A Mother On the Run

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Hey, Readers!!!!! I've got nothing to say except I've got something to ask. After this series is over, shoudl I do another fan-fic on something else, or write my own book based on my ideas???Comment on wich I should do!!! Anyhoo, here's Chapter 3, ENJOY!!!!


Lucy P.O.V


Why was my face on the TV? 

As a criminal?

"N-Natsu? What is this?" I asked frantically.

"I don't know, but I think it's safe that we leave the hospitol, and immediatley." Natsu said. He jumped out of the bed began to carry me out of the room. But the minute we stepped out of the room, a lady shouted, "There she is! She's the one that's gonna kill Princess Anastasia!"

"Shit!" Natsu breathed. Security began to run down the hall towards us. Natsu began to sprint out the door, but they were blocked by the police. "We're trapped!" I shrieked.

"Oh no, we're not!" Natsu yelled. He began to run up a long flight of stairs that led to the roof. I could hear the shouting and footsteps of the guards, gaining speed on us. The stairs led to the roof, which was one-hundred fourteen floors up. "Oh no, your not thinking-?" I asked with fear.

"What other choice do we have!" Natsu yelled. He began to run towards the ledge, and I shielded my eyes, not wanting see the take off. "HERE WE GO!" Natsu screamed.

And that's when he jumped off.

At first, we were free falling to the ground, but then Natsu's red and yellow wings appeared, and we began to soar in the sky. I looked back to see the guards pointing their staffs at us. "THey're going to shoot!" I warned Natsu.

"Well, then we'll have to go even faster!" Natsu yelled back. Fire soon appeared on his feet, and we werer going twice as fast. I could hear the staffs shooting at us, but they were too slow to reach us.

We arrived at Fairy Tail, and people were looking at me like I was crazy. Levy came rushing by my side, "Lu-Chan! WHat the hell is the Princess talking about!" She asked frantically.

"I don't know!" I cried. "She thinks I'm a threat to her life!"

"She doesn't even know you! How would she think your a threat to her life!" Ezra roared.

"Life Link." Natsu blurted out.

I looked at her with confusion. "What did you just say?"

"Dr.Anne told me that our kids had a Life Link. Which means that when they're born, someone will die. Maybe our kids are Life Linked o Princess Anastasia." Natsu told me.

"So she wants to kill our kids!" I shrieked. "Maybe if I talk to her-"

"Princess Anastasia is a stubborn princess. I doubt she'll even listen to you." Gray spatted. 

"Lucy, it's best that we both go into hiding." Natsu suggested.

"But where can we-" I started to say, but then suddenly a surge of pain from my stomach made me stop. I fell to the ground, trying to stop the pain, but it hurted so much I didn't know what to do. "Lucy!"

Suddenly, a giant ball of light appeared from my stomach, then it disappeared. The pain disappeared as well. "What the hell was that!" I cried.

"Lucy! Your stomach!" Gray shouted. At first, I didn't know what he was talking about, but I looked down and I gasped. My stomach had gotten a little bigger, almost three times as big as what my stomach usualy is. "Oh my God." I whispered.

And that's when I fainted, my head landing on Natsu's lao.

Natsu P.O.V

We set Lucy in the infirmary for her to rest. It was kind of strange to see her stomach get so big after only realizing her pregnancy hours ago. I sat on the edge of the bed, stroking my hand against her skin. "What are we going to do?" I asked my sleeping wife. There was a knock at the door, and I turned to see that it was Gramps. "Natsu, we have to talk."

"About what?" I asked.

Gramps jumped on the bed and said, "About you being drafted to the military."

I stared at him with shock. "H-How did you-?"

"General Xin Chi called. He talked about what position would be perfect for you." Gramps sighed. I avoided eye contact, not really wanting to talk about it. I could feel Gramps's small hands patting my back. "How did Lucy take it?" He asked.

"I....I didn't tell her yet." I said silently.

Gramps looked at me like I was crazy. "And why not!"

"Becauseof everything that is happening!" I hissed. "We're going to be parents in two weeks and Lucy is a wanted crimiinal for being pregnant! I don't think it would be better if she found out that her husband is leaving her and our week old twins for three years to fight in a bloody war!"

Lucy groaned a little, and I stroked her face again. She calmed down. "I know you're in a difficult position, Natsu. But you'll have to think about more than your wife's feelings." Gramps said. He jumped off the bed and quietly left the infirmary. I groaned. I had no idea what to do. Gramps was right.

We are in a living hell right now.

I placed my hand on Lucy's stomach. "I promise," I whispered to both our kids and Lucy, "I promise that I'll protect you. The three of you."

Suddenly, Lucy's eyes opened wide. She sat up straight and whipsered, "I know where we can hide."

"Calm down, Lucy. Just keep on resting." I sushed.

"But this can't wait! I know where we can hide from Princess Anastasia!" Lucy exclaimed.

I sighed. "Fine. Where can we hide?" I asked.

"The one place that's small enough to hide from. The place that is neither Kionan territory nor Foiore territory." Lucy told me.

At first, I had no idea what she was talking about, but then it hit me. "You don't mean..?" 

"Exactly." Lucy smiled. "We're going back to Hinamizawa."

Anastasia P.O.V

I was sitting on my throne, reading a well popular book called, "Death Towards the Mindless," when William came rushing in. "We have an I.D on the woman."

This caught my attention. "Recite it to me."

William nodded. "Her name is Lucy Dragneel, age twenty. She's married to a Natsu Dragneel. She's a mage for the guide Fairy Tail."

"Of course she's a mage for Fairy Tail." I hissed. Fairy Tail was one of the most troublesome guides in the whole kingdom. I've been getting complaints and threats about Fairy Tail being a dange to society.

But everytime I try to evict thier guide, they always to something so...heroic that I can't evict them.

"What else is there about Lucy Dragneel?" I asked.

"Umm...It's been rumored that she is the daughter of Yuki the Water Dragon. But she was raised in the Heartfilia family." William told me.

"Interesting." I said silently. I flipped my long red hair and looked at William. "I want you to find Lucy immediatley."

"To we kill her immediatley?" William asked.

Most of the time, I would've said yes, but this woman was.....interesting. "Negative. I want to see this Dragneel girl. I want her to see me, the most beautiful princess of all time, as the last thing she sees before she dies!"

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