards her, and yet she felt like he's a nice guy for her...and yet...she started to have this little weird feeling from seeing (YN) smiling at her...and making her blush and feel all she can kick him towards his leg...

(YN): O-Ow! Hey, what was that for??!

Josephine: N-Nothing! Besides...stop making me feel weird alright??

(YN): Huh??

Josephine: Y-Yea, you're making me feel weird, stop that!

Smokey: Uhm...JoJo, he's not making you feel weird, your not making any sense-

Josephine: You face didn't make sense!

Smokey/(YN): ..........

(YN): ...I'm utterly lost right now...

Smokey: Yea, me too...

Josephine: *sighs* Look just forget it okay?? Right now...I'm gonna have to know about this pillar man Straizo was talking about...which means, I'm heading to Mexico.

(YN): Well, if your going, then I'm coming with you.

Josephine: Wh-What??? And why?! I just barely met you and you don't know what's going on anyways!

(YN): ...Actually I do, what I do know is that Mr.SpeedWagon might be alive at Mexico, so if your gonna go over there, then I have to come with you, so we can both save him...and take care of this pillar man as well.

Josephine: W-Wait! Hold the phone here! You also Know SpeedWagon?! No way!

(YN): As of matter of fact yea. Let's just say......he's a friend of my teacher. But right now doesn't matter telling you of how I know him, right now, we gotta go to Mexico.

JoJo at first was so concern and curious about (YN), of making SpeedWagon, knows how to use Hamon, and yet knows about his incident as well...but then again...for her, he seems trustworthy and can use a hand as well...

Josephine: Well alright then, if you're coming with me, then I can use a hand of course.

(YN): Heh, Sounds good to me.

(YN) smiles again, which made JoJo blush again with his smile...

Josephine: W-Well alright then, but fiery we heading to my grandmas place. Smokey, I'll leave you in charge of Granny Johanna, you can do that for me??

Smokey: Yea, of course.

Josephine: Alright then, let's get going.

And so, they started (YN) says in his mind...

(YN) Mind: Even if master has told me much about Josephine, I have to pretend that I just know her name right now....Master is relying on me to keep and eye on her and protect her...and so far... she's pretty alright, hehe.

And as for Josephine, she looks at (YN) she sees him smiling a little...and say in her mind...

Josephine Mind: Mmmm! That smile of his...he's making me all weird...!! Damn it, why can't I stop having this feeling?!  *sighs* what am I saying?? Right now I have to focus on the missions me and him are gonna do....and also...when he saved me back there against Straizo...that was..pretty my cool...and heroic of him. *blushing*


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