chapter 7: second night (part three)

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Also, I want to say this not sounding snobbish (so sorry in advance), but if you're character dies please be a good sport about it. I haven't had anyone do this (so you guys are awesome :) and here's what I was worrying writing and sounding snobbish, but i would really appreciate it if you kept reading because your votes and comments make my day. Of course, I'm not going to be that person that always forces people to keep reading, just know that I appreciate it :)

And lastly, no, not all characters/character deaths will be in here because at only 3 and a half parts I have over 3000 words, and this is officially the longest chapter I have ever wrote in my life....

Ok now that that's over, enjoy!


"Amethyst, wake up!" Kelvin shoved the girl in the arm, but she swatted him away. 

"What?" She groaned.

"Come and get your lazy butt off of the ground and look," said Zane. She was annoyed, tired enough since she hadn't slept the entire games, and what she knew was that it was the middle of the night. She barely opened her eyes, and felt a small drop of cold liquid on her cheek. She wiped it off.

"Are you drooling on me?" She asked, too tired to open her eyes fully.

"No, better," said Zane. Amethyst reluctantly sat up, finally her eyes completely open. And she was glad she did. The sky was still dark, but now rain clouds covered it and water burst from them.

"Woah," she said. "grab something to catch it in!" She smiled and laughed, knowing that her dehydration wouldn't last long anymore. Her hair that was held back into a ponytail then started to get flat again, Zane's medium length hair doing the same. She held back her head, letting the water run into her throat.

Zane bent down and grabbed a piece of grass, quickly stitching together a basket. He held it under the sky, watching it slowly fill up. He set it on the ground, and waited. He made a few more, setting them up around their camp. Amethyst grabbed more leaves and folded them so that they could catch water and set those up too, Kelvin helping. The three of them caught as much water as possible, occasionally drinking a few sips. When they were done, they didn't know how they could possibly use it all before it evaporated.

Amethyst was still grinning stupidly, blessed that she woke up and that the gamemakers weren't as merciless as she had thought. Kelvin sipped on one of the leaves, coughing a few times before it fully went down. Zane looked back and forth from Amethyst and Kelvin. He didn't want to think like he was, but he had no choice at that point. He couldn't kill either of them, not what they both did for one another. Kelvin was his best friend, and Amethyst had saved both of their lives. They cancelled each other out.

Soon, the rain stopped. Amethyst's hair was soaking, and looked like she was more out of a shower than out of bed in the wilderness, Zane and Kelvin looking the same. 

They were all excited at that moment. 

Then, something startled them. Everyone fell silent. Kelvin tried to say something, but Zane put his hand over his mouth, stopping him.

"Crap," Amethyst mumbled. It started as a small shake of the trees, but then started to grow. Her eyes widened, trying to stand as still as possible. But then it grew even more, and even the sky rumbled at it's presence. A large, tall, black scorpion was in front of them, it's jaw bleeding and it's purple-hexagon eyes darker than the night sky they were under then, it's skin beating it by an small shade. It hissed.

"Go," said Zane, quietly. Then his voice got louder. "Go!"

Amethyst and Kelvin didn't stop to think. They just did

Kelvin grabbed at of the supplies in his hands, tossing a few to Amethyst and Zane. The scorpion hissed even more, and they could hear more coming towards them. There was no way they could survive this. Amethyst ran down and grabbed a thick stick, tossing the boys one of her bottles of remedy. She ran forward to the scorpion, an angry yet scared expression on her face.

"Amethyst!" Kelvin cried. He and Zane both ran up to try to stop her, but she was already too close. By the end, each of them were only holding a few arrows and the Stringharp petal that was attached to each one. Amethyst didn't look back at them, only the scorpion in which she had been charging at. Kelvin didn't hesitate running after her, holding a few of his arrows in his hand. He reached down and grabbed a thick yet loose piece of grass.

Amethyst's hair dried as she ran, yet she felt like it was getting wetter. Her heart raced, frightened as the scorpion rushed closer to her, it's tail behind it, dragging it's dagger-like pointer behind it. It's pincers snapped at the girl. When she got close enough so that whenever the giant scorpion could easily stabbed her, she lunged the stick at it, screaming as she did so. 

Kelvin and Zane watched in fright. Kelvin aimed his piece of grass that he had quickly tied to a stick at the monster, holding the arrow onto it. The monster cried, blood rushing out of his scaly skin, but it soon healed up. Amethyst panicked. She pulled her spear back out of it, and started to walk backward. What had she gotten herself into?

Kelvin was waiting. He only had one chance to get the shot directly into it's skull before it ran after him, which was something he really didn't want to do. Zane was looking at the scorpion, petrified.

"What are you staring at?" Kelvin asked. "Help us!"

"Easy for you to say," Zane replied. But nether less, he looked around for something to hit the monster with, or at least something to protect him or Amethyst.

She didn't want to acknowledge that she needed help, but she did. Every time she moved, the scorpion struck. Once, he even caught her clothing, and, despite how strong it is, actually tore off a sleeve. She held up her stick, trying to look intimidating, but inside didn't know how to speak or even breathe anymore. And as the scorpion lunged again, right into Amethyst's way, Zane grabbed the largest piece of wood that he could carry, and hurled it at the scorpion. Amethyst ran out of the way, watching at the scorpion cried out in pain. It did give them a few seconds to stall, but not long enough.

Zane and Amethyst ran from out of Kelvin's path, and he closed one eye. Not knowing if the slingshot was strong enough, he decided to try. He pulled it back before it could brake, and let the arrow loose.

Through the air, no one could really see anything besides a small speckle of red on a long stick of brown. But they did see when it impaled the creature, making it not cry, but fall down immediately. It took a few seconds, but it stopped breathing, and disintegrated. 

It took a few seconds for anyone to speak again. But then, Kelvin lowered his slingshot and grabbed the arrows and threw one to each person.

"We might need those," said Kelvin. Amethyst nodded, embarrassed yet grateful to be saved by both of the boys. That must be what they thought when she saved them.

They weren't fooled. They knew that there were more. And that the meadow was no longer safe. So they ran backwards, sweat piling from their foreheads and dripping down their neck into their costumes. 

The next one came out of nowhere. It hurled in between them, barely missing Zane but chucking Kelvin to the side. Zane pulled the girl behind the scorpion, suddenly realizing his friend wasn't beside him. The scorpion was quick, so he got a glimpse of the boy from five when the scorpion wasn't circling him. 

"Kelvin!" Zane screamed. Amethyst shrieked, running with her stick at the scorpion, but it was pointless. It was simply just too fast. They saw Kelvin's bruised face crying out for their help, but it got covered yet again by the racing black of the scaly creature.

The boy tried to fight back, but it ended up bruising him more. With all his might, he took an arrow and shoved it into it's pinchers. The scorpion shook it off, and aimed at him again. Then, he passed out.

Amethyst and Zane were right behind the creature. They had both aimed at the scorpion, worried if their friend was still alive. Amethyst carefully unwrapped the petal from the arrow and stuck it on her stick, more confident with that, and when she was right behind it, stuck it into it's body. It hissed, and evaporated.

"Please be alive," Zane murmured over and over as they pushed Kelvin up. "Please be alive." They didn't see his chest moving up and down too much, and they couldn't tell if it was moving at all. His eyes were almost glued closed with all the swelling, his ear burned and bleeding. It had been obvious that he was struck in the face.

Amethyst felt his hand and pulled out the arrow. She shoved it aside. She was almost crying sad-yet-frightened tears.

They saw the green eyes behind the purple eyelid, wondering how they had even been able to open a centimeter. Suddenly, his black hair looked much more alive. "I hope I didn't scare you too bad," He said weakly, yet comedically. Amethyst almost slapped him, the anger boiling in her chest, but then decided to hug him. When they released, Zane grabbed his friend by the arms and pulled him into his stomach, grabbing his back and squeezing. 

"Don't ever do that again," He said.

"I don't plan on it," Kelvin replied, smiling.

There were three canons after the scorpions attacked, all spread out.


They were walking through the forests, Skya still devastated yet angry at the same time. She had the bow in her hand, stolen from the murderer that killed her friend. Yet she still wasn't satisfied. She had slightly known what would satisfy her, but was so disgusted by the thought that she couldn't bring it up in her mind.

"I can't believe it," Cole said. He lifted his hand up, feeling the cold water falling on top of it.

"Rain!" Jess said excitedly.

"I've got it!" Skya stepped in. She had thought about running away, but then realized that she would never survive on her own. Maybe after another death she would leave, for she wouldn't possibly stay with one of them alone. Their fights kept her going. Skya reached in her pack and grabbed the sponsor canister. All of their hair started to get soaked, so the canteen filled up fast. "I'll get something else, there must be something around here." Skya screwed on the top of her canister and ran off, not too far. She wasn't going to stray too far.

Cole and Jess stood in an awkward silence, occasionally tipping their heads back to get water. After a while, Jess couldn't stand the silence and started talking.

"We've got to kill Skya. It will come to it eventually, why not now?"

Skya hadn't found any other containers to use, or leaves so wanted to ask them what they thought. Right when she heard those words, she hid behind a tree, her vision fuzzy.

"I don't know, we are careers, and she has been on our side the entire time," said Cole.

"She's just getting in the way, you saw how she reacted to Diandra. Like, those things are going to happen."

"Jess, I don't know. Not now, at least. She's got all of the water." Jess motioned to the sky, still pouring out rain. "Well, she's probably got loads by now.

"We'll get that first, then in the morning, we'll kill her."

Skya was speechless. She had wanted to kill them, instead, but obviously they had the same plans. And their mention of Diandra's death sickened her. If she wanted any chance of survival, she couldn't stay. She had to survive on her own.

No, they weren't going to get the water. No, they weren't going to kill her. She would make sure of that. She felt the cut by the arrow that she got earlier that night, and ran away.

It was later that it stopped raining and Cole and Jess were getting anxious. "She should be back by now."

"Maybe she's ditched us," said Cole.

"That's doubtful," said Jess. "she had been moping about Diandra since she had died, there's no way she could survive without us."

"Well, I'm thirsty and we're stuck without water, so I say we look for her." Jess couldn't argue. She had been soaking, so she needed to walk around to dry off even a little.

They could've searched for hours and have never found her. They were going around in circles, not knowing where they could possibly go. They had never realized it, but they needed a navigator like Skya.

"Great, numbskull, now we're lost," said Jess.

"Let's just go back to the cornucopia," said Cole. "it's pointless now." Jess nodded. But right as she turned, she was greeted by an angry scorpion. She was shocked, but also relieved that she was able to save herself. She looked at it in the face, using her axe, pulling it upward and stabbing the scorpion. Much to her dismay, the wound closed right back up. Her face became startled, and walked back from the scorpion. She had been prepared for anything.

But monsters.

The creature hissed, bringing it's stinger to Jess' shoulder. She was able to dodge it, and reluctantly, started running. Cole was right behind her, trying to avoid the hisses that came from the scorpion, hungry for tributes. One scorpion rushed right in front of Jess, and poked it's tail right at her. She took her axe and tried slicing it's tail, but it was no use. She turned to Cole as the stinger of the scorpion sliced her through the chest.

Jess gasped, and fell to her knees. No tears fell from her eyes, but if they could have fallen they would. Jess looked at Cole in the eyes, and landed into the ground. Her head was pointed the side, and he heard the sound of the canon.

Two careers left, he thought. And one had abandoned him. There was only one thing left to do, and that was to escape the area of scorpions.

He ran as fast as he could, snatching Jess' axe as he ran. He jumped over logs, and heard the hissing of the monstrous creatures from behind him. He found the perfect climbing tree, and started moving as fast as he could. In the near distance, he saw the outline of multiple black dots, so he tried to hurry up. Right when he heard the hisses getting closer, he made it to the top. 

Scorpions might be fast and extremely brutal, but they weren't climbers.

He was going to sit that night out, and sleep until they went away.


Her tears were about as hot as the rain from the sky. She had recently fell into a ditch full of spiders, most of them poisonous. Some of them had bitten her, and she felt the venom flowing up her veins. She was so scared that at the point she didn't care about the rain, she didn't care about the fact that that might just save her life.

Rosaline didn't feel like moving, only crying.

The rain fell down her face, and into her mouth so that she couldn't help getting hydrated. She kept sobbing, holding her ankle that was swelling by the minute. It had been raining for a while, and she could tell it was at its high point. She decided she might as well get something to drink, for she would die of dehydration soon anyways, so she tipped back her open mouth and swallowed some water.

That's when it had stopped. She felt her mouth with her tough, sucking up every extra bit of liquid there was. She wasn't satisfied, but at least doing that stopped the tears for a second. She moved her hand slowly and weakly, revealing the swelling of her ankle and the purple color of each of her fingers. Even her hair, that was lemon blonde when they started the games, was turning ashy and brown.

Her spiders bites were healing, but that wasn't why she was crying. No, not because of the pain. Because she was scared. She was scared by what was yet to come. 

She was lucky that the scorpions didn't reach her that night. But they almost did. It was the girl from seven.

"Demi!" Rosaline tried to cry out. But Demi just stared at her, clueless about what was happening. She held the stick in her hand still, but didn't see the giant scorpion behind her. Rosaline attempted to warn Demi again, but her words couldn't possibly be heard by the girl from 7. A scorpion came out from behind her and punctured her through the chest. Demi didn't have time to scream, and she just fell down onto the ground, head falling to the side. Rosaline heard the sound of the canon clearly.

Right after that, she hid behind the tree, panting. She was scared that it would attack her when she heard another gong sound right after Demi's. She tried to concentrate on hiding, and from curiosity, peeked towards where Demi's body was. There was the scorpion, hissing and running towards something else.

She heard the faint shriek and scream, almost inaudible but could make out a slight "Kelvin" from the distance. She was frightened, but started to climb the tree. Every move she made, another spider bite stung, but she made it to the top without huge injuries.

Rosaline didn't happen to catch the last canon when she fell asleep.


Lee tied the ribbon around her head. Sure, her hair was short, but it needed something to keep itself together. She had gotten it back in District Eight from one of the local sellers, believing it was good enough luck to help her win the games.

She had decided one thing during the brutality of the Hunger Games, and it was that the careers were the ones to beat this time around. She only knew of two careers getting killed, leaving Jess, Diandra, Cole, and Skya. And that only meant one thing, and that was that she needed to attack them soon or they would surely win. And there was no question where they were.

Lee never liked rain, but needed to collect some. She scrambled under the big tree she laid in, but it was no use. There was nothing she could use. The rain stopped before she could grab any.

"No!" She said. She groaned, and placed her forehead in her hands for a brief moment to soothe her anger. But there were things that eased it soon after. The blurry shape of a running, brown haired girl. She was holding a couple canisters of water, an angry look stowed upon her face. 

Lee had to make a choice, and fast. Shoot from there, or follow her.

But she noticed one thing about her first. That she was a career, from three to be exact. And there would be no questioning that she was going right to her supplies. 

Lee knew almost in an instant what to do. There was only one thing she could do, anyways. She hadn't any weapons to shoot with.

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