The Journey to Hinamizawa

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Hey, Readers!!!! I've noticed that some of my new fans have also been writing Fairy Tail Fan Fictions because I've inspired them!!! That is a real tear jerker right there!! My inspiration for writing these fan fictions was LucyAshleyHearfilia! Because of her, I've written three books for Lucy and Natsu!! Anyhoo, here's Chapter 4, ENJOY!!!!!


Lucy P.O.V

After a night of rest, Natsu and I began to pack for Hinamizawa. Because of the Royal Guards running around town, we had Juvia and Gray grab our stuff. As we packed our bags, I sent a message to Asuna, who was my best friend in Hinamizawa when I lived there, to tell her that we were returning. Her message back was full of excitement. "Are you sure we have to do this?" Natsu asked. "By the look of your stomach, you're probably four months pregnant."

"Hinamizawa is a religious, independant village. They don't follow laws of neither Kiona nor Fiore. It's the perfect safe haven." I told Natsu. "And besides, I bet I could still travel."

Nats walked up to me, touching my stomach. "I don't want you or the kids to get hurt, that's all."

I smiled slightly and wrapped my hands around Natsu. "I'm a pretty tough girl, Natsu."

"I know you are." Natsu chuckled. "But it doesn't hurt to be a little more careful." He gently kissed my forehead and rested his head on mine. Suddenly, Levy came in rushing to the infirmary, holding Isis in her arms. "The Royal Guards are here!"

"What?!" I gasped.

"Shit! I expected it to be a while until they found out about Fairy Tail." Natsu hissed.

"You guys have to get you of here! Now!" Levy exclaimed silently. We nodded, and silently went through a door that lead to the forest, which was once a giant hole Lisanna created. We began to run through the forest, which was a little bit more difficult now that I was now four months pregnant. "THere she is!" I heard a deep voiced male call out.

"Hurry!" Natsu yelled, grabbing my hand. I could hear their footsteps gaining our trail, and panic rose in my body. We're not going to make it! I cried in my head. Suddenly, Natsu yanked me down my a giant oak tree. "Don't make any sudden movements." He whispered. I nodded, my fear over the radar. I caught a glimpse of the silver and red armor of the Royal Guards rushing past us. "Where the hell did they go!" One of them roared.

"The Princess is not going to be happy with this." One of them groaned.

"Let's check the perimeter." One of them suggested. I could hear their feet scatter all over the place, starting their search. I sighed with relief, as did Natsu. He got up and helped me up. It was difficult to get up, and Natsu had to help me with two hands. My back ached with pain, making me wince. "Hey, you alright?" Natsu asked.

"Oh yeah, sure.' I assured him, trying not to make him worry. "Let's keep on walking. We should be there by night fall."

"Let's rest a little bit. You look like you need it." He told me. I wanted to protest, but I knew better. Natsu took out an apple from his bag and handed it to me. "You need Vitamin C." I took the apple from  his hand and slowly began to eat it. It's fresh sweetness filled my mouth with delicateness, relaxing me a little. "What about you?" I asked.

"I think I can go on with out some food. You need it more than I do." He smiled. I rested my head on his chest and sighed. " I hate this. Running from everything. Why can't we just have atleast one year without something happening to us?" I asked.

"I don't know." Natsu sighed. "I don't know."

We soon continued our journey to Hinamizawa. I still remember the last time I was there. I was battered up, dirty, and tired after running from Lisanna's hellhounds.  I was found by a fisherman named Arata, who took me to my father, Kazehaya. It only seems like yesterday that I was back home. Suddenly, a peculiar smell tickled my nose. "Do you smell that?" I asked.

"Yeah, I do. What is it?" Natsu asked.

"Supiritto Kemuri. Spirit Smoke." I told him. "It's something the priestesses use for banishing spirits in Hinamizawa. Which means we're getting closer."

We continued to follow the smoke for hours. We would have to stop from time to  time because of my tiredness. But finally, we met a woman in a kimono walking by. "Excuse me!" I called out.

When she spotted us, her brown eyes widened. She grabbed a dagger from her sash and asked, "Who are you! You're not villagers!"

"Calm down, Miss." Natsu said.

"I was born here. My name is Lu...My name is Atsuko Chouko." I said, using my birth name. She lowered her dagger, her eyes relaxing a little. "You are Kazehaya's daughter."

I nodded. "I am."

She nodded as well, and noticed my pregnant stomach. "Oh my! You're not in the position to travel! Let me take you to our priestess!" The woman said, grabbing my hand. Nats followed us as we traveled thorugh the thick forest. Finally, we reached a little village. A familiar village.

My home.

Natsu P.O.V

The last time I was here, I was stabbed by a mad man. The little village hasn't changed at all during the past two years. The houses were still quite small, people dressed in traditional clothing. This place was a magic-free community when we were here, because it was controlled by the Six Gods. We followed the strange woman to a small little fort by the lake. Inside was an elderley woman, looking like she was atleast the age of one hundred. "Natsume, who is?" The elder asked.

"Taiga-Sama, this is Yuki's daughter. She's been walking for quite a while and is pregnant." Natsume told her.

Taiga's eyes widned. "So you're the dragon offspring."

Lucy, who's face was a little red, nodded. "My name is Atsuko Chouko, but I go by the name Lucy."

Taiga looked at me with suspicion. "Who is he?"

"Ah, this is my husband, Natsu." Lucy introduced. I waved my hand, but she just looked away. "Sit, child." She told Lucy. Lucy obeyed, and attempted to sit on the ground. Of course, I had to help her with it. Taiga brought out a bunch of candels. With a wave of her hand, they all lit simotamiously. She began to chant words in a different language. When she stopped, she looked at us and said, "You two are running from the law."

Lucy's eyes lit with worry. "I'm running because they want to kill me and our kids."

"Because of the Life Link." Taiga nodded.

"How do you know this?" I asked.

"Priestess are known for their ancient spiritual powers. When the Six Gods were running this village, I was the only one getting away with magic because of it's history." Taiga explained. She touched Lucy's stomach and began to throw a mixture of petals and ash. "You are recently impregnated, yet they are due so soon."

"Yes, we know." I said.

Taiga sighed. "I will allow your stay here, only because Atsuko is a villager as well."

Lucy sighed with relief. "Thank you so much!" 

For once, Taiga smiled. "You're welcome, child."

It was soon dead night when we arrived at Lucy's old cottage. It must've been vacant for years ever since Lucy's dad died. There was dust everywhere, cobwebs at ever corner, and mold was slowly beginning to grow. "It sure has been a while." Lucy said silently.

"Yeah." I said quietly.

"I think I'll take a small nap." Lucy said. I nodded and watched her walk to the bedroom. I sat on the chair by the window and sighed. We were far away from home, our friends.

All because of a selfish princess.

I took out the military letter again and read it over and over again. Anger washed over me again, but it slowly turned into sorrow. The military sure had the worst of timing.

Suddenly, my cell phone began to ring. I checked the caller I.D to see that it was Gray. I answered it. "Hey."

"Did you guys make it  safe?" Gray asked.

"Yeah. Lucy's resting right now. How's it over there?" I asked.

"Hell. They're keeping all Fairy Tail members under house arrest at the guide. No way of getting in or out." Gray said.

"Damn it!" I yelled, but not loud enough to wake up Lucy. "This is a nightmare."

"I know. And the guards aren't the welcoming package either. Let's face it; we're all slaves."

Suddenly, I heard a noise from the other side of the call. "Everything alright, man?" 

"I have to hang up now. They almost caught me with my phone. Hang in there, man." Gray said.

"Will do." I hung up on Gray and sighed. Fairy Tail was also effected by all this, which got me even more pissed. I looked at the time at my phone.

Already midnight.

Let's just call this a day, I told myself. I yawned loudly and went ot the bathroom to wash my face. It was kind of amusing that the bathroom was the cleanest room in this whole place. I looked at my face in the mirror. My pink hair was all over the place, dark circles began to appear on my eyes, and I was slowly growing a beard.

Great. I was aging.

I walked into the bedroom to see Lucy sleeping soundly. The moonlight  shone directly at Lucy.

God, was it even possible for her to be even more beautiful.

I layed down next to her, holding her not too tight, yet not too loose. I kissed her forehead. I could hear her groan in her sleep, saying, "No...don't...Natsu...babies.."

 I stroke my hand against her face, and she soon calmed down. I scooted closer to me to the point where I could feel her warm breathe on my chest. "I promise that we'll get through this. Together." I said to sleeping Lucy.

And that was when I drifted to sleep next to my wife.

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