Chapter 60: The Elephant and the Snake.

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"If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart." -Nelson Mandela.

India. One of the oldest and proudest civilizations of the known world. A massive landscape where many civilizations and empires ruled over the Subcontinent. They all came and they all went. Kingdoms and Dynasties rose and fell. And like much of the world, India came with its own magic and beliefs. And for Trotsky, it was his opportunity to gain some new recruits for his cause. From those in India or as they were called. जादूगर (jaadoogar) in their tongue. The ones he wanted who would be dissatisfied with Muggle rule. 

In the meantime, Talos was looking at the sight of the Taj Mahal. "No sight in Gaul has a sight like this." He commented.

"Enjoy while you can, Talos. We need to keep moving." Trotsky reminded.

"Sorry, Uncle Iosef." Talos replied. "It's just a different sight to see. I know I've seen the Scandinavians, the Mexicans, and the Japanese Realms. Now I'm here in India." He explained. The World had many different landscapes and other realms that Talos had never known before. He could understand why his Uncle Lascius left their home. Too bad he couldn't go to India. 

"Yes. The World has always been different. But we did not come here to goggle over Architecture." Trotsky reminded.

"I know, Uncle Iosef. We're here to recruit India to our cause." Talos replied.

"And where exactly would we find them?" Vercingetorix asked. "In case you haven't noticed, I don't see any of them around here." 

But Trotsky knew that Vercingetorix was going to say that. "No. We need to find where they live. And to do that, we'll need a type of transportation." He informed.

That was when they saw Sigurd coming down on a flying Carpet. "Look out below!" He yelled. 

"Ah, here he comes now." Trotsky said as Sigurd descended on a flying Carpet.

"Where did you get that carpet?" Talos asked.

"I've always had the Carpet." Sigurd answered. "In our Golden Age, we once explored the known world and beyond the Mediterranean, one of them brought back a Flying Carpet. Said it was from a land they called India. Also it makes a pretty good blanket." He explained. 

"The more you know." Talos thought.

"Shall we?" Trotsky asked as he motioned for everyone to get on the Carpet. 

Everyone nodded.

Trotsky used a concealment charm to mask their flight from the Muggles. He didn't want to leave any tip offs at the moment. Like many other Wizards, Trotsky had heard tales about India. Not just in their skills at magic with summoning snakes, and also all the times they had to cover it up. But also with their skills as warriors. Trotsky remembered hearing all the tales from long ago about the conquest of Alexander the Great. 

After Conquering Persia, Alexander turned his attention to the east. To the Indian Kings. One king calling himself Porus, who was the Overlord of the Punjab who had ruled under many princes, some of whom were ready to rebel against Porus and had welcomed Alexander. But Porus who saw Alexander as a threat to his rule had gathered his mighty army and marched against the Greek Legend. Both Alexander and Porus had known of the magic in their respective Empires, even going so far as to have their own forces of Wizards in their ranks as part of their army. With both Rulers respecting the Wizarding World as powerful forces that they could use to their advantage against each other. But more than that, Porus himself was a Wizard and thought that he could be enough to fight. It was the first time that the Greeks had faced against Elephants in the field of war. Alexander had defeated Porus in battle wounding the man. But not before being impressed by Porus' skills as a Wizard.

Alexander would've pushed farther if he wanted to had his men not mutinied against him wanting to keep the spoils that they could at least enjoy. Often times Trotsky had wondered what had happened if the Greek Empire didn't stop. Perhaps they in time could've conquered the rising Empires to the South. And the Mauryan Empire would've never happened. And of course as had the North. India had respected its use of Magic that the Indians believed were to have been gifted by the Gods. If you were skillful in Magic, then it was a sign that the Gods favored you above others regardless of what Caste you represented. However within time, Kingdoms and Empires would rise and fall until the year 1858 when India would be taken over by a New Empire, the British Empire. And the British sought to keep the Indian use of Magic in line so that they could never undermine the rule of British rule of India. And the Indian Wizarding World had sadly remained in hiding ever since.

"Um, Father? Why don't we use Flying Carpets for transports?" Talos asked.

"Because, we never thought of it." Vercingetorix answered.

Talos shrugged. "So... do the Indians have a small village where they live, or something bigger?" He asked.

"Supposedly, there is a Wizarding Community known as Kalale located in a statue of Karnataka in Southern India. However... that is only what the Wizarding World of India is on the front. The rest of the Indian Wizards live... somewhere else to the North." Trotsky explained. 

"And where is that?" Vercingetorix asked.

"Haryana, to the North. That's where we're going." Trotsky answered. 

"And how do we know, when we get there?" Talos asked.

Right on cue. His answers were met. A protective barrier was placed on a certain area. What no one was expecting, was how big the Wizarding World was in India. And it was nothing that anyone had expected. It wasn't a gated community like what the other Countries had, but rather. It felt like a large city of Wizards. With Flying Carpets that were flying like they were in traffic, as well as some broomsticks being ridden. Many different Shops and other Establishments buzzing in trade. 

"We're here." Sigurd announced landing the flying carpet as people noticed who was coming. They were even more intrigued to see people of lighter skin approaching them.

"They're starring at us." Talos said to Trotsky. 

Trotsky was aware of that. "I know, Talos. We're here to seek their help. And we will get it."

"And I take it we do that as we did with the other lands we've gone to?" Talos asked.

"Yes. Although it will be in a different set of circumstances." Trotsky answered. He was figuring out ideas for how they were going to proceed, when they saw a young boy approaching Trotsky. 

"E-excuse me sir?" The Boy asked.

Trotsky looked down at the boy. "Can I help you?" He asked.

"You're presence is requested at the Elephant Temple. Sir." The Boy informed.

"And may I ask as to the reason why?" Trotsky asked intrigued.

"The Caretaker has heard of your coming. He requests to see you." The Boy answered. "I will take you there." 

That was how Trotsky and his Lieutenants followed the boy to the Elephant Temple. It was empty save for plants and one simple old man who was tending to them. The Old Man saw them arriving. "I knew it was only a matter of time before you came to my home." He said.

"Are you the Caretaker of this Temple?" Trotsky asked.

"I am a simple man who tending to his duties. As do you, I assume. Being the leader of a powerful army that has moved beyond one countries borders alone." The Caretaker answered. 

"Why have you called us here?" Talos asked.

"I have invited you." The Caretaker corrected. "I do not call what I cannot control. You came here of your own accord. Do you think this is a trap?" He asked.

"No." Trotsky answered. "You have no reason to trap us as we have no quarrel with you specifically." He knew how this worked.

"Indeed. And I have no quarrel with you." The Caretaker replied. "But I can imagine that you did not come to India to co mingle with an Old Man. You came to seek help from people. People that will support you against the Muggles." He assumed.

"Your assumptions are correct." Trotsky said. "Especially from those who felt subjugated by Muggles who think of themselves as Upper Class Citizens." 

The Caretaker was walking by some other plants and watering them. And Trotsky followed him. "There will always be an Upper Class regardless of who walks the earth." He pointed out. 

Trotsky had remained calm and collective as he walked. "That does not mean that the Muggles deserve to subjugate us. Take whatever they want and there are no consequences." 

"You see them as evil." The Caretaker noted.

"I do." Trotsky admitted. His eyes becoming darker at the mention of those monsters. "Do you see them as evil?" He asked.

The Caretaker shook his head. He looked at Trotsky and could see where Trotsky's hatred of Muggles came from. "You speak from tragedy. You mourn." He realized.

"As I've had for over 20 years." Trotsky replied. "My Wife and Daughter was killed by Muggles." 

The Caretaker understood Trotsky's pain. "There is no greater loss than a parent losing their child. You have my sympathy." 

Trotsky was about to say something else, when he heard a loud elephant trumpet. 

"Ah, it is time to feed." The Caretaker said. He gathered trunks of Elephant Food. He walked through a set of doors.

The Elephant trumpeted again. 

"Here I come. Do not despair." The Caretaker calmly announced. He walked up to the Elephant and fed it.

"Only one Elephant?" Trotsky asked.

"I worship him as was the task that was given to me by Lord Ganesha." The Caretaker answered. "It is my responsibility to protect this sacred temple, his home. He represents wisdom, understanding, and a distinct intellect." 

Trotsky could understand that. He could see that the Caretaker also had these qualities as well. "Well, I will leave you to your responsibilities then." He declared. 

"Be careful with how you proceed, Trotsky. The Indian Ministry of Magic has already declared their intention to honor their treaty with the British." The Caretaker warned.

"And I assume that they also are strict with the way any of their people cooperate with my own forces." Trotsky figured. 

The Caretaker nodded. 

"Is there any other group that might join with my forces?" Trotsky asked.

"There is one. But it is dangerous." The Caretaker answered. "An Ancient Cult that has existed for nearly a Thousand Years. Ones who have worshipped the Goddess Kali. The Thuggee." 

And the skies around the temple seemed to darken at the mention of that name.

But Trotsky remembered that name. "If I remember correctly. Weren't they eradicated by the British in the 1800s during their rule of India?" He asked. Although he knew that was not most likely the case. 

"That is what the Muggles believe. The Thuggee are still very much alive. But they are hidden in the Shadows. They have not come back up. Even with the British Gone." The Caretaker answered.

Trotsky realized that the Thuggee would be a good addition to his ranks. "And I assume they despise the Muggles for what they did. And that includes British Muggles specifically." He assumed.  

The Caretaker nodded. "It is more than that, to convince them. Like the days of old, they respect a leader that shows strength and power. If you were to defeat the leader of the Thuggee in battle, then according to their philosophy, the Thuggee would be honor bound to follow you." He added.

"Thank you." Trotsky thanked. "I must go. I wish you good fortune, Caretaker. And that you continue your duties." 

"As do I wish the same of you." The Caretaker replied. "I hope that you find happiness later in your life." 

Trotsky nodded and headed off. 

The Villains were back on their flying carpet. And heading to where the Thuggee were driven back. Through the Himalaya Mountains on the border of India and Nepal. 

"He seemed a decent man." Vercingetorix noted about the Caretaker. 

"Yes. I rather enjoyed talking to him." Trotsky replied. "Remind me to spare that temple, when we begin the New World Order." 

"I'll put it on the list." Vercingetorix replied. 

"So... who are we going to?" Talos asked. 

"We're going to meet the Thuggee." Trotsky answered. 

Everyone looked confused. None of them knew who they were. "And who are they?" Sigurd asked breaking the silence.

"The Thuggee are a group of Dark Wizards that worship their Goddess, their Mother Kalee." Trotsky answered. "They were thought to have been wiped out by Muggles years ago. But they are still alive. And we are recruiting them." 

"Oh, joy more thugs." Talos thought. "What? I can't be the only one that's making that comparison." He asked.

"You're not." Trotsky replied. "But unlike Gangsters, they have honor. All I have to do is defeat their leader and the Thuggee are mine to command." He informed.   

"Now we're talking." Sigurd commented. He always enjoyed a good fight. And the Thuggee seemed to be a culture that respected the alpha on top. At least the mountains and snow would seem familiar to him. 

"This is where the Thuggee live?" Vercingetorix asked. 

"They do now." Trotsky answered. He ordered Sigurd to set the Carpet down on the ground near the side of the mountain. 

The wind was howling throughout the sky. But that was no problem for Trotsky considering that he could just use a Wind Shield Charm to shield them all. He used it all the time when the cold winter winds would come to his home village. 

"So, how do we find these Thuggee?" Talos asked. 

"We won't. They'll find us." Trotsky answered. He could already hear a strange sound coming from the pass of the Mountains. 

It seemed like Chanting. From some people that lived up the mountain. They were shouting something in Hindu. 

"Is that them?" Sigurd asked getting his wand out for an attack. 

"Hm. That was fast." Trotsky commented. "They must've seen us flying towards the area."  He figured. 

That was when they saw the Thuggee arrive towards them. They were dressed in Red and Black Robes, with their swords and wands strapped on them. They all seemed to notice Trotsky who did not appear fazed by their presence.

"You picked a bad time to get lost, strangers. Or are you just some simple travelers trying to climb up Mt. Everest as usual?" One of the lead Thuggee asked readying his sword. 

"I am not lost, nor am I a traveler trying to climb the Mountain. I've come for you and an audience with your leader." Trotsky informed.

The Thuggee looked confused at that. "Then you have an invitation. We were not expecting any visitors." The Lead one said. "Much less one of pale skin."  

Trotsky smirked. "No invitation. But I think your leader will be most interested in the proposal I have about Great Britain." He informed. 

The Thuggee all looked with hatred at the mention of that name. The name that sought to eradicate them years ago. 

"What kind of proposal?" The Thuggee asked. 

"It is something I will speak only to your leader and your leader alone." Trotsky explained. 

The Thuggee thought about it for a second. But they decided to appease them. "You will come with us." They decided. 

The Thuggee took them through the pass that led to a Fortress built in the Mountain. Groups of Wizards were outside trying out new spells. In case there were any trespassers that crossed through their territory. Trotsky and his Crew were shown the door to the main building. 

Inside, they saw the Leader of the Thuggee with a bald head, and his strong beard sitting on a throne. All with strange statues honoring one Goddess in particular. The Goddess Kali.  

Trotsky approached the Leader. The Leader looked at Trotsky. "I don't recall the last time a Russian journeyed this far into our land. A long time." The Leader said. 

"First correction. I am Ukrainian. Secondly, I'm here on business...  Sorry, I never quite got your name." Trotsky replied. 

"Aadhik." The Leader of the Thuggee informed. "And I am well aware of your business. You are the man who claims a proposal about the British Empire?" He asked.

"Yes. I have been working inside of the British Isles for the past several amount of years. When I was there. None of them mentioned that your people were still alive." Trotsky answered.

Aadhik grunted. "Hm. And did the British also speak of our intense hatred of them after they sought to eradicate our kind?" He asked. "Or did that escape their mind as well?" He then began to reflect on what had happened to his Cult. "Those bastards who eradicated us in our homes, and burned us, tortured us, drove us to extinction. And all we wished to do was worship the teachings of our Mother. The Goddess Kali. She watches over her children and protects them in their time of need."   

Trotsky shook his head. "They didn't mention it. Nor did I expect them to. How long have you been living in this shadows in secret hiding away in your mountain? Years ago you were the most powerful following of your kind. Worshiping The Goddess, Kali." He replied. Trotsky then turned to the statue of teh Goddess. "Great Mother. I seek your Children to come to our aid and avenge my fallen from the world of Muggles. My Wife and Daughter who were murdered by the same abominations that murdered your own long ago. As a Parent yourself, you understand that I will do anything to protect my children from harm. And when they fall, I would burn the world down for them. So I beg you to aid me in my time of need that I need the cause of the Thuggee." He explained to the statue and to all the Thuggee in attendance.

The Thuggee all laughed at that. "I'm afraid that will not work for you, Iosef Trotsky. Aadhik informed. "The Great Mother only speaks to me. No Outsider has ever commanded the Thuggee, and we will not submit now at this age. The Thuggee are only out for the Thuggee." 

Trotsky figured that Aadhik would say that. "If that is the case..." He nodded to the others as Talos used his Magic to disarm all the Thuggee and Sigurd gripped them all to the floor stunning them all. All except Aadhik.  "Then the Remnant of the Death Eaters declares war on the Thuggee." He declared.

Aadhik readied his wand. "You know that you cannot walk out of here Scott Free." He informed. "If you strike us down, the Mother will strike you down and have her revenge." 

"I'm aware of that." Trotsky replied. "But all the same, I'd rather avoid another massacre, and let your Mother watch her children die right in front of her. Let's settle this war in the Old Ways. Me against you in a duel to the death. I win, the Thuggee acknowledge me as leader and agree to follow my every command." He suggested.

"And if I should win?" Aadhik asked.

"We'll leave the Himalayas for good." Trotsky answered. 

Aadhik looked around him. As according to the Old Ways of India, The Leader of a cause must lead his armies to battle. They are taught to fight, to lead. And they meet the leader of another in battle. And he couldn't afford to look weak in front of his men, or they would think that he is unable to rule. Trotsky announcing that publicly was a bold move. "I accept your challenge."

That night, the challenge had been arranged. A large area that had been previously covered by snow was cleared. Torches now lit the dueling grounds. On one side, Aadhik sat with his legs crossed. Trotsky kneeled on the other side. And both men had their armor and shirts removed save for their slacks and covered in war paint. 

"Now this is a duel." Sigurd commented.

"Thank you for that comment, Sigurd." Trotsky replied. "Well... this should be a rather interesting change of pace." He noticed all the Viking War Paint that had been put on his face and arms and chest. 

"You sure about this, you sure you don't want a champion?" Vercingetorix asked. 

"I take the liberty of being my own champion." Trotsky answered. He turned around to see his opponent standing up as well. 

They both turned to one Thuggee that acted as official of the duel. "The Duel shall be to the Death. And we will abide by the outcome. And who shall lead us into the future." He declared. 

Both Aadhik and Trotsky bowed to the Official. They then turned and bowed to each other. They both turned around and walked away from 6 feet apart from each other. They then turned around and took out their wands getting in their battle positions. 

The Thuggee banged the drums. And they all chanted some loud chant in Hindu also banging the torches on the ground. Both Aadhik and Trotsky circled each other before they both charged at each other. Aadhik firing an Ice Spell at Trotsky which Trotsky was able to side step away from. Trotsky then retaliated with a Wind Spell at Aadhik. Aadhik stood his ground as Trotsky swung an energy sword at him. Aadhik parried with his own energy sword that he had equipped. Both men swung their swords at each other. Aadhik then shot a fire spell shooting fire balls at Trotsky, Trotsky tumbled to the ground to dodge them. Then got on back on his feet after sweeping the legs of Aadhik as he pursued Trotsky on the ground. Trotsky got back up and shot a lightning spell at Aadhik. Aadhik was prepared for this.

"Don't think that you are the only Wizard who knows how to use elemental Magic. I have been trained in it myself." Aadhik informed.

"Of course he is." Talos grunted. 

Trotsky expected that as well. "Guess I'll have to change it up then." He then took out his energy disks and launched them at Aadhik which the Thuggee intercepted. Until Trotsky charged up to him wielding his Energy Swords swinging them around in skillful technique. Aadhik was having trouble finding his footing as he tried to stand his ground. Trotsky then launched a fire ball to Aadhik's chest sending him flying to the ground. Aadhik got up and shot an Ice Spell straight at Trotsky which Trotsky deflected with fire turning it into water which splashed on Trotsky. "Alright. You enjoy your ice. Let's see how you enjoy this." Trotsky then used his Shadow Magic to create the Living Shadows that went straight for Aadhik. Aadhik stood his ground channeling all of his magic to fight off the Living Shadows. But all it did was buy time for Trotsky to appear right from the back and strike at Aadhik from his back slicing at his spine and giving him several of his slashes. The same kind of injuries that he gave Ethan at the Cursed Vault. Trotsky then used his magic into one hand turning it black in shadow then proceeded to punch Aadhik in the chest again and again and then gave him an uppercut sending him flying in the air.

"Yes!" Talos yelled as he watched Aadhik fall to the ground. Trotsky then grabbed Aadhik by the head. He punched him in the face, and in the face again, and again punching out a molar tooth. But Trotsky wasn't done yet. He then slammed Aadhik down onto the floor and Trotsky stepped on his face breaking what was left of his teeth.

Aadhik felt his mouth and chest bleeding. Trotsky then lifted up Aadhik by his chest. He then took his daughters wand and aimed it straight at Aadhik. "Go ahead. Take your prize if it makes-" Trotsky shot his energy sword at Aadhik in the mouth killing him. And the Blood had turned the Snow Red. 

The Drums stopped and the chanting had died. Trotsky looked up at the Thuggee all starring at him. Trotsky then took the wand from Aadhik. He raised it in the air. "I claim this wand! And my place as leader of the Thuggee by right of Combat!" He declared.  

And all the Thuggee bent their knees to the Ukrainian Death Eater. "The Thuggee are yours to command." They all chanted. "Hail to Trotsky! Hail to Trotsky!" 

"Thugee of India! 1 Century ago. Your People were slaughtered by the British Empire! All because you would not abandon your faith to the Great Mother. I cannot offer you to go back in time to prevent that." Trotsky began. "But how does a rematch sound instead?" He asked. 

The Thuggee all looked up. "Perhaps its time to send the British Muggles a lesson. An Away Game perhaps?" Trotsky asked. 

"Is this what you command, Leader?" The Thuggee Official asked.

Trotsky liked the sound of commander in his voice. "Grab your kits and pack well, we leave for Great Britain." He ordered. 

The Thuggee all nodded their heads.

And with that, The Thuggee had arrived with all the supplies and camps they could set up. Thuggee for the first time in living history were on British Soil. 

Trotsky had called a meeting with his top Lieutenants to discuss further operations. Among them sitting were Vercingetorix, Sigurd, Talos, The Giant King, Diablo who was filling in for Slayton while he was in Greece, Greyback, one of the Tengu, Verruca, the pack leader of the Hide Behinds, Lucius Malfoy, and a Thuggee Official who's name was Chakshu. "Glad tidings to everyone. Thank you for attending this meeting. And tonight, we welcome a new member of our rankings. The Thuggee. Stand up and be acknowledged Chakshu." Trotsky began.

Chakshu stood up. "Now, to business. What is the current situation with the Laughing Contagion?" Trotsky asked.

"We have received word that Madam Strout herself has been affected by the Laughing Contagion." Lucius reported. "However this has had minimal effect with operations of the Medical Zones, thanks to Chiara Lobosca. She's been taking charge of the operations."  

Greyback laughed. "They must be really desperate if they get that girl to handle their problems! Ha!" 

Vercingetorix was silent at the whole thing. Talos could tell what his father was thinking. "Don't underestimate my niece, Greyback. If I recall from Trotsky, she handled the situation when Madam Pomfrey was affected by the statue curse." He warned Greyback.

"Niece?" Greyback asked and everyone looked shocked at that.

"Oh right. We never told you that." Vercingetorix remembered. "Her Father is my long lost brother who left my village of Gaul in the past. Which makes Chiara Lobosca my niece and Talos' cousin." 

Greyback grunted. "And here I thought that Narcissa's family had issues." He commented.  

"Oh, don't feel so bad, Vercingetorix. My own Niece, Nymphadora Tonks is in the Circle of Khanna." Lucius assured. "But back to the matter of hand. You know that it is only a matter of time until Ethan Bauer goes through that curse." He informed Trotsky.

"I'm aware of that, Malfoy." Trotsky replied. "It was merely to distract Ethan for when I recruit the Thuggee into my ranks. As for the rest of the Medical Zones, there are still supplies coming in from other countries one of the main benefactors being America correct?"

"That's right, Boss." Diablo answered. "You want me to burn?" He asked. "I've got some guys back home ready to jump." 

"Do what you must." Trotsky ordered knowing that cutting off supplies could cripple the Medical Zones, and divert needed resources to protect the supplies so Trotsky could command his forces with more efficiency. "That's no problem for the Hide Behinds, I imagine?" He asked.

The Hide Behind Pack Leader nodded. 

That was when Verruca spoke up. "My Lord. If I may speak?" She requested.

Trotsky motioned her to go forward. "You have assembled a mighty army at your disposal. You have gathered the Death Eaters, the Gauls, the Giants, The Goblins and Dragons, The Hide Behinds, The Norse, The American Gangsters, The Mexicans, The Yokai of Japan as well as the Japanese Dark Wizards, and now you have gained the Thuggee. Thuggee on British Soil for the first time in History." Verruca began.  

"Is there a point to this?" Sigurd asked bored, as he was taking a swig of ale from Dobby who was going around the table and serving. 

"But what are we to do in the Ministry of Magic?" Verruca asked. "I don't need to remind you that they still maintain a unified front. And as long as Dumbledore is there to support-."

"The Ministry of Magic will be of no concern to us, soon enough. Not after we've toppled it to the ground." Trotsky interrupted having taken that into consideration. 

"And the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge?" Verruca asked. 

Lucius laughed. "Fudge is a fat weak man. He is not what we are concerned about. If anyone is the threat, it is Albus Dumbledore. Fudge is always asking him for advice on what to do." He informed.

"So then Dumbledore is the one who really has the power." Talos translated. 

"He is and he does have power and influence. He is the Wizard who defeated Grindlewald before." Trotsky replied. "The only reason he was not made Minister of Magic is because he refused it." He explained. 

"All that power, and he refuses to take it. Talk about weak." Greyback commented.

The Giant and the Hide Behind all laughed at that. 

"Which is why I intend to strike at the Ministry." Trotsky informed. "No Ministry means that Great Britain falls to us. And when we destroy the Ministry and bring it under our banner. And when that is done. Hogwarts will be the next to go..." But he had a thought under his words. "Although..."  

Everyone looked confused at Trotsky's words. "Although what?" Talos asked.

"Should we fail. Should Hogwarts and the Ministry still stand... We may need to seek an alternative way of bringing about the New World Order." Trotsky answered. 

"You mean a Curse?" Vercingetorix asked. 

"Yes. One that I intend to use against the Ministry itself. Say... Cornelius Fudge himself." Trotsky answered. 

That was when Chakshu spoke up. "Lord Trotsky. If I may offer a suggestion?" He requested.

"Speak." Trotsky replied. 

"I may have a curse of which you speak." Chakshu held out a little pouch in his hand. "The Great Mother, is generous. She had granted us a mighty power that we may use it against those who seek to destroy us. What is inside this pouch is a curse. A curse that remains in power, even after they have died." He explained opening the pouch and revealing a dark energy inside of the pouch the moved like a snake. 

Trotsky saw the realization come to him. "Nothing can stop what will come. Not even Ethan Bauer!" He exclaimed. "Return to your duties. Meeting Adjourned!" And the meeting was adjourned.

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