An "Unique" Pregnancy

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Hey, Readers!!! So its now Turkey Season (or atleast, that what I call it). I'be been asked, "What are you thankful for?" Well, I'm thankful for several things, like my fam, friends, and all of my fans! MY THREE Fs!!! Anyhoo, here's Chapter 2: ENJOY!!!!!


Anastasia P.O.V

As I walked through the courtyard, I could feel my heart racing erratically. I crouched down and squeezed my chest, trying to cease the pain. Soon, the pain faded away. I knew what the feeling meant.

The babies were coming.


Suddenly, an image popped in my head. An image with two people, a pink haired man and a blond woman. "We're going to be parents!" They exclaimed. Then the image faded.

I gasped and realized what I had just seen.

The parents of the babies who will ensure my death. "GUARDS!" I roared. Two of my most trusted guards, Lance and William, came rushing in, bowing at my presence. "Yes, your majesty." They said in unison.

"I'd like you to make an announcement to the public." I ordered. "Now."

Lucy P.O.V

Right after I found out I was pregnant, Natsu and I flew over to the hospital. Back before, you had to wait months before you figured out the gender of the baby. But now, thanks to magic, we are able to find out immediatley. I wouldn've wanted it to be a surprise, but I've never seen Natsu so excited before. It was quite adorable! When we landed, Natsu held my hand. "Careful. We don't want anything to happen to our baby." Natsu said.

"I'm not fragile, Natsu." I argued. "I can take care of myself."

"Yeah, u say that now, but wait a couple months. Then you'll start needing me." Natsu laughed. I wrapped my arm around Natsu's, and we walked into the together hospital. Automatically, I see my usual doctor, Dr. Annemarie, writing down some documents. "Dr. Anne!" I called out using her nickname.

She turned to me and smiled. "Lucy! How're you doing?"

"Well, I just found out that I'm pregnant, and Natsu wants to know the sex of the baby." I explained

Dr.Anne's face beamed. "You're pregnant! Congratulations! Finally, Natsu's done something worthy." She spatted. 

"Oi! Not Nice!" Natsu growled. I don't know why, but there was always some heat between Dr. Anne and Natsu. One reason is because Dr.Anne thinks that Natsu isn't fit to be a husband. Too much rage can lead to spousal abuse is what she would tell me. But I don't believe that, of course.

Dr.Anne took us to the examination room and did a spell on my stomach. I gripped Natsu's hand, squeezing it tightly. "Well, by the look at the statistics......your having twins!"

"T-T-Twins!" I gasped.

"That means two, right?" Natsu asked urgently.

"Yes, u idiot! It's a boy and a girl!" Dr. Anne exclaimed.

"YES! Natsu exclaimed. "A boy!" Our emotions were exploding with happiness, we couldn't have been anymore joyful. Suddenly, Dr. Anne's face turned pale. "This is impossible." She whispered.

"What is?" I asked.

"Is there something wrong with our kids?" Natsu asked. Dr. Anne ignored his question and went to her office phone. She punched a couple buttons and was silent. "Hello, this is Dr. Annemarie Joseph. i need specialist to room 207, and fast!"

"What the hell is going on!" Natsu roared.

"There's something...wrong with Lucy.." Dr.Anne told us.

"What do you mean there's something wrong with me?!" I asked frantically. Suddenly, a couple of men in lab coats came rushing in. One of them waved a magical dust over me, and I accidentally inhaled it. I soon became drowsy. "Lucy!" I heard Natsu yell.

"Don't worry, Mrs. Dragneel. It'll all be over soon." One of the doctors told me.

And that was when I passed out, the world of darkness consuming me.

Natsu P.O.V

I waited outside the room, my head filled with worry. I don't know why everyone was so frantic about Lucy's pregnancy. Was there really something wrong with her? Suddenly, a man in a mail carrier uniform came into the hospital. "Mr. Dragneel, there's something for you." The mail carrier said.

"Why didn't you just leave it at my apartment?" I asked him, not in the mood to read junk mail.

"It's from the Fiore Military." He said, handing me the letter.

Fear struck my heart. The military? Why would they send a letter to me? My hands were shaking as I opened the letter. I read it, and the one thing I feared the most was typed on this letter.

In three weeks, I'll be drafted into the army for three years.

Fear struck my heart once again. Teaars rolled into my eyes. How could I leave Lucy? And especially now, when there was something wrong with her. And what if something...happens to me? I've already died once, and I was not about to let Lucy be a widow and raise our twins alone.

As I thought about the horrible possibilities, Dr.Annemarie came walking out of Lucy's room.I quickly tucked the the letter into my pocket wiped off my tears, and went up to her and grabbed her shoulders. "What the hell is wrong with her, doc!" I asked frantically.

Dr.Anne was silent, twirling her short brown hair and not giving me any eye contact.

"TELL ME!" I roared.

"Your kids are magically enhanced!" Dr.Anne blurted out. I stared at her, confused. "What do you mean magically enhanced?"

"It means they were born with magic. Rare magic." She explained. "Because of this, it has accelerated the growth time."

"Meaning?" I asked.

Dr. Anne groaned. "It means that by estimation, your kids will be born within ten days." 

I gasped a little, and slowly sat down. A week? It should be seven to eight months, but a week?! I just became a father, and instead of being ready, I'll be completely unready. "There's something else, also." Dr. Anne said.

"What more could there be." I groaned.

"Your kids have a Life Link." She said.

"What the hell is a Life Link?" I asked, tired of this vocabulary.

"A Life Link is when one life is connected together, but in revers. So when your kids are born...someone will die."

I stood up, even more shooken up. Why do the weird stuff always happen to us, I asked myself in my head. The doors opened, and the doctors came out. "You can see your wife now." One of the doctors said. I immediately rushed into the room and saw Lucy in the bed, unconscious. I went to her side and gently touched her face. Her eyes immediatley widened, and she began to scream like hell. "Lucy, what's wrong!" I yelled, wrapping my arms around her.

" much blood.." Lucy whispered.

"Shh. It's all over." I hushed.

"Natsu, I don't to loose our kids." Lucy whispered, tears spilling out of her eyes. "The doctors told me everything. I want to have our kids."

"But they'll be born in almost two weeks. Are you sure we're ready?" I asked her.

She held my hand, and looked at me straight in the eye with confidence. "We are ready."

I slightly smiled and kissed her on the forehead. "Whatever the wife wants."

"I think I'll turn on the TV. Jus so that you two can enjoy yourselves." Dr.Anne said, winking at Lucy. She closed the door behind us, leaving the TV on the kids channel. Lucy scooted a little to the left, leaving room for me in the bed, I layed down next to her and wrapped my scarf around the both of us. Lucy rested her head on my shoulder, adn we just layed there in silence. I decied not to tell her about the letter. Not yet, when we're dealing with something..big. "What should our kids' should be?" Lucy suddenly asked.

"If it's a girl, it should be....Kimochi!" I exclaimed.

"Ew!" Lucy laughed. "That sounds like something I'd eat!"

"Well, I will eat up our adorable daughter." I laughed.

Lucy laughed as  well. "Of course you would."

"And now, I'm aobut to eat up my wife." I smirked. I leaned in and slowly began to kiss her. She kissed me back, wrapping her hands around me. I climbed on top of her and began to kiss her neck. I could here her moan, which got me even more excited. I felt my knee touch the remote, and I heard the TV click to a different channel. "We are sorry to interrupt your program for a special announcement sent from Her Majesty herself." A news reporter announced.

"Wait, Natsu! I want to here what the Princess has to say!" Lucy exclaimed.

I groaned. "Fine." I rolled back to the bed and grabbed the remote, making it louder.

"The Princess has announced that there is a certain woman who is a threat to her life. An image of this woman will be broadcasted shortly. But if you see this woman, please immediatley call the authorites." The news reporter announced.

"Oh my God." Lucy gasped.

"The Princess is sure in a heap of trouble." I whistled.

"But who would want to hurt the Princess?" Lucy asked.

"Maybe a spy. From Kiona." I suggested.

"War is such a horrible thing." Lucy sighed, squeezing my arm. I looked at her innocent face of hers and sighed as well. This wasn't fair, that I was leaving Lucy just as our kids were soon to be born. 

I couldn't imagine a world without Lucy. 

"Look, their about to release the image!" Lucy exclaimed.

"Lets see who it is." I said.

"Here is the image of the threat to both our Princess and maybe all of Fiore. Remeber, if you see this woman, call the authorities right away." The news man announced.

The picture was now on TV.

Lucy and I both gasped in unison.

"T-This..This has to be a mistake." Lucy whispered.

"What kind of sick joke is this!" I roared

Lucy began to cry not out of sadness, but out of confusion and disbelief. She buried  her face into my vest and continued to cry.

Because that image was someone we both knew.

Someone I knew personally.

That person was none other than Lucy Dragneel.

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