AvNeil pain

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Chapter 13:

Neil is sitting in his room and smiles by remembering his and avni's moment from the first meeting but his smile vanished when he remembers Shweta told him about her disease.

Neil: I have to search about the best cardiologist of the world.

Neil take out his laptop and sits on the bed and search about the best cardiologist and saved the details in his laptop also in his mobile.

Neil: now I have to search about her disease.

He is about to type.

Neil: oh no I know avni is heart patient but she didn't told me the disease name tomorrow I will asked her about it and also about her medical history I will make the copies of the report so I can send them to the doctor.

Neil shut down the laptop and lays on the bed and think about avni.

Neil in mind: I hope she will cured soon i can't see her suffering.

He sleeps next day Neil comes to the dinning area Neela maa was keeping the jug of juice on the dinning table.

Neil: good morning.

Nm: good morning.

Neil looks here and there.

Neil: aunty where is avni?

Nm: she is coming here she is.

Neil turns avni is coming by wearing a beautiful smile at her face Neil smiles to see her.

Avni: good morning.

Neil and neela maa: good morning.

Avni: what are you both talking about and why are you standing.

Nm: well Neil just came now and i was keeping the break fast on the table.

Avni: oh ok so now sit.

Neil: yes madam as you wish.

Avni smiles all sits and are having the breakfast.

Neil: I want your medical history.

Avni was about to take the bite she stops and the spoon falls from her hand and look at him neela maa also look at him.

Avni: wh why you want that.

Neil: because I want to send them to the doctor and also I want to know about your disease.

Avni: Neil I am taking the medicines and he is the best doctor of London so don't worry.

Neil: Ok then we will went to the hospital just tell me his name so I can take his appointment.

Avni: Neil why you are behind it just leave it.

Neil is about to say but avni interrupts.

Avni: Ok so I am done I am going to my room.

She went from there.

Neil: what happened to her.

Nm: Neil actually doctor suggests the surgery and she is not ready for it even I talked to other cardiologists all said the same thing.

Neil: is she mad why she is not ready for surgery.

Nm: Neil her heart is on the right side so only 25% chances are to survive that's why she refused for the surgery.

Neil: mom told me about it but we have 25% chances I know she will be fine.

Neela smiles smiles with teary eyes.

Nm: I hope.

Neil: don't worry aunty nothing will happen to her she is a fighter and she will fight with her disease and not only fight she will win.

Neela maa smiles.

Nm: yes she will.

Neil smiles on the other side avni was sitting on the bed.

Avni: why Neil is getting in this matter I don't have much time I just want to live my last days peacefully I don't want to go to any doctor i am just fed up from these all test mamma took me to almost 5 doctors and that to in different countries but all said the same thing there are only 25% chances to survive I am just fed up from visiting the doctors.

She hears the door knock and look Neil was standing there she looks down Neil comes his eyes are teary because he heard her He sits on the bed.

Neil: avni.

Avni looks at him and shocked to see his teary eyes.

Avni: please neil I don't want to go to any doctor please let me live my last days peacefully please i don't want to gone throw from all those things again please.

Neil hugs her both cries Neil breaks the hug and cups her face.

Neil: avni why are you thinking like this see the other side of the coin if your surgery will be successful you will live your life peacefully with your loved ones.

Avni jerks his hand and said.

Avni: why don't you not understand Neil it's not a movie that at the end all will be ok it's real life and in reality 25% chances to survive means 75% chances of death you don't know Neil the pain which I gone through when I heard that there are only 25% chances to survive you do you think how it feels when wires were connected to your body do you think how it feels when you see your family hide their tears from you avd show fake smile because they don't want to give you stress you don't know Neil how I felt when I heard my mamma's sobbed by standing at the door. daily she came in my room to check me whether I am fine or not she kissed my forehead and went from there but Neil I wasn't slept daily I went after her and heard her sobbing but I didn't had the courage to face her to console her because I am afraid what if she broke down in front me so I stand there till she slept Neil you can't imagine that pain.

Neil is looking at her with teary eyes.

Avni: please neil let me live peacefully I have not much time I can die any time.

Now Neil get angry and shouts.

Neil: avniii.

He holds her arms tightly.

Neil: what do you think Han it's easy for us Han I understand you gone throw from a lot of difficulties I understand it's painful but do you think about aunty how she can live without you what will happen to her no you only think about yourself your pain do you have any idea how it felt when you see your loved ones suffering and seeing them going away from you do you think how difficult it is to live with the fear that anytime you can lost your loved one no avni you don't know how it felt because you are not going through from all this avni how can you be so selfish that you only think about yourself what about me and neela aunty no why you think about us you already took your decision right ok then fine I will not come in your way do what ever you want to do.

Neil goes from there avni thinks Neil reached in his room he close the door and leans to it and cries Both think about eachother words.

Flashes that come in front of Neil's eyes.

Avni: it's real life and in reality 25% chances to survive means 75% chances of death.

On the other side avni thinks.

Neil: do you think about aunty how she can live without you what will happen to her no you only think about yourself your pain

Neil thinks.

Avni: you don't know Neil the pain which I gone through when I heard that there are only 25% chances to survive you do you think how it feels when wires were connected to your body.

On the other side avni thinks.

Neil: do you have any idea how it felt when you see your loved ones suffering and seeing them going away from you do you think how difficult it is to live with the fear that anytime you can lost your loved one.

Neil thinks.

Avni: please neil let me live peacefully I have not much time I can die any time.

Avni thinks.

Neil: avni how can you be so selfish that you only think about yourself what about me and neela aunty.

Avni cries.

Avni: I am not selfish Neil I don't have courage to see my loved ones suffering because of me.

Avni cries on the other side Neil moved to the bed he is crying he ruffles his hairs then keeps his hand on his mouth and cries he sits on the bed Both are crying.

I started a new story love or obsession I published its introduction read it if you want and give your feedback

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