Answering Some Questions

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Last Time on Jurassic Railgun.............

"Now, can you please tell me how the dinosaurs are still alive?" asked Mikoto.

"I will explain later. For now, follow me." Said Nero as he run into the forest.

"Hey wait up!" Said Mikoto and Touma.

Nero exited the forest and ran up a grassy hill where Blue and the other three good Raptors are waiting for him. He ran to the top of it and looked at the sight to behold.

Mikoto and Touma finally caught up with him to see him looking down at the valley. They are surprised and amazed of what they saw.

"My two new friends. Welcome to the place on the planet that holds the remaining breathing dinosaurs. Welcome to the island that can only support them. Welcome, to Dinosaur Island." Said Nero.

Mikoto and Touma saw a bunch of herbivore dinosaurs near a large lake and eating either the grass or the leafs from the trees.

Their was a herd of Brachiosaurus.........

A huge group of Triceratops..............

A bunch of Sinoceratops.......

A herd of Parasaurolophus.............

A group of Pachycephalosaurus............

A group of Ankylosaurus............

And a large herd of Stegosaurus.

Multiple shadows flied over Touma and Mikoto. They looked up in the skies to see flying creatures. Long beaks and huge wings. Pteranodon.

One of the Pteranodons dived bomb close to the ground. It then flapped its wings and landed on a tree branch. The Pteranodon let out a loud shriek as to welcome Mikoto and Touma.

The Pteranodon then flapped its wings and took the air again. Mikoto watched the creature before it joined back with its group in the skies. She then turned back her attention to the herbivore dinosaurs in the valley.

"Unbelievable." Said Mikoto as she was speechless at the moment.

"Wow." Said Touma.

"Follow us. I will answer any other questions back at our safe territory." Said Nero as he and the Raptors begin to walk to north east direction.

Mikoto took one last look at this beautiful sight before she and Touma went to catch up with Nero and begin to walk to where they are going.

Mikoto and Touma tried to follow the mysterious person that saved them. In the process, they got caught in one of the mysterious person traps. The person freed them and they have gave the mysterious person a name. Nero has shown Mikoto and Touma the beauty of the breathing creatures. They now are heading to where it will be safe to rest and Nero will then be able to answer any questions they have.


With Nero, Sunset..........

"Where are going?" asked Mikoto as she gently push back a giant leaf as she and Touma were following Nero and his pack of Raptors.

"A safe area." Said Nero as he gently pushed back some tall grass to reveal where they are now.

When Mikoto and Touma looked at the area, they were a little bit nervous. Why you ask? Because it is a den that has several different packs of Velociraptors.

All the Raptors looked towards Nero to see that he and his pack have returned. Along with some guests. These Raptors narrowed their eyes at Mikoto and Touma. When Nero raised his left hand, they begin to calm down and stop growling at Mikoto and Touma.

"Why.... why did the Velociraptors just stop?" asked Touma

"Because I just gave them a sign that you both are safe and can be trusted." Said Nero.

"They....... they understood that from just a simple hand raise?" asked a curious Mikoto.

"Yes." Said Nero

Nero begin to walk towards one of the Raptor packs. "The Big One is gone. She won't bother anyone ever again. Rexy took care of her." Said Nero.

The Raptors let out a roar that sounds like a cheer. But Touma and Mikoto were confused of the name he said.

"Rexy?" asked Touma and Mikoto

"The female T-Rex that saved you both." Said Nero. That caused Touma and Mikoto to remember the T-Rex that saved them and took down the Big One.

"So do you think you can answer some questions of mine? What is your story?" asked Mikoto. "How do you know so much about the Dinosaurs and how are they still alive?

"Okay. Let me first tell you what I know so far of what I can remember." Said Nero.

Nero sat down on the ground as he closed his eyes to try to remember. "I don't remember about my past or anything. I only remember waking up on the beach shores of this island when I think I was about 5 or six years old. So that makes it about almost 12 years go." Said Nero as he opened up his eyes to look at Mikoto and Touma, who are both sitting on the ground just like Nero.

"I must have walked into the forest for some time until I accidentally walked into a this very area, which is a den and nesting area for different packs of Raptors. When they have noticed me, they could have  eaten me. But I was spared because of one thing that happened." Said Nero.

"What happened?" asked Mikoto.

"Her." Said Nero as he pointed to the Raptor that was right to Mikoto. She look at that Raptor to see that Nero is talking about Blue. Blue gently nudge her head against Mikoto. Mikoto smiled from this.

"Its because Blue back when she was just an infant, along with Echo, Charlie and Delta, here shows compassion and was curious about me, the other Raptors stand down." Said Nero.

"She...... she has human like emotions?" asked Touma.

"In a matter of speaking yes." Said Nero.

"So you lived with these Raptors for years huh?" asked Mikoto as she gently hugged Blue with a happy smile.

"Yes." Said Nero.

"Okay then. Why do you wear that skeleton for a helmet?" asked Touma.

"It helps me to blind in more with my surroundings." Said Nero as he put both hands on the skeleton helmet on his head and begin to take it off. "But let me take it off since it is getting a little bit warm underneath this thing."

Once he took it, he revealed his human face. He has a small X mark scar on his right side of his face. His hair color is sky blue colored.

"Better?" asked Nero.

"A little bit." Said Touma.

"Okay. Can you explain about the Raptor and her pack that tried to kill us before?" asked Mikoto

"You mean Big One. She was a part of this group of Raptors but she had to be banned away because of her unexplained behavior." Said Nero

"Her what?" asked Touma and Mikoto

"She killed some members of her own pack to prove how strong she is. She only spared a few of them because they accept Big One as their alpha. After we kicked her out of the group, she went around killing some other dinosaurs to establish her dominance." Said Nero.

"Why?" asked Mikoto

"Big One believes that she is strong enough to be the Alpha over this island. Ever since then, Me and my pack have been fighting her time and time again to stop her. And each time I fought her, I keep telling her that their is only one Dinosaur species on this island that is worthy to be the Alpha of the island." Said Nero.

"And which species is that?" Asked Mikoto

"The T-Rex." Said Nero.

"Oh! I see." Said Touma.

"Okay. Now, can you answer us how the Dinosaurs are still, you know, alive today?" asked Mikoto

"Now you wanted to know how the dinosaurs are still alive? I can think up about many different theories. One that I am certain that is the most logic is that God himself saved them. He selected a certain amount of Dinosaurs from different eras and let them live on this very island to survive and live. Land, Sea and Air Dinosaurs." Said Nero.

"Okay. If what your saying is possible true, the Dinosaurs species God has selected should have evolved over the millions of years." Said Mikoto.

"The Dinosaurs refused to evolve. Because they knew if they tried to evolve their species, this island and the other Dinosaurs won't be able to live on it anymore." Said Nero. "Even if they did evolve, the only thing that might have changed is their life spans. They probably now live longer than what they did 100 million years ago. Maybe to the life span of a human."

"Okay. I have to admit here, that is makes since. But how do you know so much of the Dinosaurs if you can't remember your past?" asked Mikoto.

"I don't know. But my brain knows all about them somehow and I know about their behavior pattern and a little bit about how to speak in your Language Mikoto and Touma. I best not to think about how that is possible. It just gives me a headache." Said Nero.

"And here is my last question. Why do you wear worn down clothes?" Asked Touma.

"These were left behind clothes that some bad people tried to take the Dinosaurs from this island." Said Nero.

"Wait. Bad people?" asked Mikoto. "Are you talking about hired mercenaries and poachers?"

"Yeah. When I was still growing up, I have discovered that their were people with guns and look like they were people for hire. Some one has hired those humans to hunt down and capture the Dinosaurs. But the way their were talking, they didn't even know they were going after the Dinosaurs in the first place." Said Nero. 

"Me and my Raptors family had to give them enough of a scare for them to leave. We did succeed but every year, more of those kinds of humans comes to the island." Said Nero.

"And ever since then, I have become the caretaker of the Dinosaurs on this island. Making sure everything is balanced on this island ecosystem." Said Nero.

"Like what?" asked Mikoto

"Like making sure the Eggs the Dinosaurs lay are 100% healthy, making sure that the Dinosaur eggs hatch. Sometimes keeping an eye on some infant Dinosaurs from different species while their parents to get some food for them and for the baby. A lot of stuff." Said Nero.

"That is a lot of responsibility to do for one person like you." Said Touma.

"I know." Said Nero.

Nero looked up at the sky to see that it has become night time. "Alright you two. Its time to get some sleep. Tomorrow, your going to help me out on some of my daily tasks." Said Nero as he went up against a tree and leaned up against it and closed his eyes as he went to sleep. Soon, all the Raptors slowly got on the ground and closed their eyes and they went to sleep as well. 

"Well, good night Misaka." Said Touma as he laid down on the ground and went to sleep.

"Same to you Touma." Said Mikoto as she did the same thing as Touma did and closed her eyes and went to sleep.

Nero has brought Mikoto and Touma to the safe area he mentioned. He has brought them to a area full of other Raptors. Nero has explained to Mikoto and Touma of what he knows so far. Tomorrow, Mikoto and Touma are going to help Nero in some of his daily tasks. Lets hope they don't wear out so quickly.


To Be Continued.............

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