Chapter 59: Cursed CD Mix Tape. #4 on the Billboards.

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"If you're so afraid of failure, you will never succeed. You have to take chances." -Mario Andretti.

Author's Note: At the time this chapter was published. We've hit over 10,000 reads on this story alone. Can you believe it? Thank you to everyone who's been enjoying and reading this story so far. And we are just getting started.

Ethan headed up to Professor Flitwick's Charms Classroom. It seemed to be one climbing of places after the next. And of course the Charms Classroom had to be in the East Tower. Which meant a lot of stairs to climb. "Oh, god. There are so many stairs. I want to find whoever invented the stairs, and push that person down the stairs. It'll be ironic because he'll be pushed down the stairs. And I'm not even at the top floor yet. Why are there so many stairs?!" But eventually, Ethan was able to make it up the stairs.

He walked in to see Professor Flitwick talking with Merula about something.

 "Mr. Bauer." Flitwick greeted. "What a pleasant surprise." 

"Sorry, Professor. If you're busy, I can come back another-" Ethan started to say.  

"Oh nonsense. You're just in time. Miss Snyde and I just finished discussing her assignment..." Flitwick informed. "Give me just a moment to tidy up!"

"Merula. I didn't expect to see you here though." Ethan noted. 

"Well. Here I am. It's good to see you though, Bauer." Merula said. 

"It is?" Ethan asked shocked.

"Ever since you started your Ministry and St Mungo's assignments, you haven't been around much." Merula explained. "Everyone at Hogwarts has been missing you."

Ethan found the whole thing strange. When did Merula act this kind? "That is... quite kind of you to say, Merula."

Merula grunted. "It sounds like you have something to say about me being kind, Bauer. Go ahead and say it, then."

"It's a bit strange that you're being kind, Merula. Especially considering some of our recent interactions..." Ethan said. "You know with Japan, and... before Penny got kidnapped. 

"I can be kind when I want to, Bauer." Merula shot back. "And besides. Even you don't deserve to deal with the demon that is Slayton."

"You realize that Trotsky hired him, right?" Ethan reminded.

"A decision he rapidly regrets, just so you know." Merula informed.  "But we're stuck with him, and we all have to do things we don't like to do, to do what needs to be done. Anyways, I'm leaving." She left the room.

"Does that include your Genocide and blowing up a Hospital?" Ethan asked.

Merula left with no answer. So Ethan turned his attention to Flitwick.  

"Now! Where were we? You said you had a cursed object for me to look at, Mr. Bauer?" Flitwick asked.

"That's right, Professor." Ethan answered handing out a CD. "It's this CD I have... Be careful! I think the curse spreads by contact." He explained. He placed the CD on the table. He only touched the wrappings.

Flitwick examined the CD. "Interesting... Quite interesting. Where did you find this CD, may I ask?" 

"It was by the Medical Zone. Madam Strout must've found this CD and it was infected with a Curse. Now she can't stop laughing." Ethan answered.

"Tell me everything you've uncovered about this curse. Information is always the key to breaking these things." Flitwick requested.

"Okay. This CD emits a curse. The Laughing Curse. If you touch that CD, you laugh uncontrollably. Both Scrimgeour and Strout have fallen victim to it. just by touching that CD." Ethan explained.  

"I see... All of those affected by the laughing curse have actually touched the CD. Who knew that Rufus Scrimgeour was secretly a CD lover." Flitwick commented chuckling a little under his breath. But then he took a deep breath. "But that's not important right now is what I've realized. And you've ruled out the possibility that this was caused by Alihotsy Draught..."

"With the help of Professor Snape." Ethan added.

"Interesting! Quite interesting, indeed!" Flitwick stroked his chin.

"Are you able to break the curse, Professor Flitwick?" Ethan asked.

"I believe so, Mr. Bauer. But first, I want to check my notes before I do anything." Flitwick answered. "Curses transferred through direct contact can be quite finicky! I'll have to take the proper precautions. Excuse me, while I consult my notes."

"Of course." Ethan replied. But then a thought had occurred to him. Merula's working for R, and she would have to know about the Cursed CD. "Then, maybe... she was being nice to me to throw me off!" He realized. Merula was probably off to report her progress to the R. "I have to go stop her!" And he ran off to the Whomping Willow where he figured Merula must've been going.

It felt like suicide almost. There was a reason why people never went to the Whomping Willow. Other then the usual stuff that happens why people don't go to the Whomping Willow. But he saw Merula standing by the Tree. 

"Merula! Stop right there!" Ethan shouted.

"Bauer?" Merula asked stunned. Even though she knew that it was only a matter of time before he came. 

"Well, this must be familiar to you." Ethan commented. "Someone runs by this area. And you capture them or confront them." 

Merula sighed. "It wasn't my idea to kidnap Penny. I even told her she shouldn't have come in." 

"Oh, I'm sorry. Merula. Let me rephrase that. It's either your psycho Step Father, One of his Cronies. Or how about Satan himself that are behind it." Ethan corrected. "People are getting hurt! And worse, dead!"

Merula knew what Ethan was talking about. "Ethan... Trotsky had nothing to do with what happened at St. Mungo's. That was all Slayton-" 

"Who works for Trotsky!" Ethan reminded. "And are you aware of what happened to people at that Hospital? Innocent, injured, scared, pedestrians and innocent workers? Chiara? Jae?" He asked.

Merula didn't answer. "Maybe... if they hadn't gotten in Slayton's way-"

"Oh there's no excuse." Ethan interrupted as Merula was trying to say. "Everything Slayton did, he did under Trotsky's watch! Hell, Merula! How do you still side with him?!" 

Merula slammed her foot down. "Because he is my Father, MY REAL FATHER!" She yelled. "And I don't care if he's trying to cause a Genocide of Muggles! Good! Let them pay for what they did to my sister, Ksenia!" She started to get tears in her eyes. 

"Your real Father?" Ethan asked.

"My parents disowned me. Mum and Dad don't want anything to do with me, anymore." Merula answered. "All I've got left is Trotsky. The man who raised me for 7 years. I can't turn my back on him. Even for what he's going to do. I've let down one Father enough as it is." She explained.

Ethan walked up to Merula. If Dumbledore truly didn't think that Merula was evil. Then this may be Merula's last chance to prove it. "Merula. What Trotsky's doing. What he's going to do. It's wrong. And you know it is. His new world order is nothing more than darkness. I've seen where that future goes. I saw it in Japan. A Dark Order. Skulls on the floor. People living in fear and despair. Does proving yourself worthy in people's eyes mean so much to you, you can't even see what your losing to get it?" He asked.

"The only thing I have to lose is everyone that care about me. And over the years. That was Trotsky. When I was scared, he healed me. When I was sad, he filled me with joy. That's more than my own Father ever did." Merula answered. "Not that it matters. Because no matter I do, or what I want to do. I'll never get the love I want from my Father. I'll never be accepted as a Snyde in his eyes." She cried.

"Merula..." Ethan started to say. "You don't have to be a Snyde according to your Father. You're already a Snyde. Make a new image for that family. One that's not born out of blood." He suggested.

Merula took a deep breath. "You know what, Ethan. You're right. I don't have to be a Snyde, according to Fletcher Snyde at least." She started to raise her hands. "But... I swore to Trotsky that I wanted to fight for the family I have left. And that's what I intend to do." She declared. 

"So Trotsky?" Ethan asked.

"He's all I've got left in this world now. And I can't walk away from him." Merula answered. "That's where I stand, an I always will. And don't worry about Slayton. He's been sent to Greece on a suicide mission." 

"Sent to Greece?" Ethan asked. "What do you mean by that?"

But before Merula could explain, the air had suddenly started to feel colder than it was a moment ago. "And how many families are you willing to rip apart because of where you stand!?" A Voice asked. The Voice coming from Ben Copper.

Ethan turned around. "Ben?" He asked. This was going to get real messy real fast.

Ben walked from one path. "Just my luck I suppose. Always walking in at the wrong place at the wrong time. Though, maybe it's good luck." He said. 

"How much did you hear?" Merula asked.

"Enough to know that your loyalties lie to Trotsky and Trotsky alone." Ben answered. "Guess we were wrong, Ethan. Merula can't be turned. She's got no redemption in her at all." 

"Ben, let me handle this." Ethan insisted. He didn't want a fight to break out. Not when he could let Peace be the place maker today.

"Before she kills you? No thanks. I'm not letting another friend die on my watch." Ben shot down.

"It was your meddling that got Rowan killed." Merula pointed out.

"You don't get to speak his name." Ben growled. "Not when you had a hand in his death."

"That was all Rakepick." Merula shot back. "We've already established that Trotsky had nothing to do with that. Even I didn't know that Rowan was going to die." 

"You know it's funny. I... I thought that after Rowan died that we had come to an understanding. That perhaps we could be friends..." Ben replied. "Maybe I was wrong. Maybe you're just like Father like Daughter. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree." 

Merula sighed. "I'll just assume that you're referring to Trotsky. And not my Mum and Dad. And, he did raise me for 7 years, and showed me more love and compassion than my own Father ever did. Trotsky lost a Daughter and Wife. And I lost a Mother and Father. That's why I have to side with him. And why we must complete our plan." She admitted.

Ben raised his wand. "Can't let you do that Merula." He warned. "Your plan, so you call it involves Muggles getting killed like sheep to the slaughter. Including my Parents. I'd rather they not die if it's all the same. You willing to kill my parents to get what you want?" 

Merula didn't answer. 

Ethan reached out for his wand.

"We should've dealt with you in Japan, Merula." Ben said. "Preferably, before I got a Concussion."

"Maybe you still do, given your record of reckless and irresponsible things." Merula thought out loud. 

"All to protect Hogwarts and those I love. And I'll do anything to keep it that way. No matter what it takes. Even if it means, dealing with you." Ben replied.

Just then, Ismelda Murk showed up from behind another rock, pointing her wand at Ben. "I can't let you do that, either. Sorry, Copper." She informed.

Ben looked at Ismelda. "You're in on this, too. Why am I not surprised?" He accused.

"Because we're BFFs. That's why." Ismelda answered.

Merula breathed heavily. This was why she didn't want Ismelda to get involved in this at all. "Ismelda..." 

"You okay, Merula?" Ismelda asked.

"What are you doing here? I told you not to get involved." Merula answered.

"Merula. You're my best friend. Don't think for a second that you're not alone. I'll always have your back. No matter what you do." Ismelda explained. "We're blood sisters. Are we not? We both swore that in our 3rd year." 

"Oh yeah." Merula remembered.

"Trotsky's not the only one who cares about you, you know?" Ismelda said. "I do too." 

"Oh, the dark side of loyalty." Ben noted.

"More like the strong bond of being loyal to those I care for. Merula and I have had each others back from day 1." Ismelda corrected. "Ethan. You of all people can understand that, can't you?" She asked. "Would you not do the same for Rowan if he was still alive?"

"I would." Ethan admitted. He and Rowan had a tight bond with each other. "But, I'm not here to hurt anybody. Nobody has to get hurt. Let's just all talk like civilized people." He suggested.

"Isn't that what we're doing right now?" Ismelda asked. But she noticed Ben seeming to have a hard time with things.

"Ben?" Ethan asked.

"Copper?" Merula asked.

What Ben was thinking about was that night a year ago. "Would you not do the same for Rowan if he was still alive?" And Ben remembering Rakepick's chant. "Avada Kedavra!" The sight of Rowan falling to the ground. And Merula just sitting there. Merula. A member of R. The Adopted Daughter of Trotsky, the Leader of R.

"NO!" Ben yelled. He shot the Bombarda Spell right at Merula. 

Ismelda jumped in the way to protect Merula with the Protego spell.

"Ben, no!" Ethan tried to stop. But Ben was on the Warpath. He charged ahead.

"Merula. Run!" Ismelda yelled as she tried to slow Ben down. 

"Ismelda! Come with me!" Merula insisted.

"Go!" Ismelda shot back as she tried to delay Ben. But Ben shot another spell when Ismelda's back was turned knocking her into the branch of the Whomping Willow, and Ismelda fell unconscious.  

Merula had no choice. Ben was clearly losing it. So she ran for the Forbidden Forest.

"Get back here, Traitor!" Ben yelled running after her.

Ethan ran for Ismelda. Ismelda woke up. "Bauer? Merula's confused. I only want to help her. She's my Blood Sister. Don't let Copper hurt her." She pleaded.

Ethan looked at Ismelda and saw where they were running. Into the Forbidden Forest. Where Rowan died. "We're not losing everyone else." He declared running after them.

Ethan continued to pursuit the two. And along the way, he looked at the reversal of roles. Both Ben and Merula were on the same side. Now Ben was trying to hunt Merula down. "Ben! Ben!" Ethan yelled.

He could hear Ben's yelling. And some possible swearing if he knew Ben. "I thought I could trust you, Merula! I really thought you were like me!"

"I'm nothing like you, Copper!" Merula shouted back. "Leave me be!" 

"You lie! You were tortured by Rakepick and yet you still side with her boss. Such a caring Father if he's willing to kill my parents to do it!" Ben yelled while Ethan could hear an explosion.

"This isn't Ben. He just snapped." Ethan said to himself. 

"And what about Rowan?! Huh?! You watched him die right in front of you! Or it was supposed to be Me! Would you have not batted an eye if I was the one on the ground?!" Ben asked. "And when you reached out to us as friends! When we formed the Circle of Khanna! You probably told Trotsky all about us, didn't you?! You were against us from the beginning! You reveled in the power of crushing us in your thumb!" He yelled.

Merula continued to run. But Ethan had heard some trees snap. Ben must've been using some charms to make the trees fall and crush Merula. 

"Ben, I didn't mean for Rowan for die! I didn't know what would happen! I'm sorry! I didn't know Rakepick would do that! Please, Ben! I'm sorry!" Merula screamed.

"The Lies again! How do you do it?!" Ben shot back sounding almost like a screaming banshee. "You're just like Rakepick you know! All you say is Lies, lies, lies, lies, LIES!" 

Ethan then heard another Bombarda Spell. The loudest bang he ever heard, that would wake even the Centaurs up. "Oh, Crap." He thought. He needed to move. 

"Or what about Ethan, when your Dear Old Daddy nearly killed him?!" Ben asked. "Was every compassion you made that he would recover while on his Deathbed part of your act for your Performance?! If so, then you've won the Oscar! Or was every hope that he would get better part of an act of Pity?!" He was starting to lose it.

Ethan couldn't hear what Merula was saying. He was just trying to get there as quick as he could. Finally he could see Ben's back as he shot another Bombarda Spell at Merula. It wasn't as if he seemed to care what was going around him as long as he saw Merula dead on the ground most likely. 

Finally Merula stopped running. "Ben. It wasn't pity. I swear to you. It really wasn't." She said. And she had fear in her eyes. Trotsky wasn't around to protect her this time. He was in India. And Ben was breathing like a raging bull that was starring at red. 

Ben gave Merula an evil glare. So evil and death giving that if Darkseid's Omega Beams came from Ben's eyes, Ethan would not have been surprised. But instead, Ben just raised his wand. "You should've killed me when you had the chance."

"Ben, no!" Ethan shouted tackling him to the ground. Merula took this as an opportunity to run away and out of sight.

The two boys began a wrestling match with each other. "Get off of me!" Ben struggled.

"Not until we talk!" Ethan yelled.

"She got away." Ben grumbled. He cussed under his breath. Suddenly he found himself getting real tired all of a sudden. "I... need to... she's going to go back to Trotsky and kill all of us. I need to stop-." He then collapsed.

"Ben? BEN!" Ethan shouted. That was when he noticed some Centaurs approach. And one of them looked very familiar to Ethan.

"Torvus?" Ethan asked. 

"Ethan Bauer. We heard explosions. What in the Stars happened?" Torvus the Centaur asked.

"That's not important right now." Ethan replied. "Look. We need to get to the Hospital Wing at Hogwarts. Ben... he's sick. Can you get us a lift?" He asked.

Torvus seemed reluctant. It was a bit of an insult to give a human a ride on a Centaurs back. But eventually he caved in. "For the sake of your efforts and getting me back to my herd. I will help you." He declared giving them a ride. Ethan was also going to have to tell the Hogwarts Professors about this too. "Wait." Ethan stopped before he could get Ben on Torvus. "Obliviate." He used it on Ben knowing him that he would most likely get back on his feet and do something incredibly stupid again. So Ethan decided to alter his memories that he wouldn't remember the incident. 

A few hours later and Ben was resting in the Hospital Wing on a bed. Madam Pomfrey had given him some Sleepless Dream Potion. 

"He'll be out till tomorrow morning." Pomfrey informed Ethan and the Professors who were observing the scene.

"Thank you, Madam Pomfrey." Ethan thanked.

"Mr. Bauer." McGonagall was saying to Ethan. "May I ask how this happened?" She asked.

Ethan sighed. "It was back at the Whomping Willow. I was confronting Merula about everything that was going on, about St. Mungo's, Japan. This whole Laughing Contagion. And... that's when Ben showed up. He was listening in on the conversation. He wanted to know if Merula was willing to let Muggles die, including his parents. And there was also shouting about Rowan. And Ben just freaks out and just attacks Merula. It was almost as if he got flash backs on what happened in the Forest that night." He explained leaving the part of Ismelda out. Ethan wasn't sure why he did that though.

"I see." Dumbledore replied breaking the silence. "And Merula Snyde has fled with no trace?" He asked.

"Yes, sir. She's probably gone back to Trotsky. There's no way to track her now. She's long gone." Ethan answered. 

The Professors all looked sadden. "Well, I suppose Merula has chosen her side then." Snape said. 

"But for different reasons." Ethan replied.

Everyone looked at Ethan. "What do you mean, Mr. Bauer?" Flitwick asked.

"I think Merula knows that all of this is wrong. But... she can't bring herself to betray the man who raised her as a daughter for 7 years. More so than her own Biological Father at any rate." Ethan answered.

Dumbledore stroked his beard. "Thank you, Ethan. You may resume your duties." They began to leave. Ethan had a bad hunch about what was going to happen to Merula if the Ministry found her. Either Azkaban, or death. Neither of which Merula deserved. But there was something that Merula mentioned else. 

"There was something else. Merula mentioned something about Slayton heading for Greece." Ethan added.

"Slayton heading for Greece?" Dumbledore asked.

"She wasn't any more specific than that. But if I find something. I'll let you know." Ethan answered.

Dumbledore nodded as he and the Heads of Houses left. And Ethan figured that there was only one other person left that he knew that might have an idea over where Slayton or any of his cronies were possibly going. And why to Greece of all locations.

But before Ethan could make his move. Flitwick stopped him. "Mr. Bauer. Could you stop by the Charms Classroom later. I think I may have an idea of how to deal with the Cursed CD." He requested.

"Yeah. Sure." Ethan replied.

Ethan stopped by the Charms Classroom. Only to see Corey Hayden already there. "Hey, Dr. Watson." She greeted.

"Not Dr. Watson." Ethan replied. "Where's Professor Flitwick?" He asked.

"He said he'd be back any minute! He just had to grab something from his office." Corey answered.

"Well that's great, Corey." Ethan commented.

"It is, but..." Corey pressed her lips and started to act like a 3rd Grader who jumps on the desks. "I want to know all about your confrontation with Merula!" She insisted.

And Ethan sunk into a slump "Well-- some things, happened." He answered.

Corey didn't seem to notice the sudden change in Ethan's tone. She was much too in the zone. "What happened? Did you two duel? Has Merula truly chosen the route of evil?" She asked. 

"Corey-" Ethan started to say. "Did she decide to join us as a double agent? Were you able to convince her?" Corey continued to bombard.

Ethan was about ready to lose it. "Did anyone from 'R' show up? Merlin's Beard! Did... did the Slayton show up? I mean if Detective Conebush-" Cory charged ahead.

"COREY STOP!" Ethan yelled. That got Corey to shut up. "You want to know what happened?! I confronted Merula! Ben freaked out! And Merula fled! That's all there was! Merula didn't choose the path of Evil! Not to her at any rate!"

"What?" Corey asked. "But Ethan. What do you mean that she didn't choose the path of evil? Isn't that what R is?"

Ethan managed to calm down a little. "They're don't think of themselves as evil. They think we're the evil ones, and that they're way is the only way." He explained. 

"But that doesn't make any sense. They have to be the bad guys. I mean. The Ministry are the good guys. They're the main group against R. They're the bad guys and we're the good guys. That's how it works." Corey justified.

"The Ministry... isn't always right." Ethan commented. "Was it right for them to rip a girl away from her parents while they were sent to Azkaban at the same age when I was when I lost my Father? So much so that she had to be raised by a man who had lost his Wife and Daughter to a Soviet Army years and years ago? Was that truly good of them?" He asked.

"Well... no." Corey answered. "But-"

"Corey, this isn't a fairy tale. And it's not a Story we're living in. This is real life. Merula isn't evil. She does believe that what Trotsky's doing is wrong. But she can't abandon him." Ethan cut off.

"But that doesn't make any sense." Corey noted. "If Merula can see in her heart that it's wrong. Then why can't she just convince Trotsky to stand down?" She asked.

"Because Trotsky carried around that hatred against Muggles for years and years. I seriously doubt he can just turn a 180 at a given notice." Ethan answered.

"It can't hurt to try." Corey optimistically offered.

Ethan just gave her a "Are you serious right now?" look. "We'll have to talk about it later, Corey. Right now our priority is helping everyone that's been effected by this laughing Curse." 

Corey seemed to lose her optimism about that. "Okay then. If you need me to do anything-" 

"Actually, there is something you can do. See what you can find about Ancient Greece and potential objects of power that Trotsky could get his hands on." Ethan informed.

Corey nodded. "Yeah. That I can do." She said. And she left.

Flitwick came back into the room. "You're here, Mr. Bauer. Excellent!"

"You got an idea for how to remove the curse?" Ethan asked.

"After consulting my notes and examining the cursed object, I've concluded that we must destroy the object." Flitwick answered.

"That's it?" Ethan asked. "Just like that?"

"That is the only way that the curse can be lifted." Flitwick answered.

"Huh. I thought it would be more complex than that." Ethan commented. "Okay. What are we waiting for?" He asked getting out his energy sword ready to strike at the CD but Flitwick had stopped him.

"Not so fast, Mr. Bauer! First, we'll need to prepare. We don't want anything to go awry." Flitwick cautioned.

"Anything awry with the CD?" Ethan asked. "Okay then. You're the expert when it comes to dealing with Cursed Objects." He said. 

Flitwick smiled a bit. "Now watch closely, Ethan! I'll be performing Expulso to destroy this cursed object."

"I'm watching closely." Ethan replied sarcastically, which Flitwick could sense.

"You're sarcastic sense is very reassuring." Flitwick replied. "I must be very careful, or else the spell could potentially backfire and someone could be hurt."

"Should I get a Helmet?" Ethan asked.

"Not necessary!" Flitwick answered. He looked at the CD. "Time to send you back to the Record Exchange." He declared. "Expulso!"

He shot his spell at the CD. All the CD did was just stay there.

"Is... that it?" Ethan asked. That wasn't how it usually worked. That or something went horribly wrong. Which knowing Ethan's luck. It usually did.

"Professor Flitwick...?" Ethan asked. "Was that supposed to happen?" 

Flitwick was just standing there.

"Professor Flitwick?!" Ethan snapped his fingers. There was no response. "I have a very bad feeling about this." He commented. And unfortunately his suspicions were correct. As Flitwick began to laugh.  "Heeheehoo... Hahahaha!"

"Oh, no... Professor Flitwick has been affected by the laughing curse!" Ethan realized. And that was when Corey came back into the room. 

"Hey, Ethan! Did I leave my copy of Detective Conebush and the Great Mystery of the Time Turner in this classroom? Wait what's going on here?" Corey asked changing her tone when she saw Flitwick laughing. "What's so funny, Professor Flitwick? Did you hear a joke?" She asked.

"Flitwick got affected by the Laughing Curse." Ethan answered.

"So... no joke?" Corey asked.

"No joke." Ethan answered. 

"Blimey... there must have been some secret protections on the cursed CD." Corey theorized.

"Don't you think that Professor Flitwick would've detected it at least?" Ethan asked.

"Probably not. It has to be something that stops it from being magically destroyed. That must be why Flitwick didn't come to that conclusion." Corey suggested. "If it can't be destroyed with magic... then perhaps we have to turn to Muggle means."

Ethan sighed. "And just how are we going to stop by Muggle Means at a moments notice?" He asked. 

That was when he heard a loud roar from an engine sound. "INCOMING!" The Wall just tore down to the ground as Ethan and Corey could see a Golf Cart that had crashed into the wall. "Oh, hi Ethan and Corey! How are my 2 favorite Cursed Breaker to the Shakers doing?" Sikander asked.

Corey just looked in shock. "D-did you just bash your cart into the walls?" She asked.

"No worries. I can fix that." Sikander assured. And that was when he saw Filch out by the hallway with his mouth hung open in disbelief. 

"And you people wonder why I'm such a grouch." Filch grumbled as he walked away from the scene with Mrs. Norris. 

"Sikander. For once you're actually the guy I wanted to see." Ethan greeted.

"And why's that?" Sikander asked. He then looked at Flitwick laughing. "Okay, who told the hippest of jokes that I missed?" 

"No one. Flitwick tried to destroy this cursed CD with Magic. And it didn't work. So we think that maybe we need to destroy it by Muggle Means. And since you're the and I cannot believe the words that are coming out of my mouth right now, expert. We need your help." Ethan explained.

"That CD?" Sikander asked understanding the situation. "Hop on my Hip! To my Classroom! Let's hit it to win it with the tight spunky scrimpy, whop whip, dog." He declared as he repaired the wall and his Golf Cart. 

"Huh?" Corey asked not understanding what was going on. 

"He means get on the Golf Cart." Ethan translated. "At least, I think that's what he's saying." Corey took Ethan's word for it and got on the Golf Cart. She also decided that it was not such a good idea to ask how Sikander could drive through the walls of the Charms Classroom.

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