Chapter 44: Same School. Different Problems.

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"The first step in solving a problem is to recognize that it does exist." -Zig Ziglar.

The Bauer Brothers, Lizzie, and Ben had landed back in the Ministry of Magic by way of the Portkey. "I don't think I'm going to be able to adapt to this whole Time Zone thing." Ben commented.

"Yeah..." Ethan agreed. He got back up on his feet. "Your head feeling okay?" He asked Ben.

"Surprisingly, the Portkey didn't give me a headache." Ben answered rubbing his head.

"Come on. Let's go tell Ryder what's what." Ethan suggested. And all four left.  

As they were walking, Ethan remembered the crystal ball he had received from Akira. "This shows me happiness?" He asked himself. He would have to admire later. 

"Ethan?" Jacob asked.

"Nothing. I'm fine." Ethan assured. "Let's just talk to Ryder." He wanted to get the job done as soon as possible.

Ryder and Mad Eye were sitting in the Office talking about something, when the four walked through the door. And Caroline was there. 

"Mum?" Ethan and Jacob asked.

"Ethan! Jacob!" Caroline yelled hugging her boys.

"What are you doing here?" Jacob asked. "Not that there's a problem with that." He quickly added.

But that was when Caroline noticed Jacob's hand. "Jacob, why is your hand metal?" She asked.

Jacob grunted. "My hand got chopped off." He answered.

Caroline looked in horror. "How did that happen?" 

"Fight with Trotsky." Ethan answered.

"But at least I have a metal hand now." Jacob added trying to put things on a positive note. "It's really more a gauntlet that I can still use with magic."

"I liked that hand, Jacob." Caroline commented.

"I'm fine, Mum. I spent 5 years in a portrait." Jacob pointed out. "And better that I get hurt this time rather than Ethan." 

"Better that anything happen to neither of you." Caroline corrected. But she could also see that Ethan was focused on something else. "Ethan?" 

"We saw a dystopian future if we fail." Lizzie explained. "Ethan didn't exactly take it well."

"What kind of future?" Ryder asked.

"Um..." Ethan started to say. That was when he told them about the future they saw. The one of Voldemort returning in a palace. Trotsky sitting as Voldemort's right hand, and his children. Merula and Harry Potter as his enforcers. It was enough to make Ryder and Mad Eye shiver on the inside. 

"Okay... that's a problem." Ryder admitted.

"A big problem." Mad Eye added.

"Ethan?" Caroline asked.

"Mum... I don't want that future to happen." Ethan said.

"It's not, Sweetie." Caroline replied hugging her son. "You'll be fine." 

"Not on our watch." Jacob added. "But Mum, back to what I was saying." He got back on topic.

Caroline swallowed. "Well... I had a little scare." She admitted. "Derek Slayton tried to take my soul. But I stopped him."

"What?" Both Ethan and Jacob asked. "He went after our Mum?" Ethan thought to himself.

"I'm alright, boys." Caroline assured. "They didn't take my soul."

"But why would Slayton try to get souls and for what purpose, he's not a Dementor?" Ethan asked.

"He might as well be." Ben commented.

"Slayton was saying something about getting souls for his Red Dust to make his pets more obedient. His words, not mine." Caroline answered.  

"Turning Magical Creatures Obedient?" Ethan asked in disbelief. "Is that even possible?" 

"Afraid so." Ryder answered. "Slayton talked about making the perfect Red Dust formula for years. And now he's found a way to perfect it." He grumbled.

Ethan shook his head. This was becoming a nightmare. Liz wasn't going to like this. She loved Magical Creatures.

"But what happened in Japan?" Ryder asked getting back on topic. "Judging by your tone and empty hands, I guess we failed." 

"We did." Jacob admitted.

"And Trotsky grabbed the Yokai to his cause." Ben added. "He and his goons also gave me a concussion."

"Now what do we do?" Lizzie asked.

"Let me worry about that. In the meantime, head back to Hogwarts." Ryder ordered. "We'll call you if we need to."

"Got it." Ethan replied for everybody. He still held the Crystal Ball in his hands.

"What's that?" Caroline asked.

"A crystal ball. I got it from Akira Shimamoto after I got shown the future. He thought it might bring me peace or something like that." Ethan answered.

"Did you look in it?" Caroline asked.

"No. I'm not sure I can trust Crystal Balls and Divinations these days." Ethan answered.

"Maybe not. It came from a trusted person, didn't you?" Caroline asked.

Ethan sighed. "Okay. I'll look at it when we get back to Hogwarts. Love you Mum. Stay safe."

"I love you too, E. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. It's my job to worry about you, two. Not the other way around." Caroline hugged her son. "And you too, Jacob."  

Jacob nodded and they went through the Floo Network to Hogsmeade.

Arriving back through The Floo Network to Hogsmeade in the Three Broomsticks. "Ah, home." Ben sighed in relief. He took another step forward but a giant net had ensnared him up. "Gah!"

"What the?" Jacob asked.

"Ha!" Corey Hayden jumped out of a booth. 

"Corey what the-" Ethan started to say.

"Freeze right there, Bauer! If that is your real name." Corey hissed.

"Corey, it's me! Now cut Ben down." Ethan replied.

"Well if you are, Ethan Bauer. Then say the secret code." Corey commanded.

Ethan smacked his head. "Corey, we don't HAVE a secret code!" 

"Yes we do. I made one up while you were in Japan." Corey pointed out.

"Then how am I supposed to know what it is?" Ethan asked.

And that's when it felt like the air had deflated out of Corey. "You... good point." She admitted.

"Sorry about that, Ben." Corey cut the net. And Ben fell to the floor. 

"Corey. Any other day, I'd humor you. But I just recovered from a Concussion. And I really need a Butterbeer."  Ben grunted going over to Madame Rosmerta.

"Oh, you're back, boys." Rosmerta realized. "How was Japan?" She asked. Word traveled fast around Hogsmeade and Hogwarts that the Bauer Brothers were in Japan.

"Eh, you didn't miss much." Jacob answered.

"Okay, boys. If that's all. I'm heading back to my shop." Lizzie informed. 

"You sure?" Ethan asked.

"Yeah. But if you ever need me, Ethan. You know where to find me. You and Jacob." Lizzie answered.

"Right. I'll see you around." Ethan replied. The Crystal Ball in his hands.

"So, Ethan. Back to Hogwarts?" Jacob asked.

"Back to Hogwarts." Ethan answered. And they both started to take off.

"Oh, Ethan. One more thing. Professor Dumbledore wanted to meet you in his office when you returned. Here's his Owl." Corey added.

Ethan read it. "I'll be there." He informed. And he and Jacob turned for Hogwarts.

Ethan walked up the towers to Dumbledore's Office and past the Eagle Statue. Saying the password and walking up to the Office. When Ethan opened the door he couldn't see Dumbledore but he did see Fawkes sitting on his pedestal. 

"Hello, Fawkes." Ethan greeted.

Fawkes nodded his head. He looked sick. And then proceeded to burst into flames and his ashes on the bottom of his pedestal.

Ethan had to stand back. "Fawkes?" He asked.

"Hello, Ethan." Dumbledore greeted while walking down the steps. 

"Professor, Fawkes. He-"

"Burst into flames?" Dumbledore asked. "About time. He's been looking dreadful for days. But no matter. We go through this cycle more often than naught. They burst into flames when they are to die." He began.

"And then they are born again from the Ashes. I remember." Ethan finished. "It's just that I've never seen it happen before."

"Naturally." Dumbledore replied. He saw a small hatchling of Fawkes rise from the ashes. "Ah, fascinating creatures, phoenixes. They can carry immensely heavy loads of their tears of healing powers. I have no doubt that you are carrying a heavy load yourself. Given your adventures in Japan and the trial that had happened." 

Ethan nodded his head. "Yes, sir. I tried to stop Trotsky. I failed." He admitted. 

"You did the best you could. We don't always get to win." Dumbledore replied. 

"I know. But it's starting to get to the point of annoying." Ethan commented.

"My only regret is that I was not there to stop the madness at the trial." Dumbledore said. 

"Um, sir? Aren't you also the Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot trial? If so then-" Ethan asked.

"Why did I not take the trial myself? Because I dare not leave Hogwarts unattended in case of another attack by any of Trotsky's Faction. Especially given with what had happened to Ms. Haywood being taken prisoner." Dumbledore answered. "I was confident that Ryder and Fudge could handle the situation, but it never occurred to me that Ryo wanted to kill himself and end the pain.  Things are falling rapidly, Ethan. And even I cannot prevent every tragedy." He admitted. His face growing serious.    

"So, are we doomed?" Ethan asked.

"No." Dumbledore answered. "I am saying that we should plan our next steps carefully. Trotsky is doing the one thing many Death Eaters would not even consider. Not even Voldemort himself would do at any rate. Trotsky is learning."  

"He's learning?" Ethan asked.

"Every fight you have with Trotsky." Dumbledore clarified. "He's observing, he's testing his growing army. There's going to be something coming. Soon." 

"Professor, I saw the future if we fail." Ethan added. Dumbledore looked at him. "And what did you see?" He asked.

Ethan shook his head. "You don't want to know." 

"I understand. And I think I have a general idea of what you saw." Dumbledore replied.  

"So what do we do?" Ethan asked.

"For now, we be patience. Fear is a powerful thing. But not unless we have hope to move us through such dark times. I believe that Crystal Ball that Akira Shimamoto gave you was meant to also give you hope."

Ethan looked at the crystal ball. 

"Look inside it, Ethan." Dumbledore suggested. 

So Ethan looked inside of the Crystal Ball. He looked a little nervous. "Ethan... I'm right here." Dumbledore assured.

Ethan looked inside. He saw a green field. And a 6 year old boy with light brown hair, and blue eyes, running around. He was holding up a Quaffle and throwing it to his father. 

And the Father had his dark brown hair, and brown eyes. He held up his young son. And Ethan realized the father looked quite familiar. "Is that... me? And my child?"

He then saw a young blonde woman walking with 2 more children. A set of twins. A boy and a girl. The young woman looked like Penny. This was the future that Ethan saw. His children, and a family of his own.

"I got kids." Ethan realized. He was brought back to his senses in Dumbledore's Office. It served him much better than the dark future that he was shown in Japan. 

Ethan had tears in his eyes when the vision faded. He looked back at Dumbledore. "Professor?"

Dumbledore put a hand on Ethan's shoulder. "Ethan... do not fear of what may be. Fight for the future you wish to have." He advised.

Ethan nodded. "I can't ignore what could be in the world... But I can fight for that future I was shown." He declared. "Thank you, Akira." He said to himself. Even in Great Britain, Akira was looking out for the best of Ethan.

And Ethan had another thought. "Professor, in Japan. I saw Merula Snyde." He informed.

"Yes, I suspected as much." Dumbledore replied.  

"When I confronted her, she said that it was too late for her to come back." Ethan added. "Is it?" He asked.

Dumbledore sat down at his desk. "I once knew a boy who attended Hogwarts who made all the wrong choices in his time. Like Merula Snyde, he was a Slytherin who had suffered for most of his life in pain, consumed by darkness. Do you know who that boy was?" He asked.

Ethan had a hunch. "Voldemort?" He asked.

Dumbledore nodded. "Back then. He was known by the name: Tom Riddle. Merula is not Tom Riddle. She made mistakes, she still does. But I believe that's there's a part of her that doesn't truly want this. All she wants is love, or a friend, to be appreciated by someone."

"To be accepted in society in spite of everything." Ethan added.

"Exactly." Dumbledore replied. "There is still time for Merula to make the right choice. If she was beyond all hope, would Merula have saved you in the Cursed Vault last year? Would she have been shocked when Rowan was killed? It's not too late for Merula Snyde. Remember that, Ethan." He explained.

Ethan nodded. "Okay..." He then left Dumbledore's office. There was someone he had to see.

Ethan went down to the Great Hall. Ben was in the Hospital Wing getting checked up by Madam Pomfrey. She wanted to make sure that Ben was alright. That was when he saw Penny and his other friends of the Circle of Khanna including Corey, Liz, Chiara, Barnaby, Andre and Tulip, as well as Ismelda talking to someone. Until Penny noticed Ethan. "Ethan's back!" She yelled.

"Penny." Ethan said. Penny ran over to Ethan and embraced him. 

"We heard you went to Japan. Are you okay?" Penny asked.

"I'm fine, Penny. Sorry I didn't bring you back any souvenirs and there was no time to get any of you. This had to be done discreetly." Ethan explained. 

"Well, glad you're back in one piece." Penny replied.

"Does anybody have any Pumpkin Juice or something?" Ethan asked as a bit of a joke.

Penny smiled. "Right this way." She showed the way to one end of a table. "Hey guys!"

"Ethan!" Tulip, Chiara, Corey, and Liz chanted.

"Welcome back, Ethan. Place wasn't the same without you." Chiara commented.

"Did he go somewhere?" Barnaby asked.

"Japan." Ethan answered.

"You went to Japan?" Tulip asked in all jealousy. "And you didn't invite us?"

"It was a last minute thing and short term emergency." Ethan answered. "Especially after the trial." 

"Yeah, we heard about that mess. What happened?" Liz asked. 

And Ethan told them about the trial. And Ryo and the levels of Radiation in Atomic Fire. And also the Seppuku that Ryo performed on himself.

"Merlin's beard." Liz commented taking it all in. "Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah. It was just a lot to take in all at once." Ethan answered.

"I always knew that Nukes were deadly, but what it did to that wizard..." Chiara couldn't find the right words to describe it.

"What's a Nuke?" Barnaby asked.

"A weapon designed to cause destruction at an unimaginable scale." Penny answered. "It can decimate an entire city in seconds and no one can do a thing about it." 

"Huh. I thought a Nuke was a soup." Barnaby thought out loud.

"No, but it can turn the world into soup." Ethan replied.

"What kind of soup?" Barnaby asked.

"Spinach and Liversnot." Ethan answered.

"That's the worst soup there is." Barnaby realized in horror.

"Moving on." Ethan continued. 

"So what happened in Japan?" Penny asked.

So Ethan told the group about meeting with Akira and his son Takumi. The Kitsune Aiya. The Tengu fight. Defending the Edo Castle against the Oni. And an encounter with the Slit Mouthed Women and the Nure. The various Yokai around Japan. And coming back home. He didn't tell them about what had happened with the vision of the dystopia. No sense in causing a panic.

"Wow. You had quite the odyssey." Penny commented.

"Not as big as our last adventure." Ethan pointed out.

"Ethan. I was locked in a cage." Penny reminded.

"It was an odyssey for me, Jacob, Tulip, Barnaby, Diego, and Rath." Ethan said. 

"Best detention ever. I got to go on an Odyssey into Mexico, and I got to use a bag of tricks on a Werewolf." Tulip commented.

"We were in detention?" Barnaby asked.

"I was. You weren't." Tulip answered.

"What's an odyssey?" Barnaby asked.

"It means adventure." Chiara answered. "Like the one of Odysseus. The Odyssey." 

"Ody who?" Barnaby asked.

"The Greek Hero." Ethan answered.

"The Geek Hero?" Barnaby asked.

"Greek." Ethan corrected.

"Oh... you mean those groups of people that live in Muggle Colleges, wear togas and no underpants." Barnaby realized. "That's what Professor Sikander told us." 

"He told you that?" Ethan asked.

"Sort of. It was hard to make out with all those words that Sikander was saying." Penny answered. "I'm pretty sure that's not how Muggles talk to each other.

Ethan shook his head. "No, it's not. Even when I was talking to Snape, Sikander was saying stuff that even I would not know about."

"Yeah, Sikander is getting weirder and weirder." Tulip admitted. "We talked about this American Muggle who was a hot shot rocker, called Elvis Presley in class a few days ago. Sikander started talking like he did. And he was saying stuff about Peanut Butter and Banana sandwiches." 

"Who eats Peanut Butter and Banana sandwiches?" Ethan asked.

"Elvis, apparently." Chiara answered.

"Okay... that's just weird." Ethan replied. And considering that he was a wizard, that was just on a multitude of odd. 

"Not as weird as all the other things that happen in our lives, I imagine." A voice interrupted.

Ethan turned to the person. With long black hair like an emo person, and with dark clothing on him. "And you are?" He asked.

"Victor Ketsueki. Ravenclaw, and 7th year. At your service." The Emo person introduced. 

"You a new transfer, I don't remember seeing you before?" Ethan asked.

"No, just experiencing some newfound fame. Or Infamy depending on your point of view." Victor answered.

"That depends on the point of view." Ethan replied.

"Yes it does." Corey commented starring dreamily at Victor. "Can I tell him, Victor?" She asked.

"By all means." Victor answered.

"Over the Summer Holiday, he got turned into a vampire, isn't that-" Corey never got to finish her sentence.

"Did she just say, Vampire?" Ethan asked nervously.

"That's so cool, right?" Corey asked.

But Ethan jumped out of the way. "Ah!"

Victor didn't seem surprised. "Yeah, I get that a lot." He looked at Ethan who was shivering. But he seemed to get his composure back together. 

"Sorry, Victor. It's just vampires-" Ethan started.

"It's okay. Ethan. I get it. But don't worry. I don't have any intention of biting anyone and turning them into a Vampire." Victor assured. 

"So, you're not going to turn all of Hogwarts into a Vampire Castle?" Ethan asked.

It made Victor laughed. "No. Your friend Barnaby already asked me that question. The Vampires haven't been a major powerhouse since the 1800s, during the time of Dracula. And he was killed off by the hunter, Van Helsing." He answered. 

"But Vampires still exist." Ethan pointed out.

"Some do. But they're not as widespread as they were. I just happened to be an unlucky soul with my parents in France." Victor explained.

"Sounds like a crazy adventure." Ethan commented.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that I've had some interesting adventures. All night parties in the Catacombs beneath Paris, dancing with Veela until dawn..." Victor said.  

"Yeah, living the dream." Ethan shot back. That didn't sound like an adventure though, more like a night at the club.

"I understand that you've been on a few interesting adventures of your own. Going to Mexico to rescue a Girl." Victor noted.

"And spending time in Japan." Ethan added.

"Japan? Now that is interesting." Victor admitted. "Spend anytime getting to dance with some of the lovely Japanese ladies?" He asked. 

"No. I've already got a girlfriend." Ethan answered.

"He's talking about me." Penny clarified.

Victor seemed to notice. "I can see why. Well, regrettably, I must take Penny off my list of Single Pretty Girls in Hogwarts." He seemed to scribble something in a notepad.

"He's got a notepad." Tulip whispered to Corey.

"Yeah... I know." Corey whispered back.

"Still... I suppose I can always throw my own parties here at Hogwarts. Though they'll be exclusive, perhaps some of my new friends will make the cut." 

"Talk about being too cool for school." Ethan thought. "Sorry, Victor. I don't think I can attend. I'm kind of busy fighting against a psycho Ukrainian Death Eater, and his American Gangster." He declined. 

"Oh yeah... that." Victor remembered.

That didn't seem to matter to Tulip and Corey though. "He's so charismatic, and biting and acerbic." Corey thought out loud.

"Corey, have you been reading a dictionary while I was gone?" Ethan asked.

"...Maybe. I'm bringing out the big words to keep up with Victor." Corey answered. "It's all fascination is all."

"Yeah. Going from ordinary to extraordinary. Invisible to super popular." Tulip added. "Seems like he can say a little or a lot and everyone listens... even if those words are kind of mean."

"Sounds a bit like Merula." Ethan corrected.

"Okay, no one is that mean." Corey said.

"She's not mean." Ethan snapped. 

"Since when are you defending her?" Corey asked. "Did you forget that she kidnapped Penny?"

"That was Slayton." Penny pointed out. She could tell that Ethan was thinking about something. She wondered if something had happened in Japan that Ethan saw.

"And speaking of Merula." Ethan got back on topic. "I was hoping that I could talk to Corey about Merula."

"What about Merula?" Corey asked.

"It was something that happened in Japan. Merula had helped the Yokai. And she was saying something that it was too late for her to come back. She's doing wrong and yet, she wants to do it." Ethan answered.

"Yeah... she seemed hesitant about kidnapping me when that happened." Penny added.

"You think she might consider changing sides?" Corey asked.

"I hope so. Maybe there's a way to persuade Merula to change her course." Ethan suggested. "Maybe we could give her a moment with her parents. If we can give them back. They can start a new life away from all of this." 

"If only it were that simple." Corey replied.

"I wonder what Merula's up to now?" Ethan asked.

"Let's go find out." Corey suggested.

"Say again?" Ethan asked.

"We could go check the Whomping Willow to see if there's any new letters. Or messages." Corey answered.

Ethan nodded. "Okay. What have we got to lose?" He asked.

"Sorry, guys. You're going to have to go without me. I've kind of sworn off of The Whomping Willow." Penny informed. And Ethan did not blame Penny.

And that was how Corey and Ethan went to the Whomping Willow alone. "No matter how many times I come back to the Whomping Willow. It always ends up being creepy. Makes you wonder who planted it, eh Watson?" Corey asked.

"Here we go again." Ethan muttered.

"What?" Corey asked.

"You're going back to the Sherlock and Watson." Ethan answered.

"Because that's our thing." Corey explained. "We're an unstoppable team."

"Yeah... unstoppable." Ethan replied. But he noticed that Corey was thinking about something. "What?"

"I just... wanted to thank you for being my friend. I don't have many of them, like Victor or you. Not many people seem to appreciate my wizarding world knowledge or detective talk." Corey thanked.

Ethan shrugged. "Well, Rowan did." He admitted. "I think you would've really liked him. He was looking to be The Head Boy."

Corey nodded careful to say the right words. She knew how much Rowan was to Ethan. "I guess I'm just saying, that I've really enjoyed being a detective with you." She replied. "Which is why we're here in the first place."

"So let's go look for new quills that help us with R's plans?" Ethan asked.

"Yes... let's look." Corey answered. "The game's afoot." She declared.

A few dodging of branches later, and Ethan found a Black Quill on the ground. "Reparifarge." Ethan untransfigured it. And the quill turned into a letter.

"What does it say?" Corey asked.

"I'm getting to it." Ethan answered. "It says: Time to cause some Chaos. Infestation style. Be careful. They're very poisonous. Don't screw this up, or you might not have a family at all." 

"Infestation?" Corey asked. "Infestation of what?" She asked.

"Good question." Ethan replied.

"And look at this handwriting. Look at the way the lines are forged. It's American style." Corey grunted.

That was when Ethan saw something. "Uh, Corey?" He asked.

"Did I get carried away again?" Corey asked. "Sorry. The latest Conebush and Persimmons book relies on handwriting analysis."

"Interesting..." Ethan replied.

"That message sure is ominous, Ethan. You think it was that Slayton guy? He's the only American I know." Corey asked.

"What did that mean by... You might not have a family at all?" Ethan noted. "Still, this could mean that perhaps Merula is truly still our friend and hasn't completely betrayed us."

"That's what it sounds like. Here, I'll transfigure the message and put it back so Merula isn't tipped off." Corey suggested.

Ethan nodded. "Thanks, Corey. We better get going, before--" That was when he noticed Merula and Ismelda talking about something.

"Are you feeling okay? Merula?" Ismelda asked. "Do you want to talk about it?" 

But Merula shook her head. "No Ismelda. It's just that-" She couldn't finish because she saw Ethan and Corey in her direction. "What are you two doing here?" She asked.

"Oh! We were just... taking in the scenery? It's such a... lovely day!" Corey lied. "What are you two doing here?" 

"We were just taking in the scenery as well." Merula answered. "And Ismelda and I are just talking about stuff."

"And I assume that it's none of my business." Ethan guessed.

"Yeah, Bauer. Now shoo." Ismelda snapped.

"We were just leaving." Ethan informed. "Come on, Corey."

"I'm going to follow him." Corey said motioning her fingers to follow Ethan.

Ethan and Corey reconnected in the Artefact Room. "Blimey, that was a close one! I didn't expect Merula to show up at the Whomping Willow..." Corey said.

"But what were Ismelda and Merula talking about?" Ethan noted. "Something happened to Merula. And I don't like it." 

"I can't get over how ominous that note was..." Corey commented. "You might have no family at all. Aren't her parents in Azkaban?" She asked. 

"They are." Ethan answered. "But you don't think that... the Dementors sucked out the souls of her parents, do you?" He asked.

"It would explain a whole lot of things." Corey answered. She shuddered at the fact of  the Dementor's sucking out a soul. 

"But what about Merula, do you think because of this, we can convince her to become an informant?" Corey asked.

"Informant?" Ethan asked.

"Yeah. Informant. You know like in 'A Rat Among the Red Caps'." Corey suggested. 

"You mean when Conebush and Persimmons convince a henchman to be a double agent?" Ethan asked knowing first hand knowledge of that story.

"Exactly. Corey answered. "If we get Merula on our side and she stays in 'R', then she can feed us information about what they're up to! We could, potentially, be one step ahead of 'R'. Imagine how useful that would be!"

 But Ethan sighed. "Not likely. Merula's still Trotsky's adopted daughter. And now that her parents might have their souls sucked out, she's going to cling onto Trotsky even more." 

"We wouldn't be telling her what to do, though!" Corey pointed out. "Just asking her to pass on information when she can."

"I don't know, Corey. Maybe-" But Ethan's words were cut off by a Buzzing sound. "What's that?" Corey asked.

And Ethan recognized it. "Doxy." He realized.

"What?" Corey asked. 

Her words were cut off by a doxy that had appeared out of nowhere. "Bzzz..." The Doxy screeched out. 

"Oh, those Doxy." Corey realized. And that's when it dawned on her. "Doxy!" She screamed.

The Doxy had flown around and stung out Corey on the finger.

"Corey!" Ethan yelled out. He took out his wand. "Flipendo!" And the Doxy buzzed off. "Corey? Corey, are you okay?" He asked.

"It's just a flea bite." Corey answered. 

But Ethan knew how serious the Doxy Bite was. "Yeah, it starts off like a Flea Bite. Then the poison seeps in. And then you die." He explained.

"You do?" Corey asked nervously. She then screamed out. "AH! I've going to die!"

"Calm down, you're not going to die. It's a slow acting poison, or you'd already be dead." Ethan assured.

"How do you know so much about Doxy poison?" Corey asked.

"I got bitten when I was 6. It was shortly before Jacob was to leave to Hogwarts. My Mum managed to get the poison out, thank God. But, it was still very an eye opener." Ethan answered.

"Well, are you going to perform surgery or something?" Corey asked nervously. 

"Corey... we have a Hospital Wing." Ethan reminded.

"Oh, yeah." Corey replied. 

Ethan rolled his eyes. In other words, now a Doxy had managed to get into the school. It was nice to know that Hogwarts hadn't changed at all. Sarcastically speaking of course. 

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