Chapter 1

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Alisa beamed at Lumiose City, wearing a white sundress, a white sunhat with yellow roses on her head. "WOW!"Alisa beamed the wind blowing through her dress. She gasped as the wind blew her hat off. Kieran quickly ran off and  caught her hat, smiling as walked back and he handed it to her. "Thanks"Alisa chuckles putting her hat on. "She got changed just for this occasion"Perrin chuckles taking a picture of her younger cousin. "They're so cute, I'm glad sandwich boy isn't here!"Carmine smiled watching her brother and Alisa. Kieran followed Alisa, holding her hand as she pulled her after him. Alisa smiled, pointing to different shops and buildings, Kieran following her. "Guys, according to the map we gotta backtrack to Santalune City for Kieran's gym challenge!"Penny informs her rotom phone hovering in front of her as she walked over. "And I'll capture every exciting moment of our journey!"Perrin smiled setting her camera up.

The group gathered together, smiling at the camera. Perrin pressed a button and hurried over. Alisa smiled, Kieran leaning against her. Perrin stood behind Carmine, smiling as the camera flashed. "I hope it caught my good side"Drayton jokes getting an unamused look from Carmine. "Reminds me of a certain someone"Penny mutters smiling in amusement. Kieran flinched as a great ball on his belt wriggled and quickly held it still, making sure the pokemon didn't pop out. "You can't meet her yet..."Kieran mutters causing the ball to stop. "Kie, come on!"Alisa waved getting his attention. He ran over to her, and smiled walking beside the silver haired girl, the duo following the others. "Come out guys!" Furret, Chimchar and Cubchoo landed looking around excitedly. Chimchar and Cubchoo leaped into her arms, beaming as they looked around. "Cha, char!"Chimchar beamed pointing to a large tower like building.

Alisa chuckles, smiling as Cubchoo waved his paws towards an ice cream stand. Kieran ran off, returning with an ice cream, handing it to the beaming pokemon. "Cha, choo!"Cubchoo cheered laughter coming from Perrin as she took a picture. "Adorable"Drayton says patting Cubcho's head. Chimchar smiled as Kieran handed him a tamato berry, taking a bite out of it. "There we go, all fed"Kieran says giving his Furret a kasib berry. Chimchar and Cubchoo leaped down, walking as they ate their snacks, Furret walking with them causing the others to laugh or chuckle. "Let's go"Carmine smiled walking after the three pokemon. "I can't wait to see the Santalune Gym, I wonder how it differs from the gyms back home!"Alisa smiled. Kieran nodded, listening to her chatter. Cubchoo and Chimchar looked around, Furret following them to keep the two out of trouble. "You could get lost here, I'm glad for this map"Penny says looking down at her phone.

"This way." The group followed Penny, stopping once to grab them all more snacks. "Oh let's stop at the Pokemon Center right there"Perrin suggests. "Alisa, there's something you gotta do remember?"Penny reminds. "Huh? What was I supposed to do?"Alisa blinked looking confused. Carmine and Perrin sighed, shaking their heads while Drayton laughed behind them. "Of course she forgot." Alisa blinked in confusion, tilting her head to the side. "Ali"Kieran says shaking his head. "What? What'd I forget! Tell me"Alisa blinked looking at them in turn. "I think it's best we let her learn a lesson in remembering things"Perrin suggests. "I vote yes"Carmine agrees. "Same here"Drayton says. "Yes from me"Penny nods. "Sorry Ali...but a yes from me too"Kieran chuckles looking at her. "You're all so mean"Alisa pouted. "You forgot, you remember"Carmine chuckles flicking the girls forehead. "Fine, watch! I'll remember!"Alisa huffed Kieran looking amused as they walked to the nearest center.

Carmine and Perrin stood side by side, Rika picking up their outgoing call. "Hm? Where's Alisa, you two?"Rika frowned looking around the screen. "She forgot to call you!" Rika shook her head and sighed. "That girl..."Rika mutters. "Please tell me you're making her learn a lesson in remembering important things?"Rika demands. "We all voted yes on it"Perrin nods. "Good! Just wait till SHE calls me, she's in for a years worth of scolding!"Rika says. Brassius popped into view, and waved. "I heard the Little Flower forgot to call, thanks for letting us know you all made it safely"Brassius greets. "Yep, our pleasure, it's a relief she invited us or else she'd have you guys worried sick"Carmine smiled nodding to Alisa's father. "What's your plans for kalos, kids?"Rika asks. "Kieran is gonna challenge the gyms but after the last gym he'll stop and we'll continue travelling"Carmine responds. "No elite four and champion challenge?"Rika asks.

"No, he's challenging the gyms for fun...and to impress Ali"Carmine chuckles. Rika blinked, then smiled. Her, Perrin and Carmine chuckled, knowing looks on their faces. "They're cute aren't they?"Rika asks. "They are"Perrin chuckles. "Very cute"Carmine smiled. Brassius looked between them, looking confused for a moment until everything they said finally clicked. "Wait-!"Brassius starts looking alarmed. Rika quickly ended the call with a pleased smile, laughter erupting from Perrin and Carmine. "What's so funny?"Drayton asks walking over. "UGH! And of course you ruin the moment, you dragon jerk!"Carmine glared. "Hey, I just wanna laugh as well"Drayton sighed rubbing the back of his head. Alisa sat beside Kieran, the two looking through a book as their pokemon laid curled up together. Penny scrolled through her phone. "Guys, we're gonna spend the day here in Lumiose City and move on once everyone is awake tomorrow"Carmine informs walking over with Perrin.

"We should make the most of today and take lots of pictures before we move on"Perrin smiled. "That sounds good, what do you think, Ali?"Kieran nods. "I like the idea"Alisa beamed. A call came through the phone Carmine and Perrin had just used, the group heading over to it. Lacey and Crispin came into view, smiling at them. "You guys made it!"Crispin waved. "Crispin, don't hog the whole screen!"Lacey scolds Crispin moving out of the way. "Yeah, we're gonna spend the day here and move on"Carmine nods. "That's good, we wanted to check in, so don't let us keep you! Show me lots of cute pictures too next time we call!"Lacey smiled eyeing Drayton with suspicion. "Hey, is it so bad I wanna see Alisa perform?"Drayton says. "You're not even callig Ali by her nickname"Lacey responds. "Anyway, you guys be careful"Lacey smiled. "Have a fiery time you guys!"Crispin waved. The call came to the end, Drayton sighing. "You guys love picking on me"Drayton says. "Let's go explore!"Perrin calls.

Laughter came from the group, Perrin taking pictures as they explored the city. Alisa and Carmine perched themselves on a light pole, Perrin taking a picture of the two as Kieran carried Chimchar and Cubchoo, his Furret beaming. "Hey look, more ice cream, let's all grab some for a quick snack"Penny says. Cubchoo reached towards the stand, his eyes sparkling. "You had some, Cubchoo"Kieran says Cubchoo clapping. The great ball wriggled again, Kieran making a shushing noise causing it to fall still. Alisa ran ahead and crashed into someone, their hand grabbing her before she fell over. "Careful." N stared down at her, Alisha holding a eight month old baby. "Sorry Mister.."Alisa says. "I'm N, this is my partner, Alisha, and our son, Dante"N greets. Dante babbled, reaching for Alisa beaming. "Yes, she's a pretty girl isn't she?"Alisha giggled. "We're visiting from Galar, my partner is the new ice type gym leader"N smiled taking Dante, the child playing with his hair.

"I'm from Paldea, I'm here for the Showcase, and Kie is here for the gyms"Alisa smiled. "Oh, I remember my days performing"Alisha giggled smiling as memories came flooding back to her. "You were an amazing performer"N smiled wrapping an arm around Alisha's shoulders and pulling her close, the tip of their noses touching. Dante babbled, smiling at them both. Alisa stared at them both, wondering if her performance would bring someone for her to love like that to her. She looked back at Kieran, who was arguing with Carmine about ice cream flavors, and looked down. "You'll find him." She looked up, finding Alisha smiling at her, N nuzzling Dante's nose. "The one you'll love in this life and the next will come, but live your life to the fullest as you wait"Alisha beamed. "Okay"Alisa nods. "Hey Ali!" She turned, Kieran waving to her, holding a peach colored ice cream. "Coming!"Alisa calls. She waved to Alisha and N, then hurried away, feeling her excitement for her new journey grow.

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