Chp.5 The Pillar Man

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And so, with Smokey staying with Granny Johanna, and Josephine meeting (YN), the two started to make their way to Mexico. And it took them a day to arrive at Mexico as the two were on motorcycles, riding down the dessert as they're heading towards where SpeedWagon was taken and the pillar man as well...but as they kept on riding, suddenly, the two of them stopped for a moment, and looking behind...

Josephine: ...Something isn't right here, don't you agree?

(YN): Yea, I do. Feels like we're being watched all morning.

Josephine: But why?? Clearly we are alone, we've been riding together all the way here and in the middle of a desert.

Suddenly, they notice a brown blanket out of no where appearing and landing on the floor...

(YN): Well that's weird.

Josephine: Yea, totally weird...unless...

Josephine approaches to the blanket...

Josephine: Someone is playing a trick on us!!

But...the blanket is empty underneath, literally empty when she tosses it up to the air and gliding...

(YN): Heh, or maybe the heat is playing tricks on us.

Josephine: ..O-Or that..yeah..

But suddenly, the blanket then suddenly was some sort of cape after all, as someone's merge out from the cape in the air, and yet to days towards Josephine with a sharp knife in his hands...

(YN): Hey look out!!

Josephine: What?!

Josephine looks behind and to the the man dashing towards her with a knife, about to stab her until (YN) steps in and saves her as he grabs the knife with his Hamon and to try punching him but the man suddenly glides back into the air..

???: Well aren't you a sharp one. You somehow are quick enough to stop me and feeling my sense though I mange to be as quiet as possible on my stealth.

(YN): Cut the shit, tell us why are you following us?!

Josephine: Yea, we got no damn business with you!

??: Oh, I'm not following you two. I'm here from an order to do some capturing, from our army that wants to talk about Straizo!

Josephine: Wh-What?! Why would you be interested in him?!

(YN): And who's our army??! By what I can hear from your accent, I say your a German, right?

Josephine: German??! Tch, what German like him wants business with Straizo and SpeedWagon?! But...if you aren't gonna say anything, I don't mind beating you up!

???: Ha, you think you and your friend here can take on the German Double S commando, Donobang?? Hehe, your both amateurs!

Donobang dashes towards Josephine as she then picks up his cape and tosses towards him to blind him as Josephine emits her Hamon and try punching Donobang....but what she punches instead was the cactus as she felt the spikes on her fist...

Josephine: Ow!! Shut!!!

Donobang: Behind you!!

Donobang rushes towards Josephineand leaps to try striking a kick towards her face, but (YN) steps in and blocks it for her...

Josephine: (YN)!

(YN): Don't worry, I got this!

(YN) shakes off the kick and sends Donobang flying to the air, as (YN) emits his Hamon, and leaps towards Donobang as he started spinning himself like a human drill, and afterwards, landing a brutal punch towards his face...

(YN): Tornado Punch!!!

Josephine witness to see that, as she was surprise of how strong he is using his Hamon...

Josephine: ...Soo awesome *blushing*

Afterwards, Donobang was down and (YN) landed on the ground as he goes up to Josephine and checks up on her...

(YN): Hey, you alright??

Josephine: Y-Yea, I'm okay...thanks again for saving me *blushing*

(YN): No problem.

Both gave each other a soft smile, until they realizes Donobang trying to get up as Josephine and (YN) quickly stops him from getting up and stepping on him...

(YN): So, what do we do with him??

Josephine: Hm, since he's German, and knows about Straizo and SpeedWagon, maybe he can tell me about SpeedWagon if he's alive...I hope he is. Now, Donobang, tell me Everything you know, now.

Minutes later...Donobang has told Everything to JoJo and (YN) and SpeedWagon...and yet, their relief and glad...

(YN): So, SpeedWagon is alive after all, heh, glad to hear.

Josephine: Heh, I'm glad I had my hopes up high too...that's good news. I can't wait to tell Granny Johanna about this, she'll be happy to hear about this. Still...we don't know what the Germans are doing to him, but we'll rescue him.

(YN) approaches to JoJo behind, lands his hand onto her shoulder as JoJo realizes and replies...

(YN): We'll definitely save him, together.

Josephine blushes and smiles softly at him...and then again making her feel weird as well...

Josephine: O-Okay then! Let's stop wasting time and get going, SpeedWagon needs to be saved.

(YN): Heh, right.

And so, the two hop on their motorcycles, and to start driving off towards where the Germans have SpeedWagon....and yet to have Donobang tied up on a cactus....
Meanwhile, in the middle of the desert, there happens to be a headquarters building, where German can be found in the headquarters, as you know, in 1938, WW2 had began for the Germans to create havoc around the world, as the German army grows, their weapons are cutting edge, they advantage every tool for their bid for world domination.....
In the building, that is charge of it was known to be called Rudol Van Stroheim, he and his Germans were on the laboratory, as they had the pillar man that SpeedWagon found at the cave, and brought it back to their headquarters, alongside SpeedWagon as well...they had him tied up on a chair, and yet healing his open wound from his head with bandages around it...suddenly, the Pillar men started to move barley, as the Germans were seeing the pillar men tryin got break free...and yet blood started to spill out from the crack...

German #1: Look Major Van Stroheim, the pillar is starting to crack! If he tries to break himself free, we don't know what he's capable of to do!

Stroheim: Hmm. I'm curious why t there was blood coming out from that crack-no wait! Don't wanna know, I don't want to imagine it at all.

He then goes over to a fountain and started drinking some water...


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Stroheim: No need to look so pale, there's nothing to be feared at all-

SpeedWagon: Stop being arrogant! You have no idea what he's capable of!!!

Stroheim: Relax old man, the test chamber is impenetrable. It has iron walls nearly 50 inches thick, equip with flamethrowers and machine guns. I'm nearly surprised all of your courage has went down the drain, you coward! You know what I think SpeedWagon?! I think that man that's inside that pillar is nothing but a cave man!

But suddenly, the pillar started to crack more, and more blood started to spill out...

German #3: Major, he's erupting!!!

German #2: And he's spilling more blood! We can't see a thing!

Stroheim: Quickly, use the sprinkling system!

One of the German's activated the water sprinklers above as water started to spill around and towards the pillar man as well...until the pillar man suddenly has broke out free...

SpeedWagon: O-Oh no!!!

The pillar man falls all the way to the ground...and yet barley moves his body...

German #3: I-I think it's moving! He's alive, alive I say!

Stroheim: Heheh, well now, if he lives, then as I, Van Stroheim, his godfather will name him instead of calling him the pillar man...and I know name for him! We'll name him after the hot winds of Mexico, Santana!

Suddenly, the pillar man, Santana started to get up from his feet...but suddenly slips from the water around him...but then gets up he started to crack his bones, stretching his body, and getting rid of the rocks off from his head....and Stroheim laughing at him...


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Stroheim: Y-You see that?! Santana might have a future himself of being such a dumb comedy! And you call this the "ultimate being"?? More like the ultimate idiot! Hahah! See? What I told you SpeedWagon, he's smelling his way out like some caveman! Hehe, such a nice laugh, but enough games, let's now begin the real exam. You there, realest the prisoner!

Gemma #1: Right!

The German opens a door to the inside experiment chamber, and yet to see a prisoner, who happens to be some sort of vampire...

SpeedWagon: Wh-What the hell is that?!

Stroheim: Why, a prisoner, eel not likely, more like a prisoner that used the mask.

SpeedWagon: So...he's a vampire?!

Stroheim: Yes, a few days ago, that thing was a feeble old man, toothless to deaths door. We haven't fed him today, so he must be hungry for blood! But the question is, who will win?? Let us see and watch!

And so, the vampire strikes Santana, and yet to manage to strike at him and Santana doing nothing...

Stroheim: What???! That's it?! He didn't fight back at he is just an ordinary-

But suddenly, Santana suddenly grabs the vampires mouth, and to rips his jaw off, and to suddenly sink the vampire's body to his body...

Stroheim: Wh-What the hell?!? S-Santana is somehow sinking-no, absorbing the vampireMs body to his?!? B-But that means....he's not actually an ordinary man after all?! He's...he's stronger than a vampire himself!

SpeedWagon: N-No!

German #6: Major Stroheim, look...h-he's so how gotten bigger!

Stroheim: Bah, don't worry about it. As long he's in the experiment chamber, we're safe, besides he's only grown and gain a little strength.

SpeedWagon: Wh-What about his intelligence??!

Stroheim: Wh-What??!

SpeedWagon: His intelligence! How good is it?!

Stroheim looks back at he was glaring at Stroheim...and then speaks...

Santana: M-Major...Van....Stroheim...

Everyone gasp with shock...

Stroheim: Wh-What?! He can speak as well?! But how?!? And how does he know my name?! It's impossible for him to hear from the inside of the chamber!

SpeedWagon: not good...this is not good at all...!


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