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Harry's P.O.V.
  Today is our first quidditch match of this semester. It is against Ravenclaw, so it will be an easy win. We are going to try and rack up some points while we're at it.
  Everyone was ready- except for Fred and George, who weren't here yet. Well, speak of the devil. "Hey Harry, sorry we're late!" George said. "Yeah, Snape tried to give us detention, but professor McGonagall came and set him straight." Fred explained.
  "Alright, today we're playing against Ravenclaw." I said starting my "speech", " it will be an incredibly easy win. Firstly, chasers, I want you to just get as many points as possible. Okay, Fred and George, I want you to focus bludgers on the seeker, that would be Cho Chang. She is the best one on the team." I saw Ginny raise her eyebrows and put her hands on her hips, "she is the best one on their  team, but we have the best one ever. So, try and knock her off of her broom, if you'd like. And that brings me to Ginny. Don't get the snitch until we have at least 50 points. Alright, lets go win this!" I finished and everyone clapped and cheered.
  The game started and we all went to our posts. I only had to block twice in 10 minutes. We were up 30 points and Angelina got the ball. She took it all the way across the feild without a hitch. "AND THE BEAUTIFUL ANGELINA TAKES THE BALL WITHOUT BEING BLOCKED!" Lee Jordan yelled. I saw Fred go over to where he was but couldn't hear anything he said. "SOMEONE JUST INFORMED ME THAT IF ANYONE HITS ON ANGELINA THEY WILL DIE." Lee said.
  One of the Ravenclaw chasers dropped the ball from laughter and Alicia caught it. She made the shot so we were 50 to 0. I looked around trying to find Ginny. When I saw her she saw the snitch and dived.
  Cho saw Ginny and went after her. I saw one of the twins hit a bludger at her and she lost her grip trying to dodge it. That gave Ginny enough time to get a good way ahead of her. The snitch came towards our goals and Ginny came racing towards me (well, the snitch, but anyway). "Hey Gin! I love you!" I called when she was close enough to hear me. Her cheeks flushed but she quickly regained her composure. "I love you too." She said.
  I ducked her hand because the snitch was right beside my ear. Her hand grazed my hair and, for some reason, I almost burst out laughing. She held the snitch above her head and the whistle was blown.
  "GRYFFINDOR WINS BY 210 POINTS!" Lee yelled happily into the magic microphone. When did we score again? Ginny was already down in the crowd of people, so I went down slowly so I could surprise her. Then I got my own surprise.
  Malfoy walked up behind Ginny, groped her butt and put his arm around her. That little fucking prat. I broke into a run and saw Ginny turn around. "Hey b- MALFOY!" She yelled and smacked him across the face.
  I figured she had it under control so I walked the rest of the way. "Fucking prat, don't touch her again!" I yelled and punched him in the face. Then Ron walked over. "I saw what you did, bitch!" He yelled and put a jelly-legs hex on him.
  We went back to the common room and had a small party (by Fred and George standard anyway). Ron pulled me over to the side and Ginny followed us. "I'm sorry." He said. "For what?!" I was very confused. "For ever thinking you would hurt Ginny." His face was as red as his hair and he was staring at his feet. Ginny went up and hugged him. "I can claim you again!" She said with a big smile on her face.
  I watched him walk over to Hermione and tell her. She looked at him for a second then kissed him. "Come here" Ginny pulled me into the corridor. "Where are we going?" I asked her. "I have no idea." She said.
  She looked over her shoulder and bit her lip. There would be no talking today. Damn, she's amazing.

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