Their ventures!

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The trip started on several vans, a group of 15 people. Avni's family and cousins. Neil was delighted because everyone seems very friendly and kind, just like Avni. Neil got into the backseat of the van, as Avni would need some mother time to nurse Marshall. Avni felt sick mid way through, the van had to stop twice to let her settle in. "Are you sure you went on road trips before? Doesn't seem so." Neil teased, fuming up Avni. They had dinner in the van, cuz a few hours had to be driven to reach their camp site. Neil held Marshal in his lap, wrapping the other arm around Avni. Her cousins in the van with them was a lot of fun. They shared jokes and memories of Avni's childhood, which fascinated Neil.
It was about 9pm when they finally reached the destination. The whole ground was covered with snow. The mountain area had a cabin house which they rented. Neil decided to stay there, as he didn't want to take the risk of staying at a tent. Avni was fast asleep, drowsy from the long drive. Neil joined the guy gang outside. Nichole showed him a seat, and a glass of beer. They sat at the campfire lit outside the tents. "So Neil, how do you like us so far? I hope Avi haven't mislead you on anything." Evan teased. "Haha no. You all are very cool. In fact, I love your sense of humor and interests." "Cool! You should join us in morning, we're climbing up to the peak of this mountain." Nichole offered. "Of course! The view would be breathtaking I bet!" Neil was really excited. "Avi was really into trekking. She and Mayera with all the other girls would come alone for trips. Traveling was an addiction for her." Ansh explained, Neil was smiling wide. It was interesting to know the old Avni, and its giving him ideas on how he should plan her upcoming birthday.

Neil was in deep sleep when Avni woke up in morning. She knew he came in late last night. Avni picked up a very wide awake Marshal from his crib and walked into the living area. The ground was covered with sheets of snow. Avni put on a sweater and a jacket and dressed Marshal in more furry clothes. She walked out with Marshal on her lap, indulging the breathtaking view.

"Careful now! The slopes will be slippery!" Avni's Dad Exclaimed. "Where's Neil? He was supposed to join us." "He's asleep. Where are you all heading to?" Avni was confused as she had no idea of their plans. "To the peak!" He answered. "And you didn't tell me! Not fair." "Oh it's all fair cuz I'm joining in, on behalf of you this time." Answered Neil who was very much clothed up to go. "And What makes you think you could beat me?" Avni challenged. "Oh So you wanna join in?" Avni was about to answer but then she realized Marshall would need her. "I would have come if this little rabbit was big enough. Next time, mr.khanna!" She patted on Neil's shoulder, who let out a hearty laugh. He gave a kiss on Marshall's cheek and headed away with Mr.Mehta.

The day was long for Avni and the other girls. They just stayed out near the fire with food. Avni and Aileen didn't prefer to keep the babies outside for long. Dayawanti was also very weak to the cold, so she stayed in with the babies. The cabin was well heated with a central heating system. "Avi, you are doing fine wit Neil?" Mayera asked, as a random question. "Yeah? Why?" Avni asked, handing over a bottle of water to cousin Ruth. "Haha just asked. Because you know.. arrange marriages sometimes doesn't turn out that well." Mayera shrugged. "Oh that's definitely not the case in her marriage! I heard Neil was already into Avi, from the moment she saw her." Aileen teased. "And he in turn is so handsome, that even Avi got trapped in easily." Her wink made Avni blushed so hard, she could feel all her blood rushing to her cheek. "Marshal is a vouch y'know. Normally arrange marriaged couple takes a few years to conceive." Avni jumped out with her statement and playfully slapped on Aileen's arm. "Ouch!" She Exclaimed. "Happens Avni. Neil does seem like a romantic husband." She winked. The rest of the afternoon was spent on different talks. They all got in to get warmed up. Avni made food for Marshall, Mia and Keira. Everyone gathered up, to watch them eat. Marshal ate up his food, but didn't enjoy the crowd, plus he was sleepy. Avni took him to the bathroom to give him a shower. "Avni?" She heard Neil from the room. "In hear!" She called out. "Oh, Marshi! He's freezing Avni. You could have given a sponge bath." Neil said. "Yeah but he was covered in food at the end, so no options." Avni shrugged. She quickly covered Marshall in a towel and took him inside. Neil joined them after a while. "What happened to your hand?" Avni noticed the red bruises on Neil's skin. "Oh, aftermath." Avni laughed. "And still you say you could beat me? You can't find a single patch on me, even if I climb the Himalayas." Avi teased him, sitting beside him with the first aid box. She put medicine on the bruises. "Dinner?" She asked. "Lets put Marshal to bed first? I haven't been with him for the whole day." Avni smiled and agreed with Neil. Marshal laid down on Neil's arm, who was reading to Marshal. Little one kept on blabbering along with Neil, as if he was reading the same lines. Avni broke into fit of laughs, which made Marshal upset. He moved closer to Neil and started crying. "Oh my baby.." Neil laughed and cuddled him more. "Bad mommy, making Marshi sad. And now.. Marshi is daddy's little boy." Avni tried to control her laugh. She moved closer and kissed on Marshal's cheek. He turned over to look at Avni, but again hid his face in Neil's chest. "Oops!" Neil teased. Avni made a face and wrapped an arm around both of them. "Marshi is daddy's boy and Daddy is mommy's boy." She said nuzzling on the back of Marshal, which tickled him and broke into a laugh. Neil and Avni joining him in.

After dinner they all sat around the fire outside. Neil was inside, attending some work, on call with DD. He later joined in with a blanket and draped it around both him and Avni who was sitting on his lap. "I'll tell you the horrific story of the haunted blue shack house." Nichole started up, in full enthusiasm to scare everyone. "You could spoil the sleep of everyone here, except Avni." Mayera Said. "She never believed and would never believe in any such things." Avni laughed and shrugged. "I am like that. That's why Nichole chose me for the trick and treat that Halloween to visit the shack. I had to stay up the whole night, to take care of him after the visit." Avni laughed. "Oh so you weren't scared?" Nichole asked sarcastically. "Nope!" "Oh then I'll surely tell out the story!" He straightened his posture and started up. It was indeed scary for the others. Even Neil was tensed up at some points. Avni does agree that some of the things they faced at the shack does match with the rumors and she was sure it wasn't a trick. There was an unknown force inside, which even she felt. She didn't share with anyone, until she shared with Neil that night. "Oh so you actually was scared?" Neil whispered to her ears. Avni shrugged. "I guess. But i had a very big Nichole to take care of. So had no other options." Neil laughed out loud. "Why, there's something very interesting going on over there?" Evan teased. "Yes! Avni Said.." Neil couldn't continue as his mouth was covered by Avni's hand. She widened her eyes in order to warn Neil. Who was laughing his ass off! "Oh never mind Neil. We know Avi was scared herself." Evan brushed off, teasing Avni, who strongly disagreed. "So how about we visit the place again? Hmm?" Ansh offered. It turned out to be a good idea for everyone. "Avni, be ready!" Evan warned her jokingly. "I will be, but do ensure Nichole takes some ice and a blanket. You might have to nurse his fever in the middle of the House." Avni didn't let it go easily, making everyone laugh out loud. Neil cuddled her more into his arms, and kissed on her hair and cheeks. More adventures exciting him.

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