Welcome To Dinosaur Island

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Last Time On Jurassic Railgun..............

"Big One. How many times me and the girls have to fight until you get the point? You aren't the Alpha of this island and your ways of trying to prove your the strongest are not acceptable." Said this mysterious person.

The Big One snarled at the human in anger. She then let out a roar to order one of her pack members. One of Big One pack members got into a crouch position and was getting ready to pounce on the humans and the good Raptors.

Just as this Raptor leap at them, something grabbed that Raptor in her jaws and begin biting down on that Raptor. Something big and powerful.

Touma and Mikoto slowly look up to see it was T-Rex with a grayish brown color skin, that saved them. The T-Rex shakes her head left and right before tossing the now dead Raptor in her jaws to the ground.

Another Raptor try to jump at this T-Rex but she swing her tail, knocking that Raptor away. This T-Rex stomped on one of the Raptors that was trying to climb up on her legs to attack her on her back.

The Big One screeched out in anger for this, for seeing some members of her pack getting defeated and killed easily by this dinosaur. She charged at the T-Rex and jumped on the left side of her neck. The T-Rex let out a roar as she tried to grabs the Big One with her jaws to get her off of her.

The T-Rex shakes her her body, causing the Big One to fall off her back. She tried to dig her claws into the T-Rex neck but the T-Rex was able to grab the Big One tail and pulled her into her mouth. She begins to chomp down at her until she was dead.

Once she was dead, the T-Rex did a spin before tossing the dead Big One into a Tree which broke upon impact into small pieces.

The T-Rex got into a pose and raised her head up and let out a loud dominance roar. It could be heard from all over the island.


The remaining Raptors of Big One pack begin to leave in terror. They tried to get away from the Dinosaur that killed their pack leader.

This T-Rex left as it went off to find some place to go rest to heal her three wound marks on her neck which will heal enough to become scars.

The good Raptors and the mysterious human then ran into the bushes, leaving Touma and Mikoto all alone.

"Hey Wait!" Said Mikoto as she tries to run after the human that saved them.

"Misaka, wait!" Said Touma as he ran after her.

Mikoto and Touma has encounter a pack of Raptors. They almost meet their end but a different pack of Raptors protected them. And a mysterious being was also their that help protect them as well. A T-Rex has made itself shown and took out a few members of Big One Pack and killed Big One herself. Touma and Mikoto are now chasing after the good Raptors and the human that saved their lives.


With Mikoto and Touma.......

"WAIT!" Said Mikoto as she tries to chase after the good Raptors and the mysterious human who saved them.

"Misaka! Slow down!" Said Touma as he tries to keep up with her.

"I can't idiot!" Said Mikoto as she jumps over a log without losing a single ounce of her speed after that jump.

"And why is that?" asked Touma as he just climbs over the log to follow Mikoto.

"I have to know what is going on this island. Dinosaurs are suppose to be extinct. And yet, we have just seen living breathing dinosaurs. We need answers Touma and I for one need to figure out all of this." Said Mikoto.

"I understand that. But I am confused of why we are trying to follow that guy and those Raptors who saved us?" asked Touma.

"Because, that human who saved us might have the answers we need." Said Mikoto.

Just as those two took another step, something wrapped around their ankles and yanked them into the air.

"AHHHHHH!!!" Touma and Mikoto screamed from this sudden surprise. They were now upside down, dangling in the air.

What has caught them around their ankles is a strong vine. "What the......... that human must have created this trap." Said Mikoto.

"And now we are stuck like this, upside down to mention." Said Touma as he can already feel the blood rushing to his head.

Mikoto tries to reach over to the vine that is wrapped around her ankle but she couldn't as the upside down thing is making it hard to reach it with the blood rushing to the brain so fast.

"I can't reach it." Said Mikoto.

Suddenly, the trees infront of them begin to shake as something was approaching. And from the sound of the footsteps, their is a lot of them.

"Whats approaching this time?" Asked Touma.

"I don't know. Lets just hope it is friendly." Said Mikoto.

Something then peaked through the trees as it slowly walked out of the thick trees. It was a herd of Apatosaurus.

 One of Apatosaurus went to the tree that Mikoto and Touma are trapped near. It begins to eat one of the leaves from the branches and begins to chew on it slowly.

"Hey.... Hey..." Mikoto was trying to get one of the Apatosaurus attention. One the Apatosaurus moved his head towards where Mikoto is.

"Misaka! What are you doing!?" asked Touma.

"Getting out of this trap." Said Mikoto. "If I can get one of these dinosaurs attention, they might want to take a bite of the branch this vine is attached too."

One of the Apatosaurus slowly walked over to the trapped humans. The Apatosaurus nose twitched as he let out one big sneeze and......... lets just say that a little bit of snot got onto Touma and Mikoto hair.

"Ewww......" Said Mikoto as she can feel it in her hair.

"God bless you." Said Touma as he weakly used his arms to get the snot out of his hair. The Apatosaurus begin to walk away from the humans as it went back to eating the leafs from the trees.

"Did you honestly believe that would work?" asked a male voice coming from the trees.

Mikoto and Touma turned their heads to the direction of the voice to see the same person that saved them was sitting on the branch the vine is attached to.

"You! Did you created this trap?" Asked Mikoto.

"It was meant for outside intruders who try to come onto this island to take something or someone that doesn't belong to them. You are just got caught in a old trap." Said this mysterious person as he begins to unattached the vine.

"Hey wait! Maybe you shout at least lower the vine close to the........" Mikoto couldn't finished her sentence as this mysterious person just unattached the vine from the branch.

"GROUND!!!" Mikoto shouted as she and Touma crashed back to the ground on their backs hard.

"Ow. Could you have waited until we got close to the ground?" asked Touma as he can feel the pain on his back. Its not life threatening but he and Mikoto will definitively feel that in the morning.

The person leaped onto the top of a Apatosaurus head and that dinosaur gently lowered her head close to the ground for this person to hop off and land on the ground with style.

"Its better than waiting for that long. But look at the bright side. At least you two are on the ground again." Said the person as he begins to leave again.

"Hold it right there mister!" Said Mikoto as she quickly got up and grabbed the person on the back of his worn down t-shirt.

"Your not going anywhere! Now, here is how it is going to go down. Your going to answer some questions that me and Touma have." Said Mikoto.

"Okay. What kind of questions do you have miss?" asked the mysterious person.

"My name is Mikoto. Mikoto Misaka. And the black spiky hair idiot is Touma. Now can you tell what exactly is going on this island!?" asked Mikoto.

"What are you talking about? Its just a normal island populated with different species of dinosaurs." Said the mysterious person like it was no big deal.

"THAT THE POINT! Dinosaurs are not suppose to be here! Heck, they shouldn't be alive at this point in time! All of them are suppose to be extinct!" Said Mikoto.

"Yes but they are alive. So its no big deal." Said the mysterious person.

The way this guy was trying to make it a no big deal is getting on Mikoto nervous. Her bangs begin to spark with electricity.

Suddenly, a hand was placed on her shoulder and the sound of glass shattering was heard. Mikoto looked to her right to see Touma placed his right hand on her shoulder.

"Misaka. Please don't get mad at the guy." Said Touma as he doesn't want Mikoto to start using her powers on the person that saved them before.

"Fine." Said Mikoto.

"Sorry about that sir. May we get to know your name from the guy that saved our lives?" Asked Touma.

"My name....... My name....... I don't have a name." Said the mysterious person.

"Say what!?" asked Mikoto and Touma as they were both shocked.

"I don't remember my past or my name. It is all blank inside my head." Said the mysterious person as he tries to remember his past but he can't remember.

"Oh man. That must be hard for you." Said Touma.

"Yes it is. Maybe you two can think up a name for me?" asked the mysterious person.

"Um Okay. How about.......... Nero?" asked Mikoto

"Nero....... Nero........... I liked it." Said the person now named Nero.

"Now, can you please tell me how the dinosaurs are still alive?" asked Mikoto.

"I will explain later. For now, follow me." Said Nero as he run into the forest.

"Hey wait up!" Said Mikoto and Touma.

Nero exited the forest and ran up a grassy hill where Blue and the other three good Raptors are waiting for him. He ran to the top of it and looked at the sight to behold.

Mikoto and Touma finally caught up with him to see him looking down at the valley. They are surprised and amazed of what they saw.

"My two new friends. Welcome to the place on the planet that holds the remaining breathing dinosaurs. Welcome to the island that can only support them. Welcome, to Dinosaur Island." Said Nero.

Mikoto and Touma saw a bunch of herbivore dinosaurs near a large lake and eating either the grass or the leafs from the trees.

Their was a herd of Brachiosaurus.........

A huge group of Triceratops..............

A bunch of Sinoceratops.......

 A herd of Parasaurolophus.............

A group of Pachycephalosaurus............

A group of Ankylosaurus............

And a large herd of Stegosaurus.

Multiple shadows flied over Touma and Mikoto. They looked up in the skies to see flying creatures. Long beaks and huge wings. Pteranodon.

One of the Pteranodons dived bomb close to the ground. It then flapped its wings and landed on a tree branch. The Pteranodon let out a loud shriek as to welcome Mikoto and Touma.

The Pteranodon then flapped its wings and took the air again. Mikoto watched the creature before it joined back with its group in the skies. She then turned back her attention to the herbivore dinosaurs in the valley.

"Unbelievable." Said Mikoto as she was speechless at the moment.

"Wow." Said Touma.

"Follow us. I will answer any other questions back at our safe territory." Said Nero as he and the Raptors begin to walk to north east direction.

Mikoto took one last look at this beautiful sight before she and Touma went to catch up with Nero and begin to walk to where they are going.

Mikoto and Touma tried to follow the mysterious person that saved them. In the process, they got caught in one of the mysterious person traps. The person freed them and they have gave the mysterious person a name. Nero has shown Mikoto and Touma the beauty of the breathing creatures. They now are heading to where it will be safe to rest and Nero will then be able to answer any questions they have.


To Be Continued.............

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