Time To Reflect

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Last Time on Jurassic Railgun.......

"Will we have to do something! If we don't find a way to get this tree off of Nero, we are going to get caught in that ash cloud!" Said Mikoto.

"Then what do we do? We are not strong enough to lift up this heavy tree." asked Kuroko.

Just when it was hopeless, something happen. The tree branch suddenly begins to be lifted up in the air. But it was not the humans or Blue who did it.

The humans and Blue looked up to see who is responsible for the tree suddenly to be lifted up. It was Rexy. Rexy had the tree in her jaws as she tossed it away.

"Rexy...." Said Nero as he can still feel the pain on his back. Kuroko and Saten quickly got to Nero and put his arms around his shoulder and begins to help carry him to the ship.

"Quickly! To the boat! Before that volcano decides to exploded some more on this island." Said Kuroko. Soon everyone had begins to head to the ship as fast as they could.

Mikoto was the first one to reach the boat. Using her Electromaster powers, she hacked the large door controls on the back of the ship. Soon a ramp was extended and the large doors into the cargo area inside of the ship was opened.

"Inside now!" Said Mikoto.

They didn't had to be told twice. Everyone begins to rush into the ship. Once everyone was inside, Mikoto got inside and hack the controls again and made the ramp pull back into the ship.

"Misaka! Lava!" Said Touma as he points to the incoming lava that is slowly approaching to the boat.

"Start the boat Sissy!" Said Kuroko as she Saten gently placed Nero on the side of the wall of the cargo area of the ship.

"On it!" Said Mikoto as her hair begins to spark electricity.

Mikoto then placed both hands on floor and let the electricity run into the ship. As she was doing this, she is getting the engine of this ship a good jump start. The turbines of the ship begins to spin at full power. The cargo ship then takes off from the coast of the island.

As the ship continues to drive far and farther away from the island, everyone looked back at the once beautiful island. Now it is gone. All that is remaining is a active volcano where the lava is destroying everything in its path and the ash smoke from the volcano is creating a very large cloud into the sky.

Nero and Blue and Rexy look at the area that was once their home. Rexy and Blue lets out a loud sad roar. They are roaring in sadness, for the loss of their home. As they finished roaring, the large door of the cargo area begins to close up, slowly shutting the sight of the destruction of Dinosaur Island.

Dinosaur Island is gone. All the dinosaurs that once lived on that island are now captured by the master mind who plans to make an army of dinosaurs for war. He also revealed to the group that he made a hybrid dinosaur, the Indominus Rex. But is that all he is planning for these dinosaurs? Only Blue, Rexy, Nero and the others manage to get away from the island on a spare cargo ship. The sight of the destruction of Dinosaur Island will forever burn into their minds.


With Robert..............

In his own private ship, the mastermind is just relaxing in his chair, eating a nice meal with not so much as remorse on his face for what he has done.

"Sir.... if you are wondering, we will be approaching the main land of Japan in just a few hours." Said the captain of this ship.

"Excellent. And... what about..... that boy and his little friends? Any signs of their ships following us?" Asked Robert.

"No sir. Its possible they are heading in the wrong direction after trying to escape from the island." Said the captain.

"Excellent. I know putting that ship on the other side of the island would make those kids lose track of us." Said Robert with a evil smile on his lips.

"Sir..... I also came to tell you about Luna. She said she is acting a little bit weird." Said the captain

"What do you mean?" Asked Robert.

"Well... she said and I quote.... 'After seeing that strange boy, I just can't help but feel like I seen him before from somewhere but I can't remember when or where'.... is what she said." Said the captain.

Robert was quite for a whole minute before he responded back. "Go to Luna and tell her that what ever she is feeling is no big deal and should just ignore it." Said Robert.

"Yes sir. I will do as you wish." Said the captain as he left the room to go tell Luna that.

"But still.... it has begun. My family's long waited wish for these dinosaurs has finally with reach! Soon, I will begin to create clone dinosaur army's to be used in modern warfare! And no one can stop me! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!" Said Robert as he did the classic evil laugh.


In the Cargo Area Of the Ship...........

Somewhere in the middle of the ocean that is called the Pacific Ocean, it is where the ship the group is at the moment. And the ocean waters surface looks calm at the moment.

Inside of the ship Cargo Area, Nero hasn't moved a inch after the large door closed. He can still see the image of Dinosaur Island forever burning in his mind. A sight that will forever haunt him because he failed to stop it from happening. He had his skeleton helmet placed beside him, along side his spear.

Nero feels guilty. Every sense he woke up at Dinosaur Island with no memories of his past and was raised and cared by the Raptors that took him in, he felt like he could protect them. Protect all of the Dinosaurs. And now..... What can he do if he has already failed the Dinosaurs.

"Nero?" Asked a female voice that brought him out of this depress state. He looks up to see Mikoto infront of him. "Are you okay?"

"No... I am not. I am just... reflecting. I failed to stop Robert from not only taking the Dinosaurs from that island, but also failed to stop him from destroying Dinosaur Island." Said Nero.

"Well... not all the Dinosaurs remember? He didn't get Blue or Rexy. And I am sure that Robert couldn't get the aquatic dinosaurs remember?" Said Mikoto with a smile on her face.

"He didn't. But that is beside the point right now." Said Nero

"What do you mean Nero?" asked Mikoto

"Mikoto.... don't you get it. Its over. Dinosaur Island is gone. Me, Rexy and Blue home is gone. Even if we saw rescue all the dinosaurs and free them, what will we do? The dinosaurs were meant to stay on the island. Your modern world can't support them." Said Nero.

"Well... when you put it like that.... I can understand of what you are saying at the moment." Said Mikoto as she is starting to understand what Nero is talking about.

"And there is me. I been on that island for so long, I was at a moment, certain of who I was and know what I am. But what that Robert person said.... he knows about me. I wished I know who I really was. Did I ever cross pass with that Robert guy? Who was I before I lost my memories? Who or what am I really Mikoto?" Said Nero as he is very confused of who he really is and why does this Robert guy knows him so well.

"I... understand know. Your are reflecting on everything that has happened aren't you?" asked Mikoto.

"Yeah. And it is working. I mean, look at Blue and Rexy. They are depressed at the loss of their home." Said Nero as he pointed to the two dinosaurs in the room.

Rexy is laying on the floor in a curled up like matter while sounds of sad breathing coming from Rexy mouth and nose. Blue is laying down as well, making sad sounds while having a sad look in her eyes.

"Oh.... I see." Said Mikoto.

"Yeah... for now Mikoto. I think it would be best for just to let us reflect in peace okay?" asked Nero in a kind way as it clearly sounds like that he wants to be left alone at the moment.

"Okay. If that is what you want, then okay. But just a word of advice. You have others here that will help you if need to." Said Mikoto before she begins to leave the cargo area of the ship.


Crew Quarters...................

In a part of this ship has some quarters that have bunk beds. In one of these crew quarters has Kuroko, Saten and Uiharu in them, sitting around a small table, playing some card games they managed to find. They head the sound of the door opening to see Mikoto walking into the room with a depression face on her.

"Well.... how is the Dino Boy?" asked Saten as that is what she called Nero after hearing from Mikoto from her and Touma time on that Dinosaur Island.

"He is.... not well. He is still depressed and sad too." Said Mikoto with sad look on her face.

"Why?" asked Kuroko.

"Because.... that island that we just left. It was the only place that Nero called home. So did the dinosaurs that lived on that island as well. And now that is it destroyed...." Said Mikoto.

"They don't have a place to return to." Said Saten.

"Yeah..." Said Mikoto as she weakly nods to what Saten said.

"I wonder if that Robert guy know what he was doing when he made that volcano erupted?" asked Uiharu.

"He must have. He wanted to make sure that no one can return the dinosaurs to that island. Robert must have calculated that possibility just in case something went wrong with his plans." Said Mikoto.

"I feel so bad right now. I can't believe that we got caught as a part of that mad man plan. What do we do now?" asked Uiharu.

"The first thing we can do at this moment is to find land first. And from there... we need to figure out what we are going to do next." Said Mikoto.

"I see. By the way... Where is that boy that your were with on that island?" asked Saten

"Who? Touma? I left him in charge of the steering of this ship and to let him know not to crash into anything." Said Mikoto.

Suddenly the ship begins to rock up and down a bit. It made Mikoto almost loose her balance for a second. For the other girls made them a little shaky. Mikoto went to the wall of this crew quarters to reach for the wall intercom phone that connects to one in the place of the ship called the Bridge and pull it to her ear.

"Touma! What was that?" asked Mikoto as she talks into the phone.

"I am sorry about that. A sudden small wave came cut of nowhere and I couldn't avoid it." Touma voice was heard on the phone she is using.

Mikoto sighs. "Well be more careful next time Touma." Said Mikoto before she hangs up the call. She can't help but think in her mind that this is going to be one long trip.


 Two Days Later..........

The entire travel on the ocean was rough for everyone. They had to be careful of what food they need to eat. And to make sure that their was enough for everyone. And that was including the food that only the two meat eating Dinosaurs will eat.

Nero of course was still in his depress state. He refused to eat, drink or sleep. This is made this look sad for everyone. Mikoto already knows why he continues to do this. Nero blames himself for not stopping the mad man, saving the dinosaurs and saving the island.

"How much longer Sissy? How long is this boy going to continue be like this?" asked Kuroko as she is with Mikoto, and the others in the Bridge area of the ship.

"I don't know. That is until something makes want to get out of that state. Until then... all we can do is just try to help him and support him." Said Mikoto.

"I kinda feel sorry for the boy. He spent his entire life to protect the Dinosaurs. And it all ended in a matter of seconds. And now all the Dinosaurs that are captured are in the hands of that mad man." Said Uiharu.

"And... he feels like had failed his life purpose. And has nothing left. Nothing to fight and protect for. It just kinda sad. If we only we can find something to help him find another meaning of purpose for him." Said Saten.

Suddenly the boat shakes. As if the ship crashed into something. During this suddenly sharking, everyone fell to the floor. "What did the ship just hit?" asked Touma as the shaking slowly stops as everyone tries to get back on their feet.

"I think... I don't think we hit anything. I think we arrive to some land." Said Saten as she is making a guess.

"Okay. Everyone out. Lets see where we landed." Said Mikoto. Everyone begins to head to cargo bay. Rexy and Blue were standing up as if they knew they arrived to some land. Nero stands up but still has that depressed look on his face. And the large doors slowly open up and the ramp fully extended. Letting the humans and the humans to slowly walk out of the ship.

They came out of the ship to see where they have landed. They have landed in a small beach area of this island. They see huge mountains and tons of plant life. They have landed in one of the Hawaiian Islands. The island that they have landed on is called  Island of Hawaiʻi or sometimes known as the Big Island.

"Hawaii. Of all the places we could have landed, it had to be Hawaii. We are now even farther away from Academy City then ever." Said Mikoto.

As Mikoto say this, Nero looks straight into the forest. For some reason, he is getting some strange feeling that he needs to explore in there and doesn't know why he is getting that strange feeling in the first place. No one is noticing him beginning to walk in there.

"But this is better than nothing zapper. At least we are in a place that has some people. I am sure if we go to a city on this island, someone might be willing to help us get back to Japan." Said Touma.

"Oh sure. Lets think about this idiot. I am sure someone will believe us that we arrived here on a ship, escaping a island with a awakening volcano due to a mad man because he decide to shoot missiles at it to make it explode. And also having two Dinosaurs with us that were from that island. Oh wait. No one is going to believe that story Touma." Said Mikoto.

Blue looks to her left to see Nero walking into the forest. So does Rexy as well. Blue nudge her head up against Uiharu back. "Hm? What's wrong?" asked Uiharu. Blue points to the forest. Uiharu looks in that direction and then notice that someone is missing from the group.

"Hey wait! Where is Nero!? Where did he go!?" asked Uiharu as she says this out loud. Everyone finally noticed to see that Nero is with them at the moment. 

"Oh crap. Where did he go?" asked Saten as she is worried at the moment.

"Must have gone into the forest to explore or something." Said Kuroko as she looks at the direction of the forest.

"Lets just hope we can find him before he gets lost in there. You two stay here." Said Mikoto as she points to Rexy and Blue to stay near the ship. And then Mikoto and the others begin to run into the forest to find Nero. And Mikoto prays in her mind that their isn't dangerous on this island for them to encounter. 


Somewhere deep in the Forest of Big Island.............

There was something deep hidden the darkest areas of the forest. A small light peaked through the tree leaf's to reveal a dead Hawaiian wild cattle. It had tons of slash marks on its entire body. In the shadows, a creature with red slit eyes appeared. And two claw with three fingers and one thumb reached the dead animal and brings it into the shadows. And then a loud roar was heard. The roar of a true monster. And it was on the hunt.


To Be Continued........

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