Double Dates (or more)

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Hermione's P.O.V.
  We all woke up early and ate breakfast quickly. We were finally going to Hogsmead after a long week. Ron has been more okay with Ginny and Harry being together after the howler incident, so I said we should all go somewhere together.
  Surprisingly, they all agreed almost immediately. Ron suggested we go to Madame Puddifoots, because they had the best tea (I think it is more because that's where most couples to though).
  Before everyone was ready I pulled Ron over to the side. "I swear, if you complain or start whining about how she is your sister I will leave you right there. You will not be forgiven." I told him. He nodded his head seriously.
  We all left at the same time and when we got to Madame Puddifoots I saw Neville and Luna. "Hey, Looney!" Ginny called, "do you mind if we sit with you guys? It's me, Harry, Hermione, and Ron." Luna looked at Neville and he shrugged his shoulders. "Alright, that's fine with me!" She said cheerfully. We all went to sit down, girls next to their guys (we were in the big booth). After we ordered our drinks we all started talking.
  "I didn't know that you two were together. When did that happen?" Ron asked Neville and Luna. "Oh... Er... Yeah... Before break." Neville said nervously.
  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Harry scoot closer to Ginny and she put her head on his shoulder. Apparently, Ron
saw them to, because he opened his mouth to say something. "Monster." I said as I stepped on his foot. "Ugh, okay." He muttered and stared at his tea. Ginny looked confused so I gave her a look that said "I'll tell you later" and she nodded her head.
  Everything was going good for about 10 minutes. Then, Harry whispered something in Ginny's ear and she kissed him. "I want to leave now." Ron said. "Why, Ron? They're just kissing." I said. "Well I don't want to see it." He replied. "Do you think she would leave if she saw you kiss me?" I shot back at him. "I don't know, lets find out." He said and kissed me.
  It was only a few seconds, but it felt longer, mostly because of the fact that four other people were watching. We pulled apart and Ginny stayed put. She and Harry were so close, she was almost in his lap.
  "See, she isn't going anywhere." Harry said to Ron. "Well, it's probably because she is just trying to prove a point." He said like a five year old that just got beat in a race. In response, Ginny grabbed Harry's face and kissed him. Neville looked very uncomfortable.
  We finished our drinks without any more outbursts. Everyone went their seperate ways because we still had a few hours left in Hogsmead.

Neville's P.O.V.
  After everybody left Luna and I went to the owl post office. She likes to just watch the owls. She usually laughs all the time, I like that. I'm glad I never have to do much talking, because whenever I'm around Luna it's hard to think straight and talk.
  We got to the Owlery and Luna pointed out all the different birds. She told me the meanings of the individual birds. I touched one of them and it flew on my head. "AHHH! Get it off! Get it off!" I cried, spinning around trying to shake the owl off. "Nooooo! Don't hurt it! It's scared!" She yelled. I stopped and let her help me.
  "I'm sorry Luna. I panicked. It just hopped up and got on my head." I said. "It's okay, I understand. The owl isn't hurt." She said and gave me a hug. I love that she doesn't try to kiss me or anything like that. I'm glad our relationship isn't like Ginny and Harry's.
  We went around Hogsmead for a while and then went back to the school. It was a good day.

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