Really, Love

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Ron's P.O.V
Harry and Ginny were out again. I won't say anything, but I should. Even though I know nothing will hurt Ginny when he's around.
Hermione came up beside me. "You look bad... What's wrong.?" She said as she ruffled my hair. "Them. I won't do anything, but its a war between being happy for them and killing Harry." I told her when she sat in my lap. She turned and kissed me. "I love you, you know. You are incredibly pretty." She said.
We sat there in the common room for a good 20 minutes. Then Fred tried to sneak in with Angelina. They almost got to the stairs when Fred saw us.
"Dammit Ron, why do always ruin stuff?!" He whisper yelled at me. "Your the one that came in here, we were in here first." I shot back at him. "Guys," Hermione said with her hand on her hips, "why don't we just forget that we even saw each other?" Angelina stepped in front of Fred and nodded. "I like her idea." She said and grabbed Fred. They left and Fred whispered something about making caramel. I don't think I was supposed to hear that.
Hermione pulled me up and I thought we were following them. "Hermione what are you doi-" I started "shut up, just follow me." We went up and she turned. It took a second to realize where we were but then I recognized my dormitory.

Harry's P.O.V.
When I got to lunch Ginny had already left. Lee was there and told me she ran out crying after she went by the Slytherin table and she had been gone for at least 5 minutes. I cursed as I went over to the Slytherins. "Who did it?" I said as I got to Malfoy. Pansy Parkinson looked at me. "I didn't do anything wrong. I just told her what she really was. Apparently, she couldn't handle it." She said batting her eyes.
"Bitch." I said as I left to find Ginny. I was just wondering where to looks when I remembered the Map. I rushed to my room to get it. "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." The map blossomed and I searched for Ginny's name.
She was just outside the owlery, so was Luna. Why was she there? I ran to the owlery without thinking of anyone else. When I burst in there Ginny's face was tear streaked and Luna was trying to calm her down. She saw me and started crying again.
I went over and grabbed her. She pushed me back. What the fuck did Pansy say to her. She was gonna pay for it though. "How much are they paying you, Harry?!" She yelled at me. "What? Gin, I don't understand." I said calmly, "What did she say to you Gin? You know you can't trust Pansy."
She shook her head. "She told me that- that they were paying you to be with me." She said still crying, "she said you didn't actually love me and that you wanted her." I gathered her in my arms and she fell against me. "Gin, why would I be here if I didn't love you?" I said sitting down. "Because- because... I don't know actually." She said.
I rocked her and stroked her hair. Pansy was definitely going to pay. "I belive him Ginny." Luna said. She finally calmed down. "I'm sorry, it was stupid of me to think that might ever be true."
"I understand Gin, it's alright." I told her. She looked up at me and smiled. I love it when she smiles. She reached up and traced the scar that is a blessing, and a curse. "Thank you." She said. "For what?" She started laughing. "I don't know." Luna started laughing we all left.
We took Luna to the Ravenclaw door and left. As we were walking Pansy went by. "Wait! Pansy come back." I called. She turned around with a smirk, until she saw Ginny with me.
"Did you really think Pansy-" Ginny spat the name, "that what you did would go unnoticed?!" Pansy opened and closed her mouth, looking rather like a fish to me.Then Ginny started laughing insanely. She scares me sometimes.
"Why did you think that you could?! Stupid much?" She yelled while I just sat back, she didn't need any help. Ginny raised her wand. Before Pansy could even think about it Ginny started with the spells. "Expelliarmus." Pansy's wand flew out of her hand. "Stupefy." She flew backwards, stunned. "Protego!" I yelled putting a shield in front of Ginny before she could hurt anyone.
She turned to me. "What'd you do that for?!" She yelled at me. "Gin, calm down. I think you got her." I said calmly. She huffed and stomped off. "Well then, I guess I'm going to go." I said to no one in particular. I left and went to bed.

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