AvNeil went to the doctor

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Chapter 14:

Neil is sitting by leaning to the board of the bed with closed eyes then he hears the door knock he open his eyes and wipes his tears and goes to open the door he open the door and see avni is standing there her eyes are red because of crying.

Neil: you?

Avni: yes I want to talk to you.

Neil: come.

Neil gives her the way to Come inside she sits on the bed Neil also sits on the bed both sits silently for sometime and looks here and there Neil notice avni is playing with her figures he looks at her.

Neil: so what you want to say?

Avni looks at him.

Avni: yaa actually I thought about your words then I realised that i am doing wrong so I am ready for the surgery.

Neil smiles he feels like he get his life again.

Avni: but?

Neil's smiles vanished.

Neil: but what?

Avni: promise me If something happened to me you will take care of my mamma like your own mother.

Neil is looking at her he feels a pinch in his heart.

Neil: avni nothi...

Avni interrupts.

Avni: please neil promise me.

Neil: I promise.

Avni smiles.

Avni: one more thing.

Neil: what?

Avni: if something happened to me then you will fulfil my wishes.

Neil: avni nothing will happen to you I will help you in fulfilling your wishes we both will fulfil them together.

Avni: Neil life is fall of uncertainty we don't know what will happen next so please promise me you will fulfil my wishes.

Neil: ok I promise now tell me about your disease and give me the medical history.

Avni: I don't have reports and I am suffering from an atrial septal defect (ASD) means i have a hole in my heart but the main problem is my heart is at right side which is increasing the risk factor.

Neil: surgery is only it's one solution?

Avni: yes.

Neil is looking at her.

Neil: ok I will talk to aunty and I will take doctors appointment today so we will go for the check up.

Avni: ok.

They look at each other after sometime neela maa is taking out the medical file of avni from the cupboard and gives it to him.

Neil: thank you aunty.

Neela maa smiles.

Nm: son doesn't say thank you to mother.

Neil smiles.

Nm: Neil I tried a lot but only get the same answer from everyone I hope your efforts will not go in vain and we will get the ray of hope.

Neil: don't worry aunty be positive.

She nodes Neil went to his room first he keeps the file on the bed then take out his phone and call the doctor.

Receptionist: hello abc hospital what can I help you.

Neil: hello can I get the appointment of doctor ronit sinha.

R: yes sir you will come day after tomorrow at 6 pm.

Neil: ok thank you.

Neil cuts the call then he sits on the bed and picks the file and read the reports then he picks his phone and search about her disease.

At night Neil comes to the dinning area and sits on his chairs.

Neil: avni I got the appointment of the doctor so we will went there day after tomorrow ok.

Avni: ok.

Avni looks at Neela maa she looks tensed avni understands.

Avni: mamma please pass the rice.

Neela maa looks at her and shows fake smile and gives her rice avni takes it and have some in her plate.

Avni: wow mamaa rice are so tasty today right Neil.

Neil: yaa actually aunty cooked it for me that's why these are tasty.

Avni: oh now I understand mamma now you loves him more then me.

Neil: ofcourse any doubt.

They argues neela maa smiles.

Neela maa: ok now stop I love you both equally.

Avneil smiles and look at each other she went to the kitchen.

Avni: you saw Neil how scared she is always she showed her strong side but I only now how scared she is deep inside.

Neil: yeah I understand her pain it's very difficult to live with the thought that anytime you will lose your loved one.

Avni: Neil everything will be alright right?

Neil is looking at her he is saying everything will be alright but deep inside in his heart he is also worried for her.

Then the day come avni and Neil went to visit the doctor avni was very nervous she was playing with her fingers Neil look at her hand then her face he holds her hand she look at him he signs he is with her she nodes yes and smiles after sometime they enters the cabin.

Neil: hi doctor.

Dr: hi please take a seat.

Doctor sinha.

Neil: thank you.

Avneil sits.

Dr: hi avni how are you.

Avni: hi I am good

Dr: that's great so reports.

Neil: yaa.

Neil gives him reports doctor reads them.

Neil: doctor is there any other solution except surgery?

Dr: no Mr

Neil: Neil Neil khanna.

Dr: ok so mr khanna I hope you know that her heart has a hole and blood is leaking from there so to stop that we have to do surgery.

Neil: is it dangerous for her life?

Dr: Mr khanna every surgery is dangerous till it will be done successfully risk factor is also there in each and every surgery whether it's major or minor surgery I don't want to give you a false hope there are less chances to survery in her surgery.

Avni close her eyes and fist her hand to control Neil look at her he holds her hand doctor smiles to see them.

Dr: but hope for the best.

Neil: yes.

Dr: so what you decided.

Neil: we are ready for the surgery.

Dr: who are you to her?

Avneil look at eachother.

Neil in mind: she is my life and would be wife.

Neil: friends.

Dr: oh so avni are you ready for the surgery.

Avni look at neil he is already looking at her he blink his eyes avni smiles and look at doctor.

Avni: yes.

Dr: ok so we should do some test before the surgery so I am writing the tests and do them as soon as possible so we will do the surgery.

Neil: ok.

Doctor write the test and gives the file back to Neil.

Neil: thank you doctor.

Dr: your welcome.

Avneil comes out of the cabin and went to the mehta house.

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