It Makes A Girl Go 'Ooohlala'

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What a Friday! Harper changed her work shoes into flat comfortable ones, preparing for the long walk home.

Today she went out early for a morning shift - like 4 in the morning! - at the dog shelter and then at 10am she went from there to the diner for her 10:30am to 11:30pm, almost, double shift.

It was tiring but she was really feeling great cause she made her personal quota for the week. That means she'll just have her usual 5 hours work tomorrow and on Sunday.

It's a breezy, cold, and yet, comfortable walk home. She's actually beginning to enjoy this 45 minutes. Her mind slowly drifted into Chris. The meeting a few days back. One whole day of seeing and talking to him. Unbelievable. She knew he got his money back. Mr. E would've surely given it to him.

Harper took a deep breath and started to daydream. Of her not having to go home into that rundown house and seeing her mother drown herself with whiskey. And of Chris walking her home, asking her how's her day been like. Maybe taking her out to a dinner first? At 12 midnight? Ha!

She always wonders about those small things other people do for someone they think is important for them. How to feel wanted for just who they are. How to feel...special....

Some 33 years old you are. Dont you think its time to move on already. Its been 20 plus years and nothings happening. Its not gonna happen. Harper's practical voice, once again, ruining her evening.

Back to reality, Harper Krait.


She shook her head. Well practical Harper, the dreamer Harper is still imagining that Chris is calling her. There's no stopping the dreamer in her.


There's that voice again. Man, if only that's for real....

"Hey! Harper!" Chris decided to park his SUV and just walk with her.

In. The. Freakin. Cold. Shit.

It's either she didn't heard him or she's ignoring him.

He ran beside her, and gently touched her shoulder, "Hey."

Harper sharply turned, surprised, eyes wide with shock. "Sorry I..." She trailed off. She wasn't imagining after all.

Chris put his hands in his pocket and walked beside her. "So you didn't heard me. I thought you were blatantly ignoring me for a moment there."

His voice sounded amused and not annoyed, to Harper's relief, but she still apologized. "I'm sorry. I didnt hear you." Which was a lie. What she means to say is that she's not used to anyone calling her.

Most especially him.

Chris chuckled and half-shook his head, "Yep. That's what I said."

Harper! Snap out of it! This is not the time to be stupid!

She chose to be quiet instead.

Well, you're not wrong there. She mentally face palmed herself.

"So how was the car?" Chris grasp at the first thought that came into his mind.

She nodded and asked, "Did you received the payment? Gave it to Mr. E the other day."

Chris smirked. "Actually I did. Thanks. I guess. Listen, I..."

"Look," she cut him off, "I appreciate the help but please don't do that again." Yep. Great job, Harper. Now watch him walk away from your rudeness and arrogance.

Chris held up his hand in surrender. Harper held her breath. Braising herself if he starts to walk away. People always do that to her. Sadly.

"So you walk going home at midnight?" But he didn't. Chris changed the subject instead. Feeling her uneasiness towards him.

Harper didn't know what to say. Tongue-tied is an understatement. Her mind is just blank except that she can smell him there, FEEL him walking beside her.

She was very, very careful not to get too close but desperate too. I mean, isn't this the one thing she dreams of every single day of her sad, pathetic life? Problem is she looks horrible, and she probably smells like the diner. Man! She mentally groaned to herself.

"Hmm..." Chris was thoughtful and consciously aware that this particular girl is not really social. He tried to ask her something else again. Changing tactics. "So...How's it going?" Chris you fuckin dimwit. That's your chosen conversation tactic?!

"Everythings great. Thanks for asking. You might want to get back to your car?" Why is he walking with her?!

"You know what, I've got a better idea. Why dont I just drop you off? I mean, you know I'll definitely pass your house by."

Harper shook her head and smiled. "No thanks. I got this. Besides it's a pretty night." She looked up at the starry night. It IS a beautiful night despite the numbing coldness.

Chris looked up too. He smiled, amazed at how many stars are actually out tonight. "Man that's fuckin awesome." Wonder in his voice.

Harper, still smiling, look at his reaction. Chris looks like a kid staring at the lights of the Christmas tree. His blue eyes shining, just like the stars above him. Harper was mesmerized.

Just then Chris looked back down and his eyes caught Harper's, looking at him. Just for a split second. Then she averted her eyes, focusing on the pavement.

"Thanks. I sometimes forget how magnificent nights in Sudbury are." He said.

Not looking at him, Harper nodded, still smiling. "You need to go back to your car though." She stated.

Chris half-smiled and nodded. "It was great walking with you Harper. See you around." Then he pivoted and went back to his SUV.

Harper was shivering and got goosebumps all over her arms! She did OK, yes? She was cool?! I mean, not stupidly giddy?! Yes! Except when he caught you staring at him like a fuckin school girl.

Harper face-palmed herself. Chris' SUV drove by.

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