Game Time

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Hey, Readers! I've been working on this whole series for like what, three months, four? Well, when I'm done with this one, I hope you guys will have the heart to read my new series that will be updated two days after this series is over! THANKS! Anyhoo, here's Chapter 14, ENJOY!!!!


Lucy P.O.V



My beloved husband was standing in front of me, smiling his charming smile I fell for two years ago. "Hey, Lucy."

"Natsu!" I cried. His armor suddenly disappeared, revealing his black vest and shorts. At that minute, I ran straight into his arms, feeling his warmth. "Oh God, Lucy."

"Natsu." I whispered, tears spilling from my eyes. I looked up into his eyes, which were also filled with tears. He pressed his mouth against mine, and a tingly sensation filled my mouth. I kissed him back, and my knees weakened. We both fell to the ground, not letting our lips separate. Natsu pulled away and gently placed his hand on my stomach. "It's almost time." He whispered.

"Yeah." I smiled, resting my head on Natsu's chest. "Where are Louise and Elliot?"

"At Fairy Tail. They're too weak to come here because they're about to be born." Natsu explained.

"Oh." I said silently. I just realized that I'm about to be a mother soon. I remember when I would have contractions in the middle of the night, how painful they were. I couldn't even imagine how much painful giving birth would be. "I'm sorry." Natsu whispered.


"I...I couldn't protect you! I was so scared, so worried. I thought I had failed my duty as a husband." He whispered, his body trembling.

I gently touched his face, my heart melting to the sight of his wet eyes. "It's not your fault, it's mine. If only I had listen to you about..." I didn't want to finish that sentence. I had tried to forget about Natsu's draftment to the army, but had failed. Natsu squeezed me tightly. "I'm sorry about that too. I should've told you right away!"

I gently kissed his lips as a way of telling him to calm down. "Let's forget the past, and the future. Let's think about now, the present."

He smiled slightly, wiping away his tear. "Alright." He kissed my forehead, and I smiled. "So, how are you getting me out of here?"

"Almost all of the Fairy Tail members are disguised as soldiers. We locked up the other soldiers in a soundproof cell, so they won't be getting out anytime soon. As soon as the cameras are turned on, we'll spring to action."

I smiled. I can finally leave this palace! I can go home and have the Elliot and Louise! I hugged Natsu tightly. "Thank you."

"For what?" He laughed.

"For being my knight in shining armor."

Natsu took me back into my cell, giving me one final hug and kiss. "Everything is gonna be alright." He whispered in my ear.

"I trust you." I whispered back to him. I pressed my muzzle against his gentley, whispering goodbye. He closed my cell, and slowly, he disappeared from the dungeon. I don't know why, but I found myself laughing softly. "I can still feel you."

Suddenly, a sharp pain suddenly filled my stomach. I screamed softly and croutched down to my stomach. After almost a minute, it disappeared. These contractions are getting worse and worse every time.

That's when I heard the sound of bells ring louldy from the tower. A guard came in and said, "It's time."

At first, I felt fear rise all over me, but then I realized something. Natsu is here with me. He'll protect me. 

"THen I guess it's game time." I whispered  to myself.

Natsu P.O.V

It was game time.

There I was, the fifth "soldier" in the tenth row of eight, in a silver suit of armor. Everything was dead silent. If I was alone on this, I would be sweating and nervous like crazy.

But luckily, my friends were all around me, our plan set in motion.

Princess Anastasia was sitting on her thorne, stroking her cane as if it was her cat. I just wanted to run up to her and just choke her to death, wanting her to feel the pain she put on my beloved wife. I could hear the annoying noises of reporters making their news report from the back, getting ready to get this televised. 

Then, the doors behind us opened.

The reporteres began to swarm the group of guards surrounding Lucy, asking her questions and such.

Lucy's face was expressionless. Her stomach looked like it was about to pop and explode. Once in a while, she would stop and clutcher on her stomach, showing that she had contractions.

Just hold on, Lucy!  We're coming for you, I thought in my head.

"Mrs. Dragneel, how do you feel about your execution?" A reporter asked.

"Why isn't your husband with you?"

"Will you sue from heaven?" 

God, these reporters are so annoying!  Finally, Lucy reacehd the steps up to the throne. She stood there with her head low. The Princess stood up from her thone and slowly walked from her thone and stood in front of Lucy. "Lucy Dragneel. You are being executed for the crimes of harming the Princess. Do you have any final words?" The executer asked.

Lucy slowly shook her head. The executer nodded, and handed Anastasia a giant silver ax. "It was really nice knowing you. I hope you have fun where you're going: HELL!" She raises her sword, about to swing it against Lucy's neck.

That was the cue.

"NOW!" I screamed. That's when I jumped up, as did the other Fairy Tail members.

"What the-?" Anastasia gasped. "GUARDS! GET THEM!"

As guards came up to me, I began to bash their heads with my flaming hands. I could see Ezra and Gray fighting side by side, and Amelia using some sort of magic against the guards. When a whole ton came at me, I chanted, "Crimson Lotus: Exploding Lightning Blade!" Lighting and fire colided as I spinned quickly. I could hear the cry of the guards as they got both burned and electricuted. "NATSU! GET LUCY!" Gray shouted from a distance.

"On it!" I cried back. I began to run towards Lucy, who was crawling on the ground. I crawl next to her and ask, "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I think so. Let's get out of here!"

I grab her arm and together, we began to run. I glanced to see reporters on the ground, still broadcasting. See ya, suckers! 

Suddenly, a giant puff of smoke appeared in front of us, and so did Princess Anastasia. "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" She swung her sword up and ran towards Lucy. I ran in front of Lucy and closed my eyes, waiting for the attack.

"NO!" Some one shrieked.

I heard the sound of skin slicing, but it wasn't mine. I peeked my eyes opened and gasped at the horror.

I could hear Lucy softly scream, and I hid her eyes from the scene.

Anastasia was confused, not sure what had just happened.

In front of us, bleeding out, was little Amelia.

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