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Hermione's P.O.V.
I had a long night trying to help Ron cram for the potions test. He kept mixing up the antidote and pepperup potion. We were there pouring over books and didn't leave until the librarian yelled at us to get out. We went straight to bed with barely as much as a good night.
I slept long and deep. I didn't even get up before Ron and Harry. They were talking as I came down. "What were you doing, seriously?" Ron asked Harry. "I was seriously waiting for you. I told you last night." Harry told him and then saw me. "Hi, Hermione. Alright I'm hungry lets get breakfast."
We went to the great hall and they explained what they were talking about. "Well, when we came back, Harry was just getting into bed and I asked him what he was doing up. He keeps saying that he was waiting for us but got tired so he went to bed. I don't believe him fully." Ron explained. Harry deep sighed.
"If you want to know if Ginny and I were out last night, why don't you just- WAIT!" He stopped dead in his tracks. "What, what's wrong?" I asked, concerned. "I forgot to wait for Ginny. Great, she better not be up. If she is I'm blaming you, Ron." He said and started to rush back. "Fine, but I'm going to go eat." Ron told him as he took my hand and pulled me along.
We got to the great hall and sat down. Ron immediately got three pieces of toast, eggs, and a nice pile of bacon, and pumpkin juice. He finished all of that before Ginny and Harry were back. I hadn't even eaten two pieces of toast. When they came in, I saw Harry move a little closer to Ginny (he made sure Ron was looking) and put an arm around her shoulders.
When they sat down Ron started. "Where were you, last night between 10 and 11:30 pm?" He asked. "What is this an interrogation? And for your information, I was in bed." She snapped and got some food.
We finished eating and the three of us went to potions. As they walked into the dungeon Malfoy motioned for me to go over. Against my better judgement, I walked over. "You wouldn't believe who I saw riding brooms last night!" He said. "Who?" I asked my eyebrows raised. "Are you stupid or something? You should know exactly who I saw." Then it clicked. Ginny and Harry were out. That's why Harry was in so late.
Well, I wasn't going to be the one that gave Ron more to fuss about. That affects me too. He never spends time with me when he's upset. I made a shocked face and walked away.
We took the test and Ron (thankfully) passed. The rest of the day went by smoothly and we had the weekend to look forward to.

Ginny's P.O.V.
The day went okay and it was finally Friday. I had my Potter fix. Ron didn't know, so he wouldn't get on my case. This weekend was going to be awesome.
I woke up early and found Hermione reading a book in the common room. She looked up and said one thing. "I know." She said and I fell into a chair. "Don't tell Ron. Please." I was going to plead with her if it came to that. "Oh, I'm not. That affects me too." She said. I let out the breath I didn't know I'd been holding in.
We made small talk until our persons came out. "Harry!" I said. I walked over and gave him a nice, big... Hug. Ron was steady giving us the evil eye. We all went to breakfast together.
The owls came into the great hall and I noticed Harry's snowy white owl, Hedwig. She had a bright red envelope in her beak. "Harry, you might want to look at Hedwig." I told him quietly. Him, Ron, and Hermione looked up towards it. "What did you do Harry?" Ron asked sinking in his chair.
The bird dropped the envelope and left. As soon as Harry picked it up, it jumped up. A girls voice, multiplied by a hundred burst out with, "I WOULD SO TAP THAT!!" The expression on Harry's face was nothing compared to mine. He looked shocked, angry, yet mildly relived. Mine, on the other hand, was pure fury.
I stood up, "who did this?!" I yelled at the great hall. Nobody said anything and tears pricked at my eyes. Professor McGonagall started to come over, but before she got halfway I ran out of the great hall. I heard Harry say "great, now you guys have made my weekend! Why, thanks whoever sent this stupid thing!" That was the last thing I heard as I ran down the corridor.
Pretty soon, Harry caught up to me. I didn't know who it was so I almost slapped him. "Ginny. It me... Your boyfriend!" He said shaking me. "Oh! I'm sorry. It's just... I want... I don't know!" I said quietly. The next thing I knew, we were sitting and I was sobbing into his shoulder. He was petting my hair and muttering "it's okay." Or "I love you." To my hair. I calmed down and looked up at him. Then I realized how I must look, my face all red and blotchy. I didn't even know where we were. "I love you sooo much, you know that right?" He asked me I nodded my head and, out of habit, traced his scar.
He kissed me gently, but it was that time that Peeves flew by. "POTTY AND WEASLY SITTING IN A TREE K-I-S-S-I-N-G" he bellowed at the top of his lungs. He kept singing (if you could call it that) all down the halls.
Harry pulled me away and down some corridors and at some point we ended up back in our own common room.

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