The Library

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Ron's P.O.V.
Hermione and I went to the library. We went to study for our big potions test. I really tried to study, but when Hermione is across from you reading it's hard to do that. She sat biting the end of her quill. At first, I was reading the book. Then I looked up and there was Hermione, beautiful as ever.
"Come here." I whispered to her when Madame Pince wasn't looking. It is amazing how much that lady looks like a vulture. Hermione must have been reading my mind because she said, "polyjuice potion gone wrong." I tried to stifle a laugh, but ended up looking like I was having a seizure.
I took her to one of the aisles where there was no poeple. "What do you want Ron?" She said, "I'm pretty sure we have all the books we-" I shut her up with a kiss. She backed up for a second, then had a look of realization on her face.
She stood on her toes and kissed me back. I just realized how much taller I am then her. I pushed her towards the window sill and helped her up. She wrapped her legs around my waist and pulled me closer to her.
I had my hands on the small of her back, and she had hers in my hair. She came off the window sill and I was the only thing supporting her weight.
Just then Mrs. Norris came up in front of me and I almost dropped Hermione. She put her feet back on the floor. "What happened?" She asked. Without talking I led her out of the library and down the corridor. When we got away from the library, I said "Mrs. Norris, why don't we go see Hagrid?"
We raced across the grounds and pounded on Hagrid's door.

Hagrid's P.O.V.
Someone came running up to my door and knocked on it. Fang immediately started barking and jumping on it. "Move , Fang." I opened the door and Ron and Hermione burst in. "Oh, it's jus' you lot." I said.
"Hey, Hagrid!" They both said. "Are yeh hungry?" I asked as I put the tea on, "Where's Harry?" Ron shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know, I think he's up in the common room with Ginny." Hermione said. "I think I saw them coming around the forest jus' over tha' way" I told them. Ron looked over at hermione, "WHAT?!"
"Tha' reminds me, did she ever got one o those signed photos him and that Lockhart was givin' out?" I said to a burst of laughter from Hermione, but Ron just sat staring at his tea. "No, I don't think so, but Harry says thanks for his present." Hermione said after catching sight of Ron.
Fang went over to Ron and put his head on Ron's lap. Ron tried to push him away, but Fang jumped on him and tried to lick his face. "Gerroff Fang!" He pushed Fang away again.
Ron got up and left, slamming the door behind him. "Wha's wrong with him?" I asked Hermione. "He's upset that his sister is with Harry." She said with an upset look on her face. "What?! Nobody ever told me." I said, "when did tha' happen?" She looked surprised, like everybody should know this. "Early in the year, a little bit before quidditch started." She told me, "I better go get Ron... See you later Hagrid!" She ran out the door calling Ron's name.

Hermione's P.O.V.
I had to catch up with Ron and calm him down. Once he was as calm as I was going to get him we walked up towards the common room. Before we could get there I saw Ginny and Harry walking out of the hospital wing.
She whispered something in his ear and he looked down at her smiled and kind of shook his head. She leaned into him and grabbed his hand. I glanced over at Ron, and he looked exactly as I expected, angry.
He jerked out of my grip and ran up behind them and pushed them apart. Ginny turned towards him, about to tell someone off. She saw it was him and it went from bad to worse. "REALLY, I CAN'T SPEND ANY TIME WITH HIM CAN I?! WHEN I DO GET SOME TIME HE HAS TO GO AND HURT HIMSELF!" She yelled and stomped off. Well, today has been exactly what Harry and I planned.

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