Day 2- The hero, failed to save their beloved

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               As the final battle ends, the curse, which has been trailing the 8th country for thousands of years, was finally lifted from the people of Khaenri'ah. Dark clouds engulfing the clear blue sky during the final showdown also dissipates, sunshine once again radiates brightly, seemingly welcoming the victory of the people who were once monsters.

Dainsleif could see the beams oh so scintillating, as it is his first time ever feeling the natural surroundings without the painful curse haunting him. Everything feels so surreal, with the darkness in him eyes slowly evaporate. His senses are coming back, along with that a notion of emotion that he has never experienced in a long time.

He feels...relieved.

Relieved that everything is over, relieved that what he has been fighting for was a success, relieved for the people he swore to protect, and relieved that...he could finally meet Halfdan in peace once again. After all, that is what he's looking toward to the most.

The crowd begins cheering for the soldiers who have been fighting relentlessly with an aim of freedom, and the hero of the event, Dainsleif himself. As much as he would like to stay and thank you and give a speech and all those congratulatory activities, he can't help himself to seek out the condition and status of Halfdan.

Needling through the bustle and hustle of the crowd, it takes him quite a while to escape from that spot. He told some guards to distract the people, so it seems like no one notices him sneaking out of the area, quite a relief to be said. He takes a few breaths before continuing his pursue, and he runs as fast as his legs can carry him.

He stops at the front of the campsite of the medical station, where the injured are being treated thoroughly. His eyes glances to the side and to the front as he searches for the other person, but to his surprise, it was to no avail. Entering the camp, he tries to remain calm to his best effort. He looks around, trying to find that one person that he needs to meet the most. Despite his attempts to look through all the tents and stretches, he just can't detect that familiar face around. Panicked, he starts asking the people there for some sort of signal, but much to his disappointment, none of them has seen him.

There's only one place left where Halfdan could be, but he couldn't help himself to make his way there. He doesn't want to believe Halfdan is there.

He continues to walk, this time with a much slower pace, shoulder drooping and face looking down. He dares not to look forward as his steps still go on, but before he even knows, the place is already in front of him. The morgue. The bad smell and bloody scene hit him, sweat running down his face as his thoughts start traveling to the darkest tunnel.

He takes a deep breath before continue stepping inside the wide area of dry land, laying on top of it was thousands of corpses, waiting to be founded by their loved ones. He searches around, his mind thinking of the worst situation that could happen. Amidst the bodies lying lifelessly, there was one that catches his attention, one that is covered by a blanket. He proceeds near it, gulping down his fear, with his hand trembling as it reaches out to one corner of the cover. Fwoosh was the sound made when he opened the white cloth, and underneath it was... an elite soldier.

He lets out a sign of relief before leaving the place, but still wondering where Halfdan is. Why is he nowhere to be found?

His mind wanders off to random places, and so does his legs carry him around the field. Until he reaches a destination which he didn't expect.

Their old hideout.

He enters, the small shelter now dusty and rusty, but filled with memories. He can remember the nights they spend here, the talks they have before laughing themselves to sleep, and the other person's warm breath on his neck. Everything stays in his mind, just not the person who created all those precious times. He switches on the light, it flickers before showing off a bland light, blurry and delicate as always.

Inside it was Halfdan, standing still, staring at one corner. With not many thoughts whatsoever, Dainsleif rushes beside the other person and makes an embrace, but to no avail, his arms collide with each other. Halfdan turns to him

-Oh, you're here. I was expecting you to show up

Dainsleif, still confused as ever, but not so much for Halfdan.

-I don't have much time before leaving, but I just want to say, all the moments we spent here were splendid. Please remember that I'm doing this for Khaenri'ah, and as much as I want to stay, it is necessary.

Dainsleif realizes what is happening now. It's the ley line disorder. Halfdan knew the impact of the battle would leave back abnormalities, so he used it to say his final words. Hearing his voice, Dainsleif tries to reach out his hand to hold back the memories, but as it goes, the soul slowly dissipates.

-Goodbye for now Dainsleif, and shall we meet again.

With what was left of Halfdan finally disappear, Dainsleif have never felt so weak before. He feels something inside him got lost, something of important. He wanders around the place, lingering the memories that they made.

To his surprise, the bed where they used to spend the most time together, on top of it are things where he would give Halfdan. It was like a tradition when they would exchange things they can find. It may be not much of value, but it meant everything to him when he sees Halfdan still keep it after all those years. Among it was Halfdan's badge of honorary knight, for all his contributions. He still remembers the other person would show it off every now and then without embarrassment, how happy he was when he holds that thing. Dainsleif picks the badge up and hold on tightly to it, a wave of happiness somehow hits him. He couldn't save everyone, but it wasn't his dream to save Khaenri'ah, it was Halfdan's. At least somehow, he feels like Halfdan has fulfilled his dream in his final moments. 

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