Alone finally

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Harry's P.O.V.
We have less than a week before the Christmas break is up. Ron won't let me and Ginny be alone for more than 5 minutes. The one time he left us to go see Hermione, we made up for all of il that time. Until Ron walked in on us again.
"I came up with a plan to be alone for today. I am going to take you to where the forest and lake meet. I asked Hermione to get Ron away for a while so we can be alone. We can just talk or whatever, that's about all I have planned so far." I told Ginny after lunch. She looked at me and laughed "Oh, yeah, I'm sure that there will be plenty of talking while we're alone for the first time in a week." She said very sarcastically.
As my plan went into action, Hermione lead Ron away, and I lead Ginny. As we got to the place where I set the blanket down Ginny was out of breath (because we had run the whole way). Ginny pushed me down and straddled my waist. She proceeded to push me flat on my back and kiss me.
I rolled over onto her and her nails grazed my back and it was like we were melded together. Our hands were wandering. She pulled away, smiling insanely. "If you want me, you have to catch me!" She called already breaking into a run.
I chased after her and into the forest. When I caught her she collapsed in a fit of giggles. She wiggled out of my grip and started to run again, still laughing. "Damn! Why don't you love me Ginny?!" I called after her. "I do love you, I just think it's more fun when you show me!" She called back over her shoulder.
The next thing I know my head hit something hard and warm liquid was running down my arm. "Fuck... The fist time we're alone and you hurt yourse-" I couldn't hear the last part of what she said as I faded into unconsciousness.

Ginny's P.O.V.
Why is it whenever I get alone with the one person I love, something always happens. Now I have to get him to Madame Pomfrey. I lifted him up and balanced him on a tree. Then I noticed he had a nice gash on his left arm that was bleeding heavily. "Oh, great, now I have to get him there fast!" I yelled at no one. I lifted him over my shoulders as quickly as I could without hurting either of us.
As I made my slow journey back I heard a branch crack to my right. I walked even quicker with my new found energy. "Stop, let me help you." Called a voice, "my name is Firenze."
A centaur came up beside me and bent down a little. I figured this must be Firenze so I set Harry as softly as I could onto his back. "I will carry him as far as the woods, then you will have to take him." Said Firenze.
When we got to the edge he bent back down and helped me get Harry back onto my shoulders.
I went as fast as I could to Madame Pomfrey and set him on a bed. "What happened?" She said with her eyebrows raised. "We were just walking around the lake... he wasn't looking where he was going... Must've hit his head on the tree there... Cut his arm up real nice, right there." I finished the half lie and pointed to the cut on his arm. She pointed her wand at it and it instantly closed up.
"He'll be okay when he wakes up, no concussion." She got up and left while I sat beside him.
It was a good 30 minutes before he finally got up. When he did I smacked him on the side of the head and got a nasty look from Madame Pomfrey. We left hand in hand and I whispered in his ear, "next time we're alone, if you want to be hurt, just wait until I'm finished with you before. You'll be glad you did. I can hurt you myself, if you want." He looked down at me and just smiled. He is my amazing, stupid, sexy, retarded person.

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