Joining Forces

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Hey, Readers!!!Well, today was kind of a day that pissed me off :P. So my other friend also watches Fairy Tail, and she's began to read my NaLu books. After reading the first book, she was like "WTF is this! It isn't NaLu, its NaLi!!" 

And I'm just like "OOOOH HELLL NAH!"

So yeah, I was pissed for the rest of the day. LOL! Anyhoo, here's Chapter 13, ENJOY!!!!!


Natsu P.O.V

I was drinking like I've never drank before.

What can I say: I was depressed.

My wife was locked up in a cold, dark cell, my kids are almost about to disappear, meaning they'll be born soon. I would also be fighting a horrible war for three years, leaving them all.

Aren't I just the best husband and father ever?

As I continued to drink my sorrows away, I suddenly felt a gentle tap on my back. I turned to see little Wendy standing behind me. Ever since Louise fainted last night, I had her analyze them both. "Because they're to be born tomorrow, their brains are probably beginning to premature." 

"Beginning to what?" I asked, not liking her vocabulary.

She sighed. "Their brains are turning are no longer advanced. They will soon have a normal baby brain and forget everything they ever saw before they were born."



I didn't know wether to be happy or upset about it. My mind was already in a jam about the whole Lucy thing, and now I have to worry about my kids.

My life sure is pretty complicated.

Suddenly, I heard the Fairy Tail front door open. Usually, I would ignore it, but I heard Gray ask, "Who the hell are you?"

"Um, can I talk to Mr. Dragneel." I heard a little girl ask. I turned around and saw a small girl in a cape, a hood covering her face. I stood up with suspicion and said, "Yeah, I'm Natsu. Who are you?"

"Um, can we please talk somewhere private." She squeaked. I sighed and showed her the way to a vacant room in the back. I locked the door behind me and asked, "Who are you?"

She slowly removed her hood, and I see a little girl with red curly hair and green eyes. At first, I didn't know who she was, but her face seemed familiar. After getting a closer look, I realized who she looked like. "You look like Anastasia!"

"That's because I'm her little sister." She said. My hands suddenly blazed into fire as my anger rose. "Give me one reason why I shouldn't beat you right here."

"Because I'm here to help!" She exclaimed. 

"You, go agaisnt your sister? Why on earth would I believe you?" I growled, getting closer and closer to her. She raised her right hand and pulled down her black sleeve. I stopped at the sight of bandage being rapped her hand and wrist.  "All I did was ask her a simple question; why? And her answer was choking me and braking my hand."

I could feel my flames cooling down, but only a tiny spark lit from them. "Why else should I believe you?"

"Becasue....I don't think my sister sister anymore. After my sister heard that Miss Lucy was finally captured, she was so happy. But I caught her in her room, using some kind of dark magic. She suddenly had wings as well!" I could see tears fall from her face. I felt sorry for her, loosing her beloved sister to madness. But  wait, I thought in my head, didn't Lucy say something about learning something about the Princess? Does this have to do with it?

"Well, what do you want me to do?" I asked.

"I want you to save Miss Lucy. Let her have her children!" She begged.

I was flabbergasted. This girl really wanted Lucy to live and her sister to die. Should I trust her? "What's your name, kid?"

"My name is Amelia. I'm thirteen years old." She introduced, adding a courtsey at the end.

"Well, Amelia, can I really trust you?" I asked.

"Of course!" Amelia said, her green eyes widened.

"Okay, then. I'll tell you my plan." I crouch down and whisper my plan in her minuscule ear. Her face brightened. "That's a brilliant idea!"

"When's her....execution?" I asked, not liking the word.

"It's tomorrow at dawn. It'll be televised, so security will be tight." She told me.

Why the hell are they puttng this on TV?! "Alright, that gives us...Seven hours. Just enough time."

"I'm secretley meeting Lucy at midnight tonight. Do you have anything for me to tell her?" She asked.

I could tell Lucy almost a million words to express my love for her, but I decided to do something that will be so much more clear. I grabbed a piece of scratch paper I found lieing around and wrote on it. I folded it up three times and handed it over to Amelia. Luckily, she didn't read the note and just tucked it in somewhere in her cape. "I better get going now. If Anastasia finds out I went to Fairy Tail....who knows what she'll do to me next." She gently touched her throat and blanked out, as if she was having a flash back. I kneeled next to her and rested my hands on her shoulders. "I promise that she won't do this to you again."

She smiled softly. "I can understand why Miss Lucy loves you so much. You have a very kind heart."

I could feel my cheeks have some heat in them. "T-Thank you." 

And with that, she disappeared in a blink of an eye. I didn't even see her walk out of the door.

Lucy P.O.V

I never knew being pampered could be so painful.

Usually, it would be nice and relaxing, but the way they did it here was just excruciating! The way they comb your hair and fit you for your death dress was just ridiculous! I think I lost some hair myself! But for once, I was happy to be back in my cell. By the look at the bright shining moon, it was almost midnight. I looked down at a puddle of water and saw my reflection. My long blond hair was curled to perfection, and my white dress practically looked gorgeous, minus the fact that I had an enormous stomach.

These were the clothes I was suppose to die in.

I wonder what that little girl wanted to talk about, I wondered, remembering her telekinetic message. Suddenly, I heard a loud clank sound from afar. "Hello?" I called out.

"Shhh! Do you want the whole castle to hear you!" Someone hissed quietly. I crawled my way to my cell door and poked my head out. I look to see the little girl in the shadows, her green eyes practically glowing. "Are you the one who talked to me?" I asked.

She nodded. "I'm Amelia."  She walked up to me and examined me. "I've never met you up close, but you sure are pretty."

"Thanks." I smiled. She smiled back, flashing that young smile of hers. "But that's not why I wanted to talk to you. I want to help you."

"Help me? Why would you do that?" I asked.

"Because, I don't think you deserve to die. And my sister....I don't think she's even human anymore." She said silently.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

She explained to me about what happened  after she found out I was kidnapped. As she explained the bedroom scene, my face turned grim. A flash back of what my mother, Layla, told me. "Princess Anastasia is hiding a deep secret, from her family and the whole kingdom."  I shuddered at how her voice was, so grim and filled with despair. "Your husband has a plan to help you escape." Amelia told me.

"You met Natsu!" I exclaimed, my heart skipping every other beat.

"SHHH!" She hissed silently. "This place echos!"

"Sorry!" I apologized in a hushed voice.

Amelia groaned. "Anyways, he left me a note for you." She handed me a small folded piece of paper. I slowly unfolded it and there was a small message:

I will save you, Lucy.

Those words touched my heart so much. Tears trickled down my cheek, and a smile shined that I haven't flashed in a long time. "Oh, Natsu!" I whispered. I could feel Amelia's small hand touch my shoulder. "It'll be alright."

"I know. I trust him." I smiled. I looked up at Amelia and saw a generous smile on her face. I looked down and noticed something attached to her waist.

Ten golden keys and five silver keys.

"Are....are those..." I couldn't fine myself to finish those words. She looked, but follow my eyes towards the keys. "Oh, thses? I'm a Celestial Wizard. But it's strange, they suddenly appeared on my bed side."

Tears continued to fall on my face. "Do you....take care of them?"

"I feel like they're the only family I have." She whispered. I remember when I felt like this girl, especially after Layla died and Jude neglected me.

They were my family, period.

I grabbed her hands and squeezed them tightly. "Take GREAT care of them!"

She nodded, still a little confused. Her head suddenly turned. "I have to go, like now! The plan will start the minute you wake up."

I nodded, and within a blink of an eye, she disappeared. Did Celestial Wizards do that? How come I didn't disappear that fast, I thought in my head. I felt a yawn coming in, and slowly I drifted to sleep.

I woke up the next morning to the sound of aggressive yelling. "WAKE UP!"

I jolted up, still sleepy. "Huh?"

"It's time for your execution."

I look outside to see the sun barley seen over the horizon. It's too early! What was going on, I paniced in my head. I looked up to see the guard's face, but it was hidden by a mask. "Wait, it's still too early." I told him.

"Just come with me." He replied with a deep voice. He yanked up arm up and walked me to somewhere unknown. The other guards looked at this guard with confusion, but this guard answered with, "Orders from Princess Anastasia." They all shrugged and continued what they were doing. Finally, he took me to a small room isolated in a small section of the castle. Unlike the other rooms, this one was quite old looking. Everything was made of wood, covered in cobwebs and dust. I was very confused and scared at the same time. "Where are we?" I asked.

"Somewhere safe." He said.

"What do you mean 'safe'?" I asked cautiously, backing away from the guard until I hit my back agaisnt the wall. "Are you going to hurt me?"

"Why on earth would I hurt my wife?" He suddenly asked.


The guard removed his mask and took off his helmet. The first thing I see was pink hair bounce from the helmet, finally able to breathe. I could feel tears fall down my face as the man smiled. "Hey, Lucy." He smiled.

"Natsu..." I whispered.

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