Chapter 28: Family Reunion.

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"The family you come from isn't as important as the family you're going to have." -Ring Lardner.

Merula continued to evade Ethan and the other members of the Circle of Khanna. It wasn't easy for her these days. The only one she really talked to was Ismelda. But even that was taking its toll on Merula. If you were only talking to one friend. And there was no telling what Ethan would do if he saw Merula again. And another part of Merula was that she couldn't help but think out loud if she was doing the right thing. This was for her family. And to prove that she was worthy of being a Snyde. But at what price? Is she continued down this path, she would be all alone. And it sucked to be alone.

She was by the Artefact Room again. And couldn't help but think of the times when Ethan and Rowan talked about the First Cursed Vault. Merula had been eavesdropping on their conversations for most of the time. And Rowan... Merula still felt like she had Vietnam Flashbacks of that night Rowan died. And right in front of her eyes too. 


Ethan got knocked down to the ground from that hit from Rakepick. But Ben was still firing spells on Rakepick. And trying to get a hit.

"Ben? What are you doing? Get of here!" Ethan yelled.

"Not a chance. I'm going to teach this traitor a lesson." Ben shot back.

Merula looked horrified. "This is still part of the plan right?" She thought to herself. Rakepick was supposed to bring Ethan to Trotsky. Not this...

But Rakepick had recovered. "You want a lesson, Copper?" She asked vaguely. "Why don't you take this lesson to your grave?" She raised her wand. And Ethan's eyes widened. 


"Avada Kedavra!" Rakepick shot the killing curse at Ben.  

Ben didn't really have time to process all of this. He was too busy about thinking about his interment death at the time as the green energy shot at him.

"BEN!" Ethan heard another voice shot in the distance and run towards him. That voice had come from Rowan who was running towards their direction.

"Rowan?" Ethan asked. Everything had happened so fast. Rowan shoved Ben out of the way and took a direct shot to the chest, and his body fell to the floor.

"No! NO! NO! NO!" Ethan yelled getting up and running towards Rowan. "Rowan! Rowan!"

"Rowan?" Ben asked nervously trying to get up.

Even Merula just looked at Rakepick in stunned horror. "Khanna. What did you do?"

Rakepick just laughed. "Well... not what I indented but we did say that you owed R a friends life. I suppose one debt is as good as another." And then she apparated away.

End of Flashback.

Merula still had nightmares about what happened. Rakepick just killed a person she had not intended to kill and felt no remorse for it. That was when she noticed a little glow from one of the shelves. Merula picked it up. It read. "Your presence is required at the Shrieking Shack. Come."

So Merula went to the Shrieking Shack. And went through the Whomping Willow. And she saw that Trotsky was waiting for her. "Trotsky." She greeted.

"Hello, Merula." Trotsky replied.

"What's all of this?" Merula asked.

"I've been hearing things, Merula. And it's starting to effect our plans. Not that I care too much for Slayton's opinion. But I want to make sure it's true." Trotsky explained.

Merula looked confused. "I... don't know what you're talking about."

Trotsky held up his hand. "Don't Lie Merula. You were never good at it to me. Rumor has it that your loyalties are starting to waver."

"Never." Merula quickly replied. "I would never betray you. I'm loyal to R. And to you." She also bowed down to Trotsky to prove it.

Trotsky motioned her to stand. "You're not here to grovel to me. I think it's time I remind you of what you're fighting for." He declared.

Merula raised an eyebrow. "I have business in Azkaban. It's time to recruit the Dementors next. And... perhaps it's time you had a reunion. A family reunion. With your Mother. And your Father." Trotsky explained.

"Mum and Dad?" Merula asked. Trotsky held out his hand. "Azkaban..." Merula hadn't seen them since they were sent away. That was when Merula gave her hand to Trotsky and they apparated away.

Azkaban. It stood as the Prison for Wizards and Witches in Great Britain for many years. Located on a deserted island in the North Sea. And the Ministry didn't bother posting up guards. Where was the sense when you could have Dementors do the job for free? Plus it gave the Dementors room so that they wouldn't go around and just go pillage the world for souls. 

It's also where Trotsky and Merula were going. "We going to ask for visiting hours?" Merula asked as they walked up to the Prison.

"No need." Trotsky answered. He then saw some Dementors approaching. But they didn't take Trotsky's or Merula's Souls. Instead they just looked at Trotsky and let him pass.

"You can control Dementors?" Merula asked. 

"Not control them. But speak to them." Trotsky answered. "It was how I was able to get that one Dementor to challenge Ethan on the Hogwarts Grounds. And he would've succeeded had Tonks not used the Patronus Charm on the Dementor."

"This doesn't seem like a nice place." Merula commented. 

"That's why we're here, Merula." Trotsky replied. "And don't worry about the Prisoners. Most of them here are former Death Eaters. So you'll fit right in." He explained trying to put Merula's mind at ease.

"Why don't we just free the Death Eaters then?" Merula asked.

"We could. But that would paint a larger target on our backs." Trotsky answered. "The Ministry tends to notice that stuff more than foreign policy if you know what I mean."

"These people wouldn't know policy if it bit them in the bone." Merula said. 

That was when they walked down a massive hall. A Dementor escorted them down the halls. And Merula could swear that someone grabbed her from beyond the bars. "Get me out of here! Get me out of here!" 

It made Merula scream out loud. And Trotsky took out and wand and it made the wizard move back. "Shut up. Crouch." Trotsky said. He then proceeded to keep Merula close to him. "Stay close."

They walked past a couple of more cells. Merula looked through one and saw what looked like a dog.

"Trotsky. Is that a dog?" Merula asked.

"Indeed." Trotsky answered knowing full well who it was. "How many years has it been since you got upped by Pettigrew, Black? We must be at 9 or 10. I almost forgot." He mocked. The Dog barked loudly at him.

They walked a little further down the hall to see another cell. That was when someone was looking through the bars. And Merula knew who this person was. And she looked like she had an encounter with a wood chipper or something. Her Hair was all tangled up, her skin looked like it was covered in filth, and her eyes looked like they haven't been asleep in 10 years. "Rakepick?" Merula asked.

"Merula, dear?" Rakepick asked. "Have you come to rescue me from here?" And she looked so distressed when she was talking to.

Trotsky walked up to them. "Rakepick." He greeted with a disgusted tone.

"Trotsky. My Lord." Rakepick greeted. "Please you have to let me out of here. What this prison does to you. I never wanted this. Let me come back." She begged.

"No." Trotsky replied.

"No?" Rakepick asked.

"I'm here on a trip to recruit Dementors. Not disobedient devils who interfere with my plans, and torture my daughter." Trotsky sent a spell that sent Rakepick flying back into the wall. "I think of this as a proper punishment for you. After all, you can use a Patronus Charm to your advantage. That should be proper enough for you." He decided.

"Merula. Please, have a heart. Mercy." Rakepick begged.

Merula didn't look at Rakepick. Instead she just said: "As you once said. I am a needy Witch. At least Azkaban is giving my parents a well deserved break from me." She then walked away.

"Merula! MERULA!" Rakepick screamed before more Dementors walked into Rakepick's cell. And perhaps to take pleasure in their torment.

Trotsky stopped in front of one cell. "Is this...?" Merula asked.

Trotsky opened the door with his wand. And a woman was seen inside. "M-Mum?" Merula asked.

"Merula?" Merula's Mother looked at her daughter. And Merula did not appear to be the same person she was when her parents went away. Now she looked like she had come into her own.

"Mum!" Merula ran over. "I missed you." She cried. It had been 7 years since they last saw each other. And Merula received one of the biggest hugs of her life from her Mother.

"Oh, Merula. You look so..." She tried to find the right words for Merula. "Grown up." 

Merula giggled. She missed that a lot. "And I can do Wandless Magic now." She boasted like a kid who was trying to tell her parents about receiving a Straight As Report Card. And to prove her point she did a little snowflake spell without the need of a wand. 

"That's so wonderful." Merula's Mom praised. "I'm so proud of you. What of..."

"R? I've joined them." Merula told her. "The World will be reborn and away from the Muggle Monsters. Just as Trotsky always talked about. And..." She started to sniffle from her crying. "...I'll finally be worthy of being a Snyde."

"Of course you'll be worthy of being a Snyde." Merula's Mother replied. "I don't doubt it."

"But Father-"

"Will be proud of you." Merula's Mother interrupted her.

"Come." Trotsky motioned to Merula.

"Mum. I'll be back for you. I swear it." Merula declared as she was walking out. And every step looked as if it caused her pain.

"I know how you feel. But you will have your family back, Merula." Trotsky comforted her.

"That's all I want." Merula replied.

"And you will have it. The Muggles and the Ministry that supports them will not take away another parent from their child." Trotsky said.

They then proceeded to another cell where Merula's Father was. Merula took a deep breath. The door opened and Merula walked inside. Where she saw Merula's Father waiting inside. He had his eyes closed. And it was clear that he looked like a disgusting person. Merula looked back at Trotsky. "Are you?" 

"This is better discussed between the two of you." Trotsky told her. Merula walked in.

"I knew you would return eventually." Merula's Father greeted coldly.

Merula held her head down. "Father..." She greeted.

"So, I see you've become a loyal servant of R. And this means you are ready to begin your next step in our glorious family." Merula's Father started.

Merula nodded.

"And yet..." Merula's Father still noticed one flaw in Merula's Parents. "Rakepick was brought into Azkaban sometime before. She boasted about using the Torture Curse on you. Is that true?" He asked.

Merula nodded. "Rakepick-"

"Used the Torture Curse and you had to rely on others to pull you out of that mess." Merula's Father scolded.

"Yes, Father." Merula replied feeling ashamed of what she did. "But I've begun Wandless Magic. And I've pledged to R." She pointed out.

"And you think that changes anything?" Merula's Father asked. "Action speaks louder than words. And you say that you will pledge to R, but will you actually do it."

Merula seemed hesitant to do it. Her father noticed. "That's what I thought. You're still weak as ever."

"I'm not weak." Merula snapped back. "I'm a Snyde in House Slytherin. And I'm worthy of the family title." 

"Then prove it." Merula's Father told his daughter. "Finish what I started. The next time that Trotsky tells you to complete a mission. Don't hesitate and show no restraint. Unless you want to be a disgrace to your family."

Merula shook her head. "Never. Father. I just want you to accept me as a Snyde." She informed.

"You want my acceptance. Then you must finish what I started. You will finish off the Bauers. Ethan and his Brother Jacob must be killed. Do this and you will finally be a Snyde. And I will be proud to call you my daughter." Merula's Father ordered.

Merula seemed a little hesitant to do that. Kill Ethan and his Brother? If she did then...

"Is there a problem?" Merula's Father asked.

"N-no." Merula answered.

Merula's Father didn't seem convinced. "I should've known you still had some weakness in you, girl. Maybe I was wrong. You're not my daughter. And you're not worthy of being a Snyde."

"No!" Merula yelled. "I'm a Snyde. I'll show you, I'll..."

That was when the door opened. Trotsky was listening to their conversation. "Alright. We're done here." Trotsky took Merula out of there before Merula got even more upset.

They walked out of Azkaban with the Dementors in tow. "That... was not the reaction I was expecting." Merula commented about her visit with her father.

"Your Father can be cruel at times. You should've seen his face when he found out I was promoted to Lieutenant of Voldemort instead of him." Trotsky pointed out.

"I just want to be worthy of being a Snyde." Merula told Trotsky.

"And you will be after this is done." Trotsky replied.. "Assuming that you won't hesitate to get the job done and question your loyalty." 

"Never. I'll get the job done." Merula declared.

"Good." Trotsky praised. "Now then. Return to Hogwarts and monitor the Xeep's Solution closely. I'll gather the others and prepare our next move." He ordered.

Merula nodded. And she was apparated away and back to Hogwarts.

Meanwhile Trotsky looked at the Dementors. "That fool Snyde doesn't even deserve Merula as his daughter." He told them. "Remind me to destroy him after I kill Slayton and plunge the world into a new world order." 

The Dementors all looked at him.

"Oh, relax. You'll still get your souls. We wouldn't want to make your master Erathor mad would you?" Trotsky asked. He also knew of the legend of how the Dementors first came to be. 

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