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Harry's P.O.V.
We were having quidditch practices more often. Apparently, I am really good at scheduling practice because only once did I have to change a day.
It's not like we need a lot of practice, we are the best team. We're in first place for the quidditch cup by 250 points and the next match we play is Hufflepuff. We have the cup in the bag.
Alicia came up to me after lunch. "Katie isn't feeling well, she asked me to tell you she can't come to practice." She said with a cringe. "That's fine... What's wrong with you?" She relaxed and laughed. "Oliver would always shoot the messenger, which was usually me. Anyways I'll tell her it's alright." She bounced away to where ever she was going.
The day went extremely slow. During history of magic a ended up zoning out completly. When class was over Ron knocked me out of my chair. "What?! I was just getting my stuff together!" Ron snorted and Hermione started laughing harder.
Actually, I was reliving the last moment I had with Ginny; we were running down the hall and she stopped. "Where are we even at?" She said laughing. I looked around. "No idea... I think we're near Moaning Myrtle's bathroom." She pulled me forwards looking around. "Found it!" She said.
She pulled me in and Myrtle wasn't in there. Before I could think about it she pinned me against the wall. I could have easily pushed her away, but I let her have her moment. She thought for a second and smiled. "Forever." She said and kissed me softly on the cheek.
I knew exactly what she meant when she said it. Not wanting to break the phrase I stayed. I grinned and stood on my toes so so couldn't reach my face.
"Really, I give you love and this is how you repay me?" She said, "by not letting me kiss you... Your loss." She grinned evilly and I realized, yeah it was my loss.
I grabbed her hair and tilted her head. "But, you can't use your hands without letting me go, can you Gin?" She made a noise I think was a growl and bit her lip. "If you have hands, then use them." She said. Why does she always use my words against me?
I went to kiss her and that was the point that Ron tipped me over. "You might want to hurry "getting your stuff" I'm about to starve" he said when he stopped laughing.
We rushed to the great hall and sat down. Ron immediately started piling his plate with food. Ginny sat down and looked at Ron's plate. "That's less than usual Ron. Are you going on a diet?" He glared at her and started eating. A disshelved Fred walked in and sat down next to Lee and George.
About 20 minutes later Angelina walked in and sat across from them. She looked at Fred and deep sighed. "Really, Fred? You just go anywhere looking like that." She asked him. George laughed and looked over at him. "The sigle life is good bro." He said.
Fred glanced over at us and grinned. "But this one is better." Angelina looked at me expectantly. I just shrugged my shoulders. Ron looked up from his plate and gaped at them. Fred saw him and winked.
After dinner we went out to practice. It wasn't anything heavy, just normal stuff. Ginny was having a nice time just catching the snitch and letting it go.
At the end of practice it was just Ginny because everyone else got tired. Ginny made a particularly good catch and we cheered. "Amazing, how do seekers not die on a regular basis?" Angelina asked.
We all left the field laughing and joking. At one point somebody asked Ginny something random about the snitch. She stopped in the middle of everyone. "I always catch the snitch." She said laughing, she glanced over at me, "forever!"
We went the rest of the way with Fred and George reliving quidditch wins.

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