Chapter 46: One Queen Sized Doxy, Extra Crispy.

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"Enthusiasm is the best protection in any situation. Wholeheartedness is contagious. Give yourself, if you wish to get others." -David Seabury. 

"So... if you're a vampire, I suppose Sunlight is out of the question." Jacob was saying to Victor as they were waiting by Peeves room for Ethan and Chiara.

"It's not recommended. Fortunately Hogwarts has protective charms around the campus which shield me from the Sun's harmful rays. Otherwise, I'd have to go out in a thick black cloak all of the time." Victor explained. 

"Huh." Jacob thought. That was when he saw Ethan and Chiara.

"Hey, Jacob." Ethan said.

"E." Jacob greeted. "Chiara. I think we last met in the Hospital Wing. Though, I was carrying my little brother in my arms." 

"How could I forget that?" Chiara sarcastically asked. She then noticed Victor and her expression turned in different. "You brought him?" She asked.

"Did you say blood?" Victor asked. Everyone looked at him. "I'm just kidding. Lighten up."

"He brought himself." Jacob answered.

"Figures he would." Chiara muttered. "Surprise, surprise." 

"Well quick lollygagging all of you and let's get to work." Victor opened the door. "Let's get this done and destroy the Doxy infestation." He charged ahead.

"Yeah... you do that." Chiara thought to herself with a snort.

Ethan could tell that Chiara was probably one of the very few girls in Hogwarts who couldn't stand Victor. 

"Hm. Nice to know that Peeves keeps his room tidy and nice." Jacob commented about the mess.

"This is tidy and nice?" Chiara asked.

"It is by Peeves' standards." Jacob answered.

"No wonder why the Doxy love a room like Peeves." Ethan thought. "You think we'll find the Doxy Queen in here?" 

"That would be my guess." Jacob answered.  

"If people saw some Doxy in here. Then maybe so will the Queen." Chiara added. "You know, I'm suddenly grateful for how neat Penny is. She always keeps our dorm clean." She commented. "We certainly felt her missing presence when she was taken."

Ethan couldn't deny that Penny kept her dorm clean. He even remembered how Penny brought it up on one of their dates. 

1 Year Ago.

Ethan and Penny were walking on the path from Hogsmeade and holding hands. It was starting to get dark out. And they had to get back to avoid detention by walking into Filch. And sharing a little joke about something. 

"Oh my god!" Penny laughed.

"I know. I swear, that story gets better and better with age." Ethan added. They both laughed again.

"Alright. I better head back to my common room." Penny said. "It's probably time to get out the cleaning supplies again."

"Cleaning supplies?" Ethan asked.

"Just some bottles of Cleaning Solutions." Penny clarified. "Hey. Somebody's gotta keep our Dorm Room in check every time Tonks turns it into a pigsty." 

"So, it's not just a crazy obsession with cleaning?" Ethan asked.

"No. I'm not that crazy." Penny assured. "Clearly you have not seen our Dorm when Tonks is in it."

"No. I get the idea." Ethan replied. Considering that Tonks was usually the one that carried exploding snap, chocolate frogs, screaming Yo-Yos. and other things. It wasn't a big surprise that Tonks would make their dorm a mess.  

"And sometimes... just keep this between you and me." Penny whispered into Ethan's ears. "Chiara gets fur on the floor." 

Ethan shrugged. "Don't get me wrong, E. I love both Chiara and Tonks. But sometimes... they can such slobs." Penny continued. "Still... can't be any worse then Rakepick's hair fall." 

"I get it, Penny." Ethan replied. "Beatrice doesn't help you out?"

"Ha!" Penny laughed. "The only time you see Beatrice and clean in the same sentence, is if the word "doesn't" is in-between them." 

Back to the present.

"We usually just used cleaning charms on our dorm." Ethan said to Chiara. That was back when Ethan shared a dorm with Rowan, Ben, Charlie, and Jae. 

But after Rowan died, his bed was never occupied by anyone else. The rest of the boys preserved his bed into it's neat condition. Books stacked on the shelf. The Bed made as neatly as possible. And the dresser for a man who would never wear those clothes again.

"You know, I'm surprised that Jae keeps his stuff so organized." Chiara noted.

"So were we." Ethan replied. "But he says that it's unprofessional if he didn't organize his stock so well." 

"You know, I seriously doubt we're going to find some cleaning solution here." Jacob interrupted.

"Or Peeves for that matter." Chiara added. "Where do you think he is?"

"Well if I know Peeves, he's probably pranking Filch." Ethan answered. "That or it's Snape, Peeves is pranking." 

"Pretty sure Sikander's got that covered." Chiara pointed out. 

"Oh, I bet Peeves has some Popcorn just for those moments." Ethan joked. "Come on, let's just look around a bunch of his..." He was trying to find the right words to say.

"Rubbish?" Chiara asked.

"I was actually going to say, junk. But we'll go with that." Ethan replied. And he began searching through all the rubbish.

"You know. I'm thinking the only reason that Peeves didn't just hand us the Vault Portrait was because he couldn't find it." Ethan commented.

"Yeah. That would make sense." Jacob replied.

"Anything, yet?" Ethan asked. He saw Chiara looking at one corner. 

Chiara looked past a large portrait on the floor. She removed it to see: "A large hole?" She asked. But she also noticed something else. "And is that a sandwich?"

"GET BACK!" Jacob yelled pulling Chiara back right as a whole nest of Doxy came right out. They all flew out like a swarm of angry bees.

"Any Queens?" Ethan asked hoping that one of those Doxy was the Queen.

"I don't think so." Jacob replied. He shot Bombarda at the Doxy making them all scatter. "Victor! Block the Hole!"

"On it!" Victor ran over shooting a spell out of his wand that sealed the Doxy hole.

"They just flew out of there." Chiara said a little shell shocked.

"Yeah. And now we've just sealed them." Victor replied. "You're welcome by the way, Fur Ears."

Chiara squinted her eyebrows. "What did you just call me?" She asked.

But Victor ignored Chiara. "Take a look at this." He walked over to the sandwich.

"A Sandwich?" Jacob asked.

"Peeves doesn't eat sandwiches." Ethan noted. "But that looks like one of Jae's detention sandwiches." 

"Which would explain the strange smell of bacon and pickles." Victor added.

"Either Jae and Peeves are gearing up for a massive food fight. Or the Doxy are spending a lot of time in the kitchens." Chiara narrowed down.

"Only one way to find out." Jacob replied. And everyone left to get to the Kitchens. 

But not before Ethan ran back inside to grab the sandwich. "Don't see why we can't take this for the road."

"E, come on!" Jacob yelled.

"Coming!" Ethan yelled back.

They ran down to the Kitchens as Ethan was finishing off the sandwich.  

"Seriously? You ate that sandwich?" Chiara asked. 

"We're not letting a perfectly good sandwich go to waste." Ethan answered.

Chiara just rolled her eyes. Seemed like a really awkward time to do that if you asked her. But she looked at Ethan. "Um, Ethan... Are you going to eat those pickles?" She asked knowing that Ethan didn't bother eating the pickles. He hated them.

Ethan handed the pickles to Chiara. "Knock yourself out." 

Chiara chose to eat the pickles. But she wouldn't be eating anything else from the kitchens. Because when the doors opened. Ethan could see large pulses of purple Doxy ooze filled with eggs everywhere. Like the whole kitchen was a full Doxy nest.

"Looks like we're ordering take out, today." Jacob commented.

"Did the Doxy do all of this?" Chiara asked in disbelief looking all around.

"Looks like it. That or Ismelda made another dough monster that turned purple." Ethan answered.

"How would anyone turn dough purple?" Victor asked.

"Don't ask." Ethan and Chiara answered at the same time.

"Um, guys?" Jacob pointed to Pitts being stuck in the Doxy Ooze and Jae trying to pull him out.

"Come on, Jae Kim needs to put his back into it." Pitts grouched out.

"Hey, this Ooze is not joke." Jae replied. That was when he noticed Ethan and his friends, and Victor. "Oh hey guys. I don't think Pitts is going to be in the mood for supervising detention here for a while." He greeted.

"How did this happen?" Ethan asked.

"The Doxy infestation happened." Pitts answered. "Now get Pitts out of here. Pitts doesn't want to rely on Jae Kim for everything." 

"Hello. I'm right here. I can understand everything you're saying." Jae reminded.

"Then Pitts doesn't have to repeat himself." Pitts replied.

"Come on. We've gotta help him." Ethan said.

"And since when do we care about Pitts?" Victor asked.

"Since I said so." Ethan answered. 

"But how are we going to get to him? There's just so many Eggs." Chiara asked.

"Who cares?" Victor asked. "Let's just break them and turn those eggs scrambled." 

"Not a good idea." Jacob replied as he remembered hearing that from his time at Hogwarts with Kettleburn. "Smashing Eggs could have bad consequences." 

"Score one for the Fur Ears." Chiara mocked to Victor. "Suck it. Okay... you suck blood. But you get the idea." 

"Yeah. I got it." Victor scoffed. "But if you two want to waste time disposing of eggs, that's your business. It is your mission after all, Ethan." 

"Thank you." Ethan replied. He ran over to Pitts. "Hang tight, Pitts." He started to head over. But something had stirred from one of the egg sacks. A Doxy that unlike its counterparts had a more lighter skin complexion and looked larger. 

The Doxy buzzed at the humans. "Bzzt."

"I'm going to go off on a limb and say that that's the queen." Victor said.

"Well it doesn't look like the King." Chiara commented. "Speaking of which, how come you hear all about the queens in the animal and bug kingdom, but there's no king?" She asked.

"You know... it's really unclear." Ethan answered. 

"I'm pretty sure that Slayton's already called dibs on that title." Jacob commented.

Meanwhile. Slayton was getting the reports of the Doxy infestation that had gripped the School. "It's working like a dream." Slayton laughed. "I'll be sure to bring it up to the next level when we burn the Ministry of Magic and those stupid Care of Magical Creatures department." 

That was when a Gangster walked in on the room. "Hey, Boss. That fight with the Niffler against the Hungarian Horntail's going to start. You sure about betting on the Niffler?" The Gangster asked.

"Not now. I'm in the middle of something here." Slayton dismissed.

"But, boss. That's 5,000 Galleons on the Niffler winning." The Gangster protested.

"Do it. I've got a good feeling on the upset." Slayton replied not worried and laughing considering that now that the Red Dust was perfected. Slayton could make the Magical Creatures do whatever he wanted. And that included making sure that Slayton controlled the fight so that he could win and everyone who bet against him would owe him money. "Now get out." Slayton shot his wand at the Gangster shooting him out of the room and shutting the door. "Now then. Let's see where this goes." He said before finally walking out to see that match between the Hungarian Horntail and the Niffler. 

The Doxy Queen could hear the voice of Slayton talking to her. She swarmed up the other Doxy.

Victor took out his wand. "I do so love a challenge." He smiled smugly.

"Split up. We need to get the Doxy Queen on her own so we can use the Doxycide." Ethan informed. "Go!"

And they all scattered making good use of the Knock Back Jinx on the Doxy. But the Doxy all had swarmed in all directions. 

"Ethan Bauer made em mad!" Pitts yelled out still stuck. He then yelled out as a Doxy charged at him. 

Fortunately, he had Jae to assist him with the Knockback Jinx. "You're welcome by the way, Pitts." Jae had said.

"Oh, isn't Pitts just lucky. Now get rid of that Doxy." Pitts snapped. "And don't damage any of Pitts' pots." 

Chiara had blasted back some more Doxy that were coming towards Ethan. And Victor who was moving at pretty impressive speed was swinging at the Doxy and taking them down.

Jacob had come in front of Ethan. And using both of his hands, including his metal one that he could still use with magic. He blasted all the Doxy away. So much so that the Doxy Queen was now on her own. 

"Uh, oh. Your Highness. Looks like you're all out of options now." Ethan shot the Knockback Jinx at the Doxy Queen and was prepared to use the Doxycide. But the Queen had flown off.

"Damn it." Ethan cursed. "We almost had her."

"We know where she's going." Jacob assured. "She's heading for the Prefects Bathroom. Let's go." 

"Uh, hello?" Pitts called.

"Right after we save Pitts." Ethan added. He then shot a fire spell which burned the egg sacks away from Pitts. 

"Well... not bad Bauer." Pitts thanked.

"Thanks." Jacob and Ethan replied.

"Jacob Bauer is back?" Pitts looked stunned.

"The one and only. Been a while, huh Pitts?" Jacob asked.

"Yeah... a while." Pitts replied.

"We don't have time for this." Victor reminded. "That Queen is going for the Prefects Bathroom. We gotta stop her."

"Okay. Sheesh." Chiara said.

Ethan headed up to the Prefects Bathroom with his friends and Victor in tow. And Victor kept wanting to be in the lead. But Chiara was aiming to be in front of Victor. Victor was doing the same taking one step ahead of her. That was until Jacob picked them up both and threw them both behind him.

"There. Now I'm the one in the lead." Jacob informed.

Both Chiara and Victor grunted. That was when Jacob walked up to the Prefects Bathroom. Ethan said the password. "Well luckily. Head Boys and Girls are given access to the Prefects Bathroom as well as Prefects." He explained.

"So are Quidditch Captains." Chiara added.

"Oh, yeah. That too." Ethan replied walking through the door.

It looked to be the same. The Doxy didn't have any effect on the place.

"So where's the Doxy?" Victor asked impatiently. That was when he was grabbed by an arm from behind one of the shower heads. 

Ethan drew out his wand. Only to find that it was just Erika Rath. "Oh, it's you." He said pointing his wand down.

Rath hushed him up. "Keep your voices down." She pointed to the Doxy Queen Buzzing by the Bath. 

"It's her." Ethan whispered. 

"Yeah. I followed it as it went inside the Prefects Bathroom." Rath explained. "This was after I cleared most of the Doxy out of the Ravenclaw Common Room." 

"They got the Ravenclaw Common Room too?" Chiara asked.

"They hit everywhere." Rath answered. "I got back after Quidditch Practice only to run into a whole egg sack hitting our Common Room. Got rid of it though. I was just about to go alert the other houses when I saw that Queen." 

"Well what's it doing now?" Ethan asked.

"So far nothing. Might be starting to make more Egg Sacks to lay around the School." Rath suggested.

"Well it's overstayed it's term in Hogwarts." Chiara declared.

Victor was let go and just took one good look at Rath. "Well hello, lady. I'm-" He started.

"I know who you are." Rath interrupted. "Now unless you want me to whack your mouth and you have to suck your own blood, shut it." 

"As you wish." Victor replied shutting up. But not before he shot Rath a few eyebrows. To which Rath just rolled her eyes.

"Okay." Rath continued. "Anybody got any Doxycide on them?"

"Way ahead of you." Ethan answered holding up the Doxycide. 

"Nice." Rath commented. "Work's half done."

"You ask me, using Doxycide is just basic. Why not make it more exciting?" Victor asked.

"Because we don't feel like theatrics." Chiara answered. She was liking Rath already. And Chiara was glad that she wasn't the only girl that didn't fall head over heels for the mystery man.

"I'll do it." Ethan decided. He approached the Doxy with careful steps. 

"Careful." Chiara whispered. Ethan took another step. "Easy." Ethan unscrewed the cap and began to pour on the Doxy Queen.

"Watch it Ethan!" Victor yelled making Ethan jump. 

It made the Doxycide fall into the Prefects Bath.

The Doxy Queen turned around to look at Ethan. Ethan made a nervous smile. "Heh heh. Don't... don't you just hate it when that stuff falls out of your hands?" He asked. 

The Doxy Queen made an angry buzz. 

"You know. I'm starting to see why Chiara doesn't like him." Ethan thought. 

Rath started to take out her beaters stick. "Okay... Ethan. Don't... make any... sudden... moves. Just back away slowly." She cautioned as she handed the stick to Jacob.

"Yeah... that shouldn't be a problem." Ethan replied as he took one slow step back. The Doxy Queen just buzzed there. 

"Ethan?" Jacob asked.

"Yeah, Jacob?" Ethan asked.

"DUCK!" Jacob yelled.

Ethan ducked as the Doxy Queen charged.

Jacob then swung the Doxy Queen into the Bath where the Doxycide had fallen into.

"Talk about pulling a Wizard of Oz." Ethan commented.

"Wizard of Oz?" Chiara asked.

"It's an old Muggle Movie. At the end, the Wicked Witch of the West was defeated by pouring a bucket of water on her. She melted away." Jacob answered.

"Is it dead?" Victor asked.

Jacob reached in with his metal hand and grabbed the dead Doxy Queen out of water. "Just in case." He lit the Queen on fire burning it. "Now it's dead."

"And the bath tub?" Rath asked.

"Oh right." Ethan remembered using a bubble like charm and cleaning out the Doxycide from it. "There. No harm no foul. And Hogwarts is safe again."

"So, another typical day at the office." Jacob commented. 

"That's it?" Victor asked.

"What's it?" Ethan asked confused.

"That's you whole plan? No ulterior motive? You did this out of the good of your heart?" Victor asked. "I mean, haven't you thought about how stopping the infestation would make you look?"

"I stopped caring what people thought a long time ago." Ethan answered. "They'll think I'm a hero. They'll think I did this just for attention. They'll say whatever about me. My point is, I can't exactly control what they're going to think about me."

Chiara clapped. "Well said, Ethan. What truly matters is that you know the reason why you did something." 

"That is a noble way of thinking. If not a bit naïve." Victor commented.

"What's naïve is the way you messed up, Ethan." Jacob shot at Victor handing the stick back to Rath.

"Oh, come on. You have to admit that it was more entertaining-" Victor never got to finish his sentence because he got bonked on the head by Rath and fell down.

"You read my mind." Chiara said. 

"Oh, he was getting on my nerves." Rath replied. 

"He'll be fine." Jacob informed. "I'll get him out of here."

"In the meantime. We should go back and check on Corey. You know, before she gets in trouble." Ethan suggested.

"Why would Corey get into trouble?" Chiara asked.

"It's Corey." Ethan answered.

"Okay, point taken." Chiara admitted. And they both left the Prefects Bathroom.

By the time, Ethan and Chiara reached the Hospital Wing, people were starting to make a full recovery from the Doxy infestation. And just like Ethan thought, the Doxy were all scattering and breaking off and leaving Hogwarts. Which was extremely great news. Both walked in to get claps from the students for stopping the Doxy. 

"This is the first time I've been ill in ages. I can't believe a Doxy broke my perfect record." One student complained.

Ethan also looked at Ben. "Ben?" He asked.

"It's just a check up for my head." Ben assured.

"Oh right." Ethan remembered. He also could see Penny walk up to him.

"Brilliant job with the Doxy Queen, Ethan! I knew you could do it." Penny praised.

"You doubted me?" Ethan asked.

"Never." Penny answered.

"Well, Chiara helped." Ethan added.

"Nice job, Chiara." Penny said.

Chiara nodded.

That was when Corey started to get up. "Ethan! Oh, you are a sight for sore eyes." She said.

"Corey, it's been a few hours at best." Ethan reminded.

"I heard that the Doxy infestation is under control? And you defeated the Doxy Queen?" Corey asked.

"Took a bit, but we got the job done. How did you hear all that from your bed?" Ethan asked.

"Never underestimate the powers of Corey Hayden!" Corey declared standing on top of the bed having a heroic moment.

"Corey..." Ethan snapped his fingers.

Corey jumped off. "Though, if you must know, I heard from Cedric, who heard from, wait for it... Victor the Vampire!" She explained.

"He made it back to full strength already?" Chiara asked.

"Yeah. It only took about a minute for Victor to regain consciousness. Which was pretty impressive when it came from a blow like Rath." Corey answered.

"Well what do you expect? Victor messed me up and tried to make the moves on Rath." Ethan pointed out. 

"Perfect. Victor can be all mine then." Corey replied. "He was already cool and now he's even cooler for working with you! How does he do it?"

"Oh please." Chiara thought.

"I'm glad to see you've recovered." Ethan said. "If you're up for it, Are you ready to get back to our investigation?" He asked.

"Are you kidding me? I've been thinking about it the entire time I was recovering!" Corey answered. "I even re-read 'A Rat Among the Red Caps'! I've got a couple ideas for how we can flip Merula to our side."

Now Chiara was intrigued. "You do?"

"You do?" Ethan also asked.

Corey would've said more, but Madam Pomfrey interrupted them. "If you two are done chatting, then you can help administer the antidote to the final few Doxy victims. Quickly now! Time is of the essence." Madam Pomfrey requested.

"Alright, Corey. We'll talk later." Ethan decided. Right after he and Chiara helped administer the Doxy antidote.

So that's what they did. And everyone that could be saved was administered with the antidote. "Thank you for all of your help, Mr. Bauer. You as well, Miss Hayden and Miss Lobosca." Pomfrey praised.

"I'm just glad we stopped Slayton's plans before it spread, Madam Pomfrey." Ethan replied.

"He's going to be pissed when he finds out we stopped him and helped people." Chiara noted.

"Well bring it on. I'm pissed at him for what he did to Penny, and for attacking my Mother." Ethan shot back.

"Your Mother was attacked?" Chiara asked concerned.

"I found out after I got back from Japan." Ethan answered. "Mum kicked his ass though." 

"Wow. Don't mess with Mama Bauer then." Chiara commented.

"So where is Victor, anyway?" Ethan asked. "I thought he would be here to sulk in his triumph that he succeeded."

"Oh, he's over by the Great Hall telling his story to others." Corey answered. "And I'm going to see him there." She ran outside to go see Victor.

"You've gotta be kidding me." Ethan ran after Corey. 

 Ethan ran towards the Great Hall to see Victor already showboating off to the other students. Including Tulip who was just starring dreamily at Victor.

"Tulip." Ethan greeted.

"Hey, Ethan." Tulip replied. "Isn't Victor just so daring and strong?" She asked. Even though Dennis didn't seem to think so. "Even though Dennis doesn't seem to like Victor much... I wonder if it's because he's a vampire?"

"Yeah, he's a real catch." Ethan answered with sarcasm. He could also tell that Diego, who was used to all the attention and praise going to him didn't like Victor either.

"There is only one way to test the mettle of Victor Ketsueki... through a duel!" Diego commented to Ethan. 

"Victor was just telling people of his adventures and how he saved your life and Rath's in the process by hitting that Doxy Queen with the Bludger." Tulip informed.

"Was I scared of the Doxy Queen? Of course not." Victor was saying. "I've seen far worse in the seedy underbelly of Paris."

"What?" Ethan asked walking up to Victor.

"Though I must say, it was more of a team effort. Ethan was especially brilliant during the duel." Victor continued. "He was the one who dealt the final blow."

Ethan knew that wasn't true. He would've finished off the Doxy Queen if Victor hadn't interrupted him like he did. But Ethan was more surprised that Victor acknowledged Ethan's role in the Doxy Queen's demise.

"You thought he'd take all the credit for himself?" Corey asked Ethan.

"I'm not sure... he gave me that vibe. Maybe he just doesn't want to get another bonk to the head." Ethan answered.

"He's like... an enigma! A super fascinating, popular riddle wrapped in the coolest looks from Paris. And he's handsome! Did I mention that?" Corey asked.

"No, but I got that impression from you." Ethan answered. He was looking around to see if there was any Garlic lying around.

 "Ethan. Corey. Good to see you." Victor said when he had a moment.

Corey suddenly felt like someone had turned on an over and she was in it. "You know my name?" She asked.

"You are Head Girl, Corey. It'd be more surprising if he didn't know you." Ethan answered.

"I know who's who at this school. Have to be careful I'm associating with the right people." Victor explaining. "Don't really think it's working with Erika Rath."

"Probably should've warned you that Rath isn't the type of girl that goes all ga ga for enigmas." Ethan said. 

"Was that in insult?" Corey asked to Ethan about Victor's comment about the right people. 

"Don't worry about it, Corey. I came over here, didn't I?" Ethan assured.

"What can I help you two with? You obviously want to talk." Victor asked.

"Yeah... why did you mess me up with that whole Doxy thing?" Ethan asked.

"Oh... that." Victor muttered. "I wanted to make it more fun and exciting. Things around this school are boring. And you've handled danger before. Why should that Doxy be any worse?"

"Yeah... I've handled danger before." Ethan replied. "And barely got out of it. You may have been in Paris in those Catacombs, but you've never had to fight against a Wizard like Trotsky." 

"Trotsky?" Victor asked. "I can beat that guy in my sleep. Maybe if Penny was my Girlfriend. I wouldn't have let her get captured. Maybe I also would've found a way to save both the Runestone and Penny."

Ethan looked ready to punch Victor, but Corey stepped in between the two. "Hey Victor. Um.. have you read the extensive articles about-" 

"No." Victor interrupted her. But it looks like you have a visitor, Ethan." 

Ethan turned to see Chiara walking up to Ethan.

"Hi, Ethan. Corey, I'm glad to see you're feeling better." Chiara greeted. But her expression changed when she saw Victor. "Victor... I see you're also here."

"Hi, Chiara! Did you need something, Fur Ears?" Victor asked.

"Yes, actually." Chiara answered. "Professor Dumbledore wants to see Ethan and myself in his office right away."

"Gladly." Ethan replied walking away with Chiara. He just wanted to get away from Victor. He wasn't sure what to think of the Vampire. He seemed like someone who talked the talk, but wasn't sure if he could walk the walk. 

Along the way. Ethan was speaking to Chiara about something. 

"Chiara. What's with you and Victor? You didn't seem to like him. Don't think I haven't noticed." Ethan said. 

Chiara sighed. It was more then just being a whole arrogant attitude like Ben Copper. "Vampires and Werewolves, don't exactly have the best relationship. It all goes back to an ancient feud between the two races, ever since our creation. We just naturally hate each other. It's... hard to explain." She explained. 

"So the whole Fur Ears thing." Ethan started.

"That's why I call him a blood sucker." Chiara replied.  But she decided to change the subject. "So what do you think that Dumbledore wants to talk to us about?" 

Ethan shrugged. "Who knows? Maybe you're heading off to the Ministry." 

 Chiara frowned. "I don't think that the Ministry will accept Werewolves. I'd prefer to help people." She replied thinking of her life long dream to become a healer. 

"So... no politics?" Ethan asked. 

"I want to help people and I like to get things done... so no." Chiara answered with a bit of a shared laugh with Ethan. 

"I'd think you'd make a great healer all things considered, Chiara." Ethan commented. "I mean, you fixed me up pretty good. And you took over for Madam Pomfrey when she was petrified last year." 

"Yeah... I guess I did." Chiara replied thinking back to that time.

5 Months Earlier.

 Chiara was trying to help a Gryffindor student who had fainted over her Transfiguration O.W.Ls. "It's okay." Chiara assured. "Just relax."

"But my O.W.L." The Girl huffed. "I failed, I know I did. I let my Mum and Dad down. They're going to be so furious."

"No they won't. You did the best you could, and that's what matters." Chiara was talking so calmly to the student. She could see Professor Tofty, the O.W.Ls administrator nodding his head. And Cedric was also there providing his aid as well.

"Yeah. I know for a fact, my Dad would brag about me, even if I got an Acceptable on my O.W.L.s." Cedric added.

Then all of a sudden. The statues of students that were in their beds were starting to not become statues anymore. They were back to normal.

"Chiara. The statues." Cedric pointed.

Chiara smiled. "He did it. Ethan did it." She cheered.

"Who did what?" Tofty asked.

"Ethan Bauer. He stopped the Statue Curse. He saved Hogwarts." Chiara answered. "Look." She pointed to Madam Pomfrey coming out of her curse.

She held her head with her hand. "Oh. What happened?" Pomfrey asked.

"Madam Pomfrey. You're back." Chiara said. "How do you feel?"

"Miss Lobosca? What has happened? Why are all of these students in the Hospital Wing?" Pomfrey asked.

"Madam Pomfrey. You need to relax. You've only just gotten out of being turned from a statue." Chiara advised.

"A Statue?" Pomfrey asked in disbelief. "I was affected by the Cursed Vault too?" 

"Sadly so." Chiara answered. "You've been Petrified for 6 Months. It's nearly the end of the year now. All the 5th years and 7th years are taking their O.W.Ls and N.E.W.Ts now." She informed.

"Oh, Merlin's beard." Pomfrey thought. "I... I don't... but what of the students?"

"I've been taking care of things." Chiara answered. "They're all alright. Well... something... else happened while you were petrified." And her expression darkened and her eyes began to water.

 "What happened?" Pomfrey asked.

"Rowan Khanna... is dead." Chiara sobbed.

"Dead?" Pomfrey asked in horror. "What do you mean?"

"Patricia Rakepick came back and shot the killing curse at Ben Copper. Rowan intercepted the attack. He jumped right in front of that green beam. And he was dead." Chiara answered.

"That vile woman." Pomfrey cursed. "I knew her from the time she was a student. She was always a trouble maker in her youth. But I never imagined she would do something such as, kill Rowan Khanna."

"I'm afraid it's true." Chiara said. Chiara turned to look at Professor Tofty who was just shaking his head at the thought of Rowan dead. He was one of the best students in all of Hogwarts and had the ambition of becoming a Professor. The Youngest Professor at Hogwarts.

But just as Pomfrey was letting it all sink in. That was when the doors to the Hospital Wing burst open loud and wide.

"What the-?" Pomfrey asked. But she was drowned by Chiara's scream as Jacob Bauer rushed in carrying a bleeding out Ethan in his hands. "OH MY GOD!" 

"He needs help, NOW!" Jacob yelled putting Ethan on a Hospital Bed.

Chiara rushed over. As did Madam Pomfrey. "Ethan..." Chiara realized. 

Madam Pomfrey was breathing heavy at the sight of a bloody student. She had seen a lot of things in her time at Hogwarts. But this trumped all of them. "What happened?" She asked.

"No time for questions. We gotta stop the bleeding." Chiara insisted, getting Ethan shirt off to see a freshly made cut of red blood gushing out. A sight that made some of the students pass out.

"Cedric. Get the students out of here." Chiara ordered as she got the work using bandages and whatever healing charms she and Madam Pomfrey knew. "And Get Professor Dumbledore."

Cedric got out all the students out. Then left to go get Dumbledore. Pomfrey got some more medical supplies as Jacob held Ethan's hand while Ethan was unconscious.

"Are you Jacob Bauer?" Chiara asked.

"Yeah." Jacob answered. "And you must be..."

"Chiara Lobosca." Chiara introduced as her grey shirt was starting to turn red. "Who did this?" She asked looking at Ethan.

"Iosef Trotsky." Jacob answered. "He did this. He dueled Ethan and gave Ethan a few minutes to bleed out."

"Well, we gotta move." Chiara replied putting bandages cleaning up the blood. Chiara could swear she could see some of Ethan's intestines from the cuts that Trotsky had. And surely but slowly, Chiara sewed them up.

That was when Dumbledore and the Professors walked in. "Professor Dumbledore." Pomfrey noticed walking in. 

"Cedric told me what had happened. Is it true?" Dumbledore asked. But all he needed to do was look at Ethan on the Hospital Bed.

"He's unconscious, sir." Chiara answered. "But we're doing everything we can for Ethan."

Dumbledore understood. "Keep at it, Miss Lobosca. And Jacob..." His eyes turned toward the former Gryffindor. But he wasn't surprised that Jacob was in the Hospital Wing at the moment.

Jacob stood up but didn't leave Ethan's side. "Professor Dumbledore." He greeted breathing heavy. "Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick, Professor Sprout, Professor Snape." He greeted the other Professors.

"Who did this?" Flitwick asked.

"It was Trotsky. He's the Leader of R. He ambushed us at the Final Cursed Vault." Jacob answered.

"Trotsky is here right now?" Dumbledore asked.

"No. He got away. But we have Rakepick." Jacob answered.

"Rakepick?" Snape made a growling sound at that name. "Where is she?" He asked.

"Down by the Black Lake." Jacob answered. "Barnaby, Merula, and Ben are guarding her. I had to get Ethan here much quicker." 

 That was when Hogwarts students were starting to walk around the Halls. The end of the O.W.Ls was also in sight. Dumbledore realized how complicated this was about to get. "Gather all the students in the Great Hall immediately. No discussions and no excuses." He ordered.

All the Professors nodded as they gathered all the students in the Great Hall. Except for Snape who was walking out. But Penny had managed to sneak out to see what was going on in the Hospital Wing. And her heart dropped when she saw Ethan on the bed. "Ethan?" She asked heartbroken.

"Miss Haywood. This isn't the time for-" Pomfrey tried to usher her out. But fat chance of that. Penny ran over. "Oh my god." She fell to her knees.

"He's going to be okay, Penny." Chiara assured. "He's going to be okay, right?" She asked Pomfrey.

Pomfrey wasn't sure herself.

"He's a hard bastard. He'll make it." Jacob answered.

Penny went over to Ethan's side holding his hand. "Please, Ethan. Don't leave me." She whispered.

Jacob put a hand on Penny's shoulders. "He's going to be okay."

That was when they heard some footsteps coming down the hall. "How dare you! You filthy Mudblood!" The voice of Rakepick was coming from it. "You and that stupid Slytherin." 

"Um which one is she talking to?" Barnaby asked.

"Pretty sure it's you, Barnaby." Merula answered. As she smacked Rakepick to move forward.

That was when Snape walked in front of the students. He pointed his wand at Rakepick with a crooked smile "Ah, vengeance is sweet. To come so far only to fall so short." 

"Oh hello Snievelous. Still playing with your Chemistry Set?" Rakepick asked.

"Give me a reason. I dare you." Snape insisted pointing his wand more intently at Rakepick.

"What are you going to do? The Killing Curse? We both know you don't have it in you." Rakepick asked laughing.

"I don't need to use the Killing Curse on you, Rakepick." Snape replied. That was when Dumbledore arrived along with Mad Eye and several of the Aurors he was with.

"It was foolish of you to come here, Patricia. You didn't really think that you would succeed, did you?" Dumbledore asked calmly.

Penny walked out when she heard Rakepick's voice. Her eyes glaring so angrily, they looked like they could turn red at a moments notice. 

Rakepick stood there angrily. "I would've had it not been for those stupid Bauer Brothers. And now Ethan's going to die. Enjoy the funeral while you can. And now Ethan is going to learn his lesson about what happens when you cross with R." She declared.

"Shut Up!" Penny shouted punching Rakepick in the face. "You really are a special kind of messed up. You knew where that Cursed Vault was and you knew how to get in. You kept Beatrice imprisoned for a full year. You killed Rowan. You tortured Merula. You're a liar and a monster. And I hope you rot in Azkaban for the rest of your days." She screamed as she wanted to punch Rakepick again but Snape stood in front of her.

"That's enough, Miss Haywood. Rakepick will certainly be answering for her crimes." Snape informed. "But that was a really good punch you threw." He added.

"Take her away." Mad Eye ordered the Aurors as they took Rakepick away.

"You've stopped nothing. Ethan's going to die! We've won!" Rakepick shouted.

Back to the Present.

"You missed all the fun when you were unconscious." Chiara joked.

"Eh, what are you going to do?" Ethan asked jokingly. "But seriously. You'd make a great Healer. You being a Werewolf doesn't change that."

Chiara smiled. "Thanks, Ethan. I needed to hear that." That was when they saw the stairs to Dumbledore's Office and walked through the door.

"Eh, Dumbledore. The Bauer kid himself is back." A Portrait called out.

"I'm aware of that, Phineas." Dumbledore replied. "Hello, Ethan. Chiara." He greeted to the two.

"You wanted to see us, Professor Dumbledore?" Ethan asked.

"Yes. You two did a fantastic job stopping the Doxy infestation." Dumbledore answered.

"Thank you, Professor." Ethan thanked.

"We did what anyone would have done." Chiara added.

"It's certainly not the first time you two rose to the occasion." Dumbledore noted. "And as such, Miss Lobosca's actions have garnered the attention of a very special group of witches and wizards."

"Professor?" Ethan asked confused. Was Dumbledore saying what Ethan though he was saying.

"St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies would like to extend an invitation to both of you." Dumbledore informed.

"St Mungo's?!" Ethan asked. Was Dumbledore serious at the moment? He looked at Chiara with just a shocked expression.

"Representatives have heard of your accomplishments and wish to invite you as part of your next school trip." Dumbledore explained. "For Miss Lobosca in particular. You did a fantastic job taking over for Madam Pomfrey last year."

"I... I don't know what to say." Chiara said taking it all in.

"I understand, Miss Lobosca. And I know you've always wanted to work at helping people. St Mungo's welcomes you two with open arms." Dumbledore replied.

"Of course, Professor Dumbledore." Ethan replied.

"Blimey... I've always dreamed of working at St Mungo's. Now I'm a bit worried about botching it up..." Chiara thought out loud.

"Your aptitude for magical medicine and your experience with Madam Pomfrey tells me you'll do just fine." Dumbledore assured.

"You're going to be brilliant, Chiara. Don't worry about it." Ethan added.

"And Ethan. I take it that you have the ambition to become an Auror, still?" Dumbledore asked.

Ethan nodded his head. 

"I thought so." Dumbledore replied. "But remember that being an Auror means helping people not just in the field, but also to protect others from harm. Perhaps you can also learn from St. Mungo's as well."

"We won't let you down. We'll do Hogwarts proud." Chiara declared.

"Come on, Chiara." Ethan said as they walked out of the office.

Dumbledore smiled as they closed the door behind them. "You already have." He said.

"Blimey, I can't believe we're going to St Mungo's, Ethan." Chiara said with the happiest expression she could. "I'm so excited!"

"Okay. Calm down. I can tell! Jeez. I think that's the most expressive I've ever seen you since it rained donuts that one time on Hagrid's Garden." Ethan replied.

"How could I not be excited? This is all I've dreamed of since I was a little girl." Chiara asked.

"I'm happy for you Chiara." Ethan said. "Seriously. You made it."

"Get ready, St. Mungo's. You're about to meet Chiara Lobosca. Healer extraordinaire." Chiara declared standing on a table. And then the table outside broke and Chiara fell. "Okay. I may have tripped. But that does not diminish the impact that I feel." 

"Let's just hope this is calmer then the Ministry." Ethan commented.

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