Chapter 45: The Doxy Cometh.

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"Enthusiasm is the best protection in any situation. Wholeheartedness is contagious. Give yourself, if you wish to get others." -David Seabury.

And that was how Ethan found himself dragging Corey Hayden to the Hospital Wing. It wasn't that far of a walk.

"Madam Pomfrey!" Ethan shouted. 

"Yes, Mr. Bauer? If you're cut again..." Pomfrey started.

"No. It's Corey. She got bit by a Doxy." Ethan answered.

"The Infestation is growing! I'm going to turn into a Zombie!" Corey yelled out in horror." 

"Please calm down, Hayden." Pomfrey replied slightly annoyed. "Just sit on the bed and take it easy." She instructed. 

Corey sat down. "She'll be on the mends in no time. But she needs rest." Pomfrey explained to Ethan. "It's not becoming uncommon for a Doxy Bite these days."

"What do you mean by that?" Ethan asked. He turned to see some of his friends also on the other Hospital Beds. And Chiara also there mending them.

"They got bit too?" Ethan asked.

"Afraid so." Pomfrey answered. 

"Well, no matter. We should get going." Corey insisted.

"Not going to happen, Corey. You need to rest." Ethan shot down. 

"He's right. You'll make that injury worse." Pomfrey added.

"But-" Corey started to say.

"No buts, Young Lady." Pomfrey interrupted. 

"And are all of these students being treated for Doxy Bites?" Ethan asked.

"Sad but true." Pomfrey answered. "We've had so many Doxy Bites, that I've had to enlist help. And not just from Ms. Lobosca."

To prover her point. Pomfrey pointed to the other beds, to see Penny, and Beatrice, as well as Cedric Diggory providing aid to the other students. Including Andre who was suffering from a Doxy Bite. Even Victor was providing aid. 

"Hey Victor! You want to come over here?" Corey asked. She sighed. "He's so charismatic." 

"Yeah, he's a real dream." Ethan rolled his eyes.

"He also carried a student in here like it was a carton of Milk." Pomfrey noted.

That didn't surprise Ethan. Vampires were known for having super strength. But back to the matter at hand. "I've never seen an infestation of Doxy like this before." He said.

"They're usually isn't one of this magnitude. But this infestation is swift, precise. I've never seen Doxy coordinate like this before." Pomfrey replied.

"Slayton." Ethan growled. "He's responsible for this." 

"Perhaps." Pomfrey admitted. "But, still. We need to treat these students. Can you lend us a hand?" She asked.

Ethan nodded. "Least I can do." He went over to Andre. "Hey, Andre. How you feeling?" 

"Better now, I think. Not my first Doxy Bite. Still hurts like hell, though." Andre answered.

"I know how that feels." Ethan replied. "Where did you get this?"

"Eh, I was out on the Quidditch Pitch. Cedric and I were talking about Quidditch records with Rath. Cedric was saying that his Dad was going to boast that Cedric, when he became a starter was going to break all of the Quidditch Records at Hogwarts. That was when a Doxy showed up and bit me. Rath killed it with a club, but I had to get to the Hospital Wing to treat it." Andre answered.

"So it's not just a local incident." Ethan recapped.

"Not looking like it, no." Andre agreed.

And Ethan remembered those words in the letter. "Infestation." He quietly said. "Okay. We gotta stop this before this gets out of hand." Ethan declared.

"I'll help!" Corey shouted.

"No you won't." Ethan replied. "You heard Madam Pomfrey." 

Corey grunted.

"Well, how do we know this isn't just a random Doxy infestation?" Corey asked.

"That's what I'm going to find out." Ethan answered.

Just then, Chiara walked over. "Find out what?" She asked.

"R's unleashed a Doxy infestation on the school. I'm going to find out how to get rid of it." Ethan answered.

Chiara nodded. "Well, if you're going to find out how to get rid of it, then I'm going to help you." She informed.

"You sure?" Ethan asked. He didn't expect Chiara to help him just like that. Then again, Erika Rath had volunteered to help Ethan go to Mexico to rescue Penny.

"Yeah. I think the best way to help this outbreak is to find the source and stop it." Chiara explained. "Besides. You owe me big time for treating your wounds."

"You don't need to rub it in." Ethan said to himself. "Okay, you know where to start?" He asked.

"Let's go talk with Professor Kettleburn." Chiara suggested. "He'll know what to do." 

Ethan was fortunate to find that Kettleburn was not bit by a Doxy. And even more so that Kettleburn was still at the Care of Magical Creatures Class. 

"Ah, Mr. Bauer. Ms. Lobosca. How wonderful to see you two." Kettleburn greeted.

"Hello, Professor." Ethan greeted back.

He also noticed the large Wampus Cat that was walking up to them. It made Chiara jump. "AH!"

"Relax, Chiara. That's just Tim." Ethan explained.

"You named the Wampus Cat, Tim?" Chiara asked.

"Well, Liz Tuttle did." Ethan answered.

"Of course she would." Chiara said.

Tim purred over to Ethan. "Playing nice with the others?" Ethan asked.

Tim nodded. "See. Great Britain isn't all that bad." Ethan said. "At least you don't have to worry about getting run over by Muggles-"

Tim meowed again. "Okay, No Maj." Ethan corrected. "At least you don't have to worry about getting run over by them as they drive to a McDonalds." 

Author's Note: I would've also used Starbucks, but Starbucks did not become main spear until 1992. And... thrust back into the story.

Tim nodded. He also said to Ethan that Kettleburn was a much better protector that actually treats the Magical Creatures with the respect that they deserve.

Chiara was fascinated by the whole interaction between Ethan and Tim. "You're talking to Tim?" She asked.

"Only through Legillemens. We know it both, and that's how we communicate." Ethan answered.

"Well, at least it's better then being a Parseltongue." Chiara noted.

"You mean a Snake talker?" Ethan asked.

Chiara nodded. But she got back to Kettleburn. "Professor, we're here because of the Doxy infestation that's been plaguing Hogwarts." She informed. "And as an inspiring healer... I can't let others suffer."

"Say no more. I understand." Kettleburn replied. "And two heads are better then one. Three considering the Runespoor." 

"The Giant 3 headed Snake that lives in Africa?" Ethan asked. 

Kettleburn nodded.

"Okay..." Ethan thought. Completely random. "So... the Doxy."

"Right. I believe you yourself are familiar with Doxy." Kettleburn replied.

"Yeah, but I've never seen an infestation of this magnitude." Ethan answered. "And we think it might have to do with... him." Ethan was referring to Slayton.

"Yes. The Doxy are most likely on Red Dust. But Red Dust should only make the Creatures go berserk. This infestation looks more coordinated." Kettleburn pointed out.

"It used to." Ethan said. "Slayton's made some dangerous modifications to the Red Dust. Now the Red Dust just obeys Slayton." 

"That is a problem." Kettleburn agreed. "And if we are dealing with an infestation. We'll need more than the Knockback Jinx to defeat it. I mean, theoretically you could do it."

"It would just take a ridiculous amount of time." Ethan finished.

"Which is something we don't have." Chiara added. She then had to wrap her brain together. And that was when she snapped her fingers. "I've got it! Ethan, didn't we learn a Potion in our Third Year that gets rid of Doxy?" She asked.

"Doxycide?" Ethan asked.

"That's what it was called." Chiara realized.

"Exactly!" Kettleburn exclaimed. "Since Professor Snape isn't here, I'll award 5 points to Gryffindor in his stead."

"Thanks." Ethan replied completely forgetting about the whole House Point System, and not sure if Snape would've awarded House Points for that... but hey, far be it from Ethan to complain. "So... where are we going to get Doxycide potions?" He asked.

"Professor Snape might have some." Chiara suggested.

"Assuming that Professor Sikander hasn't blown off his ear drums." Kettleburn answered. 

"But even if Professor Snape, hasn't gotten his blown off his ear drums. He still won't have enough for a whole Doxy Swarm." Chiara pointed out.

"Then let's brew more." Ethan replied. "But if we're going to brew more, then we need to get the ingredients from Professor Sprout." 

"Come on then." Chiara said.

And one obstacle led to another. Which is how Ethan and Chiara found themselves in the Herbology room.

Chiara took the liberty of sending an Owl to Professor Sprout. Which is how Professor Sprout was able to expect them. "There you two are. We've got the workload ahead of us." Sprout informed.

"How big?" Ethan asked.

"Very big." Sprout answered. "There's a Doxy Infestation and it is my responsibility to help the students out. And also... to make sure that no more crazy stuff happens." She then looked to her left.

Ethan then noticed a suit of armor that was right next to Sprout. "Why is there a suit of armor inside of the Greenhouse?" He asked.

"Hey, Ethan! Hey, Chiara!" The voice of Barnaby Lee yelled out from the suit of Armor.

"Follow up question. Why is Barnaby in a suit of Armor?" Ethan asked.

"To protect myself against the Doxy." Barnaby answered. 

"Barnaby, there's a better way to deal with the Doxy then everyone wearing suits of armor." Ethan smacked.

"How do you know?" Barnaby asked.

"Because we're trying to brew Doxycide." Chiara answered.

"And in the meantime, this suit of Armor will protect me from harm. Nothing can hurt me! Not Doxy, not the Quidditch Team. Not even Professor Sikander playing Golf." Barnaby declared.

But just then. A Golf Cart that was being driven by Professor Sikander drove right into the Greenhouse and right into Barnaby.

"Sup, Homies! Check out my sweet Ride!" Sikander yelled. "This is what Muggles drive around Golf Courses.

"D-Did you just-" Ethan stuttered looking at Barnaby on the floor.

"Bye!" Sikander took off with the Golf Cart.

"Didn't feel a thing!" Barnaby shouted from the floor as Ethan got him up.

"Okay... how long has that been going on?" Ethan asked.

Sprout groaned. "Professor Snape got so annoyed that Sikander kept saying all those slang words, and told Sikander that maybe he should go for something a little more calmer for Muggles, like Golf." She explained. 

Ethan looked at the damage and the tire tracks that Sikander was making. "Yeah... this is much calmer." He sarcastically commented.

"Still a lot calmer then just crashing the Golf Cart into Snape's Classroom." Sprout replied.

"Yeah... Professor Snape was not a happy man that day." Chiara vouched. "I thought he was going to go to the Hospital Wing to get his eyeballs scrubbed."

"And the Hospital Wing is where we're all going to be if we don't get this done." Sprout added. "Which is why I've had Mr. Lee here to help gather ingredients." 

"Then let's get started." Ethan declared. "Hopefully, it'll take us no time at all."

"I wish everything I did took no time at all." Barnaby commented. "I tried to finish a Potions Essay and it took me 9 hours to get it done. And then-"

"Barnaby." Ethan snapped his fingers. "This is going to take 9 hours if you keep going on like this." 

"Okay, we'll need hemlock, tormentil, cowbane-" Chiara listed.

"And a beautiful Dark Haired woman named Tessie." Barnaby added. 

"We don't need a beautiful Dark Haired woman named Tessie." Ethan pointed out.

"Speak for yourself." Barnaby replied.

"Alright. Enough talk. Let's start Harvesting." Sprout instructed.

So that was how the four began to get what ingredients they could. And no. It did not take 9 hours to get done. It took longer. Kidding, it took shorter. 

Ethan and Chiara found the hemlock and the tormentil. Barnaby was gathering the cowbane.

"I think that's everything. And I'm not saying that as being lazy." Ethan declared.

"Eh... not quite." Sprout informed. "I'm out of Bundimun Ooze. Also... sorry, Mr. Lee. I couldn't find a beautiful Dark Haired woman named Tessie."

"Aw man." Barnaby complained. 

"Okay, Bundimun Ooze. Let's pretend I know what that is. Where would we get some?" Ethan asked.

"Well, actually Bundimun are everywhere. Sadly not here on the Hogwarts Grounds." Chiara answered.

"When in doubt. Go to Hagrid's Garden." Barnaby interrupted. "He had a bad infestation in our 4th year." 

Ethan remembered that now. "Maybe he's still got some left over. Let's go." And they took off. But Barnaby went out slower. 

"Okay... I'm walking over." Barnaby informed. But he fell over on the ground.

Ethan and Chiara walked back into the Greenhouse. "Oh, for crying out loud." Ethan muttered. And he dragged the armor out of the Greenhouse and to the Castle Grounds. "Can you give me a hand, Chiara?" He asked.

Chiara rolled her eyes, and just walked out. She did not want to drag Barnaby. "You might just want to get that armor off, Barnaby. It's not even effective." She said.

"Yes it was!" Barnaby protested. "I didn't feel a thing when Sikander ran me over."

"Good thing the Quidditch Team wasn't around." Ethan commented.

And right as he said that. A whole bunch of Quidditch players ran past the group and trampled Barnaby.

"Okay... I felt that." Barnaby admitted.

The next step was going to Hagrid's Garden. "We're here in Hagrid's Garden now." Chiara announced.

"We always seem to be going from one place in Hogwarts to anther place. Why is that?" Barnaby asked.

No one could answer that question. At least not without breaking the 4th Wall. 

"Anyway, let's get some Ooze and get rid of those Doxy." Ethan said. "Shouldn't be a problem with a Bundimun right there." He pointed to a Bundimun.

"I'm not worried. When the going gets tough at Hogwarts. Ethan will get us out of it." Barnaby informed.

"So, I'm the only one that has to fix everything at Hogwarts?" Ethan asked.

"You kind of had to do everything for 6 years." Barnaby answered. It was sad but true.

Ethan looked at the Bundimun. "Alright. One stunned Bundimun served right up." He shot a stunning spell. "Stupefy!" The Bundimun was stunned.

"Now what?" Barnaby asked.

"We extract some Ooze." Chiara answered. "Quick question. Does anyone know how to do that?" She asked.

"You mean you don't know?" Ethan asked.

"I was kind of hoping you did." Chiara said.

"I was kind of hoping you did." Ethan also said.

"I know." Barnaby announced.

"You know?" Ethan and Chiara asked.

"Yeah. My Grandmother made me catch the Bundimuns in her shed for Doxycide." Barnaby answered. "It may be acidic that can rot the structure of a building, but that's the secret of the ooze." 

"Barnaby, did you just make a reference to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?" Ethan asked.

"The who?" Barnaby asked.

"Nevermind." Ethan said.

"But fortunately. I keep a pair of Dragon Hide Gloves with me for situations just like this one." Barnaby pulled out some gloves.

"You... keep a pair of Dragon Hide Gloves for specific situations just like this one?" Chiara asked in disbelief.

"You don't?" Barnaby asked. "And to think that the 7th year Slytherins mocked me in my 3rd year, when I told them that one day, in the unlikely event that we would need to extract Ooze to save all of Hogwarts should a Doxy Infestation overtake the castle." He explained. He then proceeded to shout something in the sky. "Who's LAUGHING NOW!" 

"The Ooze?" Ethan asked.

"Coming right up." Barnaby answered. He walked over to the Bundimun. "Hold still. This won't hurt at all." He assured. "You might want to look away." 

"Why?" Ethan asked.

"Because the Bundimun gets all embarrassed when you stare." Barnaby answered. He then got to work as Chiara and Ethan turned around.

"So... he carries Dragon Hide Gloves with him all the time?" Ethan asked making small talk. 

"I carry a lunascope with me at all times." Chiara pointed out. "Just in case I get freaked out by the moon."

Made sense to Ethan. "Well, hopefully he'll Barnaby will be done soon-" 

"DONE!" Barnaby yelled carrying enough Ooze for a big batch for Doxycide.

"Just like that?" Ethan asked.

"Yep. 30 seconds. That's a personal best." Barnaby said.

"We'll check in on the Bite Victims. You should get that those ingredients to Professor Snape, Ethan." Chiara informed.

"Way ahead of you, Chiara." Ethan replied.

So that's how Ethan headed over to the Potions Classroom. He walked down the dungeons. That was when he heard some loud banging coming from the Potions Classroom. "What's that?" He asked. "Was there a class going on right now?" He thought.

The second Ethan opened the door, he could see that there wasn't a class. It was just Snape banging his head on a table. "I blame myself. I blame myself. I blame myself I blame myself." Snape said to himself over and over again.

"Professor Snape?" Ethan asked.

Snape stopped banging his head on the table and looked up at Ethan. "I work hard, Bauer. I teach Potions to those who don't understand the subtle science of it. I was bullied by some unruly Gryffindors when I attended Hogwarts and watched one of them steal someone I cared about from me. And what do I get out of it in return?" He asked.

Ethan looked around. "Is this a rhetorical question?" He asked.

"Just, answer it." Snape ordered.

"You get a Muggle Studies Professor on a Golf Cart?" Ethan assumed.

"You get a Muggle Studies Idiot on a Golf Cart." Snape corrected. "He's belittled my ears with his stupid words that no one understands, he's caused my disturbance of peace, GOD KNOWS HOW MANY TIMES! I AM LITERALLY ONE MORE MOMENT AWAY FROM LOSING MY MIND!" He yelled out. 

"Um, this might be a bad time to mention this but... we've got a Doxy infestation, and we need some Doxycide to brew-" Ethan started.

"Well at least you're not incompetent like Copper over there." Snape interrupted pointing to Ben. 

"Hey, Ethan." Ben greeted. "Heard about the Doxy infestation. Thought I could lend a hand." 

"Thanks, Ben. How's your head?" Ethan asked.

"Pretty good. Madam Pomfrey said that it should be one more day before the bandages come off." Ben answered.

"If you two are done with your idle chatter." Snape interrupted. He then decided to quiz Ben. "Tell me, Copper. What is the first step to brewing Doxycide?" He asked.

"Juicing the Bundimun and adding the ooze to the Cauldron. Stir quickly." Ben answered.

"Correct. Perhaps you're not the incompetent one with Potions. A pity you only got an Acceptable in your Potions O.W.L." Snape said. But he turned to Ethan. "And after you add the Bundimun Ooze, Bauer? What do you do?" 

"You grind the Streeler shells and add them to the Cauldron." Ethan answered. He remembered from his 3rd year, when Penny whispered that into his ear when making their potions.

"Correct." Snape replied. "Fortunate that you listen to Ms. Haywood when it comes to Potions."

"Thanks, I suppose." Ethan took the compliment.

"While I would prefer more competent assistants... you two will have to do. Let's begin brewing the Doxycide." Snape informed.

That was when they heard a loud banging on the door. "Hey, Severus!" The voice of Sikander yelled.

Snape's eyes widened. "I'm not here." He mouthed to Ethan and Ben. 

"He's not here!" Ethan yelled.

"Oh that bites." Sikander complained. "I was really hoping to get my new rap song to an audience." 

"His new rap song?" Ben asked.

Ethan could swear that he heard Snape's eyes squint from cringe.

"Can it wait, Professor? We're in the middle of something here." Ethan asked.

"Suit yourself." Sikander replied taking off.

"You know what? Let's take our time." Snape suggested. "A really long time."

The three began building up the Doxycide Potion. Ben was gathering the ingredients, while Ethan and Snape were doing the big work. 

"You seen that guy Victor?" Ben asked. "He looks like he completely reinvented himself." 

"Takes one to know one." Ethan replied.

"And what about Corey?" Ben asked. 

"What about her?" Ethan asked.

"She's okay and everything. She just seems a little optimistic and loud." Ben answered.

Ethan didn't deny that. But he wasn't going to say no to some optimism. The way that things have been going lately, it sounded like Hogwarts could do with some optimism.

And after an hour of making a batch. The batch was complete. "All done!" Snape yelled.

"And this will get rid of the Doxy Infestation?" Ethan asked.

"It'll be enough to neutralize the Doxy queen." Snape informed.

"The Doxy have a queen?" Ethan asked. "It thought it was Slayton that was calling the shots." 

"Yes, but the Doxy still need a Queen. Red Dust or no." Snape answered. "Find the Queen. And the whole Doxy infestation will be no more." 

"Okay. Looks like we've got some Queenslaying to do." Ethan declared. "Come on, Ben! Let's-"

But that was when Chiara jumped inside the room. "Ethan. We gotta talk." She said.

"More Doxy bite victims?" Ethan asked.

Well yeah. But that's not important right now. Doxies have been spotted in Peeves' room. We need to hurry if we want to catch them." Chiara answered.

"Let's hope the Doxy Queen is there." Ethan hoped.

"Jacob's already on route to the area." Chiara added.

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