Nero True Origins Revealed

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Last Time on Jurassic Railgun.............

"Hawaii. Of all the places we could have landed, it had to be Hawaii. We are now even farther away from Academy City then ever." Said Mikoto.

As Mikoto say this, Nero looks straight into the forest. For some reason, he is getting some strange feeling that he needs to explore in there and doesn't know why he is getting that strange feeling in the first place. No one is noticing him beginning to walk in there.

"But this is better than nothing zapper. At least we are in a place that has some people. I am sure if we go to a city on this island, someone might be willing to help us get back to Japan." Said Touma.

"Oh sure. Lets think about this idiot. I am sure someone will believe us that we arrived here on a ship, escaping a island with a awakening volcano due to a mad man because he decide to shoot missiles at it to make it explode. And also having two Dinosaurs with us that were from that island. Oh wait. No one is going to believe that story Touma." Said Mikoto.

Blue looks to her left to see Nero walking into the forest. So does Rexy as well. Blue nudge her head up against Uiharu back. "Hm? What's wrong?" asked Uiharu. Blue points to the forest. Uiharu looks in that direction and then notice that someone is missing from the group.

"Hey wait! Where is Nero!? Where did he go!?" asked Uiharu as she says this out loud. Everyone finally noticed to see that Nero is with them at the moment.

"Oh crap. Where did he go?" asked Saten as she is worried at the moment.

"Must have gone into the forest to explore or something." Said Kuroko as she looks at the direction of the forest.

"Lets just hope we can find him before he gets lost in there. You two stay here." Said Mikoto as she points to Rexy and Blue to stay near the ship. And then Mikoto and the others begin to run into the forest to find Nero. And Mikoto prays in her mind that their isn't dangerous on this island for them to encounter.


Somewhere deep in the Forest of Big Island.............

There was something deep hidden the darkest areas of the forest. A small light peaked through the tree leaf's to reveal a dead Hawaiian wild cattle. It had tons of slash marks on its entire body. In the shadows, a creature with red slit eyes appeared. And two claw with three fingers and one thumb reached the dead animal and brings it into the shadows. And then a loud roar was heard. The roar of a true monster. And it was on the hunt.


With Nero............

The forest trees on Big Island were really dense and a little bit thick. Of which means that it would be possible to somehow get lost in there if you don't know where you are going.

Nero had traveled a long distance from the beach area the ship had crashed into. And far enough that it would take an hour or so for his friends to catch up with him. And all the reason Nero continues to question himself.

'Why do I have this strange feeling to go in this direction?' Thought Nero as he jumps from branch to branch and even swing from branches to the next one.

He then jumps from a branch and lands on the ground. And right infront of the base of a mountain of this island. He takes a step forward towards some large leafs and bushes. He gently push them to the side to reveal a worn down metal door with a metal like frame structure that is built on the base of the mountain.

'A... metal door?' Thought Nero. He approaches it to see that it was worn down has some damages on its sides. Like slash marks. Nero grabs the metal door and pulls on it. And somehow manages to pull the damage door off its hinges and toss it to the ground. 

Nero can now see that the door was covering up a entrance that leads somewhere deep into the mountain. 'A secret base?' Thought Nero.

Nero begins to walk into there. But the moment he takes one foot inside of the entrance, his brain suddenly got a massive headache. Nero grunts in pain as he holds his head while feeling this sudden pain. And at the same time, he begins to see a strange memory appearing in his mind.



Blood... screams and destruction. Fury. And the need to escape. Escaping from a bad place. The vision begins to show a shadowing being the height of a young child roaring out in fury.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Roars the child being. The roar sounds like one of pure fury and anger.

And the child being then begins to run in a metal hallway. And there were adult beings hold guns and try to shoot the child being. But the child being dodge every bullet and slashes at the beings with nothing but their fingers.

All the while making claw marks on the floor and on the walls. The child being reached to the end of the hallway and slashes at the door and forces it open. And escape outside of the building.

Once it was outside into the outside world, the child being looks into the sky to see that it was having storm clouds and it was winding and raining hard. The being snarls into the sky before letting out another roar.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" The child being was roaring out in fury as the being was finally free from the place it was stuck in.

End Flashback.........


Present Day..................

Nero breaths hard and loud as he places his right hand onto the tunnel walls while trying to steady himself. "What... What was that?" asked Nero. Why is suddenly having a memory of a child that took out a bunch of people with guns?

"Why am I having these memories? Does... something about this place have a clue... of my past life?" asked Nero.

After regaining his breath, Nero continues to travel deep into the secret base. He can that ceiling had mostly gave away and has some dirt and plant life coming down from there. And can see some dried blood on the ground and walls.

What is more surprising to see that there are large slashes on the walls. One large and one slash that is more human size. Seeing this makes chills up Nero spine. He looks to his left so see a open door.

Nero enters that room. To see a worn out room with two large incubators that look damage as the glass parts one of the incubators is cracked and shattered into pieces. Nero walks up to it. And the moment he places his hands on it, he gets another headache, along with another memory.



Nothing but darkness. That is what they could see for a long time. But then something happen. Life. Feeling the need to open eyes.

When they open up their eyes, they saw that they are floating in a large incubator filled with green liquid. And having a mask attached to their face to be able to breath.

They also see some people. People that had some lab coats on. And have something in their hands to write something. And it sounds like they are talking about something to each other after seeing the being in the incubator awake.

"Experiment HDH 002 is awake." Said one of the female scientist.

"Yes. It would seem that HDH 002 is finally awake at last. The little boy is a late bloomer after all. Unlike HDH 001. She was able to wake up after maturing at a 4 year old stage." Said  one of the male scientist in the room that the being is seeing.

"Yeah. Mr. Robert was not happy about this one being late." Said another female scientist.

"When this boy is out of the incubator, do you think we should test to he how he will handle in a combat situation?" asked another male scientist.

"I don't know. I mean that is protocol when we created... these things... but don't you think we might push our luck with this one?" Asked a female scientist.

"This is our job. We have to do what we are told to do." Said another male scientist.

The boy that is in the incubator suddenly begin to move and kick his feet up against the glass while the scientist talk. The boy wanted out. That is what the boy instincts are telling him.

"Hold on... HDH 002... he is trying to break out!" Said a scared male scientist. 

The boy keep kicking against the glass until the boy rammed his head into the glass. Of which made the glass shatter and the green liquid flows out of the incubator and the boy finally lands on his feet on the floor.

The boy grabs the mask on his face and pull it off and toss it to the ground. And finds a glass shard on the right side of the boy face in the shape of a small X. The boy tears it off his face. And leaving a small x shape wound on the right side of boy face.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!" Screams the boy as he feels the pain of wound on his face and also roaring out in fury.

End Flashback..........


Present Day.........

Nero gasps a bit as he removes his hand from the incubator he was touching. He is now trying to recover mentally after seeing that memory he just had.

"That child... was that me possible? And... those scientist mentioned about Robert... Where they allies with him? And those scientist.... what were they going on about? Experiment? I am human. I have to be human... right?" asked Nero as he doesn't know at the moment.

For his entire life since he was on Dinosaur Island, he thought that he was human all this time. But if these memories he is seeing, was he not really human after all? What is he? Was he human or something else.

Having recovering from that confusing shock, Nero continues to travel into this secret base even more. He found a bunch of rooms that look like they once had some lab equipment and other stuff. And a large metal square room that look like was a testing area for experiments with machines... or for experiments to fight each other.

"What kinds of experiment where they doing here? And why need a large testing room in this secret base?" Said Nero. Then he suddenly got another headache and another memory appearing in his mind.



The boy was in the large testing room. Having some skin tight clothes on. And is facing against a shadowy creature that was in the shadows part of the room since some of the lights in room were broken.

The two begins clashed at each other. Trying to kill each other in a life or death situation. The child bites hard on the shadowy beings body. And the shadowy being lets out a painful roar before it shakes off the boy and tries to bite him on his feet.

The boy suddenly kicks with both feet into the creature face. Making the creature takes a couple of steps back from that attack. The boy then pounces on the creature and begins to punch fast into the creature face.

Just before the boy could do more, tranq darts were suddenly launched from the walls and landed into the creature and boy sides. They both fall under the effects and with the boy slowly falling off the creature body and lands on his side.

Just before the boy could pass out, he hear some voices. "Close one. HDH and the other experiment were too close into killing each other. Bring the boy back to containment. And bring the other one back to the lab. We need to check on this creature behavior pattern." Said a male scientist voice before the boy passed out from the effects of the tranq darts.

End Flashback.........


Present Day...........

Nero falls to the floor and tries to control his breathing. "What is going on? Was that boy really me? And... what was that... thing I was fighting? It sounds like the scientist didn't want me to fight to the death with the creature." Said Nero.

Nero slowly gets himself back up on his feet slowly. And leaves the room. He then heads to the next area of this secret base. The main office. He sees the office big with some wooden tables and a office table as well. And some wood cabinets that are filled with some old books.

Nero sees something on the office table. It was a old piece of paper. He picks it up. And what he will read from it... will change his view of everything he knows about himself forever.

"In order to capture the dinosaurs that were discovered on the island full of them, Robert had a idea of creating a being that would be designed to understand and able to capture the dinosaurs with no trouble. And thus begin the first begins we have ever created. A Human Dinosaur Hybrid." Said Nero as he begins to read off of what is on the paper.

'Human Dinosaur Hybrid? HDH? Was... that what that word meant in my memories I am getting?' Thought Nero.

Nero continues to read. "Using the data of what dinosaurs we manage to identify on the island, we begins to extract some dinosaur DNA from the ancient fossils of the same ones that are alive on that island. And using the same Dinosaur DNA, we combine them with a single DNA of a human being. And thus two successful HDH begins were created. HDH 001 and HDH 002." Said Nero.

"HDH 001 was the most promising HDH being ever. She managed to adapt to her situation and able to destroy a combat robot in a matter of seconds. And she is able to be the most being to be able to control. When HDH 002 managed to be fully matured to a child age, he was the most uncontrollable. Unpredictable. He manage to break out of his incubator on his own. And when facing against another hybrid and almost killed each other. And then the most unexpectable thing happened. The boy managed to figure out on how to break out of his contaminate room and took down tons of guards and damage the walls in the process. And then the boy manage to escape to the outside and somehow swims out to the sea. Never to be seen again. As for now, HDH 002 is considered still alive or dead. Only HDH 001 has promising results to be useful to Mr. Robert plans but must be watched at all times so that this incident will never repeat ever again. And if possible to keep the origins of her creation a secret from her at all times and must come up with a made up story for HDH 001 to accept as soon as possible." Said Nero as he reads the last part of the paper.

That is when it struck Nero to his core. He is that HDH 002 hybrid. He was created here. He was never human to begin with. And remembering these memories... the memories that he once lost, that child he saw was him but when he was younger. It makes perfect sense now. That is how Robert know him back on Dinosaur Island. Nero was suppose to be a tool for Robert to use to capture the dinosaurs. But that failed when Nero escaped and somehow got to Dinosaur Island when he swim to the island with somehow loosing his memories in the process.

Nero suddenly finds himself weak in the knees. He falls to his knees and places both of his hands on the ground to try to steady himself. But then he passes out on the ground. The shock of learning all of this was too much for him. Before he passes out, he wonders on what was the creature he fought before when he was a child. And wonders if it is still out there.


Somewhere in the deepest parts of the Big Island Forest....

Another wild cattle was killed and was now pinned to a tree with what looks like quills stabbed into the animal skin. The monster that did this was biting off a small animal it manage to catch and eat. It stops eating when its nose picks up a scent. 

A scent it is too familiar with. Something that this creature never thought to have ever seen again. The monster begins to run the direction of where the scent is coming from. While the sun lightly slightly reveals the beings long tail that has sharp quills on its tail. And revealing a human child bite size mark on its body.


To Be continued...............

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