Dis Knee?

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Hermione's P.O.V.
  We were in transfiguration and Ron, Harry, and I were guinea fowl into guinea pigs. For a second this reminded me of the Cinderella. I started humming Bibbity Bobbity Boo.
  Harry looked at me, confused for a second, then started laughing. "Mr. Potter, please keep your laughter to yourself, unless you would like to tell the class this oh-so funny thing?" Professor McGonagall said. "Disney, professor. They almost got it right." He told her. The muggleborns looked at each other for a moment then nodded their heads in unison.
  "And what would this knee be, Mr. Potter?" She asked him. "No... Not this knee, Disney. It's a muggle thing." I said. "Alright then, Ms. Granger I'll take your words for it, but I don't know why anyone would want anything to do with something titled "dis knee"" She said, looking from me to Harry.
  When we got out of transfiguration we went to lunch. "What's this "Disney" stuff?" Ron asked as we sat down. I had forgotten that Ron didn't know about the muggle world. Ginny came and sat down. I tried to explain it to them.
  "Walt Disney is a is a muggle that made movies and-" Ron was looking at me confused. "Movies are like the moving pictures, except you can play them over and over and then never change." He nodded and I went on.
  "Alright, Disney made movies on magic. The song I was humming is from one of them. Anyway, Disney makes movies all the time. Some of them are pretty close to real magic too." He still looked pretty confused.
  "You know what, why don't you write to your parents and have them send you some." Harry asked me. "That's a really good idea... And there's a movie player in the muggle studies classroom.
  We left lunch and I wrote my letter.

Ron's P.O.V.
  It took 3 days and a confused letter from Hermione's parents, but the moving pictures that don't change finally came. That night Hermione, Harry, Ginny, and I crept down to the muggle studies classroom.
  The first one she put on the glowing square, Hermione told me it was a television, was Cinderella. It was about this muggle girl who has a "fairy godmother" who was just a floating  witch. She made a dress appear on the muggle, who was treated about as bad as Harry with his muggle family. That witch would have been charged with using magic in front of a muggle. In the end the muggle had magic shoes and the price guy put one on her foot, so obviously she was the one he danced with.
  Then we watched one called Peter Pan. It was about this boy who could fly without a broomstick. Harry was right, this muggle got close, but it is still way off. This movie had another fairy in it. This fairy was more realistic, but she looked more like a tiny person.
  We watched a few more like; Snow White, 101 Dalmatians, the Little Mermaid, and Beauty and the Beast. My least favorite one was Sleeping Beauty. Who walks up to something sharp and touches it?! "Oh, this is sharp, I wonder what happens when I touch it. Probably nothing." Seriously, she was only in the movie for about 10 minutes.
  After a watching all the movies, it took almost all night, we shock back into our dormitories. It was really cool really, that a muggle could do something like that.

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