Day One - Unfulfilled Promise

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The gentle wind breezes through the hair of a man who carries with him the color of autumn leaves as he stares blankly into the distance. Kadehara Kazuha, the traveler who was once notorious in the land of ruled over by the Shogun, is now wandering throughout Teyvat with Beidou, the captain of the Alcor.
-Hey kid, it's late, get back to the bunker.
Spoken up was the voice of the captain, the voice which makes him realize the moon is now high up above his head, with the shining ray becoming brighter in the scene of night. A hand still grasping onto the edge of the boat, his mind still not at ease, it's one of "these days".
-Can I stay a while more?
-Whatever floats your boat, I'm getting to bed - Beidou says as she yawns and retrieves to the sleeping cabins.
Kazuha's thoughts trail off within the familiar scenery, a picturesque and tranquil darkness of night which is highlighted by the bright, yet calming, yellow of the stars. Although he has no complaints with how his life has changed after the Sakuko Decree, a part of him still somewhat misses the old days.
He misses the daily routine at Inazuma, the children there, and...Tomo.
He misses the old times when the two of them still have to run away from the Shogunate every night and getting some peace at a hillside. He still remembers the promise they made when the night was cold, but Tomo's body was not.
They promised to establish a freedom of their own, where they could wander all around Teyvat without any restrictions, and always stay by each other's side by every part of the journey. Along with their cat, of course.
All of it seems impossible now, considering how what is lost can't be taken back. The day the fight was decided, he knew the promise was broke off. Sympathetic was all he could help to bring himself to feel, otherwise it would be too much for him to handle.
-That fool...
He giggles by himself with no enthusiasm or happiness whatsoever, just plain emptiness covering his mind. He feels an ache in his heart when that promise is mentioned, an everlasting ache that can't be cured. He reaches his hand out to the direction of the stars, jealous of how they could shine bright and still be free in the wide sky.
With a final sigh, he climbs down from the edge and walks back to the cabin, trying to be calm as always but his emotions just show a sign of grief.

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