All is well

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It was early December now. It didn't take long for Neil to expose Naina. Her each move closely observed by him, and his smart plan failing her at every step. DD and his force was well motivated by Neil, brought Naina in front of the Court with enough evidence. She in turn got kicked into the jail along with Vidyut.

It was a sunny afternoon, wind breezing into their open apartment. Avni put Marshal down for a nap, after his afternoon meal.

"I got the tickets booked." Said Neil, entering into the living room. "It's an evening flight. Do you think Marshall would be fine to travel at night?" Avni could sense how concerned he was. "He shall be fine. At least he'll sleep easily at night." Avni ran her fingers through Neil's hair. They were going to visit Avni's family at London. And do some traveling if Marshall is comfortable. "Where's he? Down for a nap?" Neil asked, Avni nodded. "Lets finish up packing before he wakes up." Avni Said, heading to their room. "I don't know why I spent so much to get a crib for him.. who in turn preferred to sleep in this bed." Neil stated, lying down next to Marshall. "Oye, you are supposed to help me in packing." Avni eyed at him. "I have a wife who takes care of everything.." Neil winked at her, draping the blanket over his head. Avni threw Marshal's huge soft toy dinosaur at him!

Marshall was a good baby throughout their journey, for Neil and Avni's luck. He was exhausted by the time they reached to Avni's parent's house. "Marshi! Oh my love." He was squished by Ayesha, who have missed him badly. Marshall was very friendly with everyone. Aileen and Ansh had a twin of about Marshal's age. The house was lit with the happiness of their arrival and the joy of Christmas. Avni made sure Marshal was not bothered by the cold as it was snowing outside. Dinner went on with interesting topics. Neil and Avni's brother Ansh was getting along really well. He could not come to Mumbai for Marshal's arrival because Aileen was due around the same days. A hiking trip was planned on the spot.

Avni and Neil rented out a near by house. Marshall was asleep in Avni's lap. Neil came and took him from Avni, to put him to the crib. "You should go and take a shower." He told Avni. "No no.." "Why?!" Neil Exclaimed, not understanding why she refused. "It's too cold outside. I don't like winter, i told you. But you didn't listen to me." Avni made a baby face. "Oh you have no idea what my motive is behind that!" Avni crooked an eyebrow, figuring out what he just said. Neil picked her up into arms, "What are you doing?" Avni asked. Neil didn't reply. He slowly walked to their room, not taking his eyes off Avni. Her white skin had turned red because of the cold weather, seducing Neil more towards her. They took a shower together before Neil got her into bed. Avni closed her eyes, while Neil trailed kisses all over her face. She wrapped her fingers into Neil's hair. "I'm sorry for misunderstanding you. I shouldn't have reacted that way.." she ran her fingers through his hair. "No, it was my mistake. But I didn't want you to take so much stress, I can't lose you.." Neil's love for her wasn't hidden, Avni could see it in his eyes. "I know. And I can't imagine my life with anyone else." Neil smiled and sucked on the pulse point of Avni's neck, who let out a moan, making Neil wrap himself more around her. "We are being too active, Marshal isn't that big yet, don't you think?" Neil whispered to Avni's ears. "I don't mind having another one on the way. As long as you ain't scared of double trouble." Avni teased. "Oh is it? Well in that case.." With that, Neil tickled her making Avni to jump out of his embrace. The teasing turned more passionate, them tirelessly discovering each other.

The snow was falling heavily outside. Avni woke up first but cuddled more into Neil's embrace. She was so lazy to get up, as Marshal too was sound asleep. She ran her fingers through Neil's lightly grown beard and along his lips. Neil at The right moment bit on her finger, starling Avni for a second. "Neil!" She Exclaimed. "What? You disturbed my sleep.." he teased her. Neil's husky voice raced Avni's heartbeat. She slowly moved closer and captured his lips. Neil kissed her back, with more passion and love. "I love you.." she murmured. Neil wrapped his arms around Avni, running his fingers along her bear skin. "What are we gonna do today?" Neil inquired. "Ansh Said we'll leave on the road trip this afternoon. He've made all the arrangements. Lets do some shopping before that? Marshal needs more winter clothes." Avni suggested. Neil shrugged, agreeing to her. "He's getting really big you know, Fatsie." Avni slapped him playfully, Marshall cried just then. "Oh fatsie's up!" Neil got out of bed and slipped on a cloth before picking up Marshal. He brought Marshal back into the bed, to Avni. "Good morning.." Avni hugged him tightly and kissed on his cheek. Marshall quickly opened his mouth and ate up Avni's cheek. "Fatsie's very hungry." Neil teased him, holding him up in the air. Which in turn cracked up Marshal. But his mood lifted up soon, because of hunger. Avni stayed in bed, nursing Marshal while Neil prepared breakfast.

They shopped after breakfast, exploring the city on the process. Later they visited Avni's favorite hangout place, meeting up with a close friend of her. Their baby was an year older than Marshal, who got along really well. Between chats they fixed a night for a double date, Avni promised they'll join after the road trip. After the brunch they drove back home. Avni packed up all the necessaries for the trip. She was nervous as it was winter and Marshal might not like to be outside on such a weather. She made sure to pack enough clothes for him. They were going to camp at the forests and get on to the mountaintop. Neil was nervous, but excited as well! This is going to be his first trip with Avni and Marshal. His own little family.

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