Chapter 29: Into the Storm.

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"I'm not afraid of confrontation. It doesn't have to be an argument. We all have a voice. And they are all worth listening to." -Adam Goodes.

Steal from Umbridge, and get potential answers from Skeeter. How does anybody make a choice like that? And Ethan didn't know how it was that a journalist like Skeeter could get anything about R. But considering the fact that Skeeter was a big eyed bug, it shouldn't have come at a surprise. That woman was everywhere. He remembered hearing stories from his father, about how annoying the press could be. And then Ethan remembered how Skeeter tried to get dirt on Jacob in the middle of a prank war between Tulip and Tonks. The trio got the last laugh on Skeeter after Ethan and the girls dumped a load of Dungbombs on the woman. Ethan wondered if that was why Skeeter had a grudge against him. "Eh, you live and learn." He thought.

The first thing that Ethan made sure to do was check with Ben. 

"Hey, Ethan." Ben greeted. "You get what you need from Rita Skeeter? Do we know where Madam Xeep is?"

"Well..." Ethan started. 

"She wants you to do one more thing before she tells you where Madam Xeep is?" Ben asked knowing that was the most likely thing that Skeeter would do.

"Yep." Ethan answered.

"Wow, that is one tough nut to crack." Ben commented.

"Apparently, it will 'satisfy some readers' but they're all 'looking for the next big thing'." Ethan explained. "Or more likely Skeeter is just looking for more publicity."

"Ugh. What do we got to do around here to get information? Break into the Toad Warts Office?" Ben asked.

"You know Ben it's funny you mention that. Because that's exactly what Skeeter wants me to do. If I break into Umbitch's office and steal some information, then Skeeter will give me what I want."

"All right... then we'll break into Madam Umbitch's office." Ben declared.

"You don't seem particularly worried..." Ethan noted. How was it that Ben was scared of Snape but not Umbitch. Ethan just never understood that boy.

"Come on E. It's Umbitch. If there's one Witch that we can mess with in this Ministry it's her." Ben pointed out. 

"Well yeah." Ethan replied.

"Besides, you've done much worse things. You've dueled a dragon and defeated Rakepick in the Final Cursed Vault... not to mention, surviving Trotsky." Ben added.

"Yeah. Barely." Ethan felt that pain on his scar on his chest again. "So how are we going to do this? It's not like Umbitch is just going to let us search her office."

Ben began to wrap his brain around again. "Okay, we just need to think of a way to distract her so you can search her office." He decided.

"Distraction?" Ethan asked.

"Yeah. Seems to me that some of your past pranks could provide inspiration." Ben commented.

"I'm not sure Toad Wart would appreciate a prank... which would make it a perfect distraction!" Ethan pointed out.

"Now you just need a cover." Ben noted.

Ethan began to wrap his head again. "Cover... cover.... She'll be watching my every move. I need a cover that's more... inconspicuous." 

"That reminds me... I overheard that Magical Maintenance is performing office checks." Ben added.

The gears were spinning in Ethan's Head. "And since we're supposed to be learning about the different departments..." He noted.

"You could pretend to be performing the office check for her office." Ben realized.

"You're a genius!" They both exclaimed.

"Now you just need a prank that will get her out of her office..." Ben pointed out.

"Breaking rules at Hogwarts is one thing, but this is... something else entirely." Ethan said. And indeed when it came to Umbitch, breaking into her office was going to be something else entirely.

"We need an expert to consult." Ben commented. "One who has knowledge of the Ministry of Magic." 

And Ethan knew who fit that bill: Tulip Karasu.

It didn't take long to find Tulip. She was where she usually was. Zonko's Joke Shop in Hogsmeade. And she wasn't the only one in there. The Weasley Twins, Fred and George were also there.

"Hey fellas." Ethan greeted.

"Hello, Ethan." Both Twins greeted.

"Don't tell Percy we're here. We'll never hear the end of it." Fred requested.

"I think Fred and I could come up with lots of great pranks." George added.

"Well technically as Head Boy. I do hold more power of Percy. Which is why, I'm going to pretend we never had this conversation." Ethan replied. And Both Twins nodded.

"Best Head Boy ever." Fred commented.

"You're just lucky I'm in a hurry." Ethan pointed out.

"Ethan!" Tulip had noticed Ethan come in. "You've finally been freed from the mind-numbing clutches of the Ministry!" She noticed.

"Hi, Tulip! It's good to see you." Ethan greeted. "Just getting some air from that place."

"Almost makes you wish we were back in Mexico." Tulip replied. "Well... without the idea of Penny being a prisoner."

"Still have a grudge against the Ministry?" Ethan asked.

"Just a place full of rules and annoying people in your life." Tulip answered. "And none of them include any fun or pranks." 

"Until now." Ethan noted.

Tulip raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean by that?" She asked.

"I need to distract someone at the Ministry so I can search their office." Ethan explained.

"How fun! Who is it you need to distract?" Tulip asked looking for some fun.

 Umbitch. She's the Head of the Improper Use of Magic Office." Ethan answered.

Tulip knew who that was and made a gagging sound from her mouth. "Madam Umbridge? Looks a bit like a toad in a pink dress? That Madam Umbridge?"  

"And the one who attacked me in the Press." Ethan added. 

And Tulip grew a wicked smile. "This is going to be so much more satisfying than I could have possibly imagined!" She exclaimed. 

"I take it you know her?" Ethan asked sarcastically.

"I've met her a few times. My parents would take me to work functions when I was younger." Tulip answered. "Worst times of my childhood."

 Because of Umbitch or the boredom you experienced?" Ethan asked.

"Both." Tulip straight up answered.

"And Umbitch...?" Ethan was going to ask what Tulip thought of her.

"She's not called that for no reason. She's awful, but I'm sure you already knew that." Tulip interrupted. "Something about her is just... I'm not quite sure what it is."

"I think it's her fake smile. It makes me shiver." Ethan felt himself shivering just thinking about it. "I say we get some payback on her, no?"

"I think a tried and true classic is in order, Ethan." Tulip smiled. "A Dungbomb! Madam Umbridge is so proper and tidy that she'll flee immediately at the stench."

"You're right, Tulip! A Dungbomb is sure to get Madam Umbridge out of her office so that I can search it." Ethan replied. It was a good plan.

"Hey it worked on that one Gangster in Mexico. Here's hoping it will do the same thing again." Ethan noted. He heard what Tulip and Rath were able to do against Diablo and Greyback while he was fighting Slayton. 

"I just wish I was there to see the look on that nasty witch's face when the dungbomb goes off!" Tulip commented.

"I'll be sure to tell you all about it later!" Ethan replied.

"You better! I'd hate to see you wake up to a Dungbomb under your pillow." Tulip said. "Just kidding."

Ethan wasn't sure she was kidding. He knew how that woman operated. And he recalled that she once put a Dungbomb in Merula's bed while she slept in her 3rd year. Which earned Tulip a detention.

Umbridge's Office. Probably the most disturbing place at the Ministry. Perhaps even more than the Department of Mysteries and that was saying something. And Ethan noticed that the Toad Wart was still in the room. He was seriously hoping that this Dungbomb would mess with her system. He had it in his pocket.

"Okay, here's something to rattle her bones." Ethan thought to himself. He then proceeded to burst the door open. "INSPECTION!" He yelled.

"Ethan Bauer?" Umbridge asked keeping her bones from being rattled. "I don't recall asking you to my office."

"I'm here on behalf of the Magical Maintenance Department. For a routine office inspection." Ethan informed.

"The Ministry has you working in Magical Maintenance?" Umbridge asked finding it a little strange.

"Well I guess it's what happens to people who get all the pressure on them. Not that you care about that." Ethan replied.

That was when Umbridge stood up and put on that fake smile. "Oh, are you referring to that incident with the press?" She asked. "Deep down, naughty, attention seeking children deserve to be punished. You, your brother, or your little girl, Penny Haywood."

"We didn't ask for this, Umbridge." Ethan clarified. "You think Penny wanted to be held and chained in a cage in a desert eating off scraps?" He kept walking towards the desk of Umbridge.

Umbitch did a little giggle. "That serves her right for seeking attention. After all it was her fault that she was captured. Wouldn't be the first time someone you were close to did something stupid. Your Father for instance."

Ethan felt his fists clench. "Remember the reason you're here. Remember the reason you're here." He had to tell himself.

"I guess I could say the same for you when you got replaced by Ryder as head of the fight against Trotsky." Ethan shot back.

And that struck a nerve for Umbitch. Ethan knew the advantage was his. "Oh that must be awful for you, isn't it? To answer to another. Especially a Yank."

"Ryder doesn't know how to lead." Umbridge turned her back on Ethan and Ethan moved quickly. "All he knows is nothing but fool hardy decisions. I installed order when I was in charge." 

"Charge of a group of Aurors you pushed to the breaking point if you aske me." Ethan shot back as he grabbed a note from Umbitch's desk and put it into his pants pocket. 

"This is war, Ethan Bauer. Sacrifices must be made. The weak from the strong. And the ones that would stand would make the Ministry strong, dear." Umbridge justifying her decisions.

"So... that's it. You just think that people are just people you can put on your plate and offer them as a sacrifice?" Ethan asked. "You sound like Slayton." He didn't forget about all the things about Slayton and his deals with the Magical Creatures.

Umbridge seemed to stop and breathed heavily. "Do you know what I hate above all else, Mr. Bauer?" Ethan didn't answer that question. Instead he pulled out his Dungbomb. And pulled the pin.

"No clue." Ethan replied.

"Just answer the question, Mr. Bauer. Take a guess if you want." Umbridge requested.

But that was when the Dungbomb went off. And it was enough to make Umbridge smell it all in and nearly gag.

"That does it! This has gone too far!" Umbridge yelled.

"Too far of what?" Ethan asked.

"That hooligan Ludo Bagman!" Umbridge didn't know that Ethan had the Dungbomb.

"Oh! Ludo Bagman... of course." Ethan heard about Ludo Bagman. He was in the Department of Magical Games and Sports. Something which Ethan heard a lot from Jacob. He remembered when he was 4 when his Father told him about that department. And Ethan's first dream job wanted to be a Sports Announcer.

"I've had enough of him and that... that delinquent Department of Magical Games and Sports!" Umbitch continued to rant. "This stench is unbearable! Just wait until the Minister hears about this!" And the Toad Wart left the room.

As soon as Umbitch left the room. Ethan went into hysterics. "That was great!" He yelled. "Take that Umbitch! No one messes with my Girl and my Friends!" He declared as he took a look at the paper. "A Wizengamot trial?" It didn't say who was on trial though. But hopefully for Ethan, it would be enough information for Rita Skeeter. 

Ben was in Diagon Alley outside waiting for Ethan.

"Did you get it?" Ben asked.

"Got it." Ethan answered. "It looks like the Ministry is going for a Wizengamot Trial." 

"For who?" Ben asked.

"Doesn't say. I'm just hoping that its enough to get the information out of Skeeter." Ethan replied. "This better be worth it. I had to deal with the Toad Wart to get this."

"Want me to come with you?" Ben asked.

"No. I should do this alone. This is between me and Skeeter." Ethan said going in alone.

"Should I get the House Leaky Soup or the House Soup Leaky?" A Patron asked a waiter.

"Both are terrible." The Waiter answered like he had better things to do.

Ethan walked through the door of the Leakey Cauldron to see that Skeeter was at a table waiting for Ethan.

"If it isn't my favorite sleuth, Ethan Bauer!" Skeeter announced.

"So I'm a sleuth now?" Ethan asked.

"Depends. Did you get what I wanted?" Skeeter asked.

"I did find something in Madam Umbridge's office." Ethan answered showing the paper. Skeeter started to reach for it but Ethan yanked it back. "Uh, uh uh. I want you to promise that you'll tell us where Zenith Xeep is when I give you this information." He demanded.

"Are you still upset that I didn't tell you right away? Don't be so naïve, Ethan." Skeeter shot back.

"You either make the promise or I won't give you the information." Ethan demanded.

"Ugh, fine!" Skeeter really couldn't see a way where she wins so she caved in. "I promise I'll tell you where Zenith Xeep is... when you give me the information."

"There's going to be a Wizengamot trial. I wasn't able to find out who is on trial. Just that there's going to be one." Ethan told her.

"A Wizengamot trial?! That's front-page news! We haven't had a good trial in ages." Skeeter exclaimed like she was a kid in a candy store. "Except for... well the Rakepick Trial. But that was more of a Kangaroo Court than a Trial."

"I don't remember much of it. I was unconscious and on the verge of death." Ethan replied.

"Well done, Ethan. I'm quite pleased with you. In fact... you remind me of a younger me." Skeeter thanked.

"You exploit people for their stories and only care about yourself. How exactly do I remind you of yourself?" Ethan asked.

"You just do." Skeeter answered.

"Okay. I kept my end of the bargain. Now about, Xeep?" Ethan asked.

"Very well then." Skeeter took out her notebook. "It's such a shame that Zenith got mixed up in this memory-erasing scandal. It'll make a fantastic headline, of course, but turning to crime just seems so... pedestrian for Zenith. There are plenty of reasons someone would do something like this..."

Ethan rolled his eyes.

"She could have been forced to help." Skeeter continued. "She could be doing it for revenge. Perhaps a shopkeep wronged her. She could be doing it out of greed. Money, power, influence... who knows?"

"We're not here to discuss her motivation, though. My associate, Ben and I just want to know where she is." Ethan pointed out.

"Of course, Ethan." Skeeter replied with a smile. "You'll find Zenith Xeep in Knockturn Alley."  She informed.

"What is she doing there?" Ethan asked.

"I don't know that... but, should you find out, please feel free to tell me." Skeeter replied.

"I think we've told you enough, Rita." Ethan turned to see who said that, and it was revealed to be Ben.

"Told you to wait outside." Ethan reminded.

"Got bored." Ben replied.

"Never mind that. Come on, Ben! Let's head to Knockturn Alley and confront Madam Xeep once and for all." Ethan declared getting up.

"Leave it to a Dark Witch to be in Knockturn Alley." Ben commented.

5 Months Earlier.

The Wizengamot Trial Room. This room saw much action during the days after the First Wizarding War. Now it was used for another purpose. This time for the Trial of Rakepick. And Rakepick was brought through the room in thick enchanted chains that prevented her from doing magic. And she was sat down in front of the accusing chair.

And Fudge was standing in the room as Judge with all of the other Witches and Wizards in attendance as the jury.

"Patricia Marie Rakepick. This Ministry has learned that you have turned your back on your duties as a Curse Breaker and have chosen to elect in Dark Magic. Is there anything you wish to say in your defense?" Fudge started.

Rakepick frowned. Her cloak and wand were stripped of her when she was taken into custody. "You're chasing the wrong Witch you know. I did not commit these crimes. At least not intentionally. I was framed." She tried to justify.

But Fudge was not hearing any of it. "You were framed?" He asked sarcastically. "Ms. Rakepick we have evidence that you were not framed. Your wand which was examined by Mr. Ollivander earlier proved that you did indeed cast all 3 of the Unforgivable Curses. The Imperious Curse on an unidentified Wizard in Knockturn Alley. The Cruciatus Curse on Hogwarts Student Merula Snyde. And the Killing Curse on Hogwarts Student, Rowan Khanna. That should be enough to convict alone."

"So what? Someone could've stolen my wand." Rakepick justified.

"Well if that is the case, then why were you seen collaborating with known notorious Death Eater Criminal: Iosef Trotsky?" An interrogator named Amelia Bones asked.

"Trotsky used the Imperious Curse on me. That's why I attacked." Rakepick answered. "I'm not the one who committed these crimes. You just want me to take the fall for him."

"She's lying." A Voice commented. That voice had come from Lucius Malfoy. "She was behind it all. She was in control of her own actions. And she was certainly collaborating with Death Eater Criminals." He explained.

Rakepick looked at Malfoy in horror. "YOU BASTARD!" She yelled trying to run at him. And would've been successful had she not been held down by the chair. "That glory and that power would've been mine! It should be mine! It deserves to be mine!" 

Fudge banged his gravel to bring the court to order.

That was when another man stood up. He was there as a guest of the Ministry of Magic to observe the trial. "Minister, may I ask one question of the accused?" He asked.

"Of course, Mr. Khanna." Fudge replied.

"Mr. Khanna?" Rakepick asked.

"Shaheed Khanna. I'm Rowan's Father." The man introduced. "And I have one question for you. Why did you murder my son?" He calmly asked.

Rakepick sighed. "Your son was not supposed to die. He dived in and got in the way. I aimed the spell at Ben Copper. For what it's worth, your son wasn't the target." She admitted.

"Should I take comfort in that?" Shaheed asked. "Knowing that you were going to kill another and that my son was going to die for him?"

"You kind of should." Rakepick answered.

Shaheed decided to sit down. If Rakepick felt guilt she did not show it.

Fudge had decided that was enough. "Let this Court take notice. Patricia Marie Rakepick. You are found guilty of all charges and will be serve Life in Prison in Azkaban. It so begins!" He declared banging the Gravel. And Rakepick was taken away.

Back to the Present. 

"Glad you could come with me, Ben." Ethan said as they walked their way to Azkaban.

"I wouldn't miss this moment for anything, Ethan." Ben replied. "We're going to take down Madam Xeep and get answers to why a so-called famous celebrity is doing this."

"The Ministry is counting on us to help Madam Xeep's victims. Catching her may unveil some useful clues." Ethan reminded. Let's start with going to listen and see who she's meeting with." He suggested. Fortunately Ethan had brought his Invisibility Cloak so he wouldn't be seen. 

"You got a disguise Ben?" Ethan asked.

"Don't have one." Ben answered.

"Great. They'll see you for sure and my Cloak can't cover us both!" Ethan groaned. "And I don't think I want to try."

"No need. I want Madam Xeep to see the face of the wizard who's going to take her down." Ben informed.

"Really Ben? You're going down that path again?" Ethan asked going on about Ben's arrogant attitude. And Ben didn't care. He charged again.

And there was Xeep speaking to some Cloaked Wizard that Ethan didn't recognize. There was also another cloaked figure. A Dark Witch of some kind.

"...And this potion of yours with the ridiculous name... did it work?" The Wizard asked. And Ethan recognized the voice immediately.

"Slayton." He realized. 

"It's called Xeep's Luscious Locks Solution... and it worked exactly as intended. Sir." Xeep answered.

"Don't presume to know what's intended. Or claim victory without proof. You know how Trotsky feels about that as Rakepick can remind you." Slayton pointed out.

"Of course... I apologize." And Xeep seemed to be sincere about it.

"And as to that proof... where's the wand? And you'd be wise to remember how we repay incompetency. " The Dark Witch reminded. She motioned to Slayton and he had a cage with a Demiguise inside of it. "Want to see a taste?" He asked as he held out a pouch of Red Dust.

"I have it!" Xeep immediately held out the wand, not wanting to see a demonstration of the Red Dust. "Here it is..."

That was when Ben made his move. "Screw this." He muttered.

"Ben-- no!" Ethan yelled.

Too late. Ethan took out his wand. "Stupefy!" He casted over Xeep and Slayton. But Slayton deflected it back.

"You Brits just don't know when to quit do you?" Slayton asked sarcastically. He struck at Ben and smacked him into the wall. 

"Ben!" Ethan took off his invisibility cloak and attacked Slayton.

"Ethan. Still got your scar I take it?" Slayton asked. "We never did finish that fight in Mexico did we?" 

"Nope." Ethan answered shooting a spell at Slayton.

But Slayton deflected it. And Ethan took a look at the Dark Witch and locked eyes with her. Staring into those cold eyes that looked like they could kill. "He looks just like his father." The Dark Witch commented. 

But Slayton interrupted the conversation. "Much as I would love to catch up. We've got business elsewhere. Ciao." And he apparated away along with the Dark Witch. Leaving Ben and Ethan with Xeep.

Ben got up and grabbed Xeep by her shirt. "Alright, Xeep. Why were you seen with Slayton and why did he want that wand?!" He interrogated.

But Xeep wasn't interested in that. "I should've known you'd be a problem as soon as I saw you in the Leaky Cauldron. Children are meddlesome enough, but you, sweetling, are a particular annoyance."

"Stop playing the Victim and answer the question!" Ben ordered.

"How did you even know where to find me?" Xeep asked.

"Rita Skeeter." Ethan answered.

"That annoying little gnat? I'll be sure to take care of her later." Xeep declared.

"That's enough, Zenith!" Now it was Ethan's turn to interrogate. "Why was Slayton here? Who was that Dark Witch? What did they want with the wand from Ollivander's?!" 

"Stolen wand? "Xeep asked confused. "I can't seem to recall stealing a wand. I've got my own, sweetling. Just seems silly to steal someone's else's wand."

"So what's the deal with Slayton? Why was he here?" Ethan asked.

"Now you're just being ridiculous. There's no one here but you and me!" Xeep replied. "Well... and that boy over there who's got anger management issues."

"Guilty as charged." Ben commented. He then looked at an empty potion on the ground. "Uh, Ethan?"

Ethan looked at the vial. "Madam Xeep what was that potion you just drank?" He asked.

"Drink...?" Xeep asked as she seemed to come out of a trance. "Oh, I did drink something, didn't I?"

"Madam Xeep..." Ethan snapped his fingers.

"'Madam Xeep'? That has quite a nice ring to it... is that my name? I... I can't remember my name. How strange!" Xeep looked all around her.

Ethan looked at Ben. "If Madam Xeep doesn't remember her own name then..." That only meant one thing. Madam Xeep drank an entire bottle of the Luscious Locks Solution. And she lost her memories.

Meanwhile at Malfoy Manor. Trotsky had returned with some Dementors in tow. He also read his scouting reports that the Ministry was getting ready for a trial. "A Trial you say?" He asked. He then looked at Malfoy.

"It would appear so." Lucius answered.

"You know what to do." Trotsky reminded. "Take care of it."

Malfoy nodded and walked out the door. 

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