Tough times

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Neil followed Avni to Marshall's room. Marshall slipped from Avni's lap, to the ground. He ran and sat on the play mat, hugging to his dinosaur, still crying. Tears were rolling down on Avni's cheek too. "He'll be fine soon." Neil muttered, Avni looked at him. His decision was still unbelievable for her. Neil's face clearly says that he wasnt backing out. Avni dropped her eyes from him, not wanting to interpret him, nor wanting to argue with him. She walked to Marshall and kneeled in front of him. Avni tried to cup Marshall's face, but he brushed her hands away all of a sudden! Avni was taken aback! "Marshi... tat.. w..want.. M..Mommy.." his voice broke off, hurting Avni with each word, as she realized how broke the little heart was. "Marsh-.." "Marshall, we cant keep the cat at home." Neil interrupted Avni. "Look, Dadi is scared of cats. She'll feel sad if she sees the cat at home." Marshall stopped crying and looked at Neil. "Do you want to make Dadi sad?" Marshall quickly shook his head. "Come with Daddy. We'll get you a toy! Come!" He picked up Marshall with him. "Aren't you coming?" Neil turned to Avni, and was startled. Her moist eyes and the unbelievable expression on her face made his heart skip a beat. "I'm not.." she muttered. "Mommy.." "Mommy's going to office. We'll go to play school in the afternoon okay?" She caressed on Marshall's cheek and left. Neil knew she didnt have any work, but it was her excuse to escape from the situation.

Avni returned home really late, it was around 7p.m. "Mommy!" Marshal came running to her. "Paysool?" He asked. Avni looked at Neil. "Neil, I sent you a message. Saying that I wont be able to come and asking you to take Marshall." "I refused to send him." Said Shweta. "Avni, there'll be so many kids out there. What if Marshall get hurt?" "But Mom, it's important for him to interact with other kids." Avni tried to explain. "None sense dear. Even Neil was alone at the house when he was a kid. But he was all fine." Shweta rebutted. Avni realized there was no point to defend, thus she gave up.
At the dining table, Bebe discussed with Avni about a big family trip. She wanted everyone to go to Australia with Kareena, she was moving there afte the marriage. The plannings went on, and Avni gave Marshall his food, to be eaten by himself. Shweta didnt like the idea of making him wear a bib. "Shweta, he's wearing a white shirt. It would be ruined." Bebe tried to explain. But Shweta started justifying her point. Avni pursed her lips. She sat there just witnessing her favorite shirt of Marshal getting ruined. The shirt she couldnt take her eyes off from. She drove into three outlets to find the right size for Marshall! Avni lost her appetite, she kept her plate aside and focused on Marshall.
Marshall was asleep by the time Neil came upstairs. He walked to the crib and kissed on the little forehead. Neil took a blanket from Marshall's wardrobe ad tucked him in, before turning off the light and heading to their room with the baby monitor.

"Yeah I'm trying that. And?" Avni was saying over the phone. She was holding Marshall's shirt, trying to remove the sauce stains, following the instructions from the other end. "So I should leave this for an overnight? Alright, thank you!" She hung up the call and got up from the couch. Neil folded his hands and watched her hanging the shirt on a hanger. "Whats all this?" Avni looked at him, but did not answer. "I'm talking to you. Don't tell me you minded Mom's words again." Avni still didnt reply, and tried walking away. Neil grabbed her arm. "You know how much I hate it, when I am not answered.." Neil muttered. "Cant we afford another shirt for Marshall, that you are making this a huge issue?!" Avni brushed her hands off from Neil's grip. "Of all the people, I thought you would understand me.. You would know how much I loved the shirt. You would know the trouble I went through to get his size. This isnt about being able to afford another shirt.. But how much I wanted this for him.." Her voice was shaking, as she was trying her best not to break down. "All of the clothes of Marshall are chosen by you, mostly. Then why this?!" Neil said. Avni looked at him and shook her head. She cant believe the fact Neil isnt able to understand her. "You've changed, Neil.. you don't understand me anymore.." With that, Avni walked out.

Days passed by, each of it suffocating Avni even more. She no longer knew how to do anything of Marshall in the right way. Bebe might not like the way she dress him up, Prakash might not like how she comb his hair, Shweta might not like the food she gives to Marshall. As a result, there was a drastic change to Avni's personality. She became more silent, more self content. Her mingling with the other members and to Neil even, wasnt good. Marshall wasnt so much into her anymore. He was more close to the other members of the family, Avni no longer knew what to do. She was too tired.

Avni had a long day attending three hearings in a row, and later she got busy as one of her clients got arrested. Neil pulled into the driveway of her office and tried calling Avni. But she didnt answer. Neil gestured the security guard to park the car, and headed to enter the office. The receptionist gestured to Avni's cabin, indicating that she was inside. Neil gave a nod and thanked her, then walked in. Avni was sitting on her chair, her body sunk into the seat with her eyes closed. Neil moved closer in silent steps, his steps froze instantly as he saw the tears rolling down her cheeks. "Avni.." it was a whisper but Avni's eyes shot open nevertheless. She quickly brushed off her cheeks and straightened herself. "Sorry, I forgot to switch on my phone." With swift moves, she arranged the documents on her table. The card on her hand fell onto the floor, which Neil noticed in her grip when he entered the room even. Neil bowed down to pick it up, questions flooded his mins when he saw Marshall's photograph. Avni quickly took it from him and put it into the frame on her desk. She got up from the seat and turned the appliances off, so Neil had to follow her out. "Avi, Mr. Dixit from Estate Holdings wants you to pick up his case! The best offer of the year! Shall I arrange a meeting for tomorrow?" Daniel acted as if he would fly over, with excitement! Neil smiled as he knew it was the top company in Mumbai, would be a good deal for the firm and of course for Avni. "Um, no. I'm... I'm not up for it, sorry.." both Daniel and Neil's eyes widened. "But they want you, Avi!" "Whats so good in me? I lost three cases today.." Avni muttered. Daniel gasped! "This cant be!" "Well that happened. And I just dropped to rank 8." Avni gave a weak smile. Why dont you ask Livia to take it? She'll ace commercial cases." Avni didt wait for Daniel to respond and headed out. She was already seated in the car when Neil got in. He looked at her once they were on the street, but Avni was looking out of the window. The whole drive to home, neither of them spoke.

Neil waited for Avni to come out of the washroom. She had packed all of their luggage, they were heading to Australia the next morning. Neil had already changed and was in bed. Avni got into bed draped the blanket over her. "You didn't tell me about today.." Neil couldn't hold himself anymore. "Whats so good about it to share.." She gave a weak smile, which troubled Neil. "Avni-.." "No, Neil. What I go through doesn't concern you anymore." She interrupted. "Have you noticed Marshall ignoring me at times? Have you noticed me coming home from office early because I cant focus at all? Have you noticed me staying up all night recently to prepare for my cases? Have you noticed how weak my body have got, how much weight I've lost?.. No, Neil.. you haven't.... Surprised? Even I am. And I dont know the reason of this change in you." With that she turned to the other side of the bed. Neil was frozen in his posture. Each fact Avni said replayed in his mind.. making him realize all of it being true. He knew there were changes in her behavior, but he didnt bother to ask much. What have he done?

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