Double role

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Neil entered there room, not knowing how to break in the news he just got. Avni was already so upset, he doubt if this wast the best thing to do right now. But in actual, he doesn't have any options either. Neil stood at the entrance for a while and walked in with slow steps. He placed the letter in his hand on the dresser, where Avni sat. She gave a look to Neil, her expression enquiring him what it was. Neil just gestured to read it. Avni quickly skimmed through the paper. "No.. not two months!" She gasped and looked at Neil. He laughed and shrugged in return. "But you should be happy haha. Finally your try to send me away." He teased. Avni got up from the seat and hugged Neil tightly. "Not what I wanted though," she whispered to his ears. "I know.." Neil wrapped his arms around her. "And I promise, I'll sort out this whole media thing tomorrow." He felt her nodding and closed his eyes, as Avni gently kissed on the side of his neck.

***2 months later***

(Neil was in Delhi for two months for a work. Bebe, Shweta and Prakash had to leave to Australia, for Bebe's medical reasons. Thus Neil moved Avni and the kids to the penthouse apartment, as he felt it would be more safer for them. Neil double-checked with the security features and arranged guards around, before leaving. Avni was having 'the time' of parenthood, playing dual role.)

Avni woke up to the alarm. She groaned and turned it off, trying to sleep for a little while more, assuming that the kids won't be up for another hour. But she was so wrong. Avni stretched herself and got out of bed, as she heard two little monkeys laughing their hearts out. "Good morning, Mommy!" Sophia jumped out of her bed and ran to Avni. "Haha, good morning." She kissed on the chubby little cheeks. SopShe picked up Sophia into her arms and walked to Marshall's bed. "Did you sleep well?" She asked Marshall, ruffling his hair. "I did, thanks." He grinned. "You know what, Sophie saw a kangaroo in her dream last night!" Marshall got up to a sitting position, his excitement at its peak. Avni had to lie down with the both of them and listen to their stories. She does that quiet often, as in her opinion, listening to your kids is very important. Not because it makes sense, but because it makes them feel you are there for them.

Avni came out of the shower, and removed the towel from her hair. She came down the stairs, and could hear Marshall talking to Neil over phone. "...shh, Sophie!" Marshall tried to shush Sophia, who was lying down on the floor, singing her lungs out. Avni narrowed her eyes, trying to make out what was the song she was humming to. "Is that Sophie?" Neil asked Marshall, they were video calling. "Uh-huh." Marshall replied and turned the phone to show Sophia. Neil laughed out loud, and so did Avni. Sophia was stood up and danced around, as if she was conducting an orchestra. "Why are you dancing so much?!" Neil asked, trying to control his laughter. "We have our school play next month, Daddy!" Sophia said, jumping up and down. Marshall clapped a hand to his forehead. "There's still two more months, silly." "You dont call your sister silly, Marshi." Neil corrected him immediately. Avni smiled, she was preparing breakfast for the little ones. They talked to Neil for a while, about anything and everything. "Can I talk to mommy, please?" Marshall ran to Avni with the phone. "Take your seat, please. Sophie, come over here and have your breakfast." Avni seated them and took over the phone.
N: "Hi!" Neil grinned as Avni's face appeared.
A: "whats so good about the day?" Avni teased him.
N: "its a surprise." Neil winked.
A: "is it? Oh I'm sure it will be out soon, as always."
N: "Naah, not this time!" Neil assured. "Whats the plan for the day?"
Avni put the phone to the phone holder and started with her food.
A: "I have so much to do! Our room is a mess, everything scattered around. Get Marshall's works done, take Sophia to ballet class, do laundry, get groceries.." she sighed heavily.
N: "its very tough for you, eh?.. how I wish to be there.." Neil mumbled.
A: "show up your face once and I'll make you do all these for the next two months!" Avni lightened up the mood, making Neil laugh.
N: "so I'm off, yeah? I'll call you once I'm free. Love you!"
A: "I love you.."

After breakfast Avni kept Marshall busy completing his homework. She had to give some books to Sophia, to keep her from disturbing Marshall. Avni hurried to clean up Neil and her bedroom. The laundries were left in several hampers, books and her casefiles kept everywhere. Avni didnt get anytime for the past week to arrange them, thus she had to do it today.
Later in the afternoon she dropped Sophia to ballet, did some shopping with Marshall and dropped by a nearby café to grab something to eat, while waiting for Sophia to finish. "Take out what you've got." Avni told Marshall, sipping her coffee. Marshall took a bunch of lego blocks from his little backpack. Avni was a bit surprised. While leaving home, she asked Marshall to quickly grab something to keep himself busy while they wait. She thought it would be a book, but rhe legos made her really fascinated. They spent a pretty useful hour, assembling them.

After dinner, Marshall and Sophia got ready to bed. Avni sat beside them and read the rest of the storybook from the previous night. She tucked them in, and turned off the light before leaving. It has now become okay for Avni to leave them in their own room during night. Marshall takes care of Sophia really well if she wakes up. But if someone specifically asks about the big brother responsibilities, he would shy away. Avni entered to her room and closed the door. She immediately turned on the baby monitor, raising its volume so that she could hear the kids. Avni was just going to get into bed, when the doorbell rang. She looked outside through the peep hole ans her heart froze!!

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